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EVE Technology Lab

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Possibly looking for programmer or spreedsheet master?

Ore Farmer
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1 - 2011-09-23 16:18:14 UTC
Ok, basically I want to be able to have either a spreadsheet or external (not running inside eve) program to calculate build costs of blueprints. Im sure there are links to java script/flash based websites that do this....but its hard to compile information of various blueprints at the same time and compare overall results. If that makes sense? Or am I wrong into thinking someone has already done this? Im open to suggestions or anyone willing to help me with this project. Please EVE mail or post on here and I will return your message accordingly. Thanks guys!
Bai Guang
#2 - 2011-09-23 16:55:07 UTC
Ore Farmer wrote:
Ok, basically I want to be able to have either a spreadsheet or external (not running inside eve) program to calculate build costs of blueprints. Im sure there are links to java script/flash based websites that do this....but its hard to compile information of various blueprints at the same time and compare overall results. If that makes sense? Or am I wrong into thinking someone has already done this? Im open to suggestions or anyone willing to help me with this project. Please EVE mail or post on here and I will return your message accordingly. Thanks guys!

Thats a relatively simple task. If you want I can send you a excel with that information in it so that you might could use it as a starting point. Just let me know
Ore Farmer
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#3 - 2011-09-23 17:56:55 UTC
Bai Guang wrote:
Ore Farmer wrote:
Ok, basically I want to be able to have either a spreadsheet or external (not running inside eve) program to calculate build costs of blueprints. Im sure there are links to java script/flash based websites that do this....but its hard to compile information of various blueprints at the same time and compare overall results. If that makes sense? Or am I wrong into thinking someone has already done this? Im open to suggestions or anyone willing to help me with this project. Please EVE mail or post on here and I will return your message accordingly. Thanks guys!

Thats a relatively simple task. If you want I can send you a excel with that information in it so that you might could use it as a starting point. Just let me know

That would be great. I should also note that Im looking for a system that can also be updated to real time market orders. For instance, if I have a Raven BPO thats requires X amount of trit..the system would automatically check (lets say Jita's) current forsale price on X trit and calculate that into the overall cost with the breakdown of each mineral (or for larger shis, components or systems).
Callean Drevus
Caldari State
#4 - 2011-09-23 18:37:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Callean Drevus
Hey Ore Farmer,

I think I have what you are looking for: link

Then click on Manufacturing & Research, and look at the bottom near Total Materials. For components (not really applicable for the Raven, but you can enter some different items) you can select the 'Top level comp.' box.

Of course, prices are updated as fast as they can be provided (EC, EMD and own own uploads), especially The Forge is a very active region ;)

IIRC there was another website that allowed you to compare several different blueprints. My own only allows you to compare blueprints you already own, like: this. Though this will probably change in the future.

Developer/Creator of EVE Marketeer

Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2011-09-23 19:08:05 UTC
Ore Farmer wrote:
Ok, basically I want to be able to have either a spreadsheet or external (not running inside eve) program to calculate build costs of blueprints. Im sure there are links to java script/flash based websites that do this....but its hard to compile information of various blueprints at the same time and compare overall results. If that makes sense? Or am I wrong into thinking someone has already done this? Im open to suggestions or anyone willing to help me with this project. Please EVE mail or post on here and I will return your message accordingly. Thanks guys!

Check out my application. Let me know what you think.

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Ore Farmer
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#6 - 2011-09-23 20:44:03 UTC
I like the ideas and programs you guys have come up with, some very helpful tools. If anyone has anymore of thier own, keep them coming. Thanks guys!
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#7 - 2011-09-24 15:53:01 UTC
look at EVEHQ's Prism plugin.

Or the manufacturing calculator on

As an aside is handy too.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

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