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Crime & Punishment

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#121 - 2012-03-15 02:12:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Katalci
You have my Thrasher.

I would like to see the security status penalty for ship-killing in lowsec entirely removed. It's a roadblock that makes it more difficult for newer players, without money-printing alts, to begin PvP -- you have to either give up on lowsec and join a big blue sov alliance, or somehow live off of the high-risk, low-reward opportunities of lowsec. Keep the penalty for podding, as there needs to be some way to get to the -10 status symbol.

Red Els wrote:
Kind of funny that you cry about the sec gain nerf

* Let me say this about security status repair
A pirat dont geave any **** about the sec status and b the one who does care shoud not call him/herself a pirate just a wanabe. (true pirate is being proud of -10 and dont have the time to wast on reping sec status since he is to bizzy killing stuff
[even more dumb words that take up a ton of space here, removed so as to not further **** up this thread with the length]
Yeah yeah i know i shoud post it whit my pirat alt instead but that again it way to boring to log in to post whit it
Yes my spelling is not that great deal whit it
You mad bro?
Hope i dint dubble post it and feel free to flame away
Greets from nitrya

This is quite possibly the worst post ever.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#122 - 2012-03-15 02:18:08 UTC
As one who dodges the "pirates" well (note lack of PVP losses) and watches lowsec patterns as a measure of intel, I can't help but draw the conclusion that this is going to kill lowsec.

I have fond memories of low - back when I was a noob and noobs where somewhat left alone for having ships that were not worth the trouble of killing. But there were nice little incidents and much fun was had by all. I remember the Vexor flashy locking my velator but I did something to PO the station and it would not let me dock. Then there was the mission in Amamake and I am pod-riding out (this was before WTZ) complaining about it in local and people are like "you got bawls". Running those lowsec gauntlets back in 2006 and occasionally stealing ships (someone was using Amamake as a parking lot for some reason) was a great shot of adrenalin before hitting the Rum and making a Cuba Libra the size of Cleveland.

I watched lowsec die. And I think this move, after reading this thread, is taking the corpse out of the box and giving it one in the ass just for good measure.

I wonder though, if this was a move to affect nullsec ratting? Not sure about this. The playerbase is certainly worthy of an explanation.

Now should I go to Jita to gank or get ganked in a show of support? Lol Since this is a pirate issue, maybe I should just steal some destroyers. Pirate

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#123 - 2012-03-15 03:47:19 UTC
I'm not a pirate myself, nor do I ever intend to become one.

However, as a valuable segment of this game, I feel piracy needs a little more attention than this. This change does sound like it was not well thought out.

Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#124 - 2012-03-15 04:46:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarryn Nightstorm
Griznatch wrote:

Are you seriously that stupid? The purpose of looking at my killboard is to see all the hulks I like to gank, and how much work its going to take to fix my sec status when the time comes. This change directly affects me.

Also, calling me out about having any authority on the subject from a character with 1 kill and 2 losses in the last year and a half just makes you look like an idiot, or a coward posting from an alt. I've had to fix my sec status up numerous times. Its a consequence of breaking the law in EvE. I took my punishment like a man, did what I had to do, and got back to empire. Considering you've likely never left high sec, I don't think you can grasp the concept at all.

So it does directly effect you, then--you just said it didn't--which is it?

Killboards are the only credible source of information on whether a person knows a game, especially a game which allows and encourages alts, and mostly not knowing who the main and who the alt/s is/are.Roll

This is not a PvP-focussed character, obviously. I started this game with one of those, and my/its corp-rules require a =/> -1.99 security status for merc-work and general wardecs, even if you've been on a suicide-ganking spree for the last 5 days straight. Hence my/its recent exile to the aforementioned NPC null tourist-spot

And being afwaaaaid of the big bad scawwy piwates is the only reason people post on different characters, ever.Roll

You just keep telling yourself that, little boy.


You sound like a self-important kid who thinks he's a real bad-ass because he urp-sploded a bunch of Internet-pixels on an Internet video-game. I got news for you, you aren't: Grow up FFS.

Or better yet, just **** off, you big bad scawwy piwate...Ugh

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Mortimer Goldman
#125 - 2012-03-15 07:43:05 UTC
o7 D3, you won't be missed.
Distinguished Gentleman's Boating Club
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#126 - 2012-03-15 12:11:38 UTC
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Griznatch wrote:

Are you seriously that stupid? The purpose of looking at my killboard is to see all the hulks I like to gank, and how much work its going to take to fix my sec status when the time comes. This change directly affects me.

Also, calling me out about having any authority on the subject from a character with 1 kill and 2 losses in the last year and a half just makes you look like an idiot, or a coward posting from an alt. I've had to fix my sec status up numerous times. Its a consequence of breaking the law in EvE. I took my punishment like a man, did what I had to do, and got back to empire. Considering you've likely never left high sec, I don't think you can grasp the concept at all.

So it does directly effect you, then--you just said it didn't--which is it?

Killboards are the only credible source of information on whether a person knows a game, especially a game which allows and encourages alts, and mostly not knowing who the main and who the alt/s is/are.Roll

This is not a PvP-focussed character, obviously. I started this game with one of those, and my/its corp-rules require a =/> -1.99 security status for merc-work and general wardecs, even if you've been on a suicide-ganking spree for the last 5 days straight. Hence my/its recent exile to the aforementioned NPC null tourist-spot

And being afwaaaaid of the big bad scawwy piwates is the only reason people post on different characters, ever.Roll

You just keep telling yourself that, little boy.


You sound like a self-important kid who thinks he's a real bad-ass because he urp-sploded a bunch of Internet-pixels on an Internet video-game. I got news for you, you aren't: Grow up FFS.

Or better yet, just **** off, you big bad scawwy piwate...Ugh

Please feel free to quote the post where I said it didn't affect me, because I'm pretty sure you just pulled that out of your ass.

I used to have a clever sig but I lost it.

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#127 - 2012-03-15 13:20:31 UTC
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Not to hijack the thread, but...

Is it time for another Incursion-interdiction? On a massive--ideally throughout all of hisec at once, without let-up--on-going scale this time 'round, too.

Just throwing that out there.

We've already managed to cause CCP to hastily patch two methods we used to inflict pain upon the incursioners. They seem dedicated to ensuring the safety of highsec isk printing in all its forms, so I don't think any incursion interdiction would last for long. The more you push it, the more CCP will push back in order to maintain the status quo.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Nadire Innovations and Education Inc.
#128 - 2012-03-15 14:25:03 UTC
This nerf is really sad. CCP please fix it!! Piracy is an honorable profession in eve.
Kali Fin
#129 - 2012-03-15 16:50:53 UTC
To all those people saying that -10 pilots don't give a f**k anyway, I'll tell you right now, it sucks having to rat up your sec status so random rifters won't try and bother you. Yes, you can instapop them anyway, and yes it's always funny to see 30 T1 frigates swarm your 4 man group of RR tempests. I, for one, would love to be able to get my sec status back up to AT LEAST -2.0 in a reasonable amount of time. I've done it once already in order to join a merc corp, and it took FOREVER (almost literally. About 5 hours a day, 7 days a week for a whole month of nothing but grinding belt rats in GW).

Until CCP changes this, Darius has my 270mm artillery guns to create tears at Jita 4-4

I have schemed too long to be supplanted by dead gods. If I cannot have this world, no one can.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#130 - 2012-03-15 20:46:27 UTC
Kali Fin wrote:
To all those people saying that -10 pilots don't give a f**k anyway, I'll tell you right now, it sucks having to rat up your sec status so random rifters won't try and bother you. Yes, you can instapop them anyway, and yes it's always funny to see 30 T1 frigates swarm your 4 man group of RR tempests. I, for one, would love to be able to get my sec status back up to AT LEAST -2.0 in a reasonable amount of time. I've done it once already in order to join a merc corp, and it took FOREVER (almost literally. About 5 hours a day, 7 days a week for a whole month of nothing but grinding belt rats in GW).

Until CCP changes this, Darius has my 270mm artillery guns to create tears at Jita 4-4

30 frigates on 4 pests? What are you doing in goony space? Lol

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#131 - 2012-03-15 20:53:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Daemon Ceed
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Not to hijack the thread, but..

Is it time for another Incursion-interdiction? On a massive--ideally throughout all of hisec at once, without let-up--on-going scale this time 'round, too

Just throwing that out there.

We've already managed to cause CCP to hastily patch two methods we used to inflict pain upon the incursioners. They seem dedicated to ensuring the safety of highsec isk printing in all its forms, so I don't think any incursion interdiction would last for long. The more you push it, the more CCP will push back in order to maintain the status quo.

I must say, you guys did fine job at that. I was thoroughly impressed.

What really needs to be done is to kick the kids out of the cradle. I know that CCP would probably never do this because they are scared to death at losing subscribers from the 80% or so of the EVE population that regularly lives in highsec. However, I have an alternative proposal to include ideas for lowsec buffs:

- Incursion Nerf: Either nerf the income of Vanguard sites or make only 1 highsec Incursion at any one point and time to create more competition and contests to finish the site. You want the ISK and LP, then you better bring a capable fleet that can beat out others. If that means running heavy on DPS and reducing the income for the fleet members, so be it. Another idea is to randomly adjust triggers so that an FC has to be on his feet to clear sites. There should be more risk for the profits.

- Expand Lowsec: Turn 1/4 to 1/3rd of Empire highsec into Lowsec. Create more Lowsec pockets in between trade lanes. If you want to travel from Amarr to Jita, you gotta jump through lowsec. If you're in a freighter, you better have a combat escort team with some logi support. Roll the change into a release - say that criminals have taken over some of highsec and driven out Concord. Whatever lore you need to makeup to do this, just do it...please!

- Nerf Gate and Station Guns: POS guns don't have perfect tracking, and neither should gate or station guns. This would also make Inty's finally viable for gatecamping or engaging those who try to fight on gates. Frig warfare in lowsec is utterly terrible because of this issue. Reduce gate/station gun DPS by 15-20% in lowsec.

- GCC Timers: I'm in agreement with several of the CSM candidates on this one. GCC timers are painfully long and kill the pace of things in lowsec. Pirates are people too with lives and commitments IRL. If I have to wait 15 min every time I shoot something it eats up a large part of my game time. GCC should be relative to the security of the area. Bump it to 20 min in highsec, 10min for 0.4 to 0.3 systems, 5 min for 0.2 to 0.1. If you jump from a 0.3 to 0.2 system with GCC the maintains the penalty from the system you committed the crime in.

- Minerals: Veldspar would be the only ore available in highsec. You want Pyroxeres, Kernite, Scordite, etc gotta go to lowsec. Bring a protective fleet with you. Hell, you may even see some people who's mains are pirates finally create mining alts because it's suddenly become profitable. If there's one thing I agree with Mittens on, it's the Predator-Prey foodchain. Miners provide PVP opportunities to pirates. If you want to mine in lowsec, you need to have a corp with sufficient assets and pilots to defend your space to mine safely, just as you do in nullsec

- Concord Changes: While I'm a pirate, its not fair to only defend the pirate platform and talking points. In the remaining areas of highsec Concord should have quicker response times...seeing as the pirates in lowsec and such will have much more activity and entertainment they won't have to venture so much to suicide gank those who do live in highsec.

- Make Level 4 Missions Unblitzable: We talk about people making gobs of cash on L4's all the time and the amount of inflation that all the extra ISK causes. It's not the bounties that make a majority of the cash, it's the LP. People with half a brain can make craptons of ISK by blitzing L4's, converting the LP to more profitable items and then reselling them on the market.

- Better Anom drops in Lowsec: I've lived in lowsec for quite awhile, and during the downtime I like to run anoms to make some extra cash to replace my losses by finding some decent shiny. But guess what? It's rare as hell that I find anything good in lowsec. If CCP claims that they buffed lowsec anoms, I'm sure as hell not seeing it, and I've been working my ass off at it because there is NOTHING ELSE TO DO HERE! I'd go as far to say that 80% of time time I only find a crappy faction module worth only 5 mil that next to nobody wants or needs. If you make lowsec drops better, you will see more people coming from high to lowsec to get them. That adds more than just your miners and haulers to the Predator - Prey foodchain.
Herb Men
#132 - 2012-03-15 21:32:40 UTC
Its been this way for a while...Why say somethin now.

Signatures wer cooler when we couldn't remove them completely.

Patri Andari
Thukker Tribe Antiquities Importer
#133 - 2012-03-16 00:11:57 UTC
Daemon Ceed wrote:
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Not to hijack the thread, but..

Is it time for another Incursion-interdiction? On a massive--ideally throughout all of hisec at once, without let-up--on-going scale this time 'round, too

Just throwing that out there.

We've already managed to cause CCP to hastily patch two methods we used to inflict pain upon the incursioners. They seem dedicated to ensuring the safety of highsec isk printing in all its forms, so I don't think any incursion interdiction would last for long. The more you push it, the more CCP will push back in order to maintain the status quo.

I must say, you guys did fine job at that. I was thoroughly impressed.

What really needs to be done is to kick the kids out of the cradle. I know that CCP would probably never due this because they are scared to death at losing subscribers from the 80% or so of the EVE population that regularly lives in highsec. However, I have an alternative proposal to include ideas for lowsec buffs:

- Incursion Nerf: Either nerf the income of Vanguard sites or make only 1 highsec Incursion at any one point and time to create more competition and contests to finish the site. You want the ISK and LP, then you better bring a capable fleet that can beat out others. If that means running heavy on DPS and reducing the income for the fleet members, so be it. Another idea is to randomly adjust triggers so that an FC has to be on his feet to clear sites. There should be more risk for the profits.

- Expand Lowsec: Turn 1/4 to 1/3rd of Empire highsec into Lowsec. Create more Lowsec pockets in between trade lanes. If you want to travel from Amarr to Jita, you gotta jump through lowsec. If you're in a freighter, you better have a combat escort team with some logi support. Roll the change into a release - say that criminals have taken over some of highsec and driven out Concord. Whatever lore you need to makeup to do this, just do it...please!

- Nerf Gate and Station Guns: POS guns don't have perfect tracking, and neither should gate or station guns. This would also make Inty's finally viable for gatecamping or engaging those who try to fight on gates. Frig warfare in lowsec is utterly terrible because of this issue. Reduce gate/station gun DPS by 15-20% in lowsec.

- GCC Timers: I'm in agreement with several of the CSM candidates on this one. GCC timers are painfully long and kill the pace of things in lowsec. Pirates are people too with lives and commitments IRL. If I have to wait 15 min every time I shoot something it eats up a large part of my game time. GCC should be relative to the security of the area. Bump it to 20 min in highsec, 10min for 0.4 to 0.3 systems, 5 min for 0.2 to 0.1. If you jump from a 0.3 to 0.2 system with GCC the maintains the penalty from the system you committed the crime in.

- Minerals: Veldspar would be the only ore available in highsec. You want Pyroxeres, Kernite, Scordite, etc gotta go to lowsec. Bring a protective fleet with you. Hell, you may even see some people who's mains are pirates finally create mining alts because it's suddenly become profitable. If there's one thing I agree with Mittens on, it's the Predator-Prey foodchain. Miners provide PVP opportunities to pirates. If you want to mine in lowsec, you need to have a corp with sufficient assets and pilots to defend your space to mine safely, just as you do in nullsec

- Concord Changes: While I'm a pirate, its not fair to only defend the pirate platform and talking points. In the remaining areas of highsec Concord should have quicker response times...seeing as the pirates in lowsec and such will have much more activity and entertainment they won't have to venture so much to suicide gank those who do live in highsec.

- Make Level 4 Missions Unblitzable: We talk about people making gobs of cash on L4's all the time and the amount of inflation that all the extra ISK causes. It's not the bounties that make a majority of the cash, it's the LP. People with half a brain can make craptons of ISK by blitzing L4's, converting the LP to more profitable items and then reselling them on the market.

- Better Anom drops in Lowsec: I've lived in lowsec for quite awhile, and during the downtime I like to run anoms to make some extra cash to replace my losses by finding some decent shiny. But guess what? It's rare as hell that I find anything good in lowsec. If CCP claims that they buffed lowsec anoms, I'm sure as hell not seeing it, and I've been working my ass off at it because there is NOTHING ELSE TO DO HERE! I'd go as far to say that 80% of time time I only find a crappy faction module worth only 5 mil that next to nobody wants or needs. If you make lowsec drops better, you will see more people coming from high to lowsec to get them. That adds more than just your miners and haulers to the Predator - Prey foodchain.

Would the gentleman also like a pony?

Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions. Be careful what you do, for your actions become your character. And character is everything. - author unknown

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#134 - 2012-03-16 06:50:06 UTC
Can't say I've ever done any pirating outside of a mining Caracal gank (lol) but it's been something I've considered for pretty much my whole EVE life. Every time it comes down to, for me, "Except oh yeah, **** ratting for hours and hours." ESPECIALLY solo. Ugh.

It's good though. I could always use an alt to bring things down from High Sec in this game that has nothing to do with a pay to win formula that was a great fear stipulated from Monoclegate -- wait a second...

Getting an alt isn't economically viable for me. Paying extortionate low-sec prices isn't something I can afford in-game. Paying for a sub to shoot at rats for hours isn't what I want - and if for some reason I was forced to rat for hours on hours I wouldn't play. If I want that I have my choice of thousands of MMOs that offer much better PvE content.

Difference is, most other MMOs won't advertise you as being able to use any weapon you want, then turn around and say "You want to use Longswords? -95% experience penalty! +200% experience loss on death! What, that's not fair? That's what you get for being a Longsword using ass-hole. **** your custom!"

"To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin" - The Scriptures, Book of Missions 13:21

Markarian Aurelius
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#135 - 2012-03-16 07:59:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Markarian Aurelius
Patri Andari wrote:
Daemon Ceed wrote:
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Not to hijack the thread, but..

Is it time for another Incursion-interdiction? On a massive--ideally throughout all of hisec at once, without let-up--on-going scale this time 'round, too

Just throwing that out there.

We've already managed to cause CCP to hastily patch two methods we used to inflict pain upon the incursioners. They seem dedicated to ensuring the safety of highsec isk printing in all its forms, so I don't think any incursion interdiction would last for long. The more you push it, the more CCP will push back in order to maintain the status quo.

I must say, you guys did fine job at that. I was thoroughly impressed.

What really needs to be done is to kick the kids out of the cradle. I know that CCP would probably never due this because they are scared to death at losing subscribers from the 80% or so of the EVE population that regularly lives in highsec. However, I have an alternative proposal to include ideas for lowsec buffs:

- Incursion Nerf: Either nerf the income of Vanguard sites or make only 1 highsec Incursion at any one point and time to create more competition and contests to finish the site. You want the ISK and LP, then you better bring a capable fleet that can beat out others. If that means running heavy on DPS and reducing the income for the fleet members, so be it. Another idea is to randomly adjust triggers so that an FC has to be on his feet to clear sites. There should be more risk for the profits.

- Expand Lowsec: Turn 1/4 to 1/3rd of Empire highsec into Lowsec. Create more Lowsec pockets in between trade lanes. If you want to travel from Amarr to Jita, you gotta jump through lowsec. If you're in a freighter, you better have a combat escort team with some logi support. Roll the change into a release - say that criminals have taken over some of highsec and driven out Concord. Whatever lore you need to makeup to do this, just do it...please!

- Nerf Gate and Station Guns: POS guns don't have perfect tracking, and neither should gate or station guns. This would also make Inty's finally viable for gatecamping or engaging those who try to fight on gates. Frig warfare in lowsec is utterly terrible because of this issue. Reduce gate/station gun DPS by 15-20% in lowsec.

- GCC Timers: I'm in agreement with several of the CSM candidates on this one. GCC timers are painfully long and kill the pace of things in lowsec. Pirates are people too with lives and commitments IRL. If I have to wait 15 min every time I shoot something it eats up a large part of my game time. GCC should be relative to the security of the area. Bump it to 20 min in highsec, 10min for 0.4 to 0.3 systems, 5 min for 0.2 to 0.1. If you jump from a 0.3 to 0.2 system with GCC the maintains the penalty from the system you committed the crime in.

- Minerals: Veldspar would be the only ore available in highsec. You want Pyroxeres, Kernite, Scordite, etc gotta go to lowsec. Bring a protective fleet with you. Hell, you may even see some people who's mains are pirates finally create mining alts because it's suddenly become profitable. If there's one thing I agree with Mittens on, it's the Predator-Prey foodchain. Miners provide PVP opportunities to pirates. If you want to mine in lowsec, you need to have a corp with sufficient assets and pilots to defend your space to mine safely, just as you do in nullsec

- Concord Changes: While I'm a pirate, its not fair to only defend the pirate platform and talking points. In the remaining areas of highsec Concord should have quicker response times...seeing as the pirates in lowsec and such will have much more activity and entertainment they won't have to venture so much to suicide gank those who do live in highsec.

- Make Level 4 Missions Unblitzable: We talk about people making gobs of cash on L4's all the time and the amount of inflation that all the extra ISK causes. It's not the bounties that make a majority of the cash, it's the LP. People with half a brain can make craptons of ISK by blitzing L4's, converting the LP to more profitable items and then reselling them on the market.

- Better Anom drops in Lowsec: I've lived in lowsec for quite awhile, and during the downtime I like to run anoms to make some extra cash to replace my losses by finding some decent shiny. But guess what? It's rare as hell that I find anything good in lowsec. If CCP claims that they buffed lowsec anoms, I'm sure as hell not seeing it, and I've been working my ass off at it because there is NOTHING ELSE TO DO HERE! I'd go as far to say that 80% of time time I only find a crappy faction module worth only 5 mil that next to nobody wants or needs. If you make lowsec drops better, you will see more people coming from high to lowsec to get them. That adds more than just your miners and haulers to the Predator - Prey foodchain.

Would the gentleman also like a pony?

I want a pony. :(
Hugh Knight
Scordite Syndicate
Raravathian Mining and Logistics
#136 - 2012-03-16 08:32:37 UTC
InB4 all these self proclaimed tough guy pirate types takes a step back and looks at the bigger picture, posting a thread in a week or two crying about how there's no one to pew pew at in losec.

I've been struggling my ass off trying to get back to at least -1.99, and I'm finding myself spending more time in missions in 0.5 sec than pvp'ing in losec, yet my sec status keeps dropping faster than i can rep. soon i'll be spending all my time in hisec doing carebear stuff as it's too much trouble repping my sec status back up after taking a hit. that's one less person to shoot at, one less drake/cane on your killmails (yes, i feed other people's killboards more than my own) and one less gf for you to brag about. I am however not alone, and am sure, judging by the thread, that you'll start seeing the changes in losec population soon enough.

Another suggestion I would like to make is for CCP to please look at the missions not giving any sec status boosts, for unknown reasons, like Worlds Collide, as was pointed out in previous thread of mine. It sucks that you cant get the status hit if someone else got the last bullet in, it sucks spending a bunch of ammo on a nullsec/losec bs rat just to be chased away by a gang warping in to gank you and then not getting anything for your effort when they shoot the rat down instead/it sucks just as much to spend all that time in a mission shooting down tons of npcs after spending a shedload of isk to build a ship capable of tanking the missions, to not get the reward you were hoping for.
Daisai Investments.
#137 - 2012-03-16 09:05:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Daisai
Another example of why the CSM is a useless thing which is nothing more then a facade to make the players believe they have influence on the game.
This change was probably done to discourage suicide ganking and to please to growing number of players who are being killed by it.
Its just a normal thing to do for a company like CCP to keep new players and to keep seeing a increase in subscription numbers.
How this has to decrease pvp in low sec is a mystery to me since low sec is dead as dead can be, the last thing it needs is a decrease is players in low sec.

Oh and ofc "can i has your stuff?"
And "if you dont like it stop playing"
CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#138 - 2012-03-16 09:12:12 UTC
Good morning angry pirates. I would like to confirm that the sec status not being shared issue is a defect, not a stealth nerf, and we are currently working on a fix.

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Psychotic Monk
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#139 - 2012-03-16 09:34:23 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Good morning angry pirates. I would like to confirm that the sec status not being shared issue is a defect, not a stealth nerf, and we are currently working on a fix.

Can you comment on any of the other recent discoveries that may be either bugs or stealth nerfs?
Hugh Knight
Scordite Syndicate
Raravathian Mining and Logistics
#140 - 2012-03-16 10:05:26 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Good morning angry pirates. I would like to confirm that the sec status not being shared issue is a defect, not a stealth nerf, and we are currently working on a fix.

and please could you tell us if the badger that i, being a pro pvp'er and all, solo killed in a gate in losec, found the wreck to be yellow, indicating it's not mine to loot. and also i got a second gcc hit when i popped the ugly yellow piece of scrap floating around the gate. dont we get to keep what we kill anymore? im not big on reading the update blogs but im sure this is a very recent change.