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The EVE Portraits Contest - Round 7 - WIN 10 BIL!!! FREE ENTRY - May 6 - June 3

Dark Matter Commodities
#1 - 2012-04-29 12:24:43 UTC  |  Edited by: REALITY X

The EVE Portraits Contest is a brand-new competition to see who can create the most outstanding EVE Online character portrait.

The reason why I decided to create this contest, is because of the number of great portraits I’ve seen in the game, and which I believe should be shared with the rest of the EVE Online community. The goal of the contest is to encourage player creativity, and provide in-game rewards for their efforts.

Though it’s quite well-known that there are many scams which are allowed in EVE Online, this is not one of them. The contest is a legitimate competition with real prizes, and it’s also a fun way to showcase the amazing artwork and interesting character portraits that player’s create within the game.

The EVE Portraits Contest will give someone the chance to win a faction battleship, faction cruiser or faction frigate for just a 20 million isk entry fee, along with their character’s portrait.


1st Place - 10 Billion ISK
2nd Place - 5 Billion ISK
3rd Place - 2 Billion ISK

All ISK for Round 7 is securely distributed via 3rd party by Chribba.

The winners will also have their portraits featured on the website

Non-winning contestants will receive a consolation prize, distributed via private contract by Dark Star MegaCorp™.


1. One entry is allowed per character for each round of the contest.

2. Entry fee is 20 million isk per character FREE for Round 7.

3. One “redo” of your character’s portrait submission is allowed, and no more, at a cost of 10 million isk, with a mail sent from the character to Reality X with the word “redo” in the subject heading. Nothing else should be written in the main content box of the mail.

4. Each round of the contest runs for 28 days from the official start date until the close date. After the round closes, judging will begin and the winners will be contacted and awarded their prizes shortly thereafter.

5. No private conversations or mails to Reality X asking about The EVE Portraits Contest are allowed. This is to keep the contest unbiased and fair. If this rule is broken even once, your entry into the current round of the contest will be invalidated and your entry fee will be kept. No exceptions. Any attempt at bribery of the judge will also result in your character’s immediate disqualification for entry into the current round. All of the information you need to know is posted here, however Reality X will answer any questions about the contest in a public forum, such as this thread or in-game local chat.

6. A character on an inactive account may still be submitted. Trial accounts may also enter.

7. Reality X and his alts (Atomsmasher/5yndicate/Fantasy X/Meta-Tron/Evangeline X/Splinter Cage/UItraviolet/Zero PLEX) are not permitted to enter The EVE Portraits Contest.

8. All winners agree to have their names and winning portraits posted on

Contest fees are non-refundable.

How to Enter

The Gallery

If you would like to have your character’s portrait featured in the Gallery for free, just send an in-game mail to Reality X with the word “gallery” in the subject heading. Nothing else should be written in the main content box of the mail. Please note that this gallery is not part of The EVE Portraits Contest. For all winning portraits, please go to the Winners Gallery on the website. Also, let me know in your mail if you would like your portrait on the Facebook fan page.

The Contest

Step 1. Send an in-game mail to Reality X from the character you wish to enter, with the word “contest” in the subject heading. Nothing else should be written in the main content box of the mail. Please DO NOT post here as your entry into the contest.

Step 2. There is NO ENTRY FEE for Round 7. Please DO NOT send any ISK for your entry. Portrait “redo” fees are still in effect (See Rules).

You will receive a confirmation mail of your character’s entry into the contest (please, no high CSPA charge or you won't receive this mail. You will still be entered in the contest).

Please read and understand the rules before entering. Check the Winners Gallery on the EVE Portraits website after the closing date to see the winning portraits. All winners will be notified in-game.

Round 7 - Finished

No. of Entries: 696 (as of June 3)

Start Date: Monday May 6, 2013 - 6:00 PM EST

Finish Date: Monday June 3, 2013 - 6:00 PM EST

I will be the judge and final decision-maker over all character portrait submissions for The EVE Portraits Contest.

Since 2005, I've been a known and respected member of the EVE Online community. Some of you may know me from selling rare commodities on contracts through my corporations, Dark Matter Commodities and Dark Energy Products. At no time have I ever scammed or attempted to scam any other members of the EVE community. I'm staking my reputation and business with this contest.

An accomplished artist and graphic designer for over 20 years, I'm confident that I've got the ability to make the final decisions for all winning portraits.

What Am I Looking For in a Winning Portrait?

Well, anything really. Mostly I'm looking for creative, serious, funny, well-designed or interesting portraits. The sky (or galaxy in this case) is the limit.

Have fun!


State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-04-29 22:51:03 UTC
Dare Knight
#3 - 2012-04-30 22:32:49 UTC
I'll bite.

_It's very simple, really. If you see Tengus on scan, they are ratting. If you see a shitload of Tengus, the Russians are blobbing. If you see Proteuses on scan, they will be on top of you in about a second. If you see a shitload of Proteuses, the big boys are having a goodfight. _

Uusuras Oramara
Asemakaavi Corporation
#4 - 2012-05-01 06:13:50 UTC
Dark Matter Commodities
#5 - 2012-05-05 02:22:24 UTC
7 days left bump!

Dark Matter Commodities
#6 - 2012-05-08 11:01:23 UTC
4 days left bump!

Dark Matter Commodities
#7 - 2012-05-09 19:46:46 UTC
3 days bump!

Dark Matter Commodities
#8 - 2012-05-11 03:50:45 UTC
Last day bump! 83 entries so far. Enter now!

Dark Matter Commodities
#9 - 2012-05-12 05:02:07 UTC  |  Edited by: REALITY X
Round 4 of The EVE Portraits Contest is now finished with 85 entries. Judging has begun. Winners will be announced Monday, May 14 @ 7:00 AM EST (11:00 EVE Time), with prizes distributed shortly thereafter via private contract by Dark Star MegaCorp™.

Dark Matter Commodities
#10 - 2012-05-14 11:46:29 UTC  |  Edited by: REALITY X
Well, with 85 entries in the round it was incredibly difficult to narrow them down, as there were so many outstanding portraits submitted. However, there were three which immediately stood out to me from the rest.

And now, without further delay, the 1st place winner of Round 4 and a Machariel faction battleship is…


Congratulations to him and a big thanks to everyone who participated. Prizes will be distributed shortly via private contract by Dark Star MegaCorp™. Check out all of the winning portraits in the Winners Gallery on EVE Portraits.

Thanks again to all, it was fun! Big smile


Fivrelde Corp
#11 - 2012-05-15 00:49:48 UTC
Wee \o/

Thank you very much and Reality X. I appreciate it, brightened my day indeed!

Akima Kitsune
State War Academy
Caldari State
#12 - 2012-05-15 03:29:26 UTC
Congrats luZk on your 1st place finish! That is an amazing and quite intimidating look you got going on there. Remind me not run into you in a dark ally, or lowsec, or anywhere...

Thanks Reality X and Dark Star MegaCorp™ for this contest! Can't wait to see the next round!

Happy Hunting!

Lord Wamphyri
Starside Lost
#13 - 2012-05-15 08:09:39 UTC
Congrats to the winners! I didn't come anywhere but I did find a little something waiting for me when I logged in, so a big thank you to Reality X for the contest!


Suri Abrams
Umbrella Holding Inc
Umbrella Chemical Inc
#14 - 2012-05-15 18:17:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Suri Abrams
Big congratulations on the first place, luZk, and on third place, Akima!

Thank you for the contest, Reality X and Dark Star MegaCorp! Quite a bit of happiness. :)
Dark Matter Commodities
#15 - 2012-05-15 22:54:59 UTC
You're very welcome everyone. Thank you for participating and submitting such well done portraits (Suri, short hair looks better imho btw Smile)

My huge appreciation and gratitude to all who have supported my efforts with the website and contest. I'm happy you enjoy.

Sadly, at this time I have to announce that there will be NO Round 5.

.....Well, at least not yet.

Real life (read agitated wife) beckons, and the contest plus my businesses have been taking up too much of my time. I'll still be accepting portrait submissions to the Gallery.

However, the contest WILL be back.


Suri Abrams
Umbrella Holding Inc
Umbrella Chemical Inc
#16 - 2012-05-16 14:25:32 UTC
Thank you, I thought so too. ^^

And bah, now that I have all my friends excited for round five, you tell us it's been delayed. Ah well. :D Good luck with your businesses, and go spend some quality time with your wife. :)
Caldari State
#17 - 2012-05-24 00:52:50 UTC
i stopped reading at " 2. Entry fee..."
Dark Matter Commodities
#18 - 2012-05-26 12:56:57 UTC
Natalinnux wrote:
i stopped reading at " 2. Entry fee..."

I'll add your portrait to the Gallery on the website if you'd like. it's no cost, 'cept a couple minutes of my time Smile

Dark Matter Commodities
#19 - 2012-06-03 07:06:43 UTC
Surprisingly, there's been quite a demand for the next round. I've set a tentative date of June 21, but this may change.

Dark Matter Commodities
#20 - 2012-06-30 11:24:57 UTC  |  Edited by: REALITY X
Round 5 starts Monday July 9, 2012 @ 6 PM EST (22:00 EVE Time) and finishes Monday Aug. 6, 2012 @ 6 PM EST.


1st Place: Rattlesnake, Guristas faction battleship + 30 Day Pilot's License Extension (PLEX) (1.1 billion isk total value)
2nd Place: Gila, Guristas faction cruiser (200 million isk value)
3rd Place: Worm, Guristas faction frigate (70 million isk value)

No. of Entries: 110 (as of Aug. 6)

Visit for more details.

Open for entries. Enter now!



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