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This is why CCP should nerf the Tengu.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#81 - 2012-02-24 12:58:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Diesel47
look at his tengu fit first then call ships OP:

Seeing as it cost 4x more than the two machs it killed.... combined.. I doubt the problem here is only the tengu.

That was a great pvp video, shame the music was horrid and the editing nonexistent.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#82 - 2012-02-24 15:06:04 UTC
If there is a problem, it's more to do with warfare links than the Tengu.
M1k3y Koontz
House of Musashi
Stay Feral
#83 - 2012-02-24 19:09:36 UTC
Diesel47 wrote:
look at his tengu fit first then call ships OP:

Seeing as it cost 4x more than the two machs it killed.... combined.. I doubt the problem here is only the tengu.

That was a great pvp video, shame the music was horrid and the editing nonexistent.

That tengu linked there is also a fail and its a good thing that it died.
Faction nanos = no
Lack of resists outside rigs = meh
100mn = still stupid IMO (unless you meet a drake blob, it just hurts your DPS and tank from the need of nanos and ancilary rigs)

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

Rei Seiji
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#84 - 2012-02-25 12:00:31 UTC
So on Youtube, I saw this video with this really overpowered ship... I think it's called the Velator? ...and it killed these other ships, and I totally think it should get nerfed based on this one video!
Muad 'dib
State War Academy
Caldari State
#85 - 2012-02-25 13:27:42 UTC
Tengu is fine.

Lucky for you whiners there are few amazing tengu pilots out there.

Belive me i killed many of these 100mn wanna be guys and it never gets close to working out as well as bopo etc

Unless of course this thread came up because the OP tryed it and failed miserably and is now crying about it.

Tengus are the only good caldari cruiser szied boat and it costs an obsene amount to achive results above expected.

Cosmic signature detected. . . . I got 99 likes, and this post aint one.

Jones Bones
Battle Toad Brigade
#86 - 2012-02-25 14:16:53 UTC
Properly fit 100mn Tengus tend to cost upwards of 2b. I'm sorry you expect to kill it with your Drake.
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#87 - 2012-02-25 17:01:26 UTC
Actually, you have probably seen OP in quite a few PvP videos.

Unfortunately for him, he's always in the overview.
Tinu Moorhsum
Random Events
#88 - 2012-02-27 02:17:03 UTC
Kingzolo wrote:

Too OP really.

What he's showing you is a bit of a fairytale. It's all snippets of action taken at different times and it's shows lots of "heroic" kills of t1 cruisers and battlecruisers and some damned good piloting.

What he doesn't show you is the ship that he had up his sleeve because he wants you to think that it was all solo action, but it wasn't. There were two in fleet and the other ship was likely a command Loki. Two pimp fit T3's versus some T1 cruisers and Battlecruisers makes for lots of explosions. Looks good for Youtube.

What he also isn't showing you is how many fights he had that ended in stalemates or fights where he had to run after killing the little stuff.

He's also not showing you this:

Yes, that's his Tengu, killed by a few BC's and various small stuff.

So yeah. the Tengu is a powerful ship and that pilot is pretty darned good with it, but it's far from a "win machine".

Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#89 - 2012-02-27 02:56:26 UTC
Wow, Tinu, what you aren't telling everyone is you read the whole thread, including my poast, and regurgitated it in a slightly different manner and told everyone the bleeding obvious that not every fight ends in victory. You, sir, are a legend.
Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#90 - 2012-02-27 05:45:32 UTC
I love how the OP cries that tengu's are OP, and the FW community is like na we kill lots of them Pirate

Tengu's really aren't the problem.

For instance,

Tengu warps in on top of our moa/gila, gila has no webs, moa has one web. However, the gila had neuts. It began to melt and our dramiel came in to get a 2nd web just incase. It should have had a 2nd t2 ancil rig instead of the missile rig for a 2nd nano but meh. Of course I don't think this tengu was boosted. One tech 1 cruiser and one faction cruiser plus a dramiel, for a total of 1 small neut, 1 medium neut, and two webs were enough to take it down.

Here's another tengu, this one had a much better fit and more isk thrown into it, but we used 100mn tengu to kill a 100mn tengu. The victim had falcon and naga to assist him. This tengu was not boosted either.

There isn't really a problem with tengus, I think boosters are an issue and should be limited to to being on the same grid, but that's a different discussion. Turning radius on tengu is really big, whoever he is primarying can just burn in the opposite direction once their tank starts to fail, forcing the tengu to either continue burning in the same direction, or be forced to turn around (and lose speed so a gangmate can web him) otherwise they lose out on a kill. People think blobbing and not piloting are the way forward nowdays and would rather scream nerf rather than bring a counter setup or use tactis Roll
Tinu Moorhsum
Random Events
#91 - 2012-02-27 11:09:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Tinu Moorhsum
Trinkets friend wrote:
Wow, Tinu, what you aren't telling everyone is you read the whole thread, including my poast, and regurgitated it in a slightly different manner and told everyone the bleeding obvious that not every fight ends in victory. You, sir, are a legend.

I don't know what function it serves to insult other people on forums while hiding behind a fictive avatar. Mate, it's not necessary. Be a good sport and get your PVP in game please.

You're right about one thing. I don't recall reading your post but if you were saying the same thing, it's not too surprising. I can't be the only one that saw the obvious.

Daphny Naarma
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#92 - 2012-02-27 17:11:39 UTC
There is one thing about this discussion that makes it... funny'ish. Post after post, we see (at least in a clear majority) how people - through empirical facts, theorycrafting and what not - try to 'proove' that the Tengu isn't OP and what's 'really' wrong/right/whatever.

What people do 'wrong' in here (incl. OP) is trying to measure inbalance and a disproprotionally skewed demand for a certain ship by it's actual performance. From a game perspective - something rather irrelevant.

Let's put it this way: In fact, the Tengu is easily beaten by two Punishers (one tackles and one... oh well, one tackles). It sometimes self-combust on undocking - destroying it or severely damaging it, for some strange and yet unexplained reason. Price in Jita is about 20b, which seems a bit much for a ship that you risk losing on undock, or being on the red, flashy side of two T1 frigs. Right? Right?

Considering the above being true. At the same time, it is clear that long time vets, (some literally harboring an EVE-life long hate toward missiles), as well as a disproportionally large part of newer/young players in the middle of deciding on race/career/training, decide they really need to train into Tengu to be competitive.

Which of the two arguments above mattters to the game and the great diversity (in a relative sense) CCP has accomplished with EVE? That the Tengu really isn't OP - I SWEAR - my Punisher have 16 KMs solo on Tengus (actually only 13 'true' kills, 3 were into structure from the undocking 'discomfort') - or that a disproportionally large part of the community (especially thinking here of new players who ask "WAT IS GOD SHIP??+") that does indeed populate those skill point branches as we type this?

To me, the second argument beats the first - no contest, even if I made very clear that Tengu is a horrible ship. I am concerned with every jack to diversity because it brings EVE closer to a lot of other MMOs minimizing the differences which are the reasons I do play EVE, and not... one of the other.

Do I want Tengu nerfed? It is not up to me. It doesn't really concern me whether it outputs 600dps at 100km or 5000dps and 1000km because I am not competing for turf or KMs with them atm. However - there is something about the Tengu (regardless of whatever dozens of "proof" of non-OPness listed in here) that is extremely attractive and that DOES influence the coolness of EVE: that there is no "legendary sword". That concerns me.

In practice: Regardless of figures and proof, the aim should be that no ship has such a clear advantage when it comes to attracting players that in the end, a disproportional part of the playerbase fly it. If this is done by nerfing the Tengu, or buffing the other T3s slightly - whatever. Hopefully CCP does something before painting themselves too far into the corner.
Outz Xacto
Echelon Munitions
#93 - 2012-02-27 17:58:27 UTC
Daphny Naarma

I would hope that CCP wouldn't just change something because people like it, even when there are a number of other ships that do what it does just as well if not better.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#94 - 2012-02-27 21:48:29 UTC
You never hear people say "Legion is the best t3" or "Proteus is the best t3". You might occasionally hear people say that the Loki is the best, but by far if you ask people which t3 is the best, they'll tell you it's the Tengu.

I didn't give in to the hype, and so being an Amarr player who trains primarily Amarr ships I went for the Legion. And while yeah the Legion is a nice ship, it doesn't have the DPS, the tank, or the range of the Tengu.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

#95 - 2012-03-24 17:15:04 UTC
Kingzolo wrote:

Too OP really.

I'll tell you why 100MN HAM legion also needs a nerf as well as a lot of other ships.

Darvaleth Sigma
Imperial Security Hegemony
#96 - 2012-03-24 19:32:08 UTC
Who's willing to bet the OP was one of the people who got floored by the Tengu in that video...

You shouldn't just nerf ships because they beat you. Don't get mad, get even.

Give a man a match and you warm him for a day.

Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life!

Rindon Callsar
Amarr Empire
#97 - 2012-03-25 04:37:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Rindon Callsar
Gempei wrote:
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
Or just buff the other T3s.

this, others T3s need some love Pirate

I agree completely. Nerfing is usually never the answer. Buffing the other ships in the same class to be on par is the best thing for everyone. As it stands now the Tengu is the "I can do just about everything in the game well" ship, while the other t3 are semi-good to decent in one or two aspects.

That being said, it is going to be very interesting to see what changes are going to be brought to all ships in general with the Inferno expansion. I am excited and scared at the same time since it could entirely change the way some ships are designed to work.

Too bad all ships aren't like t3's in the area of being able to "build" what you want with the subsystems. How awesome would that be to pick and choose for every class of ship. Would bottle the mind!
#98 - 2012-03-25 13:23:03 UTC
Trinkets friend wrote:
This whole thread should be retitled "why I hate T3 booster alts".

Faction dissy + T2 warfare links in a booster loki + skirmish mindlink = 50km point. Easy. 22km faction webs.
You get another 40% to AB and MWD speed.
Plus a 35% reduction in sig radius if you go that third link. Or, you can take the siege link and get 27.5% to shield stuff. Depends what he wants.

Toss in a blue pill and implants, and yeah, you can see how this guy achieves it. Plus, of course, having a clear game plan.

- web ships die first
- neut ships die second
- ceptors next
- then you go for the prize

If you are fighting a guy named XBOPOHx in a 100MN Tengu and there's a Captain BOPOH in local, and you have a Loki on scan named "not a booster" and you don't do the maths, yeah, prepare to lose your Machariel.

You will also notice he did not do so well vs fleets with ECM. Pencil that in your play books, ladies.

The real issue with the 100MN Tengu is the sig radius. With the speed he is getting from overheated 100MN, and a 35% reduction in sig radius, he is a) traveling faster than missile explosion velocity b) faster than most missiles anyway c) his sig radius is so low that if they do hit, it does SFA.

I don't know you need to nerf these ships. You need to buff people's situational awareness.

Nerfing off-grid boosters would solve a lot of this booster-alt sillyness. It made dual-boxing 'solo' fighting pretty much the norm.

Operation WRITE DOWN ALL THE THINGS!!!  Check out the list at Collecting and compiling all fixes and ideas for EVE. Looking for more editors!

Kat Bandeis
Trinity Industries Corp.
#99 - 2012-03-25 14:42:07 UTC
I don't see a problem here. Was OP one of those spanked mercilessly? Cool

Lrn2Fly Tengu and you can start succeeding like those in the video. Don't whine about a ship being overpowered with it's the player behind the keyboard that's got the issues.
Qui Shon
Lone Wolf Freelancers
#100 - 2012-03-25 18:07:49 UTC
Kingzolo wrote:

Too OP really.

Best Eve vid I've seen in ages.
Great music, and 1(player, if not ship) vs many which is always a great subject.

Mad props to this boppo guy for the vid ;)