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BREAKING NEWS - Chribba's System is SBU'd

First post
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#101 - 2011-09-23 23:47:34 UTC
Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#102 - 2011-09-23 23:49:24 UTC
An awesome display, lots of pilots showing up, shooting, NC. showing up, shooting those who were shooting, turning to the SBU's, destroying them swiftly as the supercaps-online mode was activated.

Lots of fun, lots of talk, funny comments, and hopefully some screenshots etc?

This is awesome! #community ftw!


★★★ Secure 3rd party service ★★★

Visit my in-game channel 'Holy Veldspar'

Twitter @ChribbaVeldspar

#103 - 2011-09-23 23:52:01 UTC
Theres crusades, jihads, what can chribba´s coming together be named as? Or has it officially been adopted ´Holy Veldspar´? Lol
Louis deGuerre
The Dark Tribe
#104 - 2011-09-23 23:52:34 UTC
Ragnar Askold
#105 - 2011-09-23 23:53:44 UTC
Since everyone's already together, why not make sure the system is secure to a distance of say 5 jumps?

Anybody that's squirrelly in the surrounding region and might be suspected of harboring ill-will towards Chribba should be destroyed
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#106 - 2011-09-23 23:58:08 UTC
seany1212 wrote:
Theres crusades, jihads, what can chribba´s coming together be named as? Or has it officially been adopted ´Holy Veldspar´? Lol

New War Cry "ALLU VELDSPAR!!!!"
Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#107 - 2011-09-24 00:16:06 UTC
Participants that are on the SBU killmails and want a medal can apply to "Otherworl Empire Department of Decorations" [RANKS] for their medal. Include the KM link in your application so I can verify you.

I will try start sort the applicants tomorrow. Once you received the medal please leave the corp or be kicked in a short amount of time.


★★★ Secure 3rd party service ★★★

Visit my in-game channel 'Holy Veldspar'

Twitter @ChribbaVeldspar

The Scope
#108 - 2011-09-24 00:17:12 UTC
9UY is safe - SBU's belonging to PTTK dead, Occupational Hazard alliance ran away and En Garde/PTTK nowhere to be seen.
Sentient Blade
Crisis Atmosphere
Coalition of the Unfortunate
#109 - 2011-09-24 00:27:27 UTC
Tonight was a pretty decent amount of fun -- Thanks to everyone that turned up!
Shadow of xX-Hiki-Xx
#110 - 2011-09-24 00:32:01 UTC
Who got the killmail for the ZQ SBU, its not up yet
Kelduum Revaan
The Ebon Hawk
#111 - 2011-09-24 00:35:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Kelduum Revaan
Thanks to Chibba and everyone involved for the opportunity for E-UNI to participate, and respect to Northern Coalition. who seemed to be a little confused who was shooting who when they arrived.

First SBU kill is here for anyone interested:

Edit: Working link which isn't mangled by the new forum
The Apostle
#112 - 2011-09-24 00:38:11 UTC
Participants that are on the SBU killmails and want a medal can apply to "Otherworl Empire Department of Decorations" [RANKS] for their medal. Include the KM link in your application so I can verify you.

I will try start sort the applicants tomorrow. Once you received the medal please leave the corp or be kicked in a short amount of time.

I wasn't there but Chribba, well done! Gathering active support passively while "fixing the search engine" and making medals at the same time is just soooo cool.

Can you adopt me? Smile

[i]Take an aspirin. If pain persists consult your local priest. WTB: An Austrian kangaroo![/i]

Shadow of xX-Hiki-Xx
#113 - 2011-09-24 00:50:03 UTC
The Apostle wrote:
Participants that are on the SBU killmails and want a medal can apply to "Otherworl Empire Department of Decorations" [RANKS] for their medal. Include the KM link in your application so I can verify you.

I will try start sort the applicants tomorrow. Once you received the medal please leave the corp or be kicked in a short amount of time.

I wasn't there but Chribba, well done! Gathering active support passively while "fixing the search engine" and making medals at the same time is just soooo cool.

Can you adopt me? Smile

We all know damn well he was mining a few jumps out, he was using it as a guise
The Greater Goon
#114 - 2011-09-24 01:09:28 UTC
Epic event is epic

And lets not forget to give a hand to the people who started it all by planting SBUs there in the first place
Its good to know that the eve community can be motivated in support of playing the game and not just moaning about the game.

and hats off to Chribba for being pretty much the only guy anyone gives enough of a crap about in this game to actually "move the mountain"

+1s all around
#115 - 2011-09-24 01:59:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Raid'En
from what i can see on the different killmails, it seems ivy league saved the system... and NCdot tried to kill everyone who was here >_<
don't see any nullsec alliance on the SBU KM btw...
Alicia Fermi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#116 - 2011-09-24 02:07:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Alicia Fermi
E-UNI only took out one of the SBUs before NC. said "Hello". We played a small part but we cannot claim to have saved the system. I believe the other SBUs were taken out by NC. and others.
Nathaniel Hull
808 Enterprises
#117 - 2011-09-24 02:25:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Nathaniel Hull
Damn its already over?
Amarr Empire
#118 - 2011-09-24 02:29:36 UTC
We where actually shot first and returned fire then did the SBU thing. one of our canes, yea the one that died. We actually thought we where going in as allies.
Gregor Palter
#119 - 2011-09-24 02:32:30 UTC
"I was there"

Excuses are the refuge of the weak.

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#120 - 2011-09-24 02:42:11 UTC
SuperXCon wrote:
We where actually shot first and returned fire then did the SBU thing. one of our canes, yea the one that died. We actually thought we where going in as allies.

So as a result you shoot everyone. amirite? Blink