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Burn Jita Over (?) - Outcome and Results

Serene Repose
#221 - 2012-04-30 16:21:10 UTC
Nothing was revealed.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Mr Stow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#222 - 2012-04-30 16:56:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Stow

I don't see this event as something ccp needs to respond to. But I do think it is a game changer to some degree. As a trade person, I and my associated corps have had to perform a serious re-assessment of how our trade is handled and navigational proceedures associated with it. Maybe this is a good thing. It sure hasn't been boring. I suppose if I had lost a capital ship I'd be howling along with the rest, but I remain calm. It's probably fair to say that many of us have been too complacent about trade hubs for too long. I have also visualized of a variation on the Goon gank formula that could be short-term terrifying for hi-sec trade. In all probability, Goon has thought of it too. Going forward, I see a couple of things happening. Depending on how Goon wishes to
behave for their next act, I see increased pressure for the developements of spot markets. (Think Arab Oil Embargo) This would be hugely beneficial to traders in response to the Jita blockade. But it wouldn't stop the Goons, just diminish the impact. I could be wrong; human nature is hard to predict. But I do see a some major changes to trade on the horizon.
Wolf Kruol
1st Tikiona Lancers
Citizen's Star Republic
#223 - 2012-04-30 17:17:40 UTC
I must say I had the most fun in jita.. I'm happy to see anything burn.. Especially goons.. Yet I have to give them credit. They did put on a great show.. Thanks for that. Great fun.. Gotta do it again sometime..

Till next time goonies.. Twisted


“If you're very very stupid? How can you possibly realize you're very very stupid?

You have to be relatively intelligent to realize how stupid you really are!”

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#224 - 2012-04-30 21:34:24 UTC
When you put all of your eggs in one basket and call it Jita, you make yourself vulnerable.

Now perhaps you see why people have been repeatedly stating that developing multiple regional markets is important, even if it means making travel more difficult to encourage them.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Alara IonStorm
#225 - 2012-04-30 21:51:09 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
When you put all of your eggs in one basket and call it Jita, you make yourself vulnerable.

Now perhaps you see why people have been repeatedly stating that developing multiple regional markets is important, even if it means making travel more difficult to encourage them.

To be fare Hi Sec has literally dozens of Hubs stocked with Battlecruisers, Battleships, Cruisers, Popular T2 Ships and Modules.

They don't have every little thing, sometimes they are understocked on items and some items are sold at a higher price.

These regional Hubs supply a lot of people but as long as there are 11 billion modules in this game there will be a centralized hub to cater to every need. The problem isn't the sellers market more in the buyers market. People sell there wares in the main hubs because they know they will get a fare price for everything in there hold in comparison to regional hubs where the 80% of crap Meta dropped modules don't have buy orders or they are those 1% there actual worth lets hope people are lazy buy orders.

When people need just one rare item not in there regional hub they will take all there current business to the main hub and buy everything there. Half the time they will also purchase everything they need at the hub while selling there garbage loot.

Last time I was in Jita there was 10 Myrmidons a two dozen Apocs, three dozen Harbingers and four Typhoons. Divide that over 10 regional hubs. The reason Regional Hubs as effective as Jita don't exist is not a fluke of the map. There isn't enough trade to sustain them.
Goonfleet Investment Banking
#226 - 2012-04-30 22:02:45 UTC  |  Edited by: corestwo
Krixtal blew his load early, as has been pointed out at some length. Here's some real numbers as well as mails for record kills and so on for you to peruse.

All information came from this page on eve-kill. Ship filters made it easier.

Things that make these numbers probably low: Eve-kill underestimates ship prices. I corrected freighter and jump freighter hull values for this, which is why you'll see they don't match below, but didn't bother with cargo except in certain cases. I also assumed that every kill scored had at least one pilot from GSF on it, and I'm sure that there are a handful of smaller kills that were TEST only or Razor only or whatever.

So! On to the numbers!

Total Destruction: 518.47 Billion Isk

By class?

Jump Freighters: 140.7 Billion, 14 kills. Average value: 10.05 Billion
Most valuable kill:

Freighters: 258.445 Billion, 57 kills. Average value: 4.534 Billion
Most valuable kill:

Tech 1 Industrials: 15.308 billion, 97 kills. Average value: 157.8m
Most valuable kill:

Note that this category includes noctii or noctum or whatever.

Tech 2 Industrials: 12.399 billion, 25 kills. Average value: 495.9m
Most valuable kill:

Exhumers: 8.84 billion, 26 kills. Average value: 340 million.
Most valuable kill:

Just a note to any aspiring Hulkageddon pilot - a solo catalyst can easily take down a normal hulk and even when they start tanking, three overheated catalysts is enough to kill them regardless of the tank, or so I'm told. The loot dropped by even a normal hulk, much less one like our MVK here, can pay for your ships alone, and when combined with a 100m isk prize per ten hulks destroyed, you'll be compensated quite handsomely for harvesting the tears of the carebears that are destroying our game. So pilots, go forth and die (while killing)

This post was crafted by a member of the GoonSwarm Federation Economic Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.


Goonfleet Investment Banking
#227 - 2012-04-30 22:03:02 UTC
Other Notable Kills - Nightmare, 2b even - Abaddon, 1.8b. "Surely if I supertank a battleship I'll be safe!" - Machariel, 1.9b - Disco Bhaalgorn, 1.3b. I don't even know what the heck is with this fit. - Machariel, 1.6b - 1.19b. Quite the name there, buddy.
All our strategic cruiser kills were wardecs doing dumb things to the tune of 6.3 billion isk lost. One of them also lost his full slave pod.

Speaking of pods with slaves, our victim AlaCasio also had them, who for some reason was piloting one of our less notable freighter kills. Maybe this keeps him safe from the more surgical gankers of Niarja or Uedama, but overkill was the name of the game so it didn't work here.

How about some more pods? - This guy got smartbombed with a full set of crystals. Nightmare pilot, if I had to guess. - Another smartbomb victim, with +5s and 5% gunnery implants. - Wardec with a billion isk pod. Whoops!

For your viewing pleasure, here are the rest of the pods that exceed half a billion isk in value.

In all, a total of 428 pods with implants died in Jita, for a total cost exceeding 50 billion isk. Average pod value, you may be interested to know, was 117.5 million.

And finally, some things that are notable only for their stupidity. "They got me once...." "Surely they won't go for me a second time"

Not to be outdone, this guy tried with three Noctii in a row. I have to assume he was being trolled at this point and was just too dumb to realize it.

This post was crafted by a member of the GoonSwarm Federation Economic Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.


Goonfleet Investment Banking
#228 - 2012-04-30 22:03:18 UTC
So, what did this cost us? Like kills, I'm sure these are low, since no doubt some people didn't bother posting losses to Eve-Kill. Best I can do, so sue me.

Thrashers (Fatal Ascension): 132
Thrashers (Fidelas Constans): 35
Thrashers (Test Alliance Please Ignore): 195
Thrashers (SpaceMonkey's Alliance): 47
Thrashers (Executive Outcomes): 6
Thrashers (Gentlemen's Agreement): 39
Thrashers (Goonswarm Federation): 661
Thrashers (Get Off My Lawn): 20
Thrashers (RAZOR Alliance): 23
Thrashers (Total): 1158
Reimbursement cost (GSF Only): 6.61 billion
Reimbursement Cost (TEST, 5m/hull): 975m
Cost (Everyone else, 5m/hull): 1.51b
Thrasher Total: 9.095B

Tornados (Fatal Ascension): 59
Tornados (Fidelas Constans): 7
Tornados (Test Alliance Please Ignore): 224
Tornados (SpaceMonkey's Alliance): 23
Tornados (Executive Outcomes): 8
Tornados (Goonswarm Federation): 967
Tornados (Gentlemen's Agreement): 22
Tornados (Get Off My Lawn): 2
Tornados (RAZOR Alliance): 22
Tornados (Total): 1334
Reimbursement Cost (GSF Only): 116.04B
Reimbursement Cost (TEST, 90m/hull): 20.16B
Everyone else (Assuming 110m hull cost): 13.73B
Tornado Total: 149.93B

I made a few generous assumptions on battleships, specifically that they were all lost to concord after smartbombing. Why else would we have them out?
Battleships (Fatal Ascension): 12
Battleships (BLACK-MARK): 2
Battleships (Fidelas Constans): 4
Battleships (Test Alliance Please Ignore): 24
Battleships (SpaceMonkey's Alliance): 5
Battleships (Executive Outcomes): 1
Battleships (Goonswarm Federation): 149
Battleships (Gentlemen's Agreement): 2
Battleships (Get Off My Lawn): 1
Battleships (RAZOR Alliance): 2
Battleships (Total): 202
Reimbursement Cost (GSF Only): 17.88B
Everyone Else (assuming average hull cost of 100m): 5.3B
Total: 23.18B


This post was crafted by a member of the GoonSwarm Federation Economic Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.


Goonfleet Investment Banking
#229 - 2012-04-30 22:07:37 UTC  |  Edited by: corestwo
Other effects? Well damn, there were other effects too. You can see them in major markets - just look at the volume traded for the day.

See that? Yes, the quantity volume where the traded volume for the 26th and especially the 27th through 29th was way down? Yeah, that one.

That effect is repeated throughout the market, certainly in all the minerals; nocxium, zydrine and megacyte got dumped on hard in particular, as speculators ran in a panic. Isotopes were down, Technetium and other moon minerals were down, you name it. Just about the only thing that didn't suffer massive drops in traded volume were, as you might guess, supplies for ganking. Thrashers, tornadoes, guns & other fittings, all were decidedly UP for the weekend. No surprises there.

CCP stated they'll have a devblog coming up, and I'm sure we'll be able to get some interesting numbers on the market volume the days before as well as during Burn Jita.

This post was crafted by a member of the GoonSwarm Federation Economic Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.


Kurai Kihaku
Commonwealth of Individuals
#230 - 2012-04-30 22:28:56 UTC
corestwo wrote:
harvesting the tears of the carebears that are destroying our game.

And how exactly are they destroying your game?
Epic Ganking Time
#231 - 2012-04-30 22:31:42 UTC
corestwo wrote:

Hay corestwo! Thanks for the links.

lol my alts Nocti did not fare wellBig smile

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Goonfleet Investment Banking
#232 - 2012-04-30 22:33:32 UTC  |  Edited by: corestwo
Kurai Kihaku wrote:
corestwo wrote:
harvesting the tears of the carebears that are destroying our game.

And how exactly are they destroying your game?

Shoot! I knew that I forgot to include the link for maximum troll factor.

Gogela wrote:
corestwo wrote:

Hay corestwo! Thanks for the links.

lol my alts Nocti did not fare wellBig smile

Oh hey its the guy too dumb to realize he was being picked on after the second kill. P

This post was crafted by a member of the GoonSwarm Federation Economic Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.


Epic Ganking Time
#233 - 2012-04-30 22:51:41 UTC
corestwo wrote:

What goes around comes around... I was just there to have fun.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

The Red Pill Taker Group
#234 - 2012-04-30 23:06:05 UTC
corestwo wrote:

Total Destruction: 518.47 Billion Isk

And in other news EVE GUP last 18 months:

200 Trillion.


Goonfleet Investment Banking
#235 - 2012-04-30 23:33:40 UTC  |  Edited by: corestwo
Cailais wrote:
corestwo wrote:

Total Destruction: 518.47 Billion Isk

And in other news EVE GUP last 18 months:

200 Trillion.


Come now, lets not stoop to trying to throw around Really Big Numbers to try to make this seem insignificant.

That makes the GUP 370,370,370,000 per day, or 1.481T for the four days we operated. In essence, we destroyed 35% of the GUP for the time period.

That said your numbers are from 2008 and badly out of date as a result.

This post was crafted by a member of the GoonSwarm Federation Economic Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.


Goonswarm Federation
#236 - 2012-04-30 23:45:10 UTC
Cailais wrote:
corestwo wrote:

Total Destruction: 518.47 Billion Isk

And in other news EVE GUP last 18 months:

200 Trillion.


you're one of those "bad at math" morlocks, i see

oogily boogily big number more fearsome

Amanda Holland
#237 - 2012-04-30 23:52:29 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
When you put all of your eggs in one basket and call it Jita, you make yourself vulnerable.

Now perhaps you see why people have been repeatedly stating that developing multiple regional markets is important, even if it means making travel more difficult to encourage them.

doubt it... itll be fogotten by next weekend

Whats the number of ppl in Jita right now?
Whats the number of ppl in Jita last monday at this time?

ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) vroom vroom motorcycle CCP to the sandbox: "This "adapt or die" attitude is nothing new to EVE, but we want to give it a constant rhythm that is a bit more under our control than in the past"

Gorinia Sanford
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#238 - 2012-04-30 23:52:39 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Welp, now that Hulkageddon is on and the 'official' part of Burn Jita is apparently over, the results from the EVE Kill board are a bit interesting.

Of the ships that are use for major transportation of goods, there were destroyed:

25 Freighters
9 Jump Freighters
1 Orca

That's IT for major cargoholds that actually haul a descent amount worth halting from trading.

Remaining are:

272 T1 Industrial class
87 T2 Transport (smallest cargoholds of these classes)

That's a grand total of 394 trade ships with only 35 of them being major ships.

I hardly think that broke our economy, especially if you follow CCP Diagoras and the scale of numbers in EVE, which are astonishingly LARGE. This is powdered toast comparatively.

The other 9200 losses are combat ships not used for major trade hauling anyway, mainly BC's and Destroyers. More than 1/4 are Capsules.

I remember the night of April 26th (about 7:00 PM PDT), I had some minerals to sell in Jita. And then being surprised by the time dilation factor. I made it to a station to dock, sell my stuff and depart. I was heading to my other base and had initiated a jump. As I was aligning and preparing to warp, I noticed some kind of beam hitting my ship, not a weapon, but I thought it might have been some kind of scan. About 3 seconds later, I warped.

I had no idea Burn Jita started early and I guess I'm lucky to have gotten out then. But I didn't go near there for a while, I merely continued to mine and stockpile my ore and minerals until I could fly in.
Gorinia Sanford
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#239 - 2012-04-30 23:54:48 UTC
Sendo Jarix wrote:
It hasn't finished yet and you are completely overlooking the surrounding systems where people leaving Jita were caught.

Except I manged to get in and out unscathed. Shocked
Goonfleet Investment Banking
#240 - 2012-04-30 23:55:18 UTC
Gorinia Sanford wrote:
I remember the night of April 26th (about 7:00 PM PDT), I had some minerals to sell in Jita. And then being surprised by the time dilation factor. I made it to a station to dock, sell my stuff and depart. I was heading to my other base and had initiated a jump. As I was aligning and preparing to warp, I noticed some kind of beam hitting my ship, not a weapon, but I thought it might have been some kind of scan. About 3 seconds later, I warped.

I had no idea Burn Jita started early and I guess I'm lucky to have gotten out then. But I didn't go near there for a while, I merely continued to mine and stockpile my ore and minerals until I could fly in.

Fear not, you're safe now! Reimbursements for burn jita and thus burn jita itself officially ended at 23:59 on the 29th. Blink

This post was crafted by a member of the GoonSwarm Federation Economic Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.
