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Is It Worth Returning To Eve?

Shian Yang
#21 - 2012-05-03 23:56:37 UTC
Greetings capsuleer,

It saddens me to hear you have allowed your pilot license to lapse. Whilst this section of New Eden is filled with propoganda, rhetoric and capsuleers that have had their fundamental orifices enlarged by Ammarian probes to the point of pain I would recommend you try it for yourself.

No other pilot can explain the joy they experience at taming the vast void between the stars. It is something you need to experience and try for yourself; to see if you would like to reactivate your license.

Simply re-active it for a month and have a look.


Shian Yang
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#22 - 2012-05-03 23:59:37 UTC
Fannie Maes wrote:
It is not worth it, at the moment we got a whole BoB situation going on again except this time it is worse, they are called goons and pets.

You should check back in next year to see if CCP kept any promises and dealt with their corruption.

I don't have a problem with goons, per se...I have a problem with the total lack of a counter-balance and the fact that nulsec entities can't seem to mind their own affairs.

But I digress....

I don't necessarily recommend returning, and I will tell you why. It has nothing to do with the madness that is currently going on, or the fact that it is continuing with no signs of stopping. I say do not return because

Nothing is special anymore, and the ocean has become shallow to the point of being a kiddie pool.

Caps are commonplace, there is no great war, no great depression. Great forum missives have gone the way of the dodo, replaced by "Umad bro" and posts about goon scams and how the hisec player does nothing but dive into vaults filled with pools of isk. Nulsec players are coming to hisec because they are bored and need to kick some kindergarteners around. They've neutered themselves to the point that they won't fight each other lest they disrupt their isk-printing machines. Meanwhile, hisec has become a hive of scum and villainy, more dangerous than all but the front lines of nulsec fights and losec pirate dens. Big brother has decided what is best for the common citizen, neverminding the fact that it isn't necessarily the best for the game.

Or you could become a drone and join one of those big ol' nulsec might like that.
TWHC Assistant
#23 - 2012-05-04 00:03:59 UTC
Canteen Charlie wrote:
So played Eve pretty hard for a couple of years from right before Apocropha came out and was in love with the game but my enjoyment diminished with each less enjoyable update after it. Got tired of spending tons of hours building up a corp to over 100 players to have it be riddled with pointless wardecs from small half a dozen member gangs seeking just to disrupt or harass. But was enjoying wormhole life with my three carrier pilots and had a supercarrier alt completed. But it's been about 7 months now since I've played and I'm curious to hear if people think the game has gotten more enjoyable again and if its worth coming back or should i give it another six months or so?

They did not remove the Incarna stuff, but left it in. Instead, they cut 20% of their staff... This was pretty terrible news in my opinion. CCP will probably try to sneak their ideas in anyway and past the players. This could still get interesting, but in a bad way. There is however some good news. CCP has been focusing on ships again and made the technical aspect of the game more interesting. Things are happening, things are changing. Also, CCP is stomping out botters and they seem to be getting good at it.

Players' attitude wise has nothing changed. If you do not base your game on how others have to be then you will be fine. Goons see other players as pieces of a board game. Ironically do they think they are the only ones not playing a single-player game. Do what everyone does, do play the game like it was a single-player game. Almost everyone does it in their own special way, because they all have expectations and still need to get rid of them. It is a sandbox with a matching kindergarden ...
Fannie Maes
#24 - 2012-05-04 00:04:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Fannie Maes
Nephilius wrote:
Fannie Maes wrote:
It is not worth it, at the moment we got a whole BoB situation going on again except this time it is worse, they are called goons and pets.

You should check back in next year to see if CCP kept any promises and dealt with their corruption.

I don't have a problem with goons, per se...I have a problem with the total lack of a counter-balance and the fact that nulsec entities can't seem to mind their own affairs.

But I digress....

I don't necessarily recommend returning, and I will tell you why. It has nothing to do with the madness that is currently going on, or the fact that it is continuing with no signs of stopping. I say do not return because

Nothing is special anymore, and the ocean has become shallow to the point of being a kiddie pool.

Caps are commonplace, there is no great war, no great depression. Great forum missives have gone the way of the dodo, replaced by "Umad bro" and posts about goon scams and how the hisec player does nothing but dive into vaults filled with pools of isk. Nulsec players are coming to hisec because they are bored and need to kick some kindergarteners around. They've neutered themselves to the point that they won't fight each other lest they disrupt their isk-printing machines. Meanwhile, hisec has become a hive of scum and villainy, more dangerous than all but the front lines of nulsec fights and losec pirate dens. Big brother has decided what is best for the common citizen, neverminding the fact that it isn't necessarily the best for the game.

Or you could become a drone and join one of those big ol' nulsec might like that.

If you do decide to join a big nullsec corp/alliance I recommend joining goons because then you will have 10 minute respond timer on petitions (For the rest of eve it takes weeks and they are hiring GM's now...) and you got insiders at CCP.

You also get to do anything you want that would otherwise be against the rules for the rest of us.

But yeah, this guy is right, eve is not "special" anymore and I guess it has not been "special" for quite some time now. CCP says they are aware of this problem and many others but is now May and we are still waiting for actual change for the better.
holy bejesus
#25 - 2012-05-04 00:40:24 UTC
hey pussy (s)

you want to cry about your corp?

are you a man or are you a part of a group?

see, the thing that idiot utopist socialists don't get is that, yeah, humans are social animals, but only to the extent that it benefits the human individual....get it?

see the USSR....

hey, are on your ******* up, or be a slave....
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#26 - 2012-05-04 00:58:14 UTC
Fannie Maes wrote:
It is not worth it, at the moment we got a whole BoB situation going on again except this time it is worse, they are called goons and pets.

You should check back in next year to see if CCP kept any promises and dealt with their corruption.

Tears, cry more please.

The only thing corrupted around here is our brain, its farting all over the place, please go to a doctor as soon as you can, It could be serious...

The Tears Must Flow

Arc Typ
State War Academy
Caldari State
#27 - 2012-05-04 00:59:55 UTC
I am not in the demographic you are looking for, but I just started playing and I am having a great time!
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#28 - 2012-05-04 01:13:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaju Enki
Canteen Charlie wrote:
Got tired of spending tons of hours building up a corp to over 100 players to have it be riddled with pointless wardecs from small half a dozen member gangs seeking just to disrupt or harass.

EvE is not the game for you then. This is the best part of the game. If you can't protect our assets, you don't deserve them.

The Tears Must Flow

Eillara Hinorlin
#29 - 2012-05-04 01:15:18 UTC
Do you want to play a game where you choose your own destiny? If yes, then no, now is not the time to return to eve.

Do you want to play a game where the butterfly effect is in full force, and any person can leave a strong impression on the game? If yes, then now is not the time to return to eve.

Do you want to play a completely open sandbox game? If yes, then now is not the time to return to eve.
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#30 - 2012-05-04 01:21:22 UTC
Eillara Hinorlin wrote:
Do you want to play a game where you choose your own destiny? If yes, then no, now is not the time to return to eve.

Do you want to play a game where the butterfly effect is in full force, and any person can leave a strong impression on the game? If yes, then now is not the time to return to eve.

Do you want to play a completely open sandbox game? If yes, then now is not the time to return to eve.

Butthurt noob carebear created an alt, and and took a dump on the forum.

Next time you enter the EvE sandbox, put some vaseline.

The Tears Must Flow

Eillara Hinorlin
#31 - 2012-05-04 01:26:08 UTC
Next time I enter the sandbox, I expect there to be a sandbox to enter. Not a linear progression that goes against what EVE has always been about.
Fannie Maes
#32 - 2012-05-04 01:27:57 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
Eillara Hinorlin wrote:
Do you want to play a game where you choose your own destiny? If yes, then no, now is not the time to return to eve.

Do you want to play a game where the butterfly effect is in full force, and any person can leave a strong impression on the game? If yes, then now is not the time to return to eve.

Do you want to play a completely open sandbox game? If yes, then now is not the time to return to eve.

Butthurt noob carebear created an alt, and and took a dump on the forum.

Next time you enter the EvE sandbox, put some vaseline.

Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#33 - 2012-05-04 01:32:37 UTC
Eillara Hinorlin wrote:
Next time I enter the sandbox, I expect there to be a sandbox to enter. Not a linear progression that goes against what EVE has always been about.

Linear progression?!?!?!? ...... you are either:

  • sufering from some type of paranoid schizophrenia.
  • playing the wrong game, are you sure you not playing with Orcs&Goblins? This is the EvE Online forums, double-check.

The Tears Must Flow

Darth Tickles
#34 - 2012-05-04 01:34:02 UTC
Eillara Hinorlin wrote:
Do you want to play a game where you choose your own destiny? If yes, then no, now is not the time to return to eve.

Do you want to play a game where the butterfly effect is in full force, and any person can leave a strong impression on the game? If yes, then now is not the time to return to eve.

Do you want to play a completely open sandbox game? If yes, then now is not the time to return to eve.


sorry about your incursion nerf, bro.

it's not a linear progression. if you want greater reward, then take greater risk.
Fannie Maes
#35 - 2012-05-04 01:35:35 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
Eillara Hinorlin wrote:
Next time I enter the sandbox, I expect there to be a sandbox to enter. Not a linear progression that goes against what EVE has always been about.

Linear progression?!?!?!? ...... you are either:

  • sufering from some type of paranoid schizophrenia.
  • playing the wrong game, are you sure you not playing with Orcs&Goblins? This is the EvE Online forums, double-check.

Start in high-sec, check.

Move to low-sec after awhile, check.

move and stay in 0.0, check.

If you don't?


Darth Tickles
#36 - 2012-05-04 01:40:13 UTC
Fannie Maes wrote:
Start in high-sec, check.

Move to low-sec after awhile, check.

move and stay in 0.0, check.

If you don't?


A farcical misrepresentation.

Go wherever you please, just don't to expect to receive similar rewards for taking less risk.
Fannie Maes
#37 - 2012-05-04 01:43:54 UTC
Darth Tickles wrote:
Fannie Maes wrote:
Start in high-sec, check.

Move to low-sec after awhile, check.

move and stay in 0.0, check.

If you don't?


A farcical misrepresentation.

Go wherever you please, just don't to expect to receive similar rewards for taking less risk.

So the reward is so **** yet all I hear 24/7 are BoB... Goons cry, ***** and moan while CCP are changing the game.
Darth Tickles
#38 - 2012-05-04 01:46:53 UTC
Fannie Maes wrote:
So the reward is so **** yet all I hear 24/7 are BoB... Goons cry, ***** and moan while CCP are changing the game.

that's not even a sentence.

Eillara Hinorlin
#39 - 2012-05-04 01:47:19 UTC
Go wherever you please, just don't to expect to receive similar rewards for taking less risk.

A farcical misrepresentation. There is a difference between receiving similar rewards for taking less risk, and having any and all rewards gained by a play-style outside of what the powerful, and vocal, few prefer slowly and steadily taken away.

It is amusing to note the speed at which responses to me jumped to "must be a high-sec carebear" despite me having given no indication as to what I actually do in-game. Almost as if the thought of a person not in a particular situation having an opinion as to what goes on there is a foreign concept to people.
Darth Tickles
#40 - 2012-05-04 01:48:51 UTC
Slippery slope fallacy.
