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EVE General Discussion

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What ships do you want to see in EVE?

First post
Shady Macs Import and Export
#81 - 2012-04-26 07:43:11 UTC
Tech 3 frigs !!!

And i like the idea of another tech2 bc based on the tier2 bc's. I want my tech2 Myrm!P
Joshua Aivoras
Tech IV Industries
#82 - 2012-04-26 07:55:22 UTC
Enquirer wrote:
A ship designed to find cloaked ships.
Doesnt have to be able to kill, just find. The longer a cloaky stays put, the more likely it is to be found.

say that after 10 - 20 minutes after cloaking, one's cloak begins to bleed energy. Moving the cloak ship would reset timer. The longer a cloak ship is motionless, the more the energy bleeds from its cloak and the easier it will be to scan down by the anticloaky ship. Wouldnt effect anything other then afk cloakers... win / win.

safespot->cloak->doubleclick in space->afk->profit

How about ships with refining or manufacturing capabilities? Variable sizes, from t1 indy all they way up to Rorq

95% of the players are loving EVE, the other 5%? On the forums.

Babar Baboli
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#83 - 2012-04-26 08:00:00 UTC
Tech 3 hunterish frigs
Tech 2 BC's for exploration and such
Long Stroker
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#84 - 2012-04-26 08:16:59 UTC
CONCORD ships would be bad ass, with some concord ammo Twisted