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wheelchair user needs a corp

Punk Zak
#1 - 2011-09-24 13:24:16 UTC

my name is Zak. I am 19 years old and in a wheelchair with Cerebral Palsy. I have limited movement and no speech.

I am from the uk and usually play from 4PM to 8PM UK time (15:00-19:00 eve time) I am looking for a corp to join that has plenty of members on during the above times, and would feel comfortable with me just using the chat, as due to my limited movement it is difficult for me to mine or haul - and even harder to do missions!

I love Eve - and I spend most my game time checking the market or escrow - and chatting. I use a bank of 4 switches and 2 buttons to type using an onscreen keyboard and a word prediction program. It is important that people understand this and are relaxed about me, as it usually takes a while to reply. I like chatting to older players as they are usually more patient.

I don't need any take access to hangers, but I do like looking at all the stuff, so I'd appreciate view access if possible. My dad also plays eve and he gives me stuff I need.
Zeie N'haro
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2011-09-24 14:52:50 UTC
Hi Zak,

Nemesis Holdings Corp is a UK/EU based corp, part of Luna Sanguinem alliance, which has other UK and US based corps in its membership. We have an active membership and usually plenty of people to chat to during your play hours.

Check us out ingame, join our channel NEMHO PUBLIC, or contact myself or Dal Brinium for a chat.
Gladius Badasius
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2011-09-24 17:21:57 UTC
I see this post pop up occasionally. Does anyone know if this is for real? Something just screams "corp theft" to me.