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Crime & Punishment

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Crime Spree

Subdolus Venator
State War Academy
Caldari State
#121 - 2012-03-21 16:25:35 UTC
Herr Wilkus wrote:

Instead, I'll take a page from Patton....
....I will simply refocus my efforts and resources into making OTHER people quit.
Its the only way. Hit CCP where it hurts: subscriptions.

The self-defeating stupidity of this is jaw-dropping.
Allow me to paraphrase a bit for you:

"I'm angry at what CCP is doing, therefore I will do everything in my power to make myself an active threat to CCP's revenue stream, thus holding them hostage to my desires."

Hostage-taking only works when you've got actual hostages.
CCP can:
1) Ignore you (you are a very small flea in a rather large sandbox). <- Most likely event
2) Ban you.
3) Change game mechanics to make you ineffectual.
4) Some combination of the above.

You can:
1) Scream in impotent rage.
2) Throw temper tantrums.
3) Hassle a relatively small number of hapless and innocent folks whom have no part of your anger, and couldn't do a thing about it even if they did.
4) Quit.
5) Get over it.
6) Some combination of the above.

So tell me - Who has the whip hand here?

The Jita Riots barely managed to make CCP budge. Can you manage to muster that kind of influence..? Nope. And we all know it. You can't get remotely remotely close to that level of action. So - what are your chances of changing anything? Zero. Zip. Nada. Zilch.

All you're doing is pitching a fit - in public. Where everyone can see how powerless you truly are.

EVE is EVE - Feaces will eventuate.

Rystan Wildstar
Caldari State
#122 - 2012-03-21 17:16:41 UTC
I've seen this movie before. The plot has game devs changing game mechanics due to real life nobodies trying to force their will on other game players. This leads to the nobodies trying even harder to make others quit. This leads to the game devs making a sequel called Trammel. Keep it up and that's what will happen. I think we all can agree we do not want to see that sequel.
Tah'ris Khlador
Space Ghosts.
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#123 - 2012-03-21 17:30:28 UTC
Rystan Wildstar wrote:
This leads to the game devs making a sequel called Trammel.

While the rest of your comment calls me a "nobody", I laughed at this reference. I was there.

Member of the Pink Pony Killboard Padding Alliance

Minmatar Heavy Industries
#124 - 2012-03-21 17:52:37 UTC  |  Edited by: DarthNefarius
Psychotic Monk wrote:
Suicide ganks

Most pods ganked – 1b
Most damaging smartbomb suicide gank – 250m
Most exhumers ganked – 1b (me) and a Pirate Faction Battleship of your choice (donated by ElCholo of Burn Eden)
“I hope you updated it” Most expensive two pods owned by the same pilot killed on the same day – 250m
Most ganks in a noob system – 100m
Most expensive Incursion ship killed - 1 PLEX (donated by roboto212)
The longest chain of Exhumer kills with a Single Tornado - 500m offered by Herr Wilkus (slight chance of ban involved)


Every green-on-green kill over 200m gets an entry to win 500m
Every green-on-greed kill over 50m by a character with less than 250,000 sp gets an entry to win 250m
Most unique pilots killed by getting the victim into a fake corp for the purpose of killing them. Characters must be older than three weeks to count. - 250m


Best tears (screenshot or voice recording) – double the isk value of the associated kill, up to 500m. I will hand out this prize multiple times if there's good tears on cheap kills, up to 500m total.
Also. a hauler full of Stuff (tm), offered by Andrea Griffin
Best tears (voice recording) - A PLEX - Donated by TEN EVEning News


Most strategic cruisers killed by any method in highsec – a strategic cruiser of your choice.
Most expensive Jump Freighter killed in highsec by any method – a wardec against the sov-holding entity of your choice by Privateers.

Additionally, I will be handing out free suicide destroyers throughout the event.

It will run from 0000 eve time on Friday the 23rd to 0000 eve time on Friday April 6th.

If anyone wants to donate prizes or offer help or suggestions convo me or join the channel “Crime Spree”

You should call it GankAgheddon since Hulkgeddon has fizzled out this year with the dissappearance of its founder & you'll get more press from ISD like you did from Amzi... Have fun watching Eve burn Lol
An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Miss Congenialty
Gallente Federation
#125 - 2012-03-21 18:07:57 UTC
Kudos to post 121 from Joyelle and post 122 from Subdolus Venator! I wish I had posted exactly what you both said as it is my precise take on these children.

Reading thru their drivel reminds me of a corp chat not long ago when four noobs just up and decided they were going on a roam. Three were about 10 days old and their intrepid leader was nearly a month old! They had about 12 hisec systems to traverse before venturing into the losec system of their choice and all along the way they were nervously giggling about kicking ass, and how their "fleet" was "gonna rule" and "bring smoke".

Well, they were not my proteges and they used their option to not follow advice from someone other than their corp assigned mentor, so I sent their mentor a message with a heads up about four butthurts to come back dragging ass after a total failure outing and becoming sadly disheartened - then I sat back and enjoyed the chat traffic as they took all their hopes of making great things happen, only to find out they were just a few pebbles fighting against the downhill face of a glacier.

To get a good idea of how they sounded on the way out - just go back and read the richard swinging E-PEEN bravado in so many of the posts in this thread.

Hey dinosaurs! CCP wants to make money and they have the statistics to show where it comes from and what the contributors to that revenue stream want in a game and it is not you or what you do to other players any more.

If you truly want "fair fights", which is a total lie anyway, go dec another corp that is looking for "fair fights". Oh, that's right, you know there aren't any corps like that. The fair fight you are looking for IS ganking that 2-3 month old player in his first exhumer. Fair to you is when no one can shoot back and you can time your exit before getting concorded - and even if you don't get out in time, what's another rifter or thrasher? You will just take your alt on some hisec incursions to bankroll your next gank and come even closer to finding out what you will eventually realize as soon as you get over your testosterone and come to grips with knowing that, hey these incursions are not so bad and it's a lot more fun being with players who run them than the jerks you go aganking with.

Or not, and you will find another game built for letting internet bullies chase away new subs but has not realized as yet which side of the bread has the butter.

I haven't taken the time to count how many have signed on to this race into oblivion - the OP, who hasn't done anything in my 8 years of playing to rise to where I might even recognize him, does not seem to be anyone who can stir up a following any larger than a few other lame brain knuckle draggers. When I just slide thru the very few pages, it seems the faces are repeated many times on each page. Ppl like me, it seems at least, come in to point and laugh then go away, while the "hardcore" (oh, grrr) keep parsing the posts of the passersby and making stupid comments about the out of context words they have quoted - but that is so typical of how losing causes work on these forums. I know they will leap to point out the obvious inconsistency of my 8 years of playing (started in Dec 2003, so ok... 8 years and 3 months) and the birthday of this puny alt. Of course this is an alt I bought to do manufacturing! OH NOES - is this one of the unfair game mechanics of which they complain? Allowing those who do not want to invite unwanted ganks and fruitless war decs by posting their opinions freely with an undercover brother alt?

As some other earlier poster said so well - you are obsolete, but just don't know it yet... or something like that - sorry for mangling your fine words and being too lazy to quote you properly.

Oh wait, I think I hear players approaching who have not yet recognized their lack of efficacy - they always overcome any lame attempts at stealth with those obnoxious (and like themselves) out-dated Beavis and Butthead snorts and giggles....

Take it away, Junior Brains!
Minmatar Heavy Industries
#126 - 2012-03-21 18:24:53 UTC  |  Edited by: DarthNefarius
Vangelios wrote:
[quote=Psychotic Monk]...Well now we're going to burn the 7-11 to the ******* ground... We're not even out for profit or our own amusement. We're out for blood and tears. We want rage quits and people punching monitors....[/quote Oh dude, you need to relax, go outside, watch a sunset or two, stargaze and take a little brake from EVE, rethink why you are wasting your energy and time on this game... and above all, think about your life...otherwise only one that will rage quit is you... ps There is no shame in visiting psychologist if things get out of control

I suggest he just go take long walks outside especially after the rain & look for a DOUBLE RAINBOW THEN everything will be all right... if not he can always take a long walk on a short pier
An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Minmatar Heavy Industries
#127 - 2012-03-21 18:40:38 UTC
Dorn Val wrote:
As an extra added bonus you'll actually be shooting at people that have the skills and fitting knowledge to fight back -no more beating up the crippled kids...

These guys can't get it up without beating up on noobs & Cripples they've never understood why thier fathers told them they should never hit girls so they take out thier frustrations in this game. Hopefully they let it out here & not in RL Big smile
In the end its a game & i they don't play according to the rules they'll get a time out by mommy or daddy will send them to bed without supper unless he gets REALLY mad & smacks them in the behind with the ban belt
I'm curious what the next exploit they'll find TBH I bet they are smacking themselves in the head for not trying Garmons triple web exploight ( ooops that was in null sec & they're to scared to go there without the night light on )
An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Vascorp T'Kith
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#128 - 2012-03-21 18:41:19 UTC
Rystan Wildstar wrote:
I've seen this movie before. The plot has game devs changing game mechanics due to real life nobodies trying to force their will on other game players. This leads to the nobodies trying even harder to make others quit. This leads to the game devs making a sequel called Trammel. Keep it up and that's what will happen. I think we all can agree we do not want to see that sequel.

The problem here is balance. The level of ganking is out of balance with how much ganking should be done. What happens when a crime spree actually happens in real life? The law enforcement catches on and takes steps to prevent it. It is just how the system is supposed to work. Lets take a look at a real life example of how this mechanic works. In this instance we will look at the Somali pirates boarding boats in the Suez Canal. Those pirates have been active for YEARS and have successfully "pirated" many vessels. Well, at one point they stepped up their game and started pirating too many ships. They eventually caught they eye of the military (Concord) and they took steps to prevent it from happening. The ship captains that run the oil transports have nil defenses (they have some shield extenders, invul fields, etc.) but no firepower to really assault the pirates. Nor would the military let these oil transports have sufficient firepower to make a firm stand (ship limitations, necessity of mining lasers, etc).

See what I did there? Yes, it's lame, I know but it still makes some sense right? The grand point is yes, the world needs piracy, yes, we need danger. However, when you disproportionally target one group of people it starts to look less like "ganking" and more like ethnic cleansing. This action will inevitably draw A LOT of unwanted attention to your operations. Also, some of the previous comments have sounded exactly like this kind of behavior, "Kill them all so that they don't sign in anymore!" Is this really in the interest of EVE?
Subdolus Venator
State War Academy
Caldari State
#129 - 2012-03-21 18:53:29 UTC
Vascorp T'Kith wrote:
Also, some of the previous comments have sounded exactly like this kind of behavior, "Kill them all so that they don't sign in anymore!" Is this really in the interest of EVE?

Alas, the OP and his ilk have no interest in the future of EVE - only in the future of their own entertainment. The two are NOT necessarily congruent, though that concept has not yet occurred to them.

Deductive reasoning and analysis do not seem to be their strong suits.

EVE is EVE - Feaces will eventuate.

Miss Congenialty
Gallente Federation
#130 - 2012-03-21 19:01:11 UTC
Tah'ris Khlador wrote:
Rystan Wildstar wrote:
This leads to the game devs making a sequel called Trammel.

While the rest of your comment calls me a "nobody", I laughed at this reference. I was there.

So, how did your plan work for you?

Did you learn anything from your first hand experience?

If you are bent on the same course of action, expecting a different outcome - then you did not learn anything, except maybe how to fail a different way.

But go ahead. Lay that thumb on the anvil and slam the hammer down on it again and keep telling yourself, " I just know it won't hurt this time!" But it does...

Lunacy is doing the same thing over and over again and always expecting a different outcome.

Now, go ahead and line up that thumb one more time...
Psychotic Monk
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#131 - 2012-03-21 19:07:26 UTC
Subdolus Venator wrote:
Vascorp T'Kith wrote:
Also, some of the previous comments have sounded exactly like this kind of behavior, "Kill them all so that they don't sign in anymore!" Is this really in the interest of EVE?

Alas, the OP and his ilk have no interest in the future of EVE - only in the future of their own entertainment. The two are NOT necessarily congruent, though that concept has not yet occurred to them.

Deductive reasoning and analysis do not seem to be their strong suits.

Believe me, the concept has occured to us.
Tah'ris Khlador
Space Ghosts.
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#132 - 2012-03-21 19:29:14 UTC
Miss Congenialty wrote:
Tah'ris Khlador wrote:
Rystan Wildstar wrote:
This leads to the game devs making a sequel called Trammel.

While the rest of your comment calls me a "nobody", I laughed at this reference. I was there.

So, how did your plan work for you?

Did you learn anything from your first hand experience?

If you are bent on the same course of action, expecting a different outcome - then you did not learn anything, except maybe how to fail a different way.

But go ahead. Lay that thumb on the anvil and slam the hammer down on it again and keep telling yourself, " I just know it won't hurt this time!" But it does...

Lunacy is doing the same thing over and over again and always expecting a different outcome.

Now, go ahead and line up that thumb one more time...

Actually, at the time I was a total carebear for that environment and didn't understand a thing about PVP. It got worse when they introduced "insurance" which would magically cause all of your stuff to reappear with you later and leave nothing to be looted.

I support being able to gank someone because they were dumb enough to carry Plex in their untanked hauler. I support being able to kill someone because they're an idiot or not recognizing the risks around them in EVE. I support being able to die in a fire because I was the idiot. And yeah, I like the tears.

I'm not a ganker/carebear hunter/"really mean person" because I want people to quit (though, I'm not going to lie the "YOU MADE ME QUIT EVE" mails followed by them logging on the next day are hilarious), but I do it because I have fun and people are theoretically LEARNING that there is more freedom to die in this game than there is in most MMOs. Supposedly people learn from these situations and from the misfortune of others.

But what do I know, I'm just a nobody.

Member of the Pink Pony Killboard Padding Alliance

Subdolus Venator
State War Academy
Caldari State
#133 - 2012-03-21 19:31:15 UTC
Psychotic Monk wrote:
Subdolus Venator wrote:
Vascorp T'Kith wrote:
Also, some of the previous comments have sounded exactly like this kind of behavior, "Kill them all so that they don't sign in anymore!" Is this really in the interest of EVE?

Alas, the OP and his ilk have no interest in the future of EVE - only in the future of their own entertainment. The two are NOT necessarily congruent, though that concept has not yet occurred to them.

Deductive reasoning and analysis do not seem to be their strong suits.

Believe me, the concept has occured to us.

Perhaps. But if so, it appears you simply do not care about the longer-term conesquences of success, should you through some miracle achieve your goals, and nothing you've said so far generates any respect for your position in me.

The Bad Fact is this: Games change. That is one of the verry few indisputable constants.

Evolve, or die.

EVE is EVE - Feaces will eventuate.

Psychotic Monk
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#134 - 2012-03-21 19:54:11 UTC
Subdolus Venator wrote:

Perhaps. But if so, it appears you simply do not care about the longer-term conesquences of success, should you through some miracle achieve your goals, and nothing you've said so far generates any respect for your position in me.

The Bad Fact is this: Games change. That is one of the verry few indisputable constants.

Evolve, or die.

You're right. I don't care. And I don't care if you respect me or my position. You're exactly the sort of person I want to ruin this game for, in fact.
Miss Congenialty
Gallente Federation
#135 - 2012-03-21 19:57:00 UTC
Psychotic Monk wrote:
Subdolus Venator wrote:
Vascorp T'Kith wrote:
Also, some of the previous comments have sounded exactly like this kind of behavior, "Kill them all so that they don't sign in anymore!" Is this really in the interest of EVE?

Alas, the OP and his ilk have no interest in the future of EVE - only in the future of their own entertainment. The two are NOT necessarily congruent, though that concept has not yet occurred to them.

Deductive reasoning and analysis do not seem to be their strong suits.

Believe me, the concept has occured to us.

Oh my!

He has such depth! It has occurred to them, and yet they plod on to certain failure.

Should we hold them in the same light as Texans have held the last contingent at the Battle of the Alamo?

Are they to be revered as the small contingent holding out to serve a higher purpose which will inspire a generation to rise up and join their cause against the evil powers bent on being mean to them.

Are they to be seen as the underdogs of the Battle of Thermopylae

Are they on par with a small fighting element in one village standing up against the might of Ghengis Khan's Mongol Horde?

Are they to held to the same standard of demonstrated bravery as the Aztecs when their very well trained faced off to lose their culture to the better equipped Spaniards?

Actually, I see them more as a few kids outside of the 7/11 plotting on how they are going to run in and strike lightening fast to grab some candy and run out just as fast. Sure, it might work against some fat attendants, but eventually, they will hit the door for a quick exit just as the beat cop is going in for a donut after the police have gotten so many calls about nuisances doing snatch and runs that the police have been diverted to doing more frequent checks on targetted vendors.

They did call it a crime spree, but it looks like it will be a crime fizzle.

Line those thumbs up...
Psychotic Monk
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#136 - 2012-03-21 20:02:03 UTC
Miss Congenialty
Gallente Federation
#137 - 2012-03-21 20:04:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Miss Congenialty
Tah'ris Khlador - thank you for your reply. I apologize to you as I gave you the same broad brush technique as I did to those who profess failure at any cost.

It seems you and I share more similarities of opinion than I was smart enough to glean from your post.

Good luck in the game!
Subdolus Venator
State War Academy
Caldari State
#138 - 2012-03-21 20:06:19 UTC
Psychotic Monk wrote:
Subdolus Venator wrote:

Perhaps. But if so, it appears you simply do not care about the longer-term conesquences of success, should you through some miracle achieve your goals, and nothing you've said so far generates any respect for your position in me.

The Bad Fact is this: Games change. That is one of the verry few indisputable constants.

Evolve, or die.

You're right. I don't care. And I don't care if you respect me or my position. You're exactly the sort of person I want to ruin this game for, in fact.

Heh. Then I win.

EVE is EVE - Feaces will eventuate.

Vascorp T'Kith
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#139 - 2012-03-21 20:08:43 UTC
Psychotic Monk wrote:
Subdolus Venator wrote:

Perhaps. But if so, it appears you simply do not care about the longer-term conesquences of success, should you through some miracle achieve your goals, and nothing you've said so far generates any respect for your position in me.

The Bad Fact is this: Games change. That is one of the verry few indisputable constants.

Evolve, or die.

You're right. I don't care. And I don't care if you respect me or my position. You're exactly the sort of person I want to ruin this game for, in fact.

And what happens when your position/opinion changes? You going to burn the world down for the next guy? and the next? and the next? What happens when the whole world is nothing but ashes? A sad little king with nothing to hear you scream about how there is nothing to scream about. Its a cycle man, don't you see that? Us carebears are not exempt from this same concept. I play eve because its fun and it has more risk factors than other mmos on the market. I do not want to see this game become WOW.
Psychotic Monk
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#140 - 2012-03-21 20:10:37 UTC
Vascorp T'Kith wrote:
Psychotic Monk wrote:
Subdolus Venator wrote:

Perhaps. But if so, it appears you simply do not care about the longer-term conesquences of success, should you through some miracle achieve your goals, and nothing you've said so far generates any respect for your position in me.

The Bad Fact is this: Games change. That is one of the verry few indisputable constants.

Evolve, or die.

You're right. I don't care. And I don't care if you respect me or my position. You're exactly the sort of person I want to ruin this game for, in fact.

And what happens when your position/opinion changes? You going to burn the world down for the next guy? and the next? and the next? What happens when the whole world is nothing but ashes? A sad little king with nothing to hear you scream about how there is nothing to scream about. Its a cycle man, don't you see that? Us carebears are not exempt from this same concept. I play eve because its fun and it has more risk factors than other mmos on the market. I do not want to see this game become WOW.
