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Custom ship skins: A personal opinion on implementation.

T'amber Anomandari Demaleon
#41 - 2012-05-06 11:56:55 UTC  |  Edited by: T'amber Anomandari Demaleon
Miilla wrote:
Custom ship skins eh, isn't this what triggered the NEX fiasco?

And after they deployed out NEX, here you all are back again, square one, asking for customisation again, and CCP want to MONETISE that demand.

Which is it? Do you want NEX or not? Sounds like you do, but you don't want to pay for it.

Well, if you want custom stuff, you are going to pay for it. NO if's no Buts. NEX is back in vogue again.

More NEX items incomming, and maybe ship skins, so that means,,, MICROPAYMENTS.

Didn't take long to come back to this old thing again.

I vote we rename the next Expansion for Eve. Eve: Galaxies.

I'd imagine they'd do a combination of LP, Mission Rewards, AURUM and isk, with varying levels of cost and rarity.
Regarding effort and performance cost, no where near as much as you'd expect.

Theres even a whole bunch already done and waiting :P

Hulkageddon Orphanage
#42 - 2012-05-06 12:00:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Miilla
T'amber Anomandari Demaleon wrote:
Miilla wrote:
Custom ship skins eh, isn't this what triggered the NEX fiasco?

And after they deployed out NEX, here you all are back again, square one, asking for customisation again, and CCP want to MONETISE that demand.

Which is it? Do you want NEX or not? Sounds like you do, but you don't want to pay for it.

Well, if you want custom stuff, you are going to pay for it. NO if's no Buts. NEX is back in vogue again.

More NEX items incomming, and maybe ship skins, so that means,,, MICROPAYMENTS.

Didn't take long to come back to this old thing again.

I vote we rename the next Expansion for Eve. Eve: Galaxies.

I'd imagine they'd do a combination of LP, Mission Rewards, AURUM and isk, with varying levels of cost and rarity.
Regarding effort and performance cost, no where near as much as you'd expect.

This is going right back to Incarna/NEX.

CCP always had the intention of slowly bringing it back once the huffpuff died off. obviously CCP's market metrics are correct and there is a big demand for this and players asking for it.

I for one welcome our free to play, micro transaction pants wearing overlords, but only if I can walk around the station naked in protest.
Northern Coalition.
#43 - 2012-05-06 12:04:19 UTC
Deise Koraka wrote:
Torneach wrote:
Can we just kill the NeX store already and move all the junk in there to player production through industry?

EvE Log: Captain Lameass:

Today I spent my time on EvE mining Tritanium to manufacture T-Shirts. It was ttly badass.
EvE 4evah bros, peace out.

Hello Captain Lameass #2:
Maybee he could mine the fabrics from plant interaction.


Thomas Kreshant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#44 - 2012-05-06 12:05:58 UTC
I wouldn't add custom skins at all
T'amber Anomandari Demaleon
#45 - 2012-05-06 12:06:04 UTC
Miilla wrote:
T'amber Anomandari Demaleon wrote:
Miilla wrote:
Custom ship skins eh, isn't this what triggered the NEX fiasco?

And after they deployed out NEX, here you all are back again, square one, asking for customisation again, and CCP want to MONETISE that demand.

Which is it? Do you want NEX or not? Sounds like you do, but you don't want to pay for it.

Well, if you want custom stuff, you are going to pay for it. NO if's no Buts. NEX is back in vogue again.

More NEX items incomming, and maybe ship skins, so that means,,, MICROPAYMENTS.

Didn't take long to come back to this old thing again.

I vote we rename the next Expansion for Eve. Eve: Galaxies.

I'd imagine they'd do a combination of LP, Mission Rewards, AURUM and isk, with varying levels of cost and rarity.
Regarding effort and performance cost, no where near as much as you'd expect.

This is going right back to Incarna/NEX.

CCP always had the intention of slowly bringing it back once the huffpuff died off. obviously CCP's market metrics are correct and there is a big demand for this and players asking for it.

I for one welcome our free to play, micro transaction pants wearing overlords, but only if I can walk around the station naked in protest.

I'm the last person to advocate microtransactions - I did give away free trips to iceland in protest, but I think alot of people are actually unaware of how many people were at the jita protests because the prices were too high and not specifically because of Aurum.

Hulkageddon Orphanage
#46 - 2012-05-06 12:07:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Miilla
Well check SiSi, we are going down the NEX route again.

The door will be opening to the obvious soon.

I can see the changes in every patch when I diff them. I for one welcome our micro patching sneaky overlords :)

That is the failing of most source control systems and dev attitudes, they deploy checked in assets (code etc) that has no bearing on the acutal patch but is part of future patches because that is just how they check them into the source repository, lack of care on their part :) Add's to leaky info for us that do actually diff patches :)
T'amber Anomandari Demaleon
#47 - 2012-05-06 12:30:21 UTC
Miilla wrote:
Well check SiSi, we are going down the NEX route again.

The door will be opening to the obvious soon.

I can see the changes in every patch when I diff them. I for one welcome our micro patching sneaky overlords :)

That is the failing of most source control systems and dev attitudes, they deploy checked in assets (code etc) that has no bearing on the acutal patch but is part of future patches because that is just how they check them into the source repository, lack of care on their part :) Add's to leaky info for us that do actually diff patches :)

please to tell what is on the nex store now?

Hulkageddon Orphanage
#48 - 2012-05-06 12:30:39 UTC
T'amber Anomandari Demaleon wrote:
Miilla wrote:
Well check SiSi, we are going down the NEX route again.

The door will be opening to the obvious soon.

I can see the changes in every patch when I diff them. I for one welcome our micro patching sneaky overlords :)

That is the failing of most source control systems and dev attitudes, they deploy checked in assets (code etc) that has no bearing on the acutal patch but is part of future patches because that is just how they check them into the source repository, lack of care on their part :) Add's to leaky info for us that do actually diff patches :)

please to tell what is on the nex store now?

T'amber Anomandari Demaleon
#49 - 2012-05-06 12:33:50 UTC
Miilla wrote:
T'amber Anomandari Demaleon wrote:
Miilla wrote:
Well check SiSi, we are going down the NEX route again.

The door will be opening to the obvious soon.

I can see the changes in every patch when I diff them. I for one welcome our micro patching sneaky overlords :)

That is the failing of most source control systems and dev attitudes, they deploy checked in assets (code etc) that has no bearing on the acutal patch but is part of future patches because that is just how they check them into the source repository, lack of care on their part :) Add's to leaky info for us that do actually diff patches :)

please to tell what is on the nex store now?



Deise Koraka
Caldari Investigations and Forensics
#50 - 2012-05-06 21:34:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Deise Koraka
Miilla wrote:
Custom ship skins eh, isn't this what triggered the NEX fiasco?

And after they deployed out NEX, here you all are back again, square one, asking for customisation again, and CCP want to MONETISE that demand.

Which is it? Do you want NEX or not? Sounds like you do, but you don't want to pay for it.

Well, if you want custom stuff, you are going to pay for it. NO if's no Buts. NEX is back in vogue again.

More NEX items incomming, and maybe ship skins, so that means,,, MICROPAYMENTS.

Didn't take long to come back to this old thing again.

I vote we rename the next Expansion for Eve. Eve: Galaxies.

Not factoring in that leaked letter, if the NeX store had launched with a selection of reasonably priced ship cosmetic items, I doubt there would have been any uproar at all. They half assed it, they overcharged and with all the other drama surrounding its launch it left a sour taste in every ones mouth. It's a uphill battle at this point, but I think they can recover.
They just need to do it quietly, without making a huge deal out of people don't see it as a design resource hog. Like one day, on Inferno patch v1.95 there are suddenly 20 skins to purchase....with a few new ones released every couple months. It would just become just another feature of EvE, without all the shoving it down peoples throat aspect that the original NeX<->CQ launch had.

I am a carebear, and I support High Sec ganking and PvP. Just please, don't blow up my Hulk*. **<3 **

*Mackinaw as of Inferno 1.2

Paragon Renegade
Sebiestor Tribe
#51 - 2012-05-06 21:45:21 UTC
Why can't cosmetic alterations be free? It's not like the running lights on a Megathron are going to blind you

The pie is a tautology

Hulkageddon Orphanage
#52 - 2012-05-06 21:48:42 UTC
Paragon Renegade wrote:
Why can't cosmetic alterations be free? It's not like the running lights on a Megathron are going to blind you

Because they want to make money? Greed is good.
Paragon Renegade
Sebiestor Tribe
#53 - 2012-05-06 21:54:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Paragon Renegade
Miilla wrote:
Paragon Renegade wrote:
Why can't cosmetic alterations be free? It's not like the running lights on a Megathron are going to blind you

Because they want to make money? Greed is good.

Once again, the queen of Rens has spoken :3

But really, that's stupid, we should be able to get cosmetic things for free

The pie is a tautology

George Whitebread
Amarr Empire
#54 - 2012-05-06 21:54:22 UTC
Deise Koraka wrote:

b: Give each race a limited color palette, probably selectable from within the current playable variants and NPC variants to stay true to the current art style.

c: Choose from a base set of styles decided on by CCP, no wacky pink or cute spaceships.

These two points are imperative if this is to be implemented IMO. Anything else will break all immersion for so many players.

What I really hope for, is to be able to paint foreign factions' ships in my own faction's colors. Like painting a Rifter or Charon in Amarr palette. It has always felt wrong not to have the ship in proper colors only because it's a stolen design.

"I say what I like, and I like what I bloody well say" - George Whitebread

Hulkageddon Orphanage
#55 - 2012-05-06 22:03:26 UTC
Paragon Renegade wrote:
Miilla wrote:
Paragon Renegade wrote:
Why can't cosmetic alterations be free? It's not like the running lights on a Megathron are going to blind you

Because they want to make money? Greed is good.

Once again, the queen of Rens has spoken :3

But really, that's stupid, we should be able to get cosmetic things for free

CCP giveeth in one hand and taketh with the other.
Deise Koraka
Caldari Investigations and Forensics
#56 - 2012-05-06 22:16:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Deise Koraka
Paragon Renegade wrote:

Once again, the queen of Rens has spoken :3

But really, that's stupid, we should be able to get cosmetic things for free

Cosmetic items are optional, you don't need them to have access to every game play aspect of EvE.
Like all luxuries, they are going to cost money.
Money that if you *choose* to give to CCP for a pretty ship paint job, wont affect the game or anything else, with the possible exception of your personal ship spin enjoyment levels.
It's a optional way for the players to support CCP at their leisure, while staying spaceship-centric...unlike the original NeX launch.

I am a carebear, and I support High Sec ganking and PvP. Just please, don't blow up my Hulk*. **<3 **

*Mackinaw as of Inferno 1.2

J3ssica Alba
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#57 - 2012-05-06 22:44:40 UTC
Paragon Renegade wrote:
Miilla wrote:
Paragon Renegade wrote:
Why can't cosmetic alterations be free? It's not like the running lights on a Megathron are going to blind you

Because they want to make money? Greed is good.

Once again, the queen of Rens has spoken :3

But really, that's stupid, we should be able to get cosmetic things for free

Why so entitled?
This is my signature. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.  Without me, my signature is useless. Without my signature, I am useless
Cruor Angelicus
#58 - 2012-05-06 23:02:07 UTC
J3ssica Alba
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#59 - 2012-05-06 23:04:17 UTC
Miilla wrote:
Well check SiSi, we are going down the NEX route again.

The door will be opening to the obvious soon.

I can see the changes in every patch when I diff them. I for one welcome our micro patching sneaky overlords :)

That is the failing of most source control systems and dev attitudes, they deploy checked in assets (code etc) that has no bearing on the acutal patch but is part of future patches because that is just how they check them into the source repository, lack of care on their part :) Add's to leaky info for us that do actually diff patches :)

Oh wow, just checked SiSi and I'm in love with this shiny leather outfit that rocks my rear end .. gief nao
This is my signature. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.  Without me, my signature is useless. Without my signature, I am useless
Hulkageddon Orphanage
#60 - 2012-05-06 23:05:23 UTC
J3ssica Alba wrote:
Miilla wrote:
Well check SiSi, we are going down the NEX route again.

The door will be opening to the obvious soon.

I can see the changes in every patch when I diff them. I for one welcome our micro patching sneaky overlords :)

That is the failing of most source control systems and dev attitudes, they deploy checked in assets (code etc) that has no bearing on the acutal patch but is part of future patches because that is just how they check them into the source repository, lack of care on their part :) Add's to leaky info for us that do actually diff patches :)

Oh wow, just checked SiSi and I'm in love with this shiny leather outfit that rocks my rear end .. gief nao

I don't really care what CCP put on NEX , at least not until I can change out of this RUINED bloodline they BROKE.