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New Dev Blog: The moments that define history

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Sylar McIntyr
Caldari State
#301 - 2011-09-23 16:54:02 UTC
Currently we are seeing _very predictable feedback_ on what we are doing. Having the perspective of having done this for a decade, I can tell you that this is one of the moments where we look at what our players do and less of what they say.

This can be said about both sides and players have less to lose, there are other games out there that do what you want to achieve with WiS (aka Icarna) way better then EVE. And their Dev'S seem to care about them!
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#302 - 2011-09-23 17:05:49 UTC
*sigh* This is sadly a lot of... its barely even nothing.

Here is to a better future. I hope. With less focus on DUST and WofD, and more on something proven that people actually care about.
StarRanger 2ndClass
Comms Black
Pandemic Horde
#303 - 2011-09-23 17:21:12 UTC
A fine statement of CCP, and encourage them to execute it A.S.A.P. Attention
Mecinia Lua
Galactic Express
#304 - 2011-09-23 17:44:22 UTC
We'll at least this is better than his pants blog....

Still I don't see the point of a blog to announce another blog down the road. I suppose it's an effort to keep the player base feeling it's in some sort of loop, thus a PR move. That could do well.

I'm cautiously optimistic. The game and CCP won't last many more years without a change in direction I don't believe. The question is is it a good change or a bad change. It is at least well that CCP unlike SOE in November 2005 is realizing the building storm against them, and is at least reexamining where they are and where they need to be. There is hope in that realization that perhaps, just perhaps they can right the ship before it is truly to late.
Bogus Brothers Corporation
#305 - 2011-09-23 18:00:48 UTC
The focus should not be on talking. Talk is cheap. It must be on action.
Drake Draconis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#306 - 2011-09-23 18:08:06 UTC
I'll believe it when I see it.

all I see here is fan fair but no substance....and reference to a previuos blog that says "oops my bad" and we're gonna do "stuff".

So yeah...bitter"vet" (if you wana call me that) but I'll be keeping my energy focused on....well stuff.

So yeah.... nice....good for you.

Lets see where this goes shall we? Straight

================ STOP THE EVEMAIL SPAM!

Amarr Empire
#307 - 2011-09-23 18:25:20 UTC
I don't really understand why you folks at CCP feel the need to post these 'no-content' dev blogs. Honestly, it doesn't hurt to hold off posting something like this for a few days until you have some actual information to pair with it. All you're doing is irking your consumers by reminding them that you haven't actually shown anything substantial to prove your new focus.
Tara Armitage
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#308 - 2011-09-23 18:26:13 UTC
CCP Fallout wrote:
The latest dev blog from CCP Zulu gives us a heads up on some exciting things coming to EVE Online.

I am watching what you do, not what you say.
Ember Interstellar Inc.
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#309 - 2011-09-23 18:29:40 UTC
So uh you're gonna fix some big problems in the game we gripe about all the time... does that mean you're leaving CQ in its current state... just saying... would kind of be doing exactly what you'd always be doing then...

Just say NO to Dailies

Elmore Jones
New Eden Mining Organisation
The Craftsmen
#310 - 2011-09-23 18:31:01 UTC
Was this an apology for dropping the ball, but cloaked for maximum effect? P

+++ Reality Error 404 - Reboot Cosmos +++

#311 - 2011-09-23 18:32:30 UTC
CCP Fallout wrote:
The latest dev blog from CCP Zulu gives us a heads up on some exciting things coming to EVE Online.
... and it's worty of devblog bacause?


Every single character used in this post is a work of fiction. Any similarities with real-world alphabet, or - god forbid - language is purely unintnetional!

Viqer Fell
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#312 - 2011-09-23 18:36:40 UTC
I will await with quiet skepticism the next few dev blogs and am hopeful that I will be very pleasantly surprised.
No Idea What Happened
#313 - 2011-09-23 18:39:37 UTC
Been watching since after Apocrypha, haven't been impressed.
Yasuhiro Shoe
Caldari State
#314 - 2011-09-23 19:28:41 UTC
As I understand it, Zulu was not ready to make accurate statements, maybe the figures in the memo were wrong, or perhaps the coffee machine broke, anyway he had to tell us something, so he wrote a placeholder. He'll be back when he's made up his mind and sobered a little.
#315 - 2011-09-23 19:32:41 UTC
Hey Zulu, if you want to build up expectations, you should work for another company.

A brief blog that is supposed to leave the mouth watering only works for companies you trust, and big titles. Like, if Blizzard would've done this pre-Star Craft 2, Diablo 3, or we'd get our hopes up for another Deus Ex, etc. Unfortunately, CCP has wasted all player trust they once had, and all so-called mouth watering content you talk abut (like WiS, 2006) etc, just turns out to take you 5year+ to release and leave a bitter taste of something incomplete and far from cutting edge.

I love this game, but for the last five years I have consistently told you guys to hire a communications director. Someone that know how to communicate with players, press, and know how to release your vital information. You guys are horrible at this, and as good a game platform you have built, as bad are you with dialogue with your players.

Quite possible the worst blog you guys have released in years.

AFK-cloaking in a system near you.

Commander Logar
#316 - 2011-09-23 19:34:23 UTC
One of the moments that define history was when you make fun of your customers.( blue jean blog, remember) You really screwed it up. Now you talkin about focusing to your customers.
I hope its not another PR thing.

Amarr Empire
#317 - 2011-09-23 19:41:58 UTC
well let's wait and see
Karn Dulake > These Bots are getting very advanced. The other day one spent 45 minutes scamming me out of 5 plexes in Jita.
So you want to be a Hero
#318 - 2011-09-23 19:58:13 UTC
For over 2 years eve online was THE mmorpg for me Arnar Hrafn Gylfason,

sadly after some mayor disappointments (planet interaction 1.0, altering mission agents but no new content, beta player housing, live events 2.0, broken dual boxing, attempted 100 dollar fee for 3rd party apps, still no assault frig love or t3 frigs, golden ammo and its grey areas)
eve to me is now just another mmo,

I'm gonna have to vote with my wallet on this one, hope you can make it the best mmorpg again soon™

Eve online is :

A) mining simulator B) glorified chatroom C) spreadsheets online

D) CCP Games Pay to Win at skill leveling, with instant gratification

Lemming Alpha1dash1
Lemmings Online
#319 - 2011-09-23 20:12:34 UTC


havent laughed so hard since the april devblog about segways and petsBear

Information is Ammunition,

War does not tolerate Ambiguities.

May you live in an interesting Empyrean age !

Azn Empire
#320 - 2011-09-23 20:24:12 UTC
I'll make my judgements on this in a couple of years, for my faith in what CCP says is rather low TBQH.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.