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How old are you Eve Traders, and what is your profession in RL?

Kei Darker
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#101 - 2012-05-01 21:40:16 UTC
Damn, do I ever feel like I'm in good company playing this game.

23, Environmental Engineer, Biodiesel plant production manager
Derp Durrr
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#102 - 2012-05-01 21:42:33 UTC
25, musician & general hedonist

Founder of the soon-to-be Legendary Tournament series -=DESTRUCTION DERPY=- Are you up for the challenge? Join our ingame channel Destruction Derpy today!

Tri Yson
Eve Engineering Finance
#103 - 2012-05-01 22:18:02 UTC
Celi Annor wrote:
Interning at PIMCO and waiting for MBA school to start

Tell Mohamed to stop chatting with the S&P cheerleaders on CNBC and do some damn work.

32, Gigolo.
Alexis Valentyne
Anacorn Contracts Agency
#104 - 2012-05-01 23:36:44 UTC
20something, French/Spanish high school teacher and freelance translator.

I seem to smell the stench of appeasement in the air.

Paragon Group
#105 - 2012-05-01 23:41:14 UTC
32, Vice President, Supply Chain Management. Soldier (Deploying to Middle East in 19 days), Dad, Business Administration, MBA (Master of Business Administration, MSF (Master of Science in Finance), and next year a M.ACC (Masters of Accounting). I don't know why I keep getting degrees. But the final one I plan to get is a D.BA (Doctorate Business Administration)
Mercur Fighter
Gallente Federation
#106 - 2012-05-02 00:40:51 UTC
Gei'neille wrote:
I don't know why I keep getting degrees.

You Sir, are a scholar.
Amarr Empire
#107 - 2012-05-02 03:03:02 UTC
30, KSI
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#108 - 2012-05-02 05:07:19 UTC
23, Stack shelves in a supermarket, depressed as ****.
#109 - 2012-05-02 06:45:59 UTC
34, finance in a large maritime company.
Pixel Universe Brokerage Services
#110 - 2012-05-02 07:04:13 UTC
27, Social Media
Cthon Garuda
Armageddon Day
#111 - 2012-05-02 07:18:28 UTC
23, law student in germany Roll German Trading / Economy / bad-wannabe-PvP - Blog

Im bad and i know it

Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#112 - 2012-05-02 07:31:00 UTC
Mercur Fighter wrote:
Gei'neille wrote:
I don't know why I keep getting degrees.

You Sir, are a scholar.

No, I'm a scholar; he's just a guy who presumably has a lot of degrees. Lol At least they are related; it's not like he threw up a PHD in Astrophysical Egineering or something. The thing that gets me, is that he is both a soldier and a Vice President Question Otherwise I might believe it.

No offense if you are telling the truth up there, but it is rather hard to believe.

Actually, me being a scholar is sort of past tense. I haven't really kept up on it and I'm now pretty much a guy who knows a bunch of erroneous information about a bunch of different things. Some of the stuff I know is actually reputable too. The reason a lot of it is erroneous is because it's mostly stuff about ancient cultures, religions, paranormal and supernatural stuff, etc... no telling if it's right or wrong really, and given history is what it is, it's mostly wrong I have no doubt.

That's probably why I lost interest. Well, that and the fact that working for a living and such is far more relevent and important to life. Smile I'll worry about the rest later, when I'm actually bound to get solid answers. Hopefully, that is some serious long time from now.

Life is about living.

There's the meaning of life for you btw; just in case you were wondering.

In all truth, my occupation has just recently become Apprentice Electrician. Before that I did work as a Security technician, (mostly wiring up houses and other structures and including central vacuum rough-ins, vac installs, and occaisional security finishes).

Other occupations have run the gamut of Construction Trades, as well as Heavy Duty Mechanic. Basically, I've been nearly everything under the sun as far as Blue Collar trades go. Sadly, it never went anywhere, and I am only now looking at what might be a real opportunity to gain an actual trade.

I used to think being a scholar was something important, until I grew up and realized it doesn't pay the bills and nobody cares. That was some time ago, and I barely remember all the useless crap I studied. If it isn't cert., it isn't worth doing 99% of the time.

Now I pretty much consider just being employed and paying the bills more important than anything else. I certainly don't feel like wasting my free time studying something nobody is going to recognize or credit outside of perhaps some hippies somewhere.

Also, approaching 36 rather rapidly, which means I no longer consider time worth wasting. Provided this trade does go through and I actually get a solid apprenticeship out of it, it'll still be 4 years before I'm considered properly qualified.

All together, it actually looks quite like I've wasted my life for other peoples sake and don't have much time left before what most people consider retirement age. That could be quite depressing if I allowed myself to worry about it too much. Depressing just typing this.

I don't know if the rest of you are as honest as I am, but I don't think it really matters either. If it's a fantasy you want to project on others so they see you different, then that is your perogitive. If it's the honest truth in some or all of your cases, then that's cool too. I never really understood the point of threads like these on the internet though, when it's hard to truly trust anything you read here.

If history can't tell you the honest truth in well documented books and such, then I can't see as this would be any different. I'm sort of a gullible person in some respects, but I also tend to be very practical in others. Seeing is believing and all that. I second guess everything it seems, and particularly so if it seems even a little bit odd by any realistic measure.

Besides, it's been proven that people will lie about anything given the opportunity, and it doesn't really matter where or why so long as they think it benefits them or serves some particular purpose they see as being more important than the truth.

Why is all this here?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I'm probably getting a bit off topic and musing about things that none of you care about. ShockedBlink
Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#113 - 2012-05-02 08:58:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Dream Five
99, ex-pornstar.
Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#114 - 2012-05-02 09:00:30 UTC
corestwo wrote:
Illectroculus Defined wrote:
I develop software to do data mining.

I occasionally exploit it to make money in Eve.

Confirming that this man makes money datamining. Completely legitimately, it goes without saying. Twisted

Thats why eve-central is so laggy..
Zet Morg
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#115 - 2012-05-02 09:50:18 UTC
21, studying Aviation mechanics
Inventores Lda.
#116 - 2012-05-02 09:56:42 UTC
36, IT Systems Integrator
Thibault Etienne
#117 - 2012-05-02 10:38:59 UTC
Victim of recession. Was a pc fixer guy.
Absolute Order
Absolute Honor
#118 - 2012-05-02 13:44:53 UTC
24, College student
Angry Mustellid
#119 - 2012-05-02 14:17:01 UTC
Older than I was, younger than I will be.

I could tell you but life is more interesting when a little mystery remains.

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

Mercur Fighter
Gallente Federation
#120 - 2012-05-02 16:22:13 UTC
Mars Theran wrote:
Mercur Fighter wrote:
Gei'neille wrote:
I don't know why I keep getting degrees.

You Sir, are a scholar.

Besides, it's been proven that people will lie about anything given the opportunity, and it doesn't really matter where or why so long as they think it benefits them or serves some particular purpose they see as being more important than the truth.

True, but I think most people here are telling the truth. Because for most, there is no incentive or reason to lie.