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CSM you have not done yor job - HILMAR has lied to us all.

Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#21 - 2012-03-14 23:02:38 UTC
I was perfectly happy where they were going with Eve, just not happy with the speed of it. A lot of players disagreed with CCPs direction and pace, CCP changed their direction and pace.

So the only real question there is to ask; What the **** do you want?

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#22 - 2012-03-14 23:22:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Upon further reflection on this thread I have reached a startling conclusion.

There are deeper meanings to Guy and a Buffalo than I had previously thought.


A guy riding a buffalo, with and olde style rifle, is obvious symbolism for "Buffalo Soldier"... which as we all know are...

Buffalo Soldiers originally were members of the U.S. 10th Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army, formed on September 21, 1866 at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

The nickname was given to the "Negro Cavalry" by the Native American tribes they fought; the term eventually became synonymous with all of the African-American regiments formed in 1866:

So we see Buffalo soldiers were enemies of the Native American during the time that the American wilderness was being exploited (near extinction of the buffalo along with other forms of American wildlife).

The Native American is an obvious symbol for the fight against such environmentally destructive practices, further evidenced by his attempt to avenge his brother the bear after buffalo guy and his subjugated steed buffalo tried to bait and then gank him.

As the history books show, the Native Americans attempt to put an end to this tyranny failed, as evidenced by the uncharacteristic missing of his target, followed by the (temporary) mysterious disappearance of the buffalo.

Now Buffalo guy manages to nearly instantly get the drop on our valiant Native American, using such speed and stealth so as to suggest the actor portraying Buffalo Guy is in fact a Ninja... but I believe this to be a Red Herring. This would tend to make sense as Herring made up a large part of the diet of many Native American tribes, as well as the indigenous population of Iceland. Ahhh , now we begin to see the connection to EVE in this thread.

No, Guy and a Buffalo is actually classic symbolism for what Jeff Goldbloom and I both consider "The **** of the natural world" as Jeff so aptly pointed out in Jurassic Park when discussing the CLONING of dinosaurs.

Yes, CLONING, which brings us full circle and puts this thread firmly back on the topic of EVE related matters.

Therefore this post is no more a terrible attempt at a troll then the OP.

Jeff and I thank you for your attention.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2012-03-14 23:29:41 UTC
^^ Cool read +1 for a well researched thesis

Learn so much from the Internets Spaceships games forums things
Ris Dnalor
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#24 - 2012-03-15 00:51:50 UTC
Piwat King wrote:
I seem to recall a time over half a year ago, where we the players banded together because we were tired of CCP's lies and BS. The threat of microtransactiions was imminent and we stood up and said no.

We told CCP as a single entity that EVE was broken, and it needed to be fixed before they started adding more useless broken features to it.

Hilmar came around to blow smoke up our collective asses telling us he would direct the company to fix EVE as the EVE players are what made CCP what it is today.


how long has it been now since that promise? TOO DAMN LONG.

CSM's your job is to keep CCP focused on WHAT MATTERS for us the players. Fixing the multitudes of bugs in EVE is what matters. Not some shiny faction warfare crap that's most people don't even participate in (AND MAY I REMIND YOU that at last years fanfest CCP specifically stated they had NO PLANS to change faction warfare for the forseeable future)

in the CSM meeting that was published last month, CCP specifically stated that players over 3 years of age within EVE were VERY UNLIKELY to quit the game. They are using our loyalty to EVE as an excuse to not bother investing the resources to fix the real issues within EVE.

Prepare yourselves for more bugs, more broken things (as you can all see with this fantastic/useless new launcher) They will keep givign you shiny stuff! (OH BOY NEW ROOKIE SHIPS MODELS) instead of focusing on what the real problems are. (Disconnects, memory leaks, countless bugs in wormhole space, glitches, exploits....)

BTW I've petitioned CCP with a known exploit they have agreed it is an exploit AND IT HASN'T BEEN FIXED IN OVER A YEAR.

I've closed all but one account. I like this game. I just hate the fact that the people managing CCP are incompetent.

I'd love to ask the playerbase to start closing non-essential accounts that you can spare to close to start sending a message that we won't put up with this anymore and that CCP needs to refocus itself on bug fixes. But I know most of you are just going to say "hey can I has your stuff" or "don't let the door hit you on the way out"

(Edit) I've closed 6 accounts BTW. They won't be reopened until either Hilmar finally admits his time is done and that CCP needs a new CEO with new ideas or until he finally admits he's screwed up and starts fixing the CORE game.

Best way to get an exploit fixed is to make sure everyone knows about it and starts taking advantage of it Pirate

your court -- the ball's in it Twisted

EvE = Everybody Vs. Everybody

  • Qolde
Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#25 - 2012-03-15 01:18:49 UTC
I can't get through the OP's bad post. Is he complaining about titans?

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Section 8.
#26 - 2012-03-15 01:33:38 UTC
I think he wants titans in Faction War.
Rivinshield Trading Inc.
#27 - 2012-03-15 01:46:19 UTC
You know I could have sworn CCP did something recently that introduced a plethora of changes that players had been clamoring for. I can't quite put my finger on what it was....
#28 - 2012-03-15 01:46:51 UTC
I took a break after Incarnage, bitterly disappointed by the worst update in the history of EVE (and I've been around since the beginning). I've reactivated last week and I must say I'm rather pleasantly surprised by the actual progress CCP has made since then. The contrast is quite clear.

Quite a few issues raised back then, have been addressed in a way that's at the very least gives hope for future implementation, and they are working seriously on some other problems like Titan-balance and Incursions. They even managed to go after the market-bots that up till now have always proven to be very slippery.

And something like the new rookie-models... well the 3D artists aren't going to be the ones that are going to fix null-sec for us and I understand from a business-point-of-view how this can be considered important. At least they haven't been put to work for pumping out new items for the Aurum store.

That doesn't mean I didn't cringe when I discovered the ridiculous renaming nonsense (missiles are actually less recognizable now), or the HUGE face-palm if that whole drone-bounties disaster is going to prove true (killing off important null-sec diversity and missing the root of the problems).

But still, NO, I'm not agreeing with the OP in the slightest. In my opinion, CCP is doing good work, and looking back at I'm pretty sure we have the CSM to thank for a lot of it.

Operation WRITE DOWN ALL THE THINGS!!!  Check out the list at Collecting and compiling all fixes and ideas for EVE. Looking for more editors!

#29 - 2012-03-15 01:53:52 UTC
The OP is right guys. Time to go shoot the statue in Jita, that'll show CCP!
Sasha Azala
#30 - 2012-03-15 02:25:24 UTC
Piwat King wrote:
I seem to recall a time over half a year ago, where we the players banded together because we were tired of CCP's lies and BS. The threat of microtransactiions was imminent and we stood up and said no.

We told CCP as a single entity that EVE was broken, and it needed to be fixed before they started adding more useless broken features to it.

Hilmar came around to blow smoke up our collective asses telling us he would direct the company to fix EVE as the EVE players are what made CCP what it is today.


how long has it been now since that promise? TOO DAMN LONG.

CSM's your job is to keep CCP focused on WHAT MATTERS for us the players. Fixing the multitudes of bugs in EVE is what matters. Not some shiny faction warfare crap that's most people don't even participate in (AND MAY I REMIND YOU that at last years fanfest CCP specifically stated they had NO PLANS to change faction warfare for the forseeable future)

in the CSM meeting that was published last month, CCP specifically stated that players over 3 years of age within EVE were VERY UNLIKELY to quit the game. They are using our loyalty to EVE as an excuse to not bother investing the resources to fix the real issues within EVE.

Prepare yourselves for more bugs, more broken things (as you can all see with this fantastic/useless new launcher) They will keep givign you shiny stuff! (OH BOY NEW ROOKIE SHIPS MODELS) instead of focusing on what the real problems are. (Disconnects, memory leaks, countless bugs in wormhole space, glitches, exploits....)

BTW I've petitioned CCP with a known exploit they have agreed it is an exploit AND IT HASN'T BEEN FIXED IN OVER A YEAR.

I've closed all but one account. I like this game. I just hate the fact that the people managing CCP are incompetent.

I'd love to ask the playerbase to start closing non-essential accounts that you can spare to close to start sending a message that we won't put up with this anymore and that CCP needs to refocus itself on bug fixes. But I know most of you are just going to say "hey can I has your stuff" or "don't let the door hit you on the way out"

(Edit) I've closed 6 accounts BTW. They won't be reopened until either Hilmar finally admits his time is done and that CCP needs a new CEO with new ideas or until he finally admits he's screwed up and starts fixing the CORE game.

I've not come across any memory leaks, not sure what glitches you're talking about, don't know of any exploit and don't want to as they're exploits.

There's a lot of people that want faction warfare fixed, so I'm not going to complain if they're working on it. But they won't just be working on one thing.

They're trying to satisfy more than just you so they will be working on other things as well to what you want sorting out.

I've played loads of games on consoles and PCs spanning over a period of about 30 years, think I've yet to play one that was bug free.

Look, we did protest, I even left the game for awhile but don't think you can keep doing it because that's not the way to progress. They're working on EVE again so people should try to work with them, send in bug reports but don't expect them to be fixed quickly unless they're major bugs. Also remember fixing bugs can create new ones.

From the reaction of the posts in this thread I've read, you're not doing a good job at stirring people up.

And trying to blackmail the CEO into leaving because you've closed your 6 accounts is laughable. With the way you've written your post I doubt anybody cares that you've closed your 6 accounts.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#31 - 2012-03-15 02:30:59 UTC
they banned a couple thousand bot accounts

yes i am sure CCP is highly concerned about your six accounts

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Ai Shun
#32 - 2012-03-15 02:36:46 UTC
Sasha Azala wrote:
And trying to blackmail the CEO into leaving because you've closed your 6 accounts is laughable. With the way you've written your post I doubt anybody cares that you've closed your 6 accounts.

The CEO could probably cover the cost of those 6 accounts by dipping into his weekly beer fund.
The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#33 - 2012-03-15 03:27:41 UTC
Piwat King wrote:
I seem to recall a time over half a year ago, where we the players banded together because we were tired of CCP's lies and BS. The threat of microtransactiions was imminent and we stood up and said no.

We told CCP as a single entity that EVE was broken, and it needed to be fixed before they started adding more useless broken features to it.

Hilmar came around to blow smoke up our collective asses telling us he would direct the company to fix EVE as the EVE players are what made CCP what it is today.


how long has it been now since that promise? TOO DAMN LONG.

CSM's your job is to keep CCP focused on WHAT MATTERS for us the players. Fixing the multitudes of bugs in EVE is what matters. Not some shiny faction warfare crap that's most people don't even participate in (AND MAY I REMIND YOU that at last years fanfest CCP specifically stated they had NO PLANS to change faction warfare for the forseeable future)

in the CSM meeting that was published last month, CCP specifically stated that players over 3 years of age within EVE were VERY UNLIKELY to quit the game. They are using our loyalty to EVE as an excuse to not bother investing the resources to fix the real issues within EVE.

Prepare yourselves for more bugs, more broken things (as you can all see with this fantastic/useless new launcher) They will keep givign you shiny stuff! (OH BOY NEW ROOKIE SHIPS MODELS) instead of focusing on what the real problems are. (Disconnects, memory leaks, countless bugs in wormhole space, glitches, exploits....)

BTW I've petitioned CCP with a known exploit they have agreed it is an exploit AND IT HASN'T BEEN FIXED IN OVER A YEAR.

I've closed all but one account. I like this game. I just hate the fact that the people managing CCP are incompetent.

I'd love to ask the playerbase to start closing non-essential accounts that you can spare to close to start sending a message that we won't put up with this anymore and that CCP needs to refocus itself on bug fixes. But I know most of you are just going to say "hey can I has your stuff" or "don't let the door hit you on the way out"

(Edit) I've closed 6 accounts BTW. They won't be reopened until either Hilmar finally admits his time is done and that CCP needs a new CEO with new ideas or until he finally admits he's screwed up and starts fixing the CORE game.

It's spelled 'Pirate', not 'Piwat'.

The CSM: Here to help.


Roh Voleto
#34 - 2012-03-15 03:32:57 UTC
The Mittani wrote:

It's spelled 'Pirate', not 'Piwat'.

Says the ebil piwat overlord.
Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#35 - 2012-03-15 03:36:32 UTC
Revajin wrote:
The OP is right guys. Time to go shoot the statue in Jita, that'll show CCP!

Can we actually destroy it this time?

Always hated the bloody thing, tbqfh.

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Akirei Scytale
Okami Syndicate
#36 - 2012-03-15 03:38:46 UTC
You won't be missed.
Har Harrison
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2012-03-15 03:43:05 UTC
1) CCP have worked on things and fixed things

2) They said no FW at LAST years fan fest (and failed to show up to the round table). A grass routes campaign has shown how much people care about FW and since then, the Monoclegate and Jita riots have occured. CCP now realise FW needs attention.

3) FW IS broken - it was delivered and never itterated on and is well short of the end product it could be.

4) "FIXING EVE" means making FiS a better experience for people. Not just fixing bugs. They have made it look better, improved performance and/or made lag more managable (TiDi), overhauled the UI and fixed bugs.

My best advice is to biomass your char since you will not get the kind of fixed YOU are after from CCP. Your definition <> most others including Hilmar's. No more Jesur features <> not polishing artwork, new user experience and fixing up issues.

P.S. I agree exploits should be fixed

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