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Crime & Punishment

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Crime Spree

Minmatar Heavy Industries
#141 - 2012-03-21 21:11:29 UTC
Psychotic Monk wrote:

You shrug too much fix your posture & I'll give you a cookie
Turn that frown upside down!
Don't worry Double rainbow guy still luvs you Lol
An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Minmatar Heavy Industries
#142 - 2012-03-21 21:12:55 UTC
DarthNefarius wrote:
Psychotic Monk wrote:

You shrug too much fix your posture & I'll give you a cookie
Turn that frown upside down!
Don't worry Double rainbow guy still luvs you Lol

o\ Hmm actually looking at your toon then mine it looks like you are smiling & I'm frowning
An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Miss Congenialty
Gallente Federation
#143 - 2012-03-21 21:51:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Miss Congenialty
Psychotic Monk wrote:
Apolleneous wrote:
[quote=rareden][quote=Apolleneous]I fail to see the point here, as you are complaining about "PvP" in high-sec, take yourself to low or null and get all you want brah simple, lots of luck with your propaganda though Blink.

In null I can't really harass a particularly punchable target very effectivly.

(Also, grief is fun.)

I like your admission that you are useless when faced with armed opponents on equal ground. And don't try to play your silly games with me about how difficult it is to get to those targets you would like to punch. I have way too much time in a large null alliance to be fed bullcrap about that.

I'm trying to squeeze what you meant out of what you wrote, but you aren't much help. "a particularly punchable target" is one that could be reached easily (not just "punch able" but "particularly punch able") and the rest of your phrase leads me to believe you feel you are inept at being able to strike an easily available target. This use of language goes against your penchant for smacktalking. Had you said "a particularly desirable target for a punch" then I would think the target is one you really want to strike, but it has some form of defense with a degree of difficulty beyond your minor talents.

Words are tools, just as armaments and tactics are tools of combat, words are tools of communication. Leaders must be highly effective with both sets of tools, even though poor leaders may pass it off by saying, "I let my sword do my talking", your sword has only one thing to say, while leaders, real leaders must say a lot more in ways which can be understood and in ways which will motivate others to follow them. By your own admission, your sword has a small vocabulary and by observation, you are not faring much better.

I do like how you have claimed the white flag of surrender by failing to counter, or even attempt to counter, logical inadequacies in your plan. Actually, your "shrugs" say a lot about your willingness to surrender to superior logic.

Now go ahead and founder around ganking the unwilling, the untrained, the unequipped and call it a great success.

If you do manage to set up a KB (though I doubt you will want to display the unaggragated data) - make it one with meaning where it has minus points for wheelchair kills, cow tipping, and stealing candy from unattended babies. To make it mean something, killing an equally trained and equipped opponent should carry the lowest positive award just above all the minus point kills, and gradually up the points as greater skill has to be employed to vanquish victims who held an advantage over you, but because of your superior skill alone, you were victorius.

If you say a lesser equipped warrior cannot defeat a better equipped warrior, then you are doing it wrong.

Stop taking pride in tripping grandma, or loosening the spokes on someone's wheelchair. Stand up and be valiant - fight the ones who think they are invincible, instead of the ones who know they will die, but face you anyway - for those you killed in those circumstances displayed far more courage in defeat than you in what you will want to call a "victory". (Hence why I do not believe you will want to show what actually comprised the ships in the total you will undoubtedly be proud of).

I laugh at most KBs as they are a list of slaughtered heroes gone down to prop up the sagging pride of cowards who don't have the courage to face a possible defeat, instead seeking the weakest target to ensure a weak victory which will not extinquish that fire in the belly to finally fight the good fight against a credible foe and even take a loss with dignity. Those you slaughter and mock as carebears takes as much courage and skill from you as a sheep displays when it eats a blade of grass and will never satisfy that need a true chanpion has in order to feel a real victory. It will however, be quite satisfactory for the cowards who just brought their bullying desires away from RL where they are most likely the "carebears" and into the sterile anonymous internet world where your scary avatar let's you be that avatar while you are online and strike a blow against the weak, and become the bully who has never let you get to school with your lunch money. Yes, here - you have POWER!!!

There, there... for those of you who are about to post highly critical evaluations such as, "WTF r u takking abut" Just go get your sister to explain it to you. If you are the sister, then print it out and - now here is where you must display courage... show it to one of the kids you have been bullying out of their lunch money, and they will explain it to you.

Bye - Time for my corp fleet to do battle with yet another superior force.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#144 - 2012-03-21 22:15:24 UTC
Miss Congenialty wrote:
Psychotic Monk wrote:
Apolleneous wrote:
[quote=rareden][quote=Apolleneous]I fail to see the point here, as you are complaining about "PvP" in high-sec, take yourself to low or null and get all you want brah simple, lots of luck with your propaganda though Blink.

In null I can't really harass a particularly punchable target very effectivly.

(Also, grief is fun.)

I like your admission that you are useless when faced with armed opponents on equal ground. And don't try to play your silly games with me about how difficult it is to get to those targets you would like to punch. I have way too much time in a large null alliance to be fed bullcrap about that.

I'm trying to squeeze what you meant out of what you wrote, but you aren't much help. "a particularly punchable target" is one that could be reached easily (not just "punch able" but "particularly punch able") and the rest of your phrase leads me to believe you feel you are inept at being able to strike an easily available target. This use of language goes against your penchant for smacktalking. Had you said "a particularly desirable target for a punch" then I would think the target is one you really want to strike, but it has some form of defense with a degree of difficulty beyond your minor talents.

Words are tools, just as armaments and tactics are tools of combat, words are tools of communication. Leaders must be highly effective with both sets of tools, even though poor leaders may pass it off by saying, "I let my sword do my talking", your sword has only one thing to say, while leaders, real leaders must say a lot more in ways which can be understood and in ways which will motivate others to follow them. By your own admission, your sword has a small vocabulary and by observation, you are not faring much better.

I do like how you have claimed the white flag of surrender by failing to counter, or even attempt to counter, logical inadequacies in your plan. Actually, your "shrugs" say a lot about your willingness to surrender to superior logic.

Now go ahead and founder around ganking the unwilling, the untrained, the unequipped and call it a great success.

If you do manage to set up a KB (though I doubt you will want to display the unaggragated data) - make it one with meaning where it has minus points for wheelchair kills, cow tipping, and stealing candy from unattended babies. To make it mean something, killing an equally trained and equipped opponent should carry the lowest positive award just above all the minus point kills, and gradually up the points as greater skill has to be employed to vanquish victims who held an advantage over you, but because of your superior skill alone, you were victorius.

If you say a lesser equipped warrior cannot defeat a better equipped warrior, then you are doing it wrong.

Stop taking pride in tripping grandma, or loosening the spokes on someone's wheelchair. Stand up and be valiant - fight the ones who think they are invincible, instead of the ones who know they will die, but face you anyway - for those you killed in those circumstances displayed far more courage in defeat than you in what you will want to call a "victory". (Hence why I do not believe you will want to show what actually comprised the ships in the total you will undoubtedly be proud of).

I laugh at most KBs as they are a list of slaughtered heroes gone down to prop up the sagging pride of cowards who don't have the courage to face a possible defeat, instead seeking the weakest target to ensure a weak victory which will not extinquish that fire in the belly to finally fight the good fight against a credible foe and even take a loss with dignity. Those you slaughter and mock as carebears takes as much courage and skill from you as a sheep displays when it eats a blade of grass and will never satisfy that need a true chanpion has in order to feel a real victory. It will however, be quite satisfactory for the cowards who just brought their bullying desires away from RL where they are most likely the "carebears" and into the sterile anonymous internet world where your scary avatar let's you be that avatar while you are online and strike a blow against the weak, and become the bully who has never let you get to school with your lunch money. Yes, here - you have POWER!!!

There, there... for those of you who are about to post highly critical evaluations such as, "WTF r u takking abut" Just go get your sister to explain it to you. If you are the sister, then print it out and - now here is where you must display courage... show it to one of the kids you have been bullying out of their lunch money, and they will explain it to you.

Bye - Time for my corp fleet to do battle with yet another superior force.

Holy wall of text Batman.
God's Apples
#145 - 2012-03-22 00:58:59 UTC
Miss Congenialty wrote:
Psychotic Monk wrote:
Apolleneous wrote:
[quote=rareden][quote=Apolleneous]I fail to see the point here, as you are complaining about "PvP" in high-sec, take yourself to low or null and get all you want brah simple, lots of luck with your propaganda though Blink.

In null I can't really harass a particularly punchable target very effectivly.

(Also, grief is fun.)

I like your admission that you are useless when faced with armed opponents on equal ground. And don't try to play your silly games with me about how difficult it is to get to those targets you would like to punch. I have way too much time in a large null alliance to be fed bullcrap about that.

I'm trying to squeeze what you meant out of what you wrote, but you aren't much help. "a particularly punchable target" is one that could be reached easily (not just "punch able" but "particularly punch able") and the rest of your phrase leads me to believe you feel you are inept at being able to strike an easily available target. This use of language goes against your penchant for smacktalking. Had you said "a particularly desirable target for a punch" then I would think the target is one you really want to strike, but it has some form of defense with a degree of difficulty beyond your minor talents.

Words are tools, just as armaments and tactics are tools of combat, words are tools of communication. Leaders must be highly effective with both sets of tools, even though poor leaders may pass it off by saying, "I let my sword do my talking", your sword has only one thing to say, while leaders, real leaders must say a lot more in ways which can be understood and in ways which will motivate others to follow them. By your own admission, your sword has a small vocabulary and by observation, you are not faring much better.

I do like how you have claimed the white flag of surrender by failing to counter, or even attempt to counter, logical inadequacies in your plan. Actually, your "shrugs" say a lot about your willingness to surrender to superior logic.

Now go ahead and founder around ganking the unwilling, the untrained, the unequipped and call it a great success.

If you do manage to set up a KB (though I doubt you will want to display the unaggragated data) - make it one with meaning where it has minus points for wheelchair kills, cow tipping, and stealing candy from unattended babies. To make it mean something, killing an equally trained and equipped opponent should carry the lowest positive award just above all the minus point kills, and gradually up the points as greater skill has to be employed to vanquish victims who held an advantage over you, but because of your superior skill alone, you were victorius.

If you say a lesser equipped warrior cannot defeat a better equipped warrior, then you are doing it wrong.

Stop taking pride in tripping grandma, or loosening the spokes on someone's wheelchair. Stand up and be valiant - fight the ones who think they are invincible, instead of the ones who know they will die, but face you anyway - for those you killed in those circumstances displayed far more courage in defeat than you in what you will want to call a "victory". (Hence why I do not believe you will want to show what actually comprised the ships in the total you will undoubtedly be proud of).

I laugh at most KBs as they are a list of slaughtered heroes gone down to prop up the sagging pride of cowards who don't have the courage to face a possible defeat, instead seeking the weakest target to ensure a weak victory which will not extinquish that fire in the belly to finally fight the good fight against a credible foe and even take a loss with dignity. Those you slaughter and mock as carebears takes as much courage and skill from you as a sheep displays when it eats a blade of grass and will never satisfy that need a true chanpion has in order to feel a real victory. It will however, be quite satisfactory for the cowards who just brought their bullying desires away from RL where they are most likely the "carebears" and into the sterile anonymous internet world where your scary avatar let's you be that avatar while you are online and strike a blow against the weak, and become the bully who has never let you get to school with your lunch money. Yes, here - you have POWER!!!

There, there... for those of you who are about to post highly critical evaluations such as, "WTF r u takking abut" Just go get your sister to explain it to you. If you are the sister, then print it out and - now here is where you must display courage... show it to one of the kids you have been bullying out of their lunch money, and they will explain it to you.

Bye - Time for my corp fleet to do battle with yet another superior force.

How inspiring.

"Hydra Reloaded are just jealous / butthurt on me / us because we can get tons of PVP action in empire while they aren't good enough to get that." - NightmareX

Judeau Antara
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#146 - 2012-03-22 01:43:44 UTC
Psychotic Monk wrote:
Subdolus Venator wrote:

Perhaps. But if so, it appears you simply do not care about the longer-term conesquences of success, should you through some miracle achieve your goals, and nothing you've said so far generates any respect for your position in me.

The Bad Fact is this: Games change. That is one of the verry few indisputable constants.

Evolve, or die.

You're right. I don't care. And I don't care if you respect me or my position. You're exactly the sort of person I want to ruin this game for, in fact.

Not that you care, because you obviously don't, but this statement right here means your wants and desires for this game are null and void. You are an undesirable. A blight upon any gaming community. Something you don't like happens, and you throw a tantrum attempting to make anyone you can feel the same way.

It is ironic, really. You spend so much time trying to make other people upset, and then cry the loudest at the end of it all.

I like the fact that pirating exists in this game. I like the fact that nowhere is 100% safe. But you aren't a pirate, not actually. Just a bully throwing a fit.

Keep your tears flowing, it is hilarious hypocrisy at its finest.
Betty Bravado
Tremor Recorded
#147 - 2012-03-22 02:03:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Betty Bravado
Apolleneous wrote:
I fail to see the point here, as you are complaining about "PvP" in high-sec, take yourself to low or null and get all you want brah simple, lots of luck with your propaganda though Blink.

In null I can't really harass a particularly punchable target very effectivly.

(Also, grief is fun.)[/quote]

I like your admission that you are useless when faced with armed opponents on equal ground. And don't try to play your silly games with me about how difficult it is to get to those targets you would like to punch. I have way too much time in a large null alliance to be fed bullcrap about that.

Bye - Time for my corp fleet to do battle with yet another superior force.[/quote]
Holy wall of text Batman.

They are just words, not an undefeatable obstacle. I hope you did manage to take a few minutes to read the words. I found them quite interesting. I've always found some obstacles will yield rewards for overcoming them. But then some people just give up when facing a challenge... Again, I hope you did not give up.

I had to eliminate some of the fine paragraphs as I got the mesage that only five quotes could be used when i tried to post with the comments I made above. I just shortened one of the three quotes and now it will accept it in the preview, at least. I see CCP is really working on this new forum thing, but the vanishing posts are still a reality. So comforting to know they made pretty new newb ships. I'm sure the newbs who apparently can never see the old ships online now will be glad they probably look better. Just wish CCP would fix what is broken instead of making old things with no problems more pretty. CCP, please stick with the word "function" more than "format" for a little while at least.
Herr Wilkus
Aggressive Salvage Services LLC
#148 - 2012-03-22 03:47:21 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Phantom
Subdolus Venator wrote:

The self-defeating stupidity of this is jaw-dropping
Allow me to paraphrase a bit for you

"I'm angry at what CCP is doing, therefore I will do everything in my power to make myself an active threat to CCP's revenue stream, thus holding them hostage to my desires."

All you're doing is pitching a fit - in public. Where everyone can see how powerless you truly are.

Pitching a fit is pointless. Its all just words and has no effect on CCP's revenue stream.
Ragequitting is a small, but real gesture. Still, its just a couple accounts.

But if I use my knowledge and resources to force OTHERS out of the game...

Its still a relatively small gesture from one person. But the effect is still many times what I could accomplish by simply closing my accounts. Kill my accounts, CCP loses 2 PLEX consumers. Knock 30-40 people out of the game, subscriptions are cancelled and my impact was multiplied immensely.

And posting in public was not a supermarket aisle tantrum - it is an effort to spread information and encourage others to participate, further multiplying the effect.

When you repeatedly attack the same miner, one of four things happen.

-They step up their game and fight back.
-They pay to be left alone.
-They quit mining.
-They quit entirely.

All four scenarios have occured countless times. You see it after killing hundreds upon hundreds of Exhumers
And you can eliminate the second option by refusing to offer a 'buyout'.

Sure a few might petition, but nothing has come of it. The vast majority of those who quit the game, simply do it quietly after a few repetitions of saving for a Hulk, losing it, getting podded, and being forced to start over.

And in reality, I can't even take full credit...
A huge portion of that decision to quit is directly related to poor PVE content.

Its psychology. Doing something mindlessly dull in order to break new ground is tolerable, if the reward is perceived as 'worth it'. Doing something mindlessly dull in order to make up lost ground, only to be ganked again and again.....leads to giving up.

Thats the effect that can be exploited.
#149 - 2012-03-22 04:34:22 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Phantom
Herr Wilkus wrote:
Subdolus Venator wrote:

The self-defeating stupidity of this is jaw-dropping
Allow me to paraphrase a bit for you

"I'm angry at what CCP is doing, therefore I will do everything in my power to make myself an active threat to CCP's revenue stream, thus holding them hostage to my desires."

All you're doing is pitching a fit - in public. Where everyone can see how powerless you truly are.

Pitching a fit is pointless. Its all just words and has no effect on CCP's revenue stream.
Ragequitting is a small, but real gesture. Still, its just a couple accounts.

But if I use my knowledge and resources to force OTHERS out of the game...

Its still a relatively small gesture from one person. But the effect is still many times what I could accomplish by simply closing my accounts. Kill my accounts, CCP loses 2 PLEX consumers. Knock 30-40 people out of the game, subscriptions are cancelled and my impact was multiplied immensely.

And posting in public was not a supermarket aisle tantrum - it is an effort to spread information and encourage others to participate, further multiplying the effect.

When you repeatedly attack the same miner, one of four things happen.

-They step up their game and fight back.
-They pay to be left alone.
-They quit mining.
-They quit entirely.

All four scenarios have occured countless times. You see it after killing hundreds upon hundreds of Exhumers
And you can eliminate the second option by refusing to offer a 'buyout'.

Sure a few might petition, but nothing has come of it. The vast majority of those who quit the game, simply do it quietly after a few repetitions of saving for a Hulk, losing it, getting podded, and being forced to start over.

And in reality, I can't even take full credit...
A huge portion of that decision to quit is directly related to poor PVE content.

Its psychology. Doing something mindlessly dull in order to break new ground is tolerable, if the reward is perceived as 'worth it'. Doing something mindlessly dull in order to make up lost ground, only to be ganked again and again.....leads to giving up.

Thats the effect that can be exploited.

Severe offences may result in an immediate ban without warning; however, warnings may be given for first time offenses, followed by account suspensions of varying degree and ultimately a permanent ban if a player:

b. Uses role-playing as an excuse for violating the guidelines regarding fair play with others. Roll
Sugar Von MurdererTits
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#150 - 2012-03-22 05:56:25 UTC
Joyelle wrote:

Severe offences may result in an immediate ban without warning; however, warnings may be given for first time offenses, followed by account suspensions of varying degree and ultimately a permanent ban if a player:

b. Uses role-playing as an excuse for violating the guidelines regarding fair play with others. Roll

What do you think constitutes the guidelines regarding fair play with others? And why would what Herr Wilkus suggests violate them?
Dorn Val
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#151 - 2012-03-22 07:20:24 UTC
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Dorn Val wrote:
As for small gang PVP: Get into W space.

We're living in w-space right now. It's boring, too. I prowl any connecting wormholes we get and sometimes go 2-3 layers deep looking for targets and find very little.

...same thing happens when I roam low sec and NPC null -just gotta keep doing it cause eventually you'll find someone to shoot in the face (in game) Big smile

Sandbox: An enclosed area filled with sand for children engaged in open-ended, unstructured, imaginative play. Also a place for cats to urinate and defecate...

Betty Bravado
Tremor Recorded
#152 - 2012-03-22 07:36:58 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Phantom
Herr Wilkus wrote:

Pitching a fit is pointless. Its all just words and has no effect on CCP's revenue stream.
Ragequitting is a small, but real gesture. Still, its just a couple accounts.

But if I use my knowledge and resources to force OTHERS out of the game...

Its still a relatively small gesture from one person. But the effect is still many times what I could accomplish by simply closing my accounts. Kill my accounts, CCP loses 2 PLEX consumers. Knock 30-40 people out of the game, subscriptions are cancelled and my impact was multiplied immensely.

And posting in public was not a supermarket aisle tantrum - it is an effort to spread information and encourage others to participate, further multiplying the effect.

When you repeatedly attack the same miner, one of four things happen.

-They step up their game and fight back.
-They pay to be left alone.
-They quit mining.
-They quit entirely.

All four scenarios have occured countless times. You see it after killing hundreds upon hundreds of Exhumers
And you can eliminate the second option by refusing to offer a 'buyout'.

Sure a few might petition, but nothing has come of it. The vast majority of those who quit the game, simply do it quietly after a few repetitions of saving for a Hulk, losing it, getting podded, and being forced to start over.

And in reality, I can't even take full credit...
A huge portion of that decision to quit is directly related to poor PVE content.

Its psychology. Doing something mindlessly dull in order to break new ground is tolerable, if the reward is perceived as 'worth it'. Doing something mindlessly dull in order to make up lost ground, only to be ganked again and again.....leads to giving up.

Thats the effect that can be exploited.

One flaw, among so many, in your poor understanding of psychology (your barely successful PSY101, maybe 102, just gives you enough familiarity with the very basic terms to provide you with a false sense of greater knowledge) is the reason Rules for Radicals won't work on you. You are NOT a radical! You don't even claim to be one. You are merely a spoiled brat who cannot get what you want (disregard for the rights of others - symptom) and you incorrectly see yourself as a great force (this is a symptom called "Grandiosity") able to sway the minds of many (the manipulation symptom), financially hurt multi-million dollar corporations (again with the grandiosity) and lead legions (this is called "Narcissism" and is most likely fed by successes you have had in manipulating others, another symptom) of followers with your self proclaimed " knowledge and resources" (again, grandiosity). The real truth is your knowledge of ganking and your resources of a computer and ISP connection are woefully inadequate. You my, demented little online acquaintance, have barely risen from the unseen to the level of pathetic in the competitive world of pissants. You give yourself way too much credit for driving players out of the game. To be certain, you have no doubt pissed off quite a few, but you fail to understand the quite high instance of players who rage quit after being harassed beyond the bannable definition in the EULA who return within a very short time, only the wiser to avoid buttflaps such as yourself. They usually go on to become dedicated hisec players which you describe as the bane of your existence - those are not words you would likely use as your vocabulary seems stunted. So you see, your success actually creates that which you hate. You put so much effort into failing as do so many others who, like you, are clueless.

Failing is not new to you, though. You may say, "brat? I'm (enter any one , two or even three digit age) old! How can I be a BRAT!!" Quite simple. Usually human bodies and minds tend to go through a maturation process at predictable stages and eventually both become mature, if all goes well. Sometimes, little important things go wrong in either the nurture or the nature, or even in both arenas where maturation occurs for the mind and the body. Symptoms of a failure to enter and successfully leave a stage of maturity are quite easily observed by those in my profession. I see spoiled brats everyday who are years older than I, and I am no spring chicken. I won't get into many of the simularities people with your likely diagnosis share from childhood and throughout the developmental stages to keep you from any embarrassment. In fact, I won't even mention a likely diagnosis, that most anyone with a modicum of common sense could deduce from a casual perusal of the ominously titled "DSM4" which is just a manual listing all the known problems care providers in my profession encounter. Those of us trained to recognize the panoply of symptoms and place them in some correlative taxonomy use this manual very little, but it is used extensively by those in the health care industry who serve in clerical and typically insurance areas. The manual contains the criteria for diagnosis and details how many of the various symptoms must be present to diagnose the problem in one of its levels of complexity. I will say that it seems the young "Herr Wilkus" is in the prime age for the height of the symptoms of a possible diagnosis and that many of these symptoms begin to markedly dissipate in one's late thirties and early forties, so he quite likely has more than a few years of "bratitude" to get over.

So venture forth into boringly typical behaiors. Sorry for my "First Draft" quality of grammar and spelling! The end!
Psychotic Monk
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#153 - 2012-03-22 13:11:57 UTC
Dude, he clearly doesn't get it. Don't bother. You're wrestling a pig here. Crime Spree starts tomorrow, let's just let the Catalysts and the recruitment channel do the talking for us.
Subdolus Venator
State War Academy
Caldari State
#154 - 2012-03-22 13:38:23 UTC
Herr Wilkus, I really find myself baffled.

Clearly, you've got a mind capable of great things - your Boomerang tactic is brilliant. But yet you appear to utterly fail to see the pointlessness of conducting a campaign doomed to fail, one in which you can't even claim a moral victory - You cannot punish CCP for their percieved crimes against you. All you can do is lash out at uninvolved third parties, which is the complete depths of impotence. By the time you manage to make eve the first person ragequit, a dozen more will have signed up and paid their money. CCP will never feel any impact of your actions. You're pissing up a rope.

Instead of concentrating on what you're really good at (finding and executing new and interesting ways of ganking for fun and profit), you're planning a pointless temper-tantrum that is doomed to failure. I can't mock that - it mocks itself.

EVE is EVE - Feaces will eventuate.

Yankee Sullivan
Flotsam Recovery Service
GameTheory Empire
#155 - 2012-03-22 14:43:17 UTC
Some words of wisdom from Mark Twain:
"Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates."

EVE doesn't have griefing, it has a crime rate.
that's awesome, it needs to not go away.
Judeau Antara
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#156 - 2012-03-22 15:01:22 UTC
Yankee Sullivan wrote:
Some words of wisdom from Mark Twain:
"Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates."

EVE doesn't have griefing, it has a crime rate.
that's awesome, it needs to not go away.

Pirating is a great part of EVE. Adds flavor, much needed danger and conflict. Keeps things alive.

Intentionally trying to cause someone so much loss and anguish that they cancel their sub....this is not a good thing for EVE.
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#157 - 2012-03-22 16:18:46 UTC
Miss Congenialty wrote:
I like your admission that you are useless when faced with armed opponents on equal ground. And don't try to play your silly games with me about how difficult it is to get to those targets you would like to punch. I have way too much time in a large null alliance to be fed bullcrap about that.

I'm trying to squeeze what you meant out of what you wrote, but you aren't much help. "a particularly punchable target" is one that could be reached easily (not just "punch able" but "particularly punch able") and the rest of your phrase leads me to believe you feel you are inept at being able to strike an easily available target. This use of language goes against your penchant for smacktalking. Had you said "a particularly desirable target for a punch" then I would think the target is one you really want to strike, but it has some form of defense with a degree of difficulty beyond your minor talents.

I know Monk pretty well. A "particularly punchable" target would be anything that's fun to punch. Either because they drop good loot (Incursion griefing), cry a lot, think they're awesome and need a reality check, or just plain give us good fights. We've taken fewer than a dozen people on an extended campaign into Providence to pursue a war target that joined a CVA pet alliance. We won that war in spite of operating outnumbered in hostile territory.

Miss Congenialty wrote:
{lots of pretentious bluster}

You talk more than me. I'd be impressed, but you said so little in all those words that you might as well have said nothing at all.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Stellar Production
#158 - 2012-03-22 16:34:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Octoven
The only response I have to this Rogues like you have been dealt with in the past and im sure it will happen again. Eve doesn't exist purely for your benefit. With that being said, I dare every miner in the game to park their hulks, I call every miner in the game to go on strike. The marketing effects have already been felt with the Goonswamping Lonetrek. Imagine if every miner in high sec parked? Extreme behavior has always been dealt a losing blow and you can assure yourself it will happen to you as well. close to 70% of all activity is in high sec, it is this way because no one likes being attacked when trading. If you want cut-throat, save it for low sec. The bigger issue here is that no one wants to go down that way, so...after your exhaustive methods to force people out into the scourges of eve and having failed, you turn toward more forceful means. CCP ultimately is going to side with the majority on any game changes, which should demonstrate to you the lack of support in such an underground environment. I wish you luck, but I wouldn't hold my breath. These "jihad" tactics will only serve to tighten the bolts on piracy. Finally, I would say that even if most miners don't park their ships, you can bet I will. I have other means of procuring ISK without mining, that is just one less miner contributing minerals to markets. You have seen the price of items skyrocket, but to paraphrase you, "you haven't seen anything yet." Prices will soar to unbelievable levels, and ultimately people will leave the game before allowing piracy to occur in high sec. At that point, EvE will lose players at incredible levels. CCP, as a business will have no choice to step in. They exist to make a profit, not to fulfill your personal needs. Sorry, but you can bet this won't last long nor will you gain anything from it. You have already lost.
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#159 - 2012-03-22 16:51:59 UTC
Octoven wrote:

Because hulkageddon 1-4 resulted in action that put an end to piracy. Or the ice interdictions. Or any number of other organized gankfests.

Miners won't go on strike. They never do.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#160 - 2012-03-22 17:00:31 UTC
new hulkageddon?

this is new and fresh idea! Cool

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"