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Do we want the new graphics upgrade?

First post
Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#161 - 2012-03-25 06:51:18 UTC
Aedin Dallocort wrote:
Um, no.

The graphics in the presentation were AMAZING, but there are so many things in EVE that need attention that dedicating a team better graphics seems trivial.

Also, seems like CCP is focusing on 'pretty' rather than game mechanics, AGAIN.

right, if i do recall, theya lready ahve several teams, not all programmers can work on everything, whos to say the majority fo the work on this project would requrie the guys that are responsible for fixing glitches adn reiterating on old content? honestly the only teams that this would effect that already ahs alot of work would be the art and hamster departments.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#162 - 2012-03-25 06:56:06 UTC
Where can I see the demo hjalp pls Shocked

I think EVE already looks pretty damn fantastic, but of course new graphics are needed at some point.


Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#163 - 2012-03-25 06:59:30 UTC
+1.. Do it,,
+1 for new shield,amor,hull hit effects // Do it !!!!!!!
Sgt AngelWisper Mortis
Shadow Angels Of Requiem
#164 - 2012-03-25 07:13:27 UTC
JamDunc wrote:
CCP just announced the potential for a new graphics upgrade.

The new upgrade would take 5 man years. For comparison the Trinity upgrade took 50 man years.


Defo voting YES to this



Your darkest secret can be someone else's desired wish._

Ai Shun
#165 - 2012-03-25 07:18:39 UTC
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
RIGHT, so only us asberger children use desktops.... as longas a desktop can turn out 10X the power fo the ebst alptop (as onga s the desktop is at least modestly funded) then ill use a desktop, i prefer ebing able to ahev as many program,s on as i want, LoL on one screen, Eve on another, and sometimes Dawn of War (1 or 2) on the third.

You should have another one. My round.

+1 for graphics updates.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#166 - 2012-03-25 07:27:23 UTC
Yes. And props to CCP for tossing amazingness at us from every angle.

Hello, hello again.

Kaivar Lancer
#167 - 2012-03-25 07:50:38 UTC
zero2espect wrote:
Kaivar Lancer wrote:
I hope CCP understands that more computer-users are drifting towards mobile devices like laptops, netbooks and tablets. The high-end, graphics-friendly desktop is going the way of the dodo.

Then again, aspies don't use mobile devices since they never leave the basement. Perhaps CCP understands its users better than I do.

no they are not. more and more "people" are drifting towards tablets because they have never been gamers and think "omg haz u seen this game called angry birds?!?!?!?!?! i haz it, like me on facebook. k thanks. omg i am now a gamer because i say LOL!"

gamers have and always will be pc guys because you get access to the best graphics, much faster than other platforms.

If you're a gamer aged 35+ or rich, then the idea of an expensive, gaming-dedicated desktop brick doesn't seem so strange. For me, my "PC" purchases are based on a balance between performance and portability because I don't use my computer simply for games. Maybe I'm an exception, and the EVE crowd is very niche, hence my last paragraph.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#168 - 2012-03-25 07:54:40 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:
Dear CCP,

Rather than asking us, is there any way you can detect if the video card can support Tesselation, and then just use it?

Um, that's not the issue here. They're concerned about the man-hours required to get it up and running, not the technical issues (which are already solved, btw). If they set a team working on the DX11 features, that same team can't be working on other graphics-related things, be they damage effects, V3ing of further assets, or what-have-you.

Speaking of, they didn't really tell us what would be redirected in order to work on this stuff...
Worker Bee1
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#169 - 2012-03-25 07:57:42 UTC
There is no free lunch...

please keep that in mind when you are asking for this update. It will mean that you will not get something else that needs art resources, like the pos revamp or new ships etc. just going about shouting DO IT! is pretty short sighted in my opinion.

I would like to know what the exact trade of is. When the resources will be taken from Dust/WoD/Character gameplay, do it. When they gonna be taken from FiS/pos, dont.
Nemesis Logistics
Goonswarm Federation
#170 - 2012-03-25 08:08:01 UTC
Florestan Bronstein
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#171 - 2012-03-25 08:34:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Florestan Bronstein
I'm fine with upgrading the EVE graphics - as long as CCP allows me to run at least 2-3 clients in windowed mode on reasonably current hardware (updating to a new mid-range card every 18-24 months).

If they repeat the Incarna mistake of writing system specs for one client only (ignoring the realities of how their game is played) I'm not going to be happy.
Dalmont Delantee
Gecko Corp
#172 - 2012-03-25 08:35:46 UTC
Kaivar Lancer wrote:
I hope CCP understands that more computer-users are drifting towards mobile devices like laptops, netbooks and tablets. The high-end, graphics-friendly desktop is going the way of the dodo.

Then again, aspies don't use mobile devices since they never leave the basement. Perhaps CCP understands its users better than I do.

I've never understood why people are using laptops, netbooks etc especially for games...seems like the same reason that people use use MAC's because they are 'cool'.

If I wanted to game in bed I'd never get any rest or sleep!
Merciless Reckoning
#173 - 2012-03-25 08:52:25 UTC
Hell yes.
Cyrus Deacon
Darkstar Interstellar Demolitions Conglomerate
#174 - 2012-03-25 09:02:05 UTC
Very much for.

1 year for one team to complete would be alot less of an effort then trinity was back in the day.

tesselation is the future, and the future looks good!
Alaere Rin
State War Academy
Caldari State
#175 - 2012-03-25 09:15:19 UTC
My concern with the new graphics system is scalability when facing huge battles. However, from what I saw on the presentation, the ability to adjust tessellation on the fly with a simple slider means that you could effectively create a means to handle graphics scaling as more and more ships enter the same spot. Basically, gracefully degrade the poly count per ship so that the client is not overwhelmed with a massive explosion in graphical goodness.

Other than that, new graphical tech is always nice, especially if it is well done. It adds to the game and helps it age better, which is always a concern for an long-lived MMO like EVE Online. So, whilst I'm sure CCP have the scalability side of things in mind (for both low-end and high-end systems, along with fleet scaling), I can then say that:

Yes, I do want to see the graphical goodies as demonstrated by CCP. My only caveat is for this not to be the top top priority.


Kaivar Lancer wrote:
If you're a gamer aged 35+ or rich, then the idea of an expensive, gaming-dedicated desktop brick doesn't seem so strange. For me, my "PC" purchases are based on a balance between performance and portability because I don't use my computer simply for games. Maybe I'm an exception, and the EVE crowd is very niche, hence my last paragraph.

24 here, and using a gaming rig I put together with my own earned money. Big tower too. AND the system was put together with more than just gaming in mind, since I wanted to do some heavy duty processing work (3D modelling, rendering, etc). It is the product of planned budget and geeky love. I named my creation Bhaal.

And please, the PC is never going to go away. No matter how much hipsters say the next best thing is going to make it obsolete. Desktops were supposed to make servers obsolete; Servers are still here and very much widely used. Consoles were supposed to kill PC gaming; PC gaming is thriving. Tablets are supposed to do the same, but based on history, tablets will simply create a niche and thrive in that niche, without necessarily diminishing the PC niche. Casual gamers are one thing, but don't think every traditional gamer out there has converted into a casual gamer, simply because they can now touch some screen into doing various gimmicky things.

Yes, there are a lot more 'gamers' out there, but a lot of the very casual crowd did not come from the more traditional pool of gamers. The traditional crowd still exist, and they have their own preferences, ones which tend to differ from more casual gamers. I'm not saying casual gamers are bad, in fact, I welcome my casual brethren! But EVE is not a casual game. Therefore, the fact that more casual users are migrating to systems more suited to their needs will not impact the game nor its long-term success. And so, your point and objection is largely irrelevant.
Muffins Mamma
Cake Factory
#176 - 2012-03-25 09:20:17 UTC
Do it!
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#177 - 2012-03-25 09:30:20 UTC
Do it!

Having awesome graphics is never a bad thing.
#178 - 2012-03-25 09:59:41 UTC
Hell Yeah Twisted all graphics upgrades are VERY welcome! Big smile but... concentrate first on sound upgrades...
Jace Errata
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#179 - 2012-03-25 10:06:56 UTC
+1 so long as 1) texture resolution goes up [even V3 textures are pretty blurry right now] and 2) there aren't swarms of magnetic asteroids unrealistically close together, like there were in the Revenant video.


One day they woke me up so I could live forever

It's such a shame the same will never happen to you

Darkstar Corodius
Neotech Industries
Tau Ceti Alliance
#180 - 2012-03-25 10:11:06 UTC
As long as the POS Revamp doesn't get pushed back because of it, I am all for it. :D