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Burn Jita Over (?) - Outcome and Results

Hulkageddon Orphanage
#121 - 2012-04-29 14:50:52 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Takseen wrote:
Lexmana wrote:

[quote]In EVE there are 3 market hubs: Rens, Amarr, and Jita.


I guess they nuked Dodixie.

...and, heck, Hek.

and Ourslett secondary
Krixtal Icefluxor
#122 - 2012-04-29 14:51:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Krixtal Icefluxor
Miilla wrote:

Look at Hulkageddon now, ice belts are near empty in some regions. Nobody is mining. It has literally went from full population to a handful. It does have an impact, even a localised one, is still an impact.

...and mineral prices have actually FALLEN a bit. QuestionAttentionQuestion

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Asuri Kinnes
Caldari State
#123 - 2012-04-29 15:09:11 UTC
Love'em or Hate'em, one thing is for sure:

Goons have shaken the **** out of the tree... I enjoyed watching some of it from the stream (40" HD TV beside me!) and some from a cloaky...

Good times were had by all. I think...

Bob is the god of Wormholes.

That's all you need to know.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#124 - 2012-04-29 15:13:47 UTC
Asuri Kinnes wrote:
Love'em or Hate'em, one thing is for sure:

Goons have shaken the **** out of the tree... I enjoyed watching some of it from the stream (40" HD TV beside me!) and some from a cloaky...

Good times were had by all. I think...

yup I agree, it was fun whichever side you were on (as long as you knew enough to be on a side I guess Big smile )
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#125 - 2012-04-29 15:14:10 UTC
I wonder, does anyone have stats on how man freighters/jf's were ganked in Jita and the surrounding constellations before burn jita? It would be interesting to compare the burn jita results with some sort of baseline, because 25 freighter/9 jf kills doesn't seem all that impressive.

Personally, I had the popcorn out and was hoping for a bit more carnage. Perhaps my expectations were too high.
Pickles Wong
#126 - 2012-04-29 15:16:07 UTC
m3rb3aSt wrote:
Pickles Wong wrote:
Like a particularly large and uncomfortable turd, the Jita disruption will eventually come to pass.

Or it doesn't pass and you have to go to the hospital and receive enemas and stool softening medicine!

You've missed my point. Goon can stay preoccupied with Jita and the surrounding areas as long as they wish. The rest of us have already followed the shifting markets where they've gone. Economics are a lot like hydraulics. If you put pressure on them, they move. Goon will do whatever it wishes. The rest will either adapt or continue to bleed.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#127 - 2012-04-29 15:30:35 UTC
Lexmana wrote:
Duvida wrote:
I'm pretty sure that if it got to the point where CCP was saying 'Our paychecks are in danger!', that some 'things' would happen to ensure a happy high-sec population.

I think CCP marketing is pretty happy with the events so far:

OMFG, you gotta be kidding.

Talk about an obvious Public Relations 'used car salesman' tactic. That PC Gamer write up is pathetic. It has so many half truths stretched so far in it even a blind man could see all the holes. Hell, I'm not even sure what game they're talking about. Instead of using shovels to spread that manure, they used a Bulldozer and Dump Truck.

The entire write up is biased and one sided. Specifically written to portray the GSF as brilliant infamous Militaristic Strategists who flawlessly executed a precise plan to accomplish the most daring and impossible feat ever imagined in the history of Eve Online.

I will say it was an entertaining read and they did manage to get a couple of the facts correct. Such as Jita being the largest busiest Trade hub in high security and GSF's sole purpose is to grief other players and break the game. The rest of the write up is nothing more than overly dramatized half truths such as:

1 - It (Jita) is far from the dangers of null sec, an incredibly safe zone guarded by a deadly NPC police force with impeccable response time.

2 - traders and industrial overlords manufacture the goods that fuel the entire game and trade them on the well-protected markets in Jita, the heart of the Empire.

3 - .....building 15,000 spaceships and loading their guns with 1 round of ammo to shoot. And doing it right in front of the police.

4 - .....the Goonswarm’s goal is no less than invading the most protected and populated hub of industry in the galaxy and crushing it.

5 - Conquering the most populated system in the galaxy that’s also guarded by the richest players and over-protective NPC police is not a small job.

6 - They (GSF) launched that campaign last night (Friday) with hundreds of suicide runs into the system.

7 - In EVE there are 3 market hubs: Rens, Amarr, and Jita.

8 - (Early in the story) For the past three months, they’ve (CFC) been planning and building up a suicide squadron of fighters for their next campaign, called “Burn Jita". (Later in the story) The “Burn Jita” campaign has been in the works for roughly 4-5 months now.

9 - The weekend of April the 28th was chosen as the official launch date for the campaign because it’s the first weekend after CCP launched the first part of its Inferno expansion.

10 - And of course, it wouldn’t be a big EVE Online event without someone threatening to stab someone in real life.

These are just some of the statements presented in the story. It reminded me of how watching a movie that's based on a book is always different than the actually story within the book. Anyway, the write up in PC Gamer is a good promo for CCP despite all the biased half truths presented in it.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#128 - 2012-04-29 15:34:21 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Lexmana wrote:
Duvida wrote:
I'm pretty sure that if it got to the point where CCP was saying 'Our paychecks are in danger!', that some 'things' would happen to ensure a happy high-sec population.

I think CCP marketing is pretty happy with the events so far:

OMFG, you gotta be kidding.

Talk about an obvious Public Relations 'used car salesman' tactic. That PC Gamer write up is pathetic. It has so many half truths stretched so far in it even a blind man could see all the holes. Hell, I'm not even sure what game they're talking about. Instead of using shovels to spread that manure, they used a Bulldozer and Dump Truck.

The entire write up is biased and one sided. Specifically written to portray the GSF as brilliant infamous Militaristic Strategists who flawlessly executed a precise plan to accomplish the most daring and impossible feat ever imagined in the history of Eve Online.

I will say it was an entertaining read and they did manage to get a couple of the facts correct. Such as Jita being the largest busiest Trade hub in high security and GSF's sole purpose is to grief other players and break the game. The rest of the write up is nothing more than overly dramatized half truths such as:

1 - It (Jita) is far from the dangers of null sec, an incredibly safe zone guarded by a deadly NPC police force with impeccable response time.

2 - traders and industrial overlords manufacture the goods that fuel the entire game and trade them on the well-protected markets in Jita, the heart of the Empire.

3 - .....building 15,000 spaceships and loading their guns with 1 round of ammo to shoot. And doing it right in front of the police.

4 - .....the Goonswarm’s goal is no less than invading the most protected and populated hub of industry in the galaxy and crushing it.

5 - Conquering the most populated system in the galaxy that’s also guarded by the richest players and over-protective NPC police is not a small job.

6 - They (GSF) launched that campaign last night (Friday) with hundreds of suicide runs into the system.

7 - In EVE there are 3 market hubs: Rens, Amarr, and Jita.

8 - (Early in the story) For the past three months, they’ve (CFC) been planning and building up a suicide squadron of fighters for their next campaign, called “Burn Jita". (Later in the story) The “Burn Jita” campaign has been in the works for roughly 4-5 months now.

9 - The weekend of April the 28th was chosen as the official launch date for the campaign because it’s the first weekend after CCP launched the first part of its Inferno expansion.

10 - And of course, it wouldn’t be a big EVE Online event without someone threatening to stab someone in real life.

These are just some of the statements presented in the story. It reminded me of how watching a movie that's based on a book is always different than the actually story within the book. Anyway, the write up in PC Gamer is a good promo for CCP despite all the biased half truths presented in it.

agree, great publicity but the writer never played EVE
Ocular Shadows
Amarr Empire
#129 - 2012-04-29 15:41:35 UTC
Pickles Wong wrote:
m3rb3aSt wrote:
Pickles Wong wrote:
Like a particularly large and uncomfortable turd, the Jita disruption will eventually come to pass.

Or it doesn't pass and you have to go to the hospital and receive enemas and stool softening medicine!

You've missed my point. Goon can stay preoccupied with Jita and the surrounding areas as long as they wish. The rest of us have already followed the shifting markets where they've gone. Economics are a lot like hydraulics. If you put pressure on them, they move. Goon will do whatever it wishes. The rest will either adapt or continue to bleed.

I think you have also missed the point. If you had to move your operations around and markets shift in reaction to the events in Jita; that is a direct cause and effect event.

PotatoOverdose wrote:
I wonder, does anyone have stats on how man freighters/jf's were ganked in Jita and the surrounding constellations before burn jita? It would be interesting to compare the burn jita results with some sort of baseline, because 25 freighter/9 jf kills doesn't seem all that impressive.

Personally, I had the popcorn out and was hoping for a bit more carnage. Perhaps my expectations were too high.

Final numbers aren't in yet, but someone earlier in this very thread counted 26 Freighters destroyed in the past 2 days of Burn Jita and 26 Freighters destroyed in the previous 14 months in Jita.
Hulkageddon Orphanage
#130 - 2012-04-29 15:43:41 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Miilla wrote:

Look at Hulkageddon now, ice belts are near empty in some regions. Nobody is mining. It has literally went from full population to a handful. It does have an impact, even a localised one, is still an impact.

...and mineral prices have actually FALLEN a bit. QuestionAttentionQuestion

so all this huff puff about miners and mineral market prices is just that, huff puff.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#131 - 2012-04-29 15:51:50 UTC
Jastra wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Lexmana wrote:
Duvida wrote:
I'm pretty sure that if it got to the point where CCP was saying 'Our paychecks are in danger!', that some 'things' would happen to ensure a happy high-sec population.

I think CCP marketing is pretty happy with the events so far:

OMFG, you gotta be kidding.

Talk about an obvious Public Relations 'used car salesman' tactic. That PC Gamer write up is pathetic. It has so many half truths stretched so far in it even a blind man could see all the holes. Hell, I'm not even sure what game they're talking about. Instead of using shovels to spread that manure, they used a Bulldozer and Dump Truck.

The entire write up is biased and one sided. Specifically written to portray the GSF as brilliant infamous Militaristic Strategists who flawlessly executed a precise plan to accomplish the most daring and impossible feat ever imagined in the history of Eve Online.

I will say it was an entertaining read and they did manage to get a couple of the facts correct. Such as Jita being the largest busiest Trade hub in high security and GSF's sole purpose is to grief other players and break the game. The rest of the write up is nothing more than overly dramatized half truths such as:

1 - It (Jita) is far from the dangers of null sec, an incredibly safe zone guarded by a deadly NPC police force with impeccable response time.

2 - traders and industrial overlords manufacture the goods that fuel the entire game and trade them on the well-protected markets in Jita, the heart of the Empire.

3 - .....building 15,000 spaceships and loading their guns with 1 round of ammo to shoot. And doing it right in front of the police.

4 - .....the Goonswarm’s goal is no less than invading the most protected and populated hub of industry in the galaxy and crushing it.

5 - Conquering the most populated system in the galaxy that’s also guarded by the richest players and over-protective NPC police is not a small job.

6 - They (GSF) launched that campaign last night (Friday) with hundreds of suicide runs into the system.

7 - In EVE there are 3 market hubs: Rens, Amarr, and Jita.

8 - (Early in the story) For the past three months, they’ve (CFC) been planning and building up a suicide squadron of fighters for their next campaign, called “Burn Jita". (Later in the story) The “Burn Jita” campaign has been in the works for roughly 4-5 months now.

9 - The weekend of April the 28th was chosen as the official launch date for the campaign because it’s the first weekend after CCP launched the first part of its Inferno expansion.

10 - And of course, it wouldn’t be a big EVE Online event without someone threatening to stab someone in real life.

These are just some of the statements presented in the story. It reminded me of how watching a movie that's based on a book is always different than the actually story within the book. Anyway, the write up in PC Gamer is a good promo for CCP despite all the biased half truths presented in it.

agree, great publicity but the writer never played EVE

The writer doesn't have to play Eve, he was conducting interviews with former CSM member Goonswarm pilot Zastrow and Lazarus Telraven, one of Goonswarm’s main Fleet Commanders. I wouldn't be surprised if CCP was silently involved with the interview as well.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#132 - 2012-04-29 15:52:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Garreck
PotatoOverdose wrote:
I wonder, does anyone have stats on how man freighters/jf's were ganked in Jita and the surrounding constellations before burn jita? It would be interesting to compare the burn jita results with some sort of baseline, because 25 freighter/9 jf kills doesn't seem all that impressive.

Personally, I had the popcorn out and was hoping for a bit more carnage. Perhaps my expectations were too high.

A quick look at Eve-kill shows 3 freighters were popped in Jita in January, 1 in Feb, 3 in March, and 32 so far in April, only 2 of those outside of the 27th/28th/29th time frame. Similar jumps in kill stats for exhumers and jump freighters (in fact zero jump freighters killed in Jita this year prior to this event which has apparently claimed 10.) Also of note is the number of involved ships in previous kills which indicate Concord sanctioned war in many cases.

I'm not sure what "more" people were expecting really. Given the pre-announcement which removed all but the dumbest/least aware of targets, and given the nature of time dilation and criminal flagging in tandem (slows down the rate of ganking)'s quite an accomplishment. The impacts on the Jita market, while no doubt temporary, are measurable at this point. The only real "promise" mittani made was the largest griefing event of the year, and destroying as many freighters in a weekend as would have been destroyed over the whole year at the current pace has to qualify.
Jacob Staffuer
#133 - 2012-04-29 15:58:29 UTC
Very disappointing. Expected 10x more than what it was.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#134 - 2012-04-29 16:05:28 UTC
Jacob Staffuer wrote:
Very disappointing. Expected 10x more than what it was.

Disappointing the Highsec Role Playing Carebear who has never ganked nor PVPed in his life truly fills me with shame. By your leave guys, I'm off to skill myself.

For Dreadnoughts.
Alara IonStorm
#135 - 2012-04-29 16:10:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Alara IonStorm
Jacob Staffuer wrote:
Very disappointing. Expected 10x more than what it was.

The event was over hyped.

Funny thing is that it was over hyped pretty much entirely by people making constant threads and commenting on each others theads about it.

I personally did not care less or see it having a major impact but every time I looked at GD last month a third of what I saw was...

Goons are ruining the game.
CCP are going to be forced to take action.
EVE is dying.
Burn Jita will accomplish nothing.
Burn Jita will destroy Jita.
People are going to panic over Burn Jita.
The Mittani is being petty by trying to ruin the game.
Everyone is going to quit EVE.
I'm going to farm killmails off of it.
Burn Jita is good for the economy.
Burn Jita is bad for the economy.
No one will be in Jita.
High Sec Carebears will all die and the forum will be flooded with tears.
Goons should all be banned from EVE.
Will Jita Burn?
What do you think of Burn Jita.
Ect, Ect, Ect.

For the past month this has been commented on non stop. That's where 90% of the hype came from from what in reality was just a short two day suicide ganking spree that accomplished exactly what I expected.

A bunch of ships died and most of the pilots all got in new ships and kept playing.
Gloomy Gus
Deep Core Mining Inc.
#136 - 2012-04-29 16:12:00 UTC
Krixtal can I get your opinion on

"DIE N***ERS1 DIE!!!" - EVENEWS24's Riverini "Gloomy Gus is literally a pocket" - Krixtal Icefluxor (former EVE Online player)

Cass Lie
State War Academy
Caldari State
#137 - 2012-04-29 16:14:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Cass Lie
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Lexmana wrote:
Duvida wrote:
I'm pretty sure that if it got to the point where CCP was saying 'Our paychecks are in danger!', that some 'things' would happen to ensure a happy high-sec population.

I think CCP marketing is pretty happy with the events so far:

OMFG, you gotta be kidding.

Talk about an obvious Public Relations 'used car salesman' tactic. That PC Gamer write up is pathetic. It has so many half truths stretched so far in it even a blind man could see all the holes. Hell, I'm not even sure what game they're talking about. Instead of using shovels to spread that manure, they used a Bulldozer and Dump Truck.

The entire write up is biased and one sided. Specifically written to portray the GSF as brilliant infamous Militaristic Strategists who flawlessly executed a precise plan to accomplish the most daring and impossible feat ever imagined in the history of Eve Online.

I will say it was an entertaining read and they did manage to get a couple of the facts correct. Such as Jita being the largest busiest Trade hub in high security and GSF's sole purpose is to grief other players and break the game. The rest of the write up is nothing more than overly dramatized half truths such as:

1 - It (Jita) is far from the dangers of null sec, an incredibly safe zone guarded by a deadly NPC police force with impeccable response time.

2 - traders and industrial overlords manufacture the goods that fuel the entire game and trade them on the well-protected markets in Jita, the heart of the Empire.

3 - .....building 15,000 spaceships and loading their guns with 1 round of ammo to shoot. And doing it right in front of the police.

4 - .....the Goonswarm’s goal is no less than invading the most protected and populated hub of industry in the galaxy and crushing it.

5 - Conquering the most populated system in the galaxy that’s also guarded by the richest players and over-protective NPC police is not a small job.

6 - They (GSF) launched that campaign last night (Friday) with hundreds of suicide runs into the system.

7 - In EVE there are 3 market hubs: Rens, Amarr, and Jita.

8 - (Early in the story) For the past three months, they’ve (CFC) been planning and building up a suicide squadron of fighters for their next campaign, called “Burn Jita". (Later in the story) The “Burn Jita” campaign has been in the works for roughly 4-5 months now.

9 - The weekend of April the 28th was chosen as the official launch date for the campaign because it’s the first weekend after CCP launched the first part of its Inferno expansion.

10 - And of course, it wouldn’t be a big EVE Online event without someone threatening to stab someone in real life.

These are just some of the statements presented in the story. It reminded me of how watching a movie that's based on a book is always different than the actually story within the book. Anyway, the write up in PC Gamer is a good promo for CCP despite all the biased half truths presented in it.

It was written so that a non-EVE player could understand what is going on. I think it did a pretty good job. Compare that to the eurogamer article, , which is perfectly fine in EVE-terms but a complete gibberish for the people having no clue about EVE.

Also, you could make a case that all the points are actually correct. Or would you care to point out the (blatantly) false ones?

EDIT: Ok, after a second read, 9 is just a fantasy, some of the others are so-so. I still think the article was more or less ok since it wasn't trying to be describing the events absolutely accurately.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#138 - 2012-04-29 16:25:42 UTC
1 - It (Jita) is far from the dangers of null sec, an incredibly safe zone guarded by a deadly NPC police force with impeccable response time.

More ships are lost in Jita than anywhere

4 - .....the Goonswarm’s goal is no less than invading the most protected and populated hub of industry in the galaxy and crushing it.

well a LOT of people in system were goons, and a lot of those where flitting about have a look so patently not true, also you cant invade highsec

at least...

that said I get they were dumbing it down a bit..

Anyway, much fun had by all

Jacob Staffuer
#139 - 2012-04-29 16:28:26 UTC
Xython wrote:
Jacob Staffuer wrote:
Very disappointing. Expected 10x more than what it was.

Disappointing the Highsec Role Playing Carebear who has never ganked nor PVPed in his life truly fills me with shame. By your leave guys, I'm off to skill myself.

For Dreadnoughts.

Awww you sound really mad right now. Does making stuff up about other people help you feel better, broh? You just keep slapping that straw man. You slap him, good.
Krixtal Icefluxor
#140 - 2012-04-29 16:33:06 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:

7 - In EVE there are 3 market hubs: Rens, Amarr, and Jita.

9 - The weekend of April the 28th was chosen as the official launch date for the campaign because it’s the first weekend after CCP launched the first part of its Inferno expansion.

These are the 2 points that tipped me off to the exaggeration.

And claiming Jita as 'the most protected system" Roll CONCORD is not ever any more or less than what it is: utterly consistent within any given security level.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882