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An apology to the IGS community.

Boma Airaken
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-03-22 20:03:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Boma Airaken
On behalf of the Seekers, to both the fluid router operators and their patrons, I would like to apologize for any abuses of the fluid router network you have had to tolerate, indirectly, as a result of our current operations. While this additional thread may not be necessary, or even be considered as adding to the problem, it is imperative to me that you all know that we in no way, shape, or form foresaw these results or encouraged them. I would also like to thank all those actively participating in putting an end to these abuses and ensuring that those responsible are held accountable.

Thank You,

Boma Airaken
Zhayedan Sardir
Ba'atheen Aljannatal Asaakitah
Equilibrium of Mankind
Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#2 - 2012-03-22 20:10:28 UTC
You aren't going to hear me say this often, Boma, but keep going. Do what you do.
Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#3 - 2012-03-22 20:15:14 UTC
What Tiberious said.

You and I rarely see eye-to-eye for various reasons, Boma, but this is going to be that rare occasion where I can't exactly disagree with your corporation's choice of action.

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#4 - 2012-03-22 20:16:47 UTC
Boma Airaken wrote:
On behalf of the Seekers, to both the fluid router operators and their patrons, I would like to apologize for any abuses of the fluid router network you have had to tolerate, indirectly, as a result of our current operations. While this additional thread may not be necessary, or even be considered as adding to the problem, it is imperative to me that you all know that we in no way, shape, or form foresaw these results or encouraged them. I would also like to thank all those actively participating in putting an end to these abuses and ensuring that those responsible are held accountable.

Thank You,

Boma Airaken
Zhayedan Sardir
Ba'atheen Aljannatal Asaakitah
Equilibrium of Mankind

War always has unintended consequences, Boma.
See already by Mr. Thessalonia's response how you have begun to enter the mainstream? True slave foundations is now patting the Seekers on the back and saying "keep it up" and "Good boy." Your apology to the culture is an overture of acceptance. Boma, you have lost your uniqueness.

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Kikia Truzhari
Teraa Matar
#5 - 2012-03-22 20:18:06 UTC
I shouldn't be agreeing with the evil cultists...I shouldn't be agreeing with the evil cultists...I shouldn't be agreeing with the evil cultists...

Spirits save me, but keep it up Boma.
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#6 - 2012-03-22 20:23:35 UTC
Kikia Truzhari wrote:
I shouldn't be agreeing with the evil cultists...I shouldn't be agreeing with the evil cultists...I shouldn't be agreeing with the evil cultists...

Spirits save me, but keep it up Boma.

Congratulations Boma, you have safely arrived in the mainstream. Everyone says "welcome."

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#7 - 2012-03-22 20:26:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Tiberious Thessalonia
Ston Momaki wrote:
Boma Airaken wrote:
On behalf of the Seekers, to both the fluid router operators and their patrons, I would like to apologize for any abuses of the fluid router network you have had to tolerate, indirectly, as a result of our current operations. While this additional thread may not be necessary, or even be considered as adding to the problem, it is imperative to me that you all know that we in no way, shape, or form foresaw these results or encouraged them. I would also like to thank all those actively participating in putting an end to these abuses and ensuring that those responsible are held accountable.

Thank You

Boma Airake
Zhayedan Sardi
Ba'atheen Aljannatal Asaakita
Equilibrium of Mankind

War always has unintended consequences, Boma.
See already by Mr. Thessalonia's response how you have begun to enter the mainstream? True slave foundations is now patting the Seekers on the back and saying "keep it up" and "Good boy." Your apology to the culture is an overture of acceptance. Boma, you have lost your uniqueness.

You are not helping your cause

No one is looking on you with sympathy and going "You know, maybe he's right.

What you are doing is driving people away from your cause in droves. Look at this, Ston, you have successfully managed to make an EoM Zhayedan, a Matari Shaman, and a Nation Loyalist agree that for the good of the universe you need to be put down.

I sincerely hope that you are piloting crewless vessels.
Silas Vitalia
#8 - 2012-03-22 20:28:44 UTC
Boma Airaken wrote:
On behalf of the Seekers, to both the fluid router operators and their patrons, I would like to apologize for any abuses of the fluid router network you have had to tolerate, indirectly, as a result of our current operations. While this additional thread may not be necessary, or even be considered as adding to the problem, it is imperative to me that you all know that we in no way, shape, or form foresaw these results or encouraged them. I would also like to thank all those actively participating in putting an end to these abuses and ensuring that those responsible are held accountable.

Thank You,

Boma Airaken
Zhayedan Sardir
Ba'atheen Aljannatal Asaakitah
Equilibrium of Mankind

Don't you dare apologize.

Sabik now, Sabik forever

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#9 - 2012-03-22 20:35:18 UTC
Tiberious Thessalonia wrote:

You are not helping your cause

No one is looking on you with sympathy and going "You know, maybe he's right.

What you are doing is driving people away from your cause in droves. Look at this, Ston, you have successfully managed to make an EoM Zhayedan, a Matari Shaman, and a Nation Loyalist agree that for the good of the universe you need to be put down.

I sincerely hope that you are piloting crewless vessels.

With the exception of the first kill which was a patrol industrial with a rescue crew on board, all others have been and will be un-crewed rookie ships. I honor the lives of my lost crew who were completely dedicated to non-violence.

Yes, indeed, the EoM, Matari Shaman and Nation loyalist all join the mainstream in seeking to "put down" the protest. Interesting choice of words. They do have a historical ring to them. "Let us all join together to put down the non-violent protest so we can get back to our ways of violence unimpeded." History repeats itself in the most interesting of places.

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#10 - 2012-03-22 21:11:44 UTC
Ston, stop being an ignorant fool.

Most of us would prefer peace and a lack of violence whenever possible.

However, you have continuously tested our patience over the last few months, and despite multiple statements to this fact by a number of parties, you have persisted in this behavior. You do not seem inclined to change after nonviolent options have been attempted, which doesn't leave many alternatives; now people are resorting to something that they know works.

From what I can tell, all you had to do was stop shitting up the IGS with multiple threads when just the one would have sufficed. That's what annoyed people so much; it's what they asked you to stop doing, over and over.

But did you stop?

No. And now they're going to use your little "sit-in" tactic against you.

And by the way, you're just as "mainstream" as anyone else here, given the constant attention-grabbing attempts.

Real humanitarians and altruists do what they do simply because they enjoy helping others - they neither have nor need any further motivation. If that was why you and your ilk do what you do, you wouldn't need to jump up and down and crow about it on the IGS.

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

Rek Jaiga
Teraa Matar
#11 - 2012-03-22 21:12:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Jaiga
The amount of cognitive dissonance I am currently experiencing is breath-taking. Basically what everyone else said...we don't need a new thread every time a ship is destroyed. If the Disciples so wish, they may mail me personally on the events instead.

Addendum: Perhaps the formation of a Disciples mailing list would be an even more optimal solution. Those interested in their goings-on would receive updates as needed.
Uraniae Fehrnah
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2012-03-22 21:32:50 UTC
You know, I can respect what the Stonites do in principle. Pacifism can be an admirable thing to maintain, and there certainly is some merit to protest by way of awareness and annoyance.

However Ston, you've said so yourself that the "culture" here is not exactly the sort to tolerate annoyance. It's a odd situation honestly where we, as capsuleers, will take greater offense to minor annoyance than we will to actually being shot. In this situation I also feel it is akin to screaming at the tide for washing away your sand castle. Yes, you can be irate about it, frustrated, you can scream at the top of your lungs until you are blue in the face...but the tide does not, will not, and simply cannot respond to your protests in any amicable fashion.

Further there are some extremely old sayings that have parallels across multiple cultures in some ways.

All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

I also feel this one is fitting as well.

You can get more of what you want with a kind word and a gun, than you can with a kind word alone.

Of course you can take what you wish from those two phrases, but I'll be blunt. You are a capsuleer Ston, you accepted this life with the knowledge there would undoubtedly be violence involved. Rail and rant all you wish, but you knew this to be the case from before you started training, and yes, you can despise it. But at some point some things are better left without attempts to change them, like certain forces of nature. And yes, I'm aware our existence as capsuleers might seem contrary to that whole notion of preserving a natural order, but in truth, we're still doing our part for that order, even if we evade death longer than usual.
Boma Airaken
Caldari State
#13 - 2012-03-22 21:36:01 UTC
Ston Momaki wrote:
Tiberious Thessalonia wrote:

You are not helping your cause

No one is looking on you with sympathy and going "You know, maybe he's right.

What you are doing is driving people away from your cause in droves. Look at this, Ston, you have successfully managed to make an EoM Zhayedan, a Matari Shaman, and a Nation Loyalist agree that for the good of the universe you need to be put down.

I sincerely hope that you are piloting crewless vessels.

With the exception of the first kill which was a patrol industrial with a rescue crew on board, all others have been and will be un-crewed rookie ships. I honor the lives of my lost crew who were completely dedicated to non-violence.

Yes, indeed, the EoM, Matari Shaman and Nation loyalist all join the mainstream in seeking to "put down" the protest. Interesting choice of words. They do have a historical ring to them. "Let us all join together to put down the non-violent protest so we can get back to our ways of violence unimpeded." History repeats itself in the most interesting of places.

The vessels, the crew, they do not matter. As long as you and yours are rendered ineffective, there is restoration of balance, as far as we are concerned, and there will be no end in sight as long as you and yours exist.

As for being "mainstream", everyone here who has rendered vocal support knows very well that they either have been under our scrutiny before, or will be again, so I doubt highly that their words of encouragement are more for me than they are for the simple end of you.

Your protest was not at all nonviolent, and that is why we have come to guide you to righteousness.

Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#14 - 2012-03-22 22:09:31 UTC
At times like this, I am so glad I am no longer a Disciples of Ston so I can say that Boma ought to change the title of this thread from "Boma apologizes to Boma kisses ass."

What a total compromise of integrity. In spite of being a pompous windbag at least you used to stand out. Not anymore. Now you have joined all the other butt kissers. What a disappointment.

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Boma Airaken
Caldari State
#15 - 2012-03-22 22:18:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Boma Airaken
Edaine Numenor wrote:
At times like this, I am so glad I am no longer a Disciples of Ston so I can say that Boma ought to change the title of this thread from "Boma apologizes to Boma kisses ass."

What a total compromise of integrity. In spite of being a pompous windbag at least you used to stand out. Not anymore. Now you have joined all the other butt kissers. What a disappointment.

Based on this proof of absolute suffering and fear, I am willing to modify my initial terms for a diplomatic end to this situation. You and Ston have twenty four hours to contact me directly via FTL comms before I decide that any sort of diplomacy is permanently off the table.
Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#16 - 2012-03-22 22:47:45 UTC
Boma Airaken wrote:
Edaine Numenor wrote:
At times like this, I am so glad I am no longer a Disciples of Ston so I can say that Boma ought to change the title of this thread from "Boma apologizes to Boma kisses ass."

What a total compromise of integrity. In spite of being a pompous windbag at least you used to stand out. Not anymore. Now you have joined all the other butt kissers. What a disappointment.

Based on this proof of absolute suffering and fear, I am willing to modify my initial terms for a diplomatic end to this situation. You and Ston have twenty four hours to contact me directly via FTL comms before I decide that any sort of diplomacy is permanently off the table.

Edaine Numenor raises his middle finger in Boma's direction "faster than light."

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Seekers of a Silent Paradise
#17 - 2012-03-23 00:31:59 UTC
Echoing my Zhayedan's statements to the effect of an apology regarding this matter.

Some people simply don't have the decency to die quietly.

SASPR Amir al-Mu'minin

Bai'xao Meiyi
#18 - 2012-03-23 01:52:40 UTC
So the Seekers are killing DSTON because there annoying? Is that an accurate interpretation of what is going on?
Rek Jaiga
Teraa Matar
#19 - 2012-03-23 01:58:29 UTC
Seekers of a Silent Paradise. Seekers of a Silent Paradise. Silent......Paradise.
Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#20 - 2012-03-23 02:37:52 UTC
Rek Jaiga wrote:
Seekers of a Silent Paradise. Seekers of a Silent Paradise. Silent......Paradise.

I think I've finally begun to understand why they're at war.

Katrina Oniseki

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