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Wormhole Failblog Edition

Taji Taka
The Arcadian Sun
#161 - 2012-05-30 20:32:27 UTC
Couple days ago was checking a neighboring C5 and found a POS with several ships on Dscan...went to take a look and someone left an Archon sitting just OUTSIDE the POS shield LOL.

Hopped in it with an alt, and tried distracting the 8 different warp disruption batteries they had, but couldn't break away so I just self-destructed it and collected 285mil of insurance... Lol

Bane Nucleus
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#162 - 2012-05-30 20:35:42 UTC
Lol That reminds me of a time we saw a Thanatos on scan at the sun, only to realize it was not piloted. We scanned a few wormholes deep and found a route out to low sec with it.

No trolling please

Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#163 - 2012-05-31 00:53:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Kalel Nimrott
Trinkets friend wrote:
Not my screencap, but I humbly tender this:

I cannot rationalize it

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#164 - 2012-05-31 01:11:56 UTC
Kalel Nimrott wrote:
Trinkets friend wrote:
Not my screencap, but I humbly tender this:

I cannot rationalize it

means you dont have to put in your pos password to swap ships right?

i seriously hope you grabbed some bombers and blew that **** up...

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#165 - 2012-05-31 01:19:06 UTC
I do believe that they did grab bombers. I mean, it looks completely vulnerable, but that's not a bad cluster of up-phuquery - even a neut battery. Its either that or you snipe it out with a Naga from 220km.
Matuk Grymwal
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#166 - 2012-05-31 03:00:37 UTC
I remember we found a pos with no offensive modules with the SMA about 50km outside the shields. Probably more of a bug than a fail, but you never know. Nothing particularly good dropped out of it unfortunately.
Tasiv Deka
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#167 - 2012-05-31 08:33:36 UTC
just happened tonight...

Out exploring our static when my corp-mate starts going on over coms "Hey anyone want to try and grab this Domi next to this Pos?" I figure hey the raven in there is far enough away that even if he decides to try and get me i can at least get out with my pod.
So i warp in board the Domi and start warping out ... wasnt being targeted or anything... anyways i get out of the Wormhole after a failed attempt to bait him and we start chatting with the Raven pilot...Apparently a director attempted to un-anchor everything to steal it got caught and they forgot to store the ships before changing the password... So needless to say I managed to snag a Domi plus 15 mil in fittings. And my favorite part of the story my corpmate missed out on the ship because he was too lazy to go drop off his ship at our Pos

Oh, Do go on... no seriously ive got nothing better to do then listen to all the petty arguments and feeble trolling attempts... 

The sad thing is i'm not sure if i'm telling the truth.

death hops
Soltech Holdings
Minmatar Fleet Associates
#168 - 2012-05-31 13:17:11 UTC
Tasiv Deka wrote:
And my favorite part of the story my corpmate missed out on the ship because he was too lazy to go drop off his ship at our Pos

You forgot to say that I had already taken one of their covetors...
And that the raven decided to mwd to every offline gun/ecm to online it.
Tasiv Deka
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#169 - 2012-05-31 19:38:54 UTC
death hops wrote:
Tasiv Deka wrote:
And my favorite part of the story my corpmate missed out on the ship because he was too lazy to go drop off his ship at our Pos

You forgot to say that I had already taken one of their covetors...
And that the raven decided to mwd to every offline gun/ecm to online it.

So do you just stalk me on every forum post i make?

Oh, Do go on... no seriously ive got nothing better to do then listen to all the petty arguments and feeble trolling attempts... 

The sad thing is i'm not sure if i'm telling the truth.

Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#170 - 2012-05-31 19:48:09 UTC
Guys, do you want to tell us something?

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#171 - 2012-05-31 23:06:05 UTC
Zer'Adul wrote:
Opes2 wrote:
Copied and pasted basically from AARs, with a few names/terms to protect the innocent.

*Hacksaw applied*

There was 1 SMA and 1 CHA. Immediately after I asked, 4-5 people spoke up, we formed up with stealth bombers, a cloaky hauler, and a capsule or 2. Less than 10 minutes after I found the POS, we popped the 2 modules, and were looting as fast as we could. It took maybe 2 minutes before the first enemy ship landed, but we noticed almost as soon as he did, and GTFO'd.

We ended up with a myrm, a rapier with a nice faction web, a bunch of BPCs, a few BPOs, and an Imp navy EANM. Not bad for about 7 minutes work.

*snippity snip*

Nice, I see you found the Myrm I left behind.... To bad the multiple faction-fitted helios didn't drop.... Guess that's the RNG showing you some love.

Oh you had better be trolling. We saw it, but with locals about to be shooting at us, decided it wasn't exactly at the top of our list Straight
Tasiv Deka
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#172 - 2012-06-07 20:20:14 UTC
cmon no new stories? this is my favorite thread lets keep it from getting buried

Oh, Do go on... no seriously ive got nothing better to do then listen to all the petty arguments and feeble trolling attempts... 

The sad thing is i'm not sure if i'm telling the truth.

Kuroi Hoshi
Ajo Heavy Industries
#173 - 2012-06-07 21:07:55 UTC
Was on comms with the aggressors of this but didn't actually participate. Its actually a long story but going to just single out the fail moment of it.

Group is moving out of their WH (HS static) and has an outlaw in an orca. Orca warps to the HS and jumps out and gets a navy spawn on top of him so he jumps back inside (now on a 5 minute timer). Bomber wing decloaks and pops him.
Bane Nucleus
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#174 - 2012-06-07 22:33:35 UTC
This isn't too much fail, but it's a nice writeup by a corpmate of mine:

It had been a good week for me. I killed a primae, practiced my target calling and found some fail.

But the real fun started at the end of the week. I had gotten my alt trapped in a c2 by going in an eol hole a few days previous. The new HS was an island that was 21 jumps from vero. I decided to camp around their system abit. Leading up to Friday I had ganked their CEOS covetor. What did they do to catch this fearsome cheetah? Bubble their HS of course! Unfortunately, they anchored the bubble from the direction of their pos. A bubble won't catch a cheetah really, but it will catch a pod you try and warp from the pos to HS. Sooo good game, you caught your own pod in your own bubble. After this what is left to do but try it again in a hawk? Luckily a dual web astarte can melt a hawk, trololol.

Now these guys were pretty upset by this point. They finally took down the bubble and warped 2 tech3s and a drake to the hole and sat 20k off of it, waiting for me to come in. I was in HS with the astarte, so I'm sure they were expecting that. However, I decided to bring a few friends which they didn't expect. Our friends burned 14 jumps fairly quickly and voila, we engaged. It didn't go well for them. Now notice the tengu was very expensive and it was also the ceos. A little later, a guy that was getting a little hot headed toward me tried to bait me. Well I took the bait and survived, but my cheetah hit 33% structure that round.

The next day I sent the CEO a mail, offering to leave for 300 mil. After some confirmation from my directors, he paid and I left, but not before killing a gentleman on the way out of their static c3. I tipped my directors. The guy ended up being very chill with the ransom and started hanging out in Lost-pub. I told him to give us a shout if he ever needed anything. Cool fellow.

Then the rest of the weekend started to get really interesting. We found some bait in a c5 off of a c2 connected to vero. We formed up a nice fleet and ganked the bait. Then we ran away. Our scouts saw the enemy fleet mobilize and start moving around the c2. We decided we would engage. The following battle lasted a good 20 minutes jumpin in and out of the c5 then following the stragglers back to their wormhole. I called primaries like a beast and they didn't do so well. That's what you get for causing my only tech3 loss bastards. Revenge is a sweet thing (I had warped my proteus to dora once and mid warp a 30 man gang landed, bye bye proteus).

Now let me run down the target calling here for people who might not understand what to primary. The falcon was at zero stupidly so that was a no brainer and probably won the fight for us, or made it much easier(we lost our falcon the same way due to fleet warp and him not paying full attention). The next were the hurricanes and brutix (preferably brutix first). High dps ships, but low tanks. Fast to clear off and lowers enemy dps significantly, plus hurricane neuts are problematic. Pretty good primaries there. Next was the slepnir because it also pumps out a shitton of dps. Then we began work on some of the tankier ships: tengu and drake. Not terribly too dps and tanky so they were last on the priorities for me. I decided to give most of the faction loot to our lost falcon pilot and the rest our pilot that had lost the hurricane. Quick and easy.

After this, we closed the hole and went plexxing. Yay! During the plex op, a few proteus started messing around on the HS but a few of my alts and people left in vero scared them off again. They didn't seem to like my abso fit, I'm not sure why, and I called them pansies for fighing on a hisec. After the plex fleet they decided to come back. At this point we had pretty good numbers since the plex had finished. We noticed the Proteus on d-scan. This guy was sitting at 0 on the HS hole. Turns out this is a guy that earlier today had come with 2 proteus's and just tangled with Sin but no kills were made before everyone left.

Well they came back wanting to fight again I guess. Second proteus wasnt online, just the one proteus. We decided to form up in battleships and send them to the HS hole and jump out heavy (it was half mass already). At this point one of our guys jumped back in followed by the battleships again. The hole sputtered and whined, then after 10 seconds closed. The proteus was trapped.

We immediately pointed the Proteus and 2 manticores decloaked and launched bombs. Point was gotten on one manticore and we primaried the Proteus. The first manticore however got out of point range and warped. Proteus then was destroyed and his pod warped. Second manticore was grabbed with a point and popped. His pod warped.

Cue 5 minutes of bouncing around vero while Bane works on a ransom fee for these guys. They quickly pay 500 million for a way out.

So we let them out, turns out they had about 10 billion in pods (Zerhix was running high grade slaves and officer hardwires, about 6 bil for his pod). Still though, we honor ransoms and we got our 500 mil out of them

No trolling please

Bane Nucleus
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#175 - 2012-06-07 22:34:40 UTC

Moving on, the next morning I noticed a itty 3 and a buzzard going out to our highsec 8j from Jita, quick show info proves them to be our static wh residents. So I setup my thrasher on the hole to catch them on the way back. A few friends join me at this point, we get a few cloaky scouts and Tim in a bubble. Well I'm just sitting in dora with a moros and a orca on scan in a thrasher. I do a quick directional and both look like they are at a pos but I have TJ come and scout anyway while we cloak up the bubble on the dora hole and I watch the highsec on my alt. TJ finds the moros unpiloted at the pos observation, but the orca is toward a different pos and planet entirely. TJ warps to the planet to find out which moon this other pos is at. Well, there is the orca sitting at the planet anchoring a customs office with my thrasher in plain view for the last 5 minutes. I quickly pull my cloaky prot off the hs and we tackle.

Immediately he convos asking for ransom. I ask for a bil because i'm ballsy and this orca his halfway through armor. We stop dps and move tim in the HIC to bubble him. He tells me he only has 80 mil. I tell him that it wasn't good enough and that he is going to eject. He asks if he can get his indy and some pos mods out. I agree because I dont' care about pos mods and just want a ******* orca. At first he is unsure if he can trust us but he agrees. So he pops his impel out of the orca and takes some pos mods and continues on his way back to his pos. I quickly store my proteus and take off with a motherfucking orca being the honorable gentlemen we are. I plan on using it in combat/baiting/rolling and for popping wormholes on people who play highsec games like the people above. Fly it like you stole it my friends.

Well then it starts to get really silly. I had moved back to watch the Hisec and sure enough, here comes the itty 3. Popped and podded. Then the buzzard comes back. Poppedand podded. These guys are obviously not having a good day. Well TJ had gone in to check this 2nd pos if you remember. The impel had started anchoring pos mods, we almost killed him again but felt really bad. He logged off and TJ is looking at his small pos. It seems fairly new, so TJ locks it up and sure enough it's at 50% shields and the guns aren't shooting him. Now I hadn't found any stront in the orca, and no way he took any in that impel (he even left his fuel). What do we do? Form a pos bash fleet of course and blow up his tower. Poor bastard, he's going to login to an impel and nothing will be there.

A good weekend to be sure.

No trolling please

Grey Wind
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#176 - 2012-06-08 06:05:14 UTC
A friend of mine is notorious for doing random, stupid things and having random, stupid things happen to him. The best one I have yet heard was when we lived in a C4 (may have been a C5 it was awhile back) with a C3 static, and this fellow was out mining in his hulk. This particular day we had a nul sec system connected to our hole, and apparently someone out there was bored. Because as my friend was afk mining, a carrier come in, warps in on him, kills his hulk, and then wanders off again with nary a word said to the rest of us who were in the next hole doing anoms. lol Was an amusing event to hear about and is the perfect representation of the random **** that happens to my buddy lol.
Xindi Kraid
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#177 - 2012-06-08 06:24:31 UTC
AFK mining in a wormhole, ganked by passers by. You wouldn't be talking about anybody I might know would ya?
I've got one embarrassing. We were gas mining in a connected system and I was flying the Orca providing boosts and scooping up the field micecans. We had just cleared a site, and I was sitting at it waiting for someone to provide a nice warp in on one of the clouds in the next site so I wouldn't have to slowboat over there.

As it turns out, that was not going to be a problem for me. Some roamers show up and drop some combat probes. Rather than warp between safes playing tag, I panicked and hit the cloak button. Turns out they already knew where I was.

I also need more than one hand to count the number of times I have forgotten to bookmark an exit hole and had to scan my way back to start.
Grey Wind
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#178 - 2012-06-08 13:26:46 UTC
Xindi Kraid wrote:
AFK mining in a wormhole, ganked by passers by. You wouldn't be talking about anybody I might know would ya?

No, I would never talk about someone you know......

QT McWhiskers
#179 - 2012-06-08 18:47:37 UTC
Kind of a double fail here. One on my part, and definitely one on the attacker's part.

Was living in a c2 static c3 static HS at the time. Because of stain operations, I kind of let my tower go offline. But it wasnt that big of a deal since the tower was emptied out of anything valuable WELL before this incident.

So the tower goes offline and my and my CEO are racing to the hole to refuel it and take care of everything inside. On our way, we get the loss mails. SOmeone randoms had found and shot our pos. Oh well. WIn some, lose some. So now we are still coming, albeit much slower this time. I decide to just pull the tower down since I no longer use it, and the only other occupant hadnt logged in in about 4 months.

So we get in, start to take the tower down, and then somethign happens in stain. Everyone but me leaves and jump clones back to stain to take care of something that was overplayed. I am in there just putzing around and taking the tower down when out of no where, a nuetral bestower warps into where the pos used to be.

The same guy who killed my SMA and CHA. Turns out he logged out in my bestower. I quickly go to the other pos, grab a free harby (crapily fit with t1 beams but what the hell, it will pop a bestower right?). I then warp back fully expecting him to be gone. Not only was he still there, he was looting the cans that were left right in front of me. So I promptly lock him up and shoot him. Takes one shot and he pops. He had over 700m in his cargohold. This would have been an impressive killmail if it wasnt for the fact that it was all my stuff. But anyway, he warps his pod to where the high sec was and jumped out.

A convo was started and after just a few seconds of talking to him, he figured out that he was on the wrong overview tab. Turns out he has an overview tab that has everything but ships on it...

Well after this was overwith, tower was down, loot was scooped and everything was taken to the high sec to be red frogged to JIta using an orca. So the hole was critical. And I am preparing to collapse it in my geddon navy. So i warp to the hole... and it is no longer there. In its place... Is a raven navy issue belonging to the same corp of the guy I killed.

This navy issue quickly melts to my mega pulse lasers with the freshly upgraded conflag crystals. (right after the buff where they made them super powered.) I pop him before his second rep cycle goes off. Because he has no way out, he lets me pod him. (this was before the podmails showed implants)

In the conversation with him afterwards, it turns out that he scanned his way into our hole from his HS (same system) saw the anoms we had in hole (our bait for noobs) and figured he would jump in in his CNR and run them. He had no clue that they had killed an SMA or CHA from our hole, no clue I popped my own bestower piloted by one of their members... and never once showed info on our wormhole as he jumped in.

I simply had to stare at my computer screen for a little while after reading this. Once it was all over, I found out that he had been living in a wormhole for well over a year... and he just ****** up royaly.
Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#180 - 2012-06-11 12:15:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Kidd
A setup POS.......

Except the tower was anchored and offline everything else was unanchored sitting next to the tower.....It's like they figured they'd continue setting up tomorrow.


Badger II with T3 subsystems parked at a safe spot.....without a pilot.

And as always.......

POS with lots of hardeners.......on the outside of the FF.

Don't ban me, bro!