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Dust 514 vs Planetside?

Huran Kai
#1 - 2012-03-15 17:08:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Huran Kai
I've recently returned briefly but I love Eve, despite being a pretty average pilot, I love the atmosphere, the ever changing world and politics, and I was hoping that due to being a "pretty average" pilot (I hope you get what I really mean :p) That I'd be able to be part of the world via Dust. However it seems that it's not going to be out on PC and only on PS3 which is a shame because I have some trust issues regarding Sony.

Anyway I recently tried the original Planetside and absolutely loved it and look forward to trying Planetside 2 when it comes out (free to play as well like dust) But I was wondering is Dust 514 going to be compromised because PC gamers may just download and play planetside 2 instead, since they seem very similar.
VKhaun Vex
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-03-15 17:54:59 UTC  |  Edited by: VKhaun Vex
I'm very excited to play PS2 as well, but SoE mismanages games very, very badly including the previous planet-side where they undermined their own character building and faction system by basically letting everyone have everything by grouping the skill certs and giving free respecs every day, while allowing anyone to switch sides on the same server every 5min IIRC.

They also fail hard at community work (their PS2 website doesn't even have a forum and the news items are shallow...). Right now I think they're doing a big thing with PC gamer, but they are largely unadvertised. I do not own a TV, so forgive me for saying that if they have commercials, but every time I talk to someone about PS2 for the first time, it's the first they've heard of it, and it's been planned for a loooooooonnnng time.

Buy it, enjoy it, but if you want to plan on playing an MMOFPS for a long time like EVE I would highly recommend Dust514. Not because I assume it's a better game, but because I unflinchingly assume CCP is a better team for the long term management of a game.

Charges Twilight fans with Ka-bar -Surfin's PlunderBunny LIIIIIIIIIIINNEEEEE PIIIEEEECCCCEEE!!!!!!! -Taedrin Using relativity to irrational numbers is smart -rodyas I no longer believe we landed on the moon. -Atticus Fynch

Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#3 - 2012-03-15 18:13:47 UTC
Dust inifinit sided war

PS2 3 sided war.

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-03-15 18:14:40 UTC
Fundamentals look to be the same, however it looks like DUST will be less linear in the missions you take. PS is faction warfare... Also no real economy.

Thats mechanics. Game play I have no idea. I saw the 30minute long or so PS presentation at GDC addressed some issues that I was worried about. Looks like a ton of customization for everything. Dust looks to be more akin to eve mechanics in terms of customization, and game play. (which worries me because im not sure it will make a large impact or just not work well in an FPS which is skill and twitch based)

Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#5 - 2012-03-15 18:25:14 UTC
There is also the prospect that there wouldnt have poltiics dust 514 will have.

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

Huran Kai
#6 - 2012-03-15 18:45:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Huran Kai
From looking at how the new map system for PS2 works, I think there shall be, from my experience playing PS1 there's still a lot of politics going on currently.
Kai Tel
State War Academy
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-03-15 20:01:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Kai Tel
Honestly man, both those games fall under SOE's banner so I am going to go play FireFall instead. Seriously...
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-03-15 20:31:50 UTC

Honestly I have no interest in any mmo with pve shooter content... Cause that's called single player.

I mean that game looks like it really just ripped off so many many games. TF2, Borderlands, WOW, Tribes...All with a pve focus, and gear grind focus. (just what I always wanted in a shooter!!!) And i'm assuming the pvp is instanced... In which case why would I want instanced pvp in an MMO shooter?

Having played PS1, and love FPS....well most of them. FF Does not look like my cup of tea.
So Sensational
#9 - 2012-03-16 01:49:33 UTC
VKhaun Vex wrote:
... but because I unflinchingly assume CCP is a better team for the long term management of a game.

Yeah like with EVE!

DUST 514 is a 32vs32 Battlefield/CoD clone.

Planetside 2 is a persistent world with territorial conquest and battles supposedly consisting of up to 1000 players.
The Unwanted.
#10 - 2012-03-16 11:30:08 UTC
VKhaun Vex wrote:
I'm very excited to play PS2 as well, but SoE mismanages games very, very badly including the previous planet-side where they undermined their own character building and faction system by basically letting everyone have everything by grouping the skill certs and giving free respecs every day, while allowing anyone to switch sides on the same server every 5min IIRC.

They also fail hard at community work (their PS2 website doesn't even have a forum and the news items are shallow...). Right now I think they're doing a big thing with PC gamer, but they are largely unadvertised. I do not own a TV, so forgive me for saying that if they have commercials, but every time I talk to someone about PS2 for the first time, it's the first they've heard of it, and it's been planned for a loooooooonnnng time.

Buy it, enjoy it, but if you want to plan on playing an MMOFPS for a long time like EVE I would highly recommend Dust514. Not because I assume it's a better game, but because I unflinchingly assume CCP is a better team for the long term management of a game.

Valid points.

SoE is not really giving Planetside enough pre-launch support, and missing the fundamentals of community involvement like a forum is an embarrassingly myopic move.

No one plays just one game, so I'd say play both and have fun. If you like one more than the other, then you got places to go - you make a decision pre-launch and you only have a 50% chance of being happy.

I suck at FPS on PS3. Truly. People tell me it's about timing, not tiny movement of the cross-hair, but I still can't play these fuckin' games without a mouse and keyboard. I know you can get them for PS3, but I can't think of a furniture solution which'll mean I can play in front of the teevee and pwn.

None-the-less, I'm sure I'll buy both games and play them anyway, even though I'll get pwned more times than most peoples sister, or just end up getting my squad killed, because I couldn't remember whether it was triangle, square, circle, cross, L2, R2, L1, R1 + left right up down + R3-L3 to fire a rocket launcher and I'm looking at the manual like a n00b...

That said, I bought Street Fighter X Tekken the other day, plus an arcade stick and I have to say it is truly awesome. I can't remember having so much fun from a video game. A freind of mine came round and we could not put the game down and were using all of the excellently animated characters to full effect, pulling off combo's, tweaking the gems.

Question: Would EVE make a good beat-em-up?

I think it has all of the hallmarks and a back-story to support it.


This space for rent.

Tactical Farmers.
Pandemic Horde
#11 - 2012-03-16 11:46:27 UTC
On a conceptual level, and I am going to be bias here, Dust 514 without a shred of a doubt but for how the game actually plays (and feels) remains to be seen.

As for PlanetSide 2, the main reason the game(s) never really appeared on my radar is because it just looks like Tribes with larger maps. I do love Tribes but I just don't see the point of playing a Tribes game with larger maps and more people, but if SOE have a public beta or I manage to get a hold of a beta key then maybe...

Agent of Chaos, Sower of Discord.

Don't talk to me unless you are IQ verified and certified with three references from non-family members. Please have your certificate of authenticity on hand.

Tactical Farmers.
Pandemic Horde
#12 - 2012-03-16 11:49:11 UTC
AlleyKat wrote:

Question: Would EVE make a good beat-em-up?

Doubt it. I think EVE has a good chance to be a good RTS with a Supreme Commander scale though.

Agent of Chaos, Sower of Discord.

Don't talk to me unless you are IQ verified and certified with three references from non-family members. Please have your certificate of authenticity on hand.

VKhaun Vex
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2012-03-16 16:15:38 UTC  |  Edited by: VKhaun Vex
So Sensational wrote:
VKhaun Vex wrote:
... but because I unflinchingly assume CCP is a better team for the long term management of a game.

Yeah like with EVE!

DUST 514 is a 32vs32 Battlefield/CoD clone.

Planetside 2 is a persistent world with territorial conquest and battles supposedly consisting of up to 1000 players.

I detect sarcasm and stupidity.

1) EVE has done better than many others, and done it with less. Just because you got butthurt about one of the least intrusive cash shops of all time {KANYE} OF ALL TIME {/KANYE} doesn't mean they did badly.

2) 32v32 -IS- massive, show me the planet-side screen shot with 32 people fighting 32 people instead of splitting up, stretching out over half a mile running from a spawn point and having little 10v10 or 12v12's wherever they meet or standing in a ******* line to get a vehicle on a timer. '1,000 are playing' is not the same thing as '500v500' battles. And yes I use two numbers on purpose because their three faction system only had all three meet (Edit-- In quantity sufficient to matter on this topic..) EXTREMELY rarely in my experience.

Now obviously this is dependent upon game design. If PS2 is a 'better' game then sure, it will have bigger battles, but that has nothing to do with actual population because 32 v 32 is a huge fight. If Dust514 does the OBVIOUS thing and makes people pick their stuff before the fight so all they do is shoot at eachother and take objectives, and they design their maps nice and open, then 32v32 could easily feel bigger than Planet-Side 1 or 2 ever will with 500 people all broken up and busy doing things other than fighting.

3) PS2 is cloning BF/CoD as well. Just like the entire MMO market does to WoW, you're going to see CoD clone mentioned for every mainstream FPS that is not a remake, even some remakes as we see here.

Just take note so when short sighted people tell you 'CoD wasn't the first shooter game ever!!! Theyre not all CoD clones!!!' you can roll your eyes like I do at that WoW argument today. Everything is going to clone CoD/BF2, and since you've played them along with other shooters you're going to know it just like I tried WoW when it was new compared to other MMO's and I see the ways it's copied.

Charges Twilight fans with Ka-bar -Surfin's PlunderBunny LIIIIIIIIIIINNEEEEE PIIIEEEECCCCEEE!!!!!!! -Taedrin Using relativity to irrational numbers is smart -rodyas I no longer believe we landed on the moon. -Atticus Fynch

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#14 - 2012-03-16 22:18:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Kattshiro
Planetside does not play like tribes, nor did it play like BF or COD, or Halo. But considering the vechs, and scope BF is the nearest thing... Sort of. PS had the ability to be really open and really closed really sparse and really really chaotic all at the same time. And battles did have more than 64 total in one area for sure.

I'm not talking it up rather telling my experience. It was a fun game, and was open ended with choices and places to fight. This one is looking to be a tad different with how customization, and resources go so can't say.

Mind you I really like BF3 on both regular and HC mode... I say this just as a reference point for my tastes so others can compare and say... Yeah those would not be for me etc.

EDIT: Also DUST is 24 v. 24. Not a bad number depending on how the maps are laid out, and what objectives there are.
VKhaun Vex
Amarr Empire
#15 - 2012-03-17 03:22:56 UTC
Kattshiro wrote:
Planetside ... battles did have more than 64 total in one area for sure.

I played an objective-oriented stealther (not running around trying to shoot one guy in the back, watching the battle to find and blow up mobile spawn points with CE, knifing groups of snipers, ninja hacking towers etc. I typically did not even carry a gun.)

I watched MANY MANY skirmishes people later referred to as 'epic' battles sitting on a hill side or on top of a stairwell roof that were nothing more than a squad of guys with grenade launchers, a reaver, and a tank firing into a base door making a platoon+random people panic just inside the door and camp afraid to go outside and I caused several 'victories' when I di things like remote detonated their tank and lied in chat and said they had left so people came out and started fighting.

The good 'big' battles that were so much fun involved 100+, sure. When we had one of those I would break out the suppressor rifle and go out in agile a few respawns and have a ball plus get more XP than I had in several days of sabatoge... but you're not fighting 100 people. That's not something you can compare to a shooter and call it 50+v50+ like a CoD game is 16v16.

Five or so guys are straight camping in the command center of every base and tower involved. Flat out fifteen people on the defensive side doing NOTHING for 20min+ in that count except cracking jokes on vent about the names they see in the kill spam, all for stopping people like me from hacking it, and they didn't always even succeed.

Every camper in the CoD game is shooting at someone in the few minutes the round lasts, every camper is in a place people are passing constantly, every rusher is spawning ON an ally and fighting. If you make a game like that at 32v32 with open maps (Dust514) that's just as big as anything that happened in planet-side though to be fair... perhaps not as interesting for someone like me. Like I said, I will be buying PS2. :)

Charges Twilight fans with Ka-bar -Surfin's PlunderBunny LIIIIIIIIIIINNEEEEE PIIIEEEECCCCEEE!!!!!!! -Taedrin Using relativity to irrational numbers is smart -rodyas I no longer believe we landed on the moon. -Atticus Fynch

Firestorm Delta
Aphotic Machina
#16 - 2012-03-17 17:55:47 UTC
Kattshiro wrote:
Planetside does not play like tribes, nor did it play like BF or COD, or Halo. But considering the vechs, and scope BF is the nearest thing... Sort of. PS had the ability to be really open and really closed really sparse and really really chaotic all at the same time. And battles did have more than 64 total in one area for sure.

I'm not talking it up rather telling my experience. It was a fun game, and was open ended with choices and places to fight. This one is looking to be a tad different with how customization, and resources go so can't say.

Mind you I really like BF3 on both regular and HC mode... I say this just as a reference point for my tastes so others can compare and say... Yeah those would not be for me etc.

EDIT: Also DUST is 24 v. 24. Not a bad number depending on how the maps are laid out, and what objectives there are.

Being a former Battlefield 2142 player I have to say the most intense games on their weren't the 32v32. It was the 16v16. Why? The maps had less room, less vehicles, and only enough objectives to be just right. Larger games just got too big to be any fun. I've had games that were 32v32 where I could stand at one base for half the game and only see another enemy like 5 times. And usually he was solo.

Not owning a PS3 atm means I will not be getting Dust. I will have my eyes on it though.