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Science & Industry

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Kato Matsu
Ministry of War
#1 - 2011-09-23 21:36:39 UTC
I had an articulate two paragraph post typed up, but the forums choose to reprocess it. I'll try to summarize as best I can.

Why do industrialists do it? Miners and others like them tend to be thought of as big squishy targets. They are insulted and pursued to the ends of New Eden. Contests are made to destroy them and make them angry. Why do you personally press on?

And rather than post a second time I'll go ahead and ask another question: What has been the greatest moment in your Science and/or Industrial career?
Thomas Newton
Starlight Operations
#2 - 2011-09-23 23:32:48 UTC
Without people chosing industrial/science carrier you couldn't buy ships, weapons, ammo. Most people chose this carrier to get isk with low risk. I have chosen the industrial carrier to start from the base of the economy and get higher and higher and when I'm sitting in my BS I know how it was made and can make one for myself if I want another one.

The biggest moment in my career was when I flew my Hulk the 1st time. Controling the best Exhumer in the galaxy is such a pleasure.
beor oranes
Tranquility Tavern
Pandemic Horde
#3 - 2011-09-24 00:11:29 UTC
I do it to build stuff, its as simple as that. I find shooting brain dead rats in missions or anomalies so boring that I just fall asleep (and have done). However, even with the tedium of S&I and the RSI inducing UI, I do enjoy producing items and then selling them for the most profit I can manage, plus if you do it in highsec its pretty much risk free. Industry is more complicated than missions or ratting, overcoming that complexity and coming out on top feels like an achievement.

As for mining, its relaxing and so easy. I used to sit and watch a TV series or a couple of films and earn isk and if I go make a cup of tea then my ship isn't in danger of blowing up. If done in 0.0 then its pretty profitable if you have a Rorq on hand and enough miners.

Greatest moment? Either my first major solo mining op (orca and five hulks; sad but for some reason satisfying), or the first time making a bil in day from invention.
Talon Kitsune
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2011-09-24 05:54:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Talon Kitsune
Personally I like the combat aspects of Eve, exploration, and all that. I mine for those times when I'm doing my RL job in the other window, or just get bored of the pewpew, or keep running into the same missions so often that it's do something else or facebash the keyboard. It's extremely hands off and easy to multi-task, so you can just relax, watch a movie or whatever.

Really though, let's face it anything you do in an MMO is pretty repetitive, and EVE is no different. Mining? Drain a rock move on. Mission? Pewpew something dies, repeat. If you're really into it maybe you salvage. Shipping? Warp to 0 over and over or autopilot and watch a movie and hit the MWD once in a while. Exploration? Wormhole, wormhole, wormhole.. ohh a site.. wait it's already been visited in the time I was tripping over all those wormholes. Manufacturing and research? No real need to go into that.

PvP offers a little escape as it does in most MMO's, but really it's just the same thing with slightly different results each time. EVE has also taken the let's reward those who have been playing longer concept to a new level. Let's face it there's some skill and knowledge involved (ie: when you see some rifter blowing up a hurricane for example), but like in most MMO's these days, it's mostly about the gear, and to get the gear in EVE you gotta put in the time.

It's all about being able to find something you can enjoy about whatever repetitive act your doing. For me industry time is chill time.

Someone contacted me and apparently thought I was bashing EVE. I'm not, CCP has done a good job of giving you plenty of other things to do if what you're doing at the moment bores you, I was just trying to point out that to one person mining is boring, and to another missioning is, and to another PVP is. It's what suits you.
Liberation By Annihilation
#5 - 2011-09-24 06:55:23 UTC
Science and Industry is much like a Siren to me. It was very alluring, but also will be my demise. The isk from certain avenues can be insanely more consistent and grand than other avenues, but the end game is the same. You have trained skills to suit a particular facet that at any moment can more than likely tumble into a black hole of mundane repetitious boredom.
Joshua Aivoras
Tech IV Industries
#6 - 2011-09-24 08:00:43 UTC
Hmm......there are lots of reasons I chose to be an industrialist. But If I had to pick one.......

Attitude. Now this is defenitley personal opinion, but from almost all of my experience, industrial pilots seem to be generally nicer people. Its probably due to the fact that I've always operated with my corp out of Low-sec since day 2 (and hardly anyone trusts strangers out there), but it just seems like for the most part industrialists are generally easier going than hardened Pew-pew'ers.

The only experiences I've ever had with PvP'ers were bitter. And I've had a few. Miner hate, accusations of Care Bearing (even though I'm mining in Low-sec....), and just general kill board douchebaggery. I don't care about the damn kill board, stop posting the kill-mail of you killing my osprey in local. (haha this never actually happened to me personally)

I slightly had this attitude tward PvP'ers even before playing EVE by reading stories and watching videos and such...and it just kinda went from there.

Now I've met great people that were PvP'ers as well, don't get me wrong. But I've never heard two miners fight about who could mine more ore =) (though I'm sure it happens somewhere lol)

Please no flame, just my opinion

95% of the players are loving EVE, the other 5%? On the forums.

The Frog Pond
#7 - 2011-09-24 12:35:32 UTC
Joshua Aivoras wrote:
Hmm......there are lots of reasons I chose to be an industrialist. But If I had to pick one.......

Attitude. Now this is defenitley personal opinion, but from almost all of my experience, industrial pilots seem to be generally nicer people.

I concur. Smile

Also, for me the market is so dynamic and interesting that as an industrialist you really are working as a corporation. I built a program just to do industry in eve because it changes so much and can be much more complex. Mastering that system is really why I play. Plus, if I'm successful I don't have to pay RL money for 2 accounts. I have been successful lately Big smile

Maximze your Industry Potential! - Download EVE Isk per Hour!

Import CCP's SDE - EVE SDE Database Builder

Dead's Prostitutes
The Initiative.
#8 - 2011-09-24 16:33:15 UTC
Personally, I chose the path of an industrialist, because I like building stuff, I like to pore over spreadsheets, do the math, work out plans to make lots of isk, bulld up investment capital, invest, and then see it bloom.
Mining is something I do when I don't feel like doing anything else, usually I'm too busy exploring or hauling stuff to manufacture, or hauling my goods to market, to do anything else.
Oh, and ofcourse, it's always fun to have a night of PvP, then in the morning see your enemies bougt their new shiny ships from you for the next evening ;)

Best moments:
Getting wardecced by some griefers, pound them to smithereens, then the next morning, I see 5 of them replaced their losses by buying new stuff from me. I lost a couple of ships in that evening before, but the profits from their losses moooore than made up for it, in fact I came out ahead. ;)

2nd awesome moment was when we found out where some griefers were making their money, by reselling stuff on the local market they imported from empire, so we knocked our heads together as alliance, set up production, and a day later, we undercut every item they were selling and denied them their income. They invested in expanding their sales, we expanded our production and undercut.. was a LOT of fun, they were better at pew pewing us, and pounding us hard in every encounter we had with them, but we were better at the industry, finally they dropped the dec because they couldn't afford it anymore. And our warchest wasn't even dented, in fact, we had been making a profit on our little 'attack' on them.

Does railgun ammunition come in Hollow Point?

Joshua Aivoras
Tech IV Industries
#9 - 2011-09-24 20:59:15 UTC
Zifrian wrote:

I concur. Smile

Also, for me the market is so dynamic and interesting that as an industrialist you really are working as a corporation. I built a program just to do industry in eve because it changes so much and can be much more complex. Mastering that system is really why I play. Big smile


Xearal wrote:
Personally, I chose the path of an industrialist, because I like building stuff, I like to pore over spreadsheets, do the math, work out plans to make lots of isk, bulld up investment capital, invest, and then see it bloom.
Mining is something I do when I don't feel like doing anything else, usually I'm too busy exploring or hauling stuff to manufacture, or hauling my goods to market, to do anything else.
Oh, and ofcourse, it's always fun to have a night of PvP, then in the morning see your enemies bougt their new shiny ships from you for the next evening ;)

^ and this as well =)

And I suppose my best moment will have to be when My corp built our first carrier and got to see it in space. Indeed there are thousands of this ship flying around at any given moment, but this one was [cheeseyness] special because we had worked together to build it [/cheeseyness]

95% of the players are loving EVE, the other 5%? On the forums.

#10 - 2011-09-25 11:49:28 UTC
I didn't choose the industrial path at first! I originally trained for PvP but now I'm trained in virtually everything. I've tried everything but with a busy social and family life some aspects of EvE do not suit me. As other people have said the reason why I came into industry was to be able to make my own stuff and make a profit. When invention came along I branched out into that and now I have a couple of lucrative deals ongoing. In doing so I've managed to put up my own POS and keep it running. I don't play the markets, however I know what products I can produce at a decent profit.

Best moment - well two for me. Being able to put up my first POS and watching that wallet hit my first Billion isk!
Barbara Nichole
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2011-09-25 18:37:43 UTC
It must be this thread, my reply was eaten also.. starting over. Ugh

I like exploration too. It's fun for me but doesn't pay the bills. I know I could join a WH corp and make profitable use of my scanning skill but I like my current I mine.. a lot. Exploration is sort of a reward for meeting my mining goals now.

My best moment was the moment I sold off 4 billion units of trit I had saved for years. I refuses to sell up til then because the prices were dirt cheap low.

  - remove the cloaked from local; free intel is the real problem, not  "afk" cloaking -


Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2011-09-25 20:06:32 UTC
Mining can be mentally "therapeutic"... some people like to come home from work/school, and relax and chat with other people, and mining can feel like you're accomplishing something. It's usually low-anxiety, but the fear of pirates adds just enough excitement to make it addictive
Rees Noturana
Red Rock Mining Company
#13 - 2011-09-26 01:16:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Rees Noturana
Industry gives me the chance to participate in EVE without needing to dedicate a great deal of time to it. I work far too much at my real life job but I have the capability to have EVE up the whole time. Being able to maintain my EVE activities and still be productive at my job is a great feature.


And by industry I don't mean mining. That became boring quite some time ago. Time for a major change to that.

_ _

Kryss Darkdust
The Skulls
#14 - 2011-09-26 10:57:17 UTC
I'm personally not Soley dedicated to industry but this character started out as an Indy character and has always played the role to some respect.

Generally speaking I think Indy character/players tend to be the SIM type players. I love for example games like Civilization, Master of Orion.. I love the X3 serries, I'm a huge fan of stuff like NeverWinter Nights particularly the development tool that comes with it. I like to make stuff.

The fact that we are hunted and harrassed to me is actually a big part of the game, without it, I doubt I would have stuck around Eve as long as I have. I love outmanuvering, outhinking them and these days I often set traps for them intentionally to try to trigger attacks and take advantage of them.

Eve without this constant lingering threat would not be a good game.

The reality of Eve is that, if you don't love it like it is today, you should probobly go ahead and unsub. 

Koen L
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2011-09-26 12:27:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Koen L
I am an engineer in real life building stuff, so do I in eve.
Basically handling more then 4 accounts doing pvp is impossible, but doable with mining.
I only fly ships which i built myself or at least i am able to build, so i really can afford what i am flying. I am well skilled in building now all ingame items (including some of the exotic stuff just for the lolz) up to motherships and titans.
Its quite a challenge for me to organize this all by collecting the bpos, having them well material researched, also organize people helping and to share profit with them. This gives me much more satisfaction then points on a killboard.
I am now able to build almost anything anytime, just some of the exotic isnt worth doing it. And of course i do it for making profit.
Killing ships is not my way of playing eve but building is.

If you want to build a ship, do not drum up people to collect wood, prepare tools, assign tasks, and divide the work, but teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.
(source: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

I am still looking for the greatest moment. Its always there when i built something i havent built before. Or its there when i mass produce one type of ship and be able to sell it on the right place at the right time with huge profit.
I once built and sold 400 drakes. Sold them for 32 mill each in one batch. That was cool.

♫ When your ship gets blown to bits ♪ ♫ And you lose your Faction fits ♪ \☻/ Don't worry ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Be Happy \☻/

Dead's Prostitutes
The Initiative.
#16 - 2011-09-26 12:53:25 UTC
Joshua Aivoras wrote:

And I suppose my best moment will have to be when My corp built our first carrier and got to see it in space. Indeed there are thousands of this ship flying around at any given moment, but this one was [cheeseyness] special because we had worked together to build it [/cheeseyness]

Yes.. I felt pretty giddy too the first time I undocked in my Fenrir I had mined/procured minerals and buit myself out of a BPC and our capital part BPO's.
Nowadays, we have a nonstop stream of freighters coming off our production line, but that first one.. that one is mine.

I also am slowly getting more and more giddy now I've almost reached my target isk pile, to buy myself an Anshar. I have one alread borrowed from an alliance member, and I'm putting it to good use, but owning my own JF and moving stuff with that.. that will feel much more of an accomplishment.

Still need to get myself a 2nd freighter too.. so am slowly stockpiling up minerals to build a 2nd one for use in empire ( like when moving stuff to/from Jita to my jump point, as I'd rather not get my JF suicide ganked by some people, and a freighter can carry more stuff around, so on busy days, I can do a couple of jumps back and forth with stuff, fill up the freighter with it and then take that through empire )

Does railgun ammunition come in Hollow Point?

Kato Matsu
Ministry of War
#17 - 2011-09-26 17:30:37 UTC
I am a humble PI, trader, and researcher myself. It's not glamorous or flashy but I enjoy feeling like I do the "dirty job" no one else wants to do.

My greatest moment will sound lame to some I'm sure but it's also to moment I knew I wanted to be an industrialist...

Over the course of a weekend I calculated the fuels required to run my corp's POS
Setup PI to support it's fuel needs
Was given the Roles to fuel up the POS
Created buy orders to buy the fuels we couldn't make ourselves
Mapped out systems with the ice we needed
Then finally sat back on Sunday looking at the newly online POS and said

"I helped do that"
Joshua Aivoras
Tech IV Industries
#18 - 2011-09-26 20:59:32 UTC
Kato Matsu wrote:
I am a humble PI, trader, and researcher myself. It's not glamorous or flashy but I enjoy feeling like I do the "dirty job" no one else wants to do.

My greatest moment will sound lame to some I'm sure but it's also to moment I knew I wanted to be an industrialist...

Over the course of a weekend I calculated the fuels required to run my corp's POS
Setup PI to support it's fuel needs
Was given the Roles to fuel up the POS
Created buy orders to buy the fuels we couldn't make ourselves
Mapped out systems with the ice we needed
Then finally sat back on Sunday looking at the newly online POS and said

"I helped do that"

I also run PI for my corp, and I too had this feeling.......................when I forgot to move oxygen from the hangar into the fuel bay of our lowsec POS.

Best 30 mins I ever had in EVE Lol

95% of the players are loving EVE, the other 5%? On the forums.

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvatt
#19 - 2011-09-27 02:30:34 UTC
I've done the (high, low, and null sec) PVP bit, I've done the PVE bit, but mining keeps pulling me back because studying and other RL suck fests keep me distracted.

best eve moment: slipping around a null sec bubble gate camp in a cloaky hauler from 100K to "Who the F just jumped out of here?"
Daniel Vast
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#20 - 2011-09-28 20:12:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Daniel Vast
Quote from Halada from the advanced mining guide,

"The miner is the backbone of the entire EVE universe: everything that is manufactured, flown, destroyed and shot at comes from the very materials the miner harvested. He is the base of the pyramid and an absolute necessity to the survival of the economy. For this very reason, the profession will never be extinct."
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