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I want my SP refunded

First post
Gay Mafia Princess
#321 - 2012-05-10 16:48:02 UTC
Karadion Kohlar wrote:
Gay Mafia Princess wrote:
Fabulousli Obvious wrote:
Whitehound wrote:
Tippia wrote:
No. The policy is, and the policy says that he has no reason to get his SP back.

No. Shut up. You also do not get to make policies here.

Wow. THAT was easy. I shoulda tried that a year ago.......

Everyone seems to agree that the game HAS changed so why shouldn't the policies governing it? Things change, how can me getting my SP back be anything but a good thing? I can see it as a win-win situation for everyone.

Also Tipia comes off as a pretty bossy CCP brown noser. I don't think anyone needs more CCP policies spewed at them.

The game changed which is natural for an MMO. Another thing that's changed is that modules that were limited to the contract market expanded to the trade market. Especially A) It simplifies it B) Reduces the amount of ISK that were burned in contracting. What hasn't changed is the contract market which you are crying about and will not get your LEVEL 3 SP back.

LEVEL 3 SP - exactly the point, small thing to keep a person happy.....
Lucy Ferrr
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#322 - 2012-05-10 16:54:31 UTC
The only time you get SP back is when the skill are removed from the game (i.e. learning skills). You don't get refunded SP due to balancing and minor game changes. Contracts are still a viable part of the game, for example the holding corp for my alliance has 100s of ships contracted to the alliance below market value. When contracts get totally taken out of the game, then you will get your SP refunded. You should probably hold your breath.

If CCP were to refund SP for every skill/item they balance every single patch they would have to refund trillions of SP. It's not going to happen, get over it. I know your parents always told you that you were special, but I am here to tell you you're not. The world of Eve does not revolve around you, so don't expect CCP to appease you at the cost of everyone else.
Doc Severide
#323 - 2012-05-10 16:56:20 UTC
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
they would have to refund trillions of SP.

I'd settle for 1 Billion...
Barkaial Starfinder
Brazilian Vultures
Ferrata Victrix
#324 - 2012-05-10 17:00:39 UTC
You can't give the kids all they want, they'll want more. They'll want everything for no reason at all.
Karadion Kohlar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#325 - 2012-05-10 18:00:55 UTC
Gay Mafia Princess wrote:
LEVEL 3 SP - exactly the point, small thing to keep a person happy.....

CCP: Level 3 SP - exactly the point. Get over it.
#326 - 2012-05-10 20:22:33 UTC
Barkaial Starfinder wrote:
You can't give the kids all they want, they'll want more. They'll want everything for no reason at all.

We always want more and CCP knows this. No need for you to worry about CCP. They call themselves Crowd Control Products and it would be silly if they could not handle it, right?

Back on the topic:

CCP have been changing the markets and who knows what else they have planned for us in the future. Might be that public item exchange contracts will disappear altogether?! Allowing faction, deadspace and officer items to be sold over the regional markets is certainly interesting, but I only see it being useful for faction items and where Militia players cannot enter Caldari space. For faction modules will there be enough volume to keep a few regional markets like Domain, The Forge, Sinq Laison and Heimatar going and because of the Militias. For deadspace and officer modules do I see little hope for them to be sold in any meaningful volumes outside The Forge / Jita. However, I have no doubt that the regional markets will sooner or later make the public item exchange contracts obsolete, simply because of websites like EVE Central and tools like EFT and PYFA, which will be able to show accurate price information thanks to EVE Central.

We now have multiple regional markets plus public item exchange contracts and split markets are a step backwards away from an easy to use market system. I am somewhat certain that CCP will not let this hang in the air forever. Could be it was a decision made purely out of convenience, to choke scams and to see the effect it will have without deciding anything further at this point. They did said they will bring further changes to the market system like higher transaction tax and to make trading skills more useful. I like the OP's demand. She is not against the change, but points out the effect it has on her and offers a possible solution. I am all for a constructive discussion.

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Karadion Kohlar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#327 - 2012-05-10 21:20:27 UTC
Whitehound wrote:
but points out the effect it has on her and offers a possible solution. I am all for a constructive discussion.
What effect was that? It's the only critical missing thing that he/she/it refuses to say. The only "possible" solution he/she/it is demanding a reimbursement of the SP that he already spent on a skill that is still useful ie: Blueprints & exchanging (tic for tac)
arcca jeth
Dark Alliance
#328 - 2012-05-10 21:37:16 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Gay Mafia Princess wrote:
I do not understand at all why more people don't complain about htis sort of thing.
Because there is nothing to complain about.

Titans are a good example you spend good isk and more importantly time to just have CCP nerf what ever you do.
Yes, that happens when things are not working properly.

If they are going to institute major changes then players should be given the option of having the sp returned.
And when major changes are instituted, they do. Making Titans more reasonable and improving the market do not constitute major changes.

As an aside, very poor customer service in having to be told to offer this in the first place.
No, just very poor customers.

CCP should edit Tippia's name to Snippia for obvious reasons
Goonswarm Federation
#329 - 2012-05-10 21:42:06 UTC
Gay Mafia Princess wrote:

Everyone seems to agree that the game HAS changed so why shouldn't the policies governing it? Things change, how can me getting my SP back be anything but a good thing? I can see it as a win-win situation for everyone.

Also Tipia comes off as a pretty bossy CCP brown noser. I don't think anyone needs more CCP policies spewed at them.

because giving worthless gay babies treats in a game filled with worthless gay babies means you give out a lot of treats and that is bad

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

terrly bronks
#330 - 2012-05-10 22:00:16 UTC
Gay Mafia Princess wrote:
Darth Tickles wrote:
Gay Mafia Princess wrote:
Since CCP now allows faction items on the market I want all the sp I have invested on all my toons to get corporate contracting to V refunded, absolute waste of time.

CCP has a long history of refunding SP after changes to mechanics. Shouldn't be a problem.

Any day now you should be getting your SP refund and a personalized apology from the CEO.

I doubt it. There hasn't been anything mentioned in a Dev blog about it at all. This is total nonsense. After spending the time to train characters up to be specialized in a certain area CCP has the audacity to to this!!! I mean come on....

no diff than getting torp lv 5 and torp sp lvl 5 then they nerf the torps :( missles suck over 13 mill sp and worthless... I do lasser now :) not maxed and do more damage they rock

hehe addapted.....
Ris Dnalor
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#331 - 2012-05-11 01:54:53 UTC
Karadion Kohlar wrote:
I'll save you guys the time to read this thread.

Gay Mafia Princess wants CCP to reimburse contract skillpoints although A) Contracts has not changed 1 bit B) He wants to contract scam with faction mods and that puts a dent in his scamming business

His logic is that CCP somehow changed contracts (again it has not) therefore CCP must reimburse SP's for contracts.

Ergo he's being a baby. No one in this thread agrees with him.

Edit: Disregard above post. He's 100% scamming. Why? He/she/it refuses to answer the question of how this affects their "legitimate" business.

scamming is an approved profession by CCP. Scamming just got nerfed. Understandable that scammers would be upset.

However, since 2003, soooo many things have been nerfed, if i were to get a skillpoint refund for each gameplay item that was altered, they would almost have to let me do a complete skillpoint remapAttention

The game changes, you adapt. If you hang around long enough, those skills will become useful again to you at some point.

EvE = Everybody Vs. Everybody

  • Qolde
Sunshine and Lollipops
#332 - 2012-05-11 02:18:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Whitehound wrote:
CCP have been changing the markets and who knows what else they have planned for us in the future.
…and in doing so, nothing has been changed about contracts, and nothing is in the books for being changed about them (except maybe make them better and allow for new items to be contracted). So the fundamental question remains: why on earth should the OP get any SP back when nothing has changed about the skills?


Should they ever change the game to such a degree that the skills become useless or vastly different in what they can do, then maybe, but guess what: the last (and only) time that happened, they did give people a refund. What you're asking for already exists. It just isn't applicable in this case because nothing changed that warrants a refund. What the OP is asking for (essentially a SP remap system) will never exist because it fundamentally breaks the entire skill system.

We now have multiple regional markets plus public item exchange contracts and split markets are a step backwards away from an easy to use market system.
It's not a step backwards. It's not a step at all. It's the exact split we've had for many many years and which has worked admirably for all those year. If anything, it's a step forwards since more items are now available on the bulk market, which is easier to use.

I am all for a constructive discussion.
No, you're not. You're for the OP getting his will for no adequate reason — “I want” doesn't qualify.
Phoenix Order
#333 - 2012-05-11 04:01:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Minsc
So someone has in fact tested that you can put faction/officer/deadspace modules up for sale on the market, which is counter to what they originally stated? AFAIK they needed to add the modules to the market so they could track the average selling price for kill reports but that they would still be sold only through contracts. If not then this entire threadnaught of fucktardedness was a waste of time for all involved.
Shian Yang
#334 - 2012-05-11 04:10:44 UTC
Minsc wrote:
So someone has in fact tested that you can put faction/officer/deadspace modules up for sale on the market

Greetings capsuleer,

I believe you can. Some of them are on the market currently. An example is a Pith X-Type Shield Boost Amplifier.

And the modules are still being sold through contract as well.


Shian Yang
Antisocial Malkavian
Antisocial Malkavians
#335 - 2012-05-11 04:18:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Antisocial Malkavian
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
The only time you get SP back is when the skill are removed from the game (i.e. learning skills). You don't get refunded SP due to balancing and minor game changes. Contracts are still a viable part of the game, for example the holding corp for my alliance has 100s of ships contracted to the alliance below market value. When contracts get totally taken out of the game, then you will get your SP refunded. You should probably hold your breath.

If CCP were to refund SP for every skill/item they balance every single patch they would have to refund trillions of SP. It's not going to happen, get over it. I know your parents always told you that you were special, but I am here to tell you you're not. The world of Eve does not revolve around you, so don't expect CCP to appease you at the cost of everyone else.

didnt know everyone else would be destroyed for getting their sp back for skills ONLY related to this change

Minsc wrote:
If not then this entire threadnaught of fucktardedness was a waste of time for all involved.


It IS anyways. Youre not getting those SP back just like Im not getting the time it took to type this back

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.

Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#336 - 2012-05-11 04:22:57 UTC
Minsc wrote:
this entire threadnaught of fucktardedness was a waste of time for all involved.

Not empty quoting.
Shian Yang
#337 - 2012-05-11 04:24:32 UTC
Antisocial Malkavian wrote:
didnt know everyone else would be destroyed for getting their sp back for skills ONLY related to this change

Greetings capsuleer Malkavian,

There are those who still use the Contract system that may not want those points back. Then, if they refund and have to re-spend those skill points what happens to existing contracts? Are they cancelled? Must the broker deposit for them be refunded? Or does that just fall away. Maybe it would be better to have this an opt-in refund ... but then the systems for that needs to be built and one must hope the builders get it correct. 100% correct.

This is a messy change that has potentially large ramifications and it is utterly needless as the Contract system is still well used and in-place. As capsuleer Princess is unwilling to share how this impacts so the need for this can be better gauged, nobody reasonable will support this because: "I want it" followed by a drumming of heels typically only works for 3 year old, snot nosed children.


Shian Yang
#338 - 2012-05-11 12:35:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Whitehound
Tippia wrote:
So the fundamental question remains: why on earth should the OP get any SP back when nothing has changed about the skills?

Because the OP sees it as a solution to her problem. A problem you do not have and therefore you claim it does not exist. That is narcissism, abusive and destructive.

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Shian Yang
#339 - 2012-05-11 12:38:50 UTC
Whitehound wrote:
Because the OP sees it as a solution to her problem.

Greetings capsuleer,

What is her problem?


Shian Yang
#340 - 2012-05-11 12:47:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Whitehound
Shian Yang wrote:
Whitehound wrote:
Because the OP sees it as a solution to her problem.

Greetings capsuleer,

What is her problem?


Shian Yang

So now after 17 pages do you want to know what the problem is? Lol


Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.