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faction damage not applied when fited

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-03-15 03:25:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Varlenchkya
Not sure if its here that i need to make the post ...but here's the problem:

Today, i decided to purchase my first faction turret shadow serpentis light electron tech 1 and compare the upgrade with the light electron T2.

On paper, when i look at the damage attribut its says that the T2 damage modifier his 2.205 and his faction conterparts his 2.296875.

So I purchase and fit on my ship (ishkur) and i see t2=4.40745 and for the faction i see 4.251013 EvilEvil

So my question his does ccp know about it ? is it like this for all the faction turret ? or im unlucky ?

arrrg just found the anwser : tech 2 turret has the 2% skill applying from the specialization skill so that's why i have more damage output on t2 turret then ammo