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Feasibility of a frigate based combat fleet.

Saria Blackrose
Fendahlian Collective
#1 - 2012-03-13 23:14:51 UTC
My thoughts are that a combat fleet ( Warp Disruption, EW*, DPS ) centered fleet based purely on exsisting tech II and faction frigates would both combat and cost effective. *EW would be mostly sensor damping with scripts to change the emphasis between max targeting range and sensor resolution as required by the moment. Faction frigates would be obtained via LP Stores at a cost of 10 Million a pop. Assuming the members of a corporation can make about 20-30 million an hour soloing level 4 missions, then a tech II or faction frigate could be replaced within the hour. Even if the entire fleet was wiped out in one encounter the recovery time would basically be only 1-2 hours. Now obviously the specifics of the individual fits come into question, lets just say the fits are of better than average quality and synergize well with the others in fleet capitalizing on collective strengths.

What do you think, can a frigate fleet be "combat effective" against the type of pvp you'd expect in Nullsec / Wormholes?
eatsbabies cienfuegos
Grimm Hounds
#2 - 2012-03-13 23:25:07 UTC
Saria Blackrose wrote:
My thoughts are that a combat fleet ( Warp Disruption, EW*, DPS ) centered fleet based purely on exsisting tech II and faction frigates would both combat and cost effective. *EW would be mostly sensor damping with scripts to change the emphasis between max targeting range and sensor resolution as required by the moment. Faction frigates would be obtained via LP Stores at a cost of 10 Million a pop. Assuming the members of a corporation can make about 20-30 million an hour soloing level 4 missions, then a tech II or faction frigate could be replaced within the hour. Even if the entire fleet was wiped out in one encounter the recovery time would basically be only 1-2 hours. Now obviously the specifics of the individual fits come into question, lets just say the fits are of better than average quality and synergize well with the others in fleet capitalizing on collective strengths.

What do you think, can a frigate fleet be "combat effective" against the type of pvp you'd expect in Nullsec / Wormholes?

sure. frigs are awesome. don't make your money missioning though... it's boring.
Tinu Moorhsum
Random Events
#3 - 2012-03-14 00:45:03 UTC
Saria Blackrose wrote:
My thoughts are that a combat fleet ( Warp Disruption, EW*, DPS ) centered fleet based purely on exsisting tech II and faction frigates would both combat and cost effective. *EW would be mostly sensor damping with scripts to change the emphasis between max targeting range and sensor resolution as required by the moment. Faction frigates would be obtained via LP Stores at a cost of 10 Million a pop. Assuming the members of a corporation can make about 20-30 million an hour soloing level 4 missions, then a tech II or faction frigate could be replaced within the hour. Even if the entire fleet was wiped out in one encounter the recovery time would basically be only 1-2 hours. Now obviously the specifics of the individual fits come into question, lets just say the fits are of better than average quality and synergize well with the others in fleet capitalizing on collective strengths.

What do you think, can a frigate fleet be "combat effective" against the type of pvp you'd expect in Nullsec / Wormholes?

in a niche, sure. For example, it might even be highly amusing to use AF fleets to attack Tier 3 BC sniper fleets (if you can manage to get a warp-in on them). If you use it too often though then the enemy will just start to fit smart bombs on their doctrine ships and your fleet will turn into popcorn.

Frigate fleets can be hysterical fun for roaming though. I've always enjoyed that.

Ignotis Imperium
#4 - 2012-03-14 01:57:50 UTC
Depends on what you want to accomplish...

For Small Gang PVP Frigates are great.

Long Point Interceptors + Long Range Stealth Bombers + Kitsune = WIN even against much larger fleets

AF for use against Tier 3 BC fleets sounds cool... Very Nice counter if your fleet watches transversal and gets in close quickly.

Learn How PRO Players Make Billions of ISK and Dominate PVP:

#5 - 2012-03-14 02:00:05 UTC
Frig fleets are fun. We did an AF fleet, dozen or so ships, into null recently. You'll be amazed what you can take on, just remember, don't approach directly and speed is your friend. It helps to have a good prober to get the warp ins right, otherwise sit on the gate.

Caldari Loving needed..

Saria Blackrose
Fendahlian Collective
#6 - 2012-03-14 02:26:57 UTC
So from what you gentlemen are saying this is not something to base a corporations defensive strategy on, sure its fun for the night but don't plan on using it as general philosophy for corporate defense?
Stukkler Tian
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2012-03-14 03:04:19 UTC
don't get me wrong i love flying in a good old blob of frigs, its fun its cheap and its stress free. However It is rarely efficient, The best way to use frig fleets in my experience is in small groups or solo. I'm talking 1-4, big enough that you can take down a straggler bc/pop some light stuff and gtfo. But not large enough that you will motivate an organized response or be slowed down by the human factor. If your rolling with 200 frigs its only a matter of time before this happens...i know they are flying destroyers but the rule still applies, light ships are best when taken lightly.
As a defensive tool a solo frig can be great at killing the moral of the fleet. 0.0 is full of cheaply fit rifters (for good reason), because of this interceptors and other tacklers don't respect them as a solo threat especially when they have a fleet behind them. Just drop 5-6 mil to get a properly kitted out rifter, fit a scram. Then get out to about 90-110 kilometers and taunt them, most interceptors will fly right into scram range and practically ask to be killed. Watching a fleet mate loose his 20 mil cepter/navy faction frig to a lone rifter can be surprisingly disheartening. Just watch out for nados and other tier 3's because some of them can (hilariously) one shot you from that distance.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2012-03-14 03:52:34 UTC
Saria Blackrose wrote:
So from what you gentlemen are saying this is not something to base a corporations defensive strategy on, sure its fun for the night but don't plan on using it as general philosophy for corporate defense?

If you have numbers and a good FC you could theoretically use it as a means of defense. An all frig gang means you will be able to intercept all threats that come your way with relative ease and if your numbers are good enough you can pretty much deal enough DPS to take out most threats. Plus it also keeps you safe from being dropped on by caps as they won't waste time to lock onto you. You will probably have a lot of fun and cause a lot of WTF moments where people find themselves suddenly attacked by a swarm of frigates.

It's just not practical though. Generally you would want to surpass your enemies strength with as little people as possible should they get reinforcements and wind up having superior numbers, than your screwed.

It's not practical for defense but it's a perfectly practical hit and run/ deep strike method of attack. If there are no bubbles in your path you are almost guaranteed to get the majority of your force past the gate camps and because of your speed you will be able to quickly jump into an enemy system, wreck some stuff, and escape to a system several jumps away before people can even muster a counter attack.

But when it comes to defense frigates are not the way to go. If you want a decent defense, a fleet where most of the theoretical DPS is going to come from T2 cruisers or battlecruisers would be your best bet.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2012-03-14 07:48:53 UTC
I think that this would be amazing for situational tactics where you're the aggressor. The affordability of the ships, mobility, speed and low sig makes for great striking ability using guerrilla methods - not to mention the versatility of the T2 Frigate platforms.

As a defensive fleet, I think you'd be better off going elsewhere. Whilst your fleet might be able to avoid most threats with proper scouting and a good FC, you can't really do anything if you have space and assets to protect.

"To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin" - The Scriptures, Book of Missions 13:21

Route One
#10 - 2012-03-14 07:57:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Othran
A "hydra" fleet (that's what OP is describing) is actually very effective if the EWAR is all balanced up. It puts out a load of dps while damping/webbing/jamming everything in sight.

However its vulnerable to things like the "holy hand grenade" - as anyone who's warped into a RnK bubble in such a fleet can tell you Lol

If you don't know what the holy hand grenade tactic is then google "Holy hand grenade Rooks and Kings Eve" and there's links to a few videos. Basically its a cloaky bubbler/cyno. As frigate fleet lands in bubble then you cyno in the smartbombing battleships and start the disco.

Smartbombs are the #1 enemy of a frigate fleet.
Tinu Moorhsum
Random Events
#11 - 2012-03-14 08:04:36 UTC
Saria Blackrose wrote:
So from what you gentlemen are saying this is not something to base a corporations defensive strategy on, sure its fun for the night but don't plan on using it as general philosophy for corporate defense?

A carpenter needs more than one tool.

Put it in your bag of tricks but when responding to a threat no *one* fleet doctrine can counter everything.

Xi 'xar
Rift Watch
#12 - 2012-03-14 09:15:27 UTC
As a defensive strategy (and I presume you are talking about wardecs?) frigate gangs are great - they are cheap and disposable and can get you a ton of kills vs much bigger / more expensive ships if you fly them correctly.

Destroyer fleets are also great for the same reason.

Smartbombs are only the enemy of frigate gangs if you are orbiting too close or get put in a position where you cannot avoid smartbombs. Think about using ship scanners and artillery frigs.

Vyktor Abyss
Abyss Research
#13 - 2012-03-14 12:13:19 UTC
You would spend most of your time running away from fights, and get stomped regularly but yes, you would get the occasional gank.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2012-03-14 15:59:03 UTC
It is possible!

This guy challenged a fleet of noob ships to a duel in his loki. He tried to warp out and de-agress but sadly did not make it. lmao
Tabernack en Chasteaux
Phoibe Enterprises
#15 - 2012-03-14 17:49:31 UTC
WARBRO wrote:
It is possible!

This guy challenged a fleet of noob ships to a duel in his loki. He tried to warp out and de-agress but sadly did not make it. lmao

I WAS THERE! That was hilarious.

Also, I'll just leave this here.
#16 - 2012-03-14 19:52:07 UTC
Upon seeing this thread, I was struck with inspiration. After 10 minutes of furious EFTing, I came up with this monstrosity:

[Cormorant, Dafuq?]
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

Tracking Link II, Optimal Range
1MN Afterburner II
Sensor Booster II, Targeting Range
Tracking Link II, Optimal Range

125mm Railgun II, Spike S
125mm Railgun II, Spike S
125mm Railgun II, Spike S
125mm Railgun II, Spike S
125mm Railgun II, Spike S
125mm Railgun II, Spike S
125mm Railgun II, Spike S
[empty high slot]

Small Ionic Field Projector I
Small Hybrid Locus Coordinator I
Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I

EFT cost: 24m ISK (lol)

This baby puts 123 dps (cold, 144 hot) 77km downrange, with an additional 10km of falloff, about every 2 seconds (Volley damage of 257). Basically you get a bunch of these, a really good prober or two, and some (lol) RR vengeances for heavy tackle. The cormorants are brought in by the prober once the tacklers catch something. Every Cormorant has a partner, sort of like the Spartan shield line of old, and they double tracking link that ship with optimal scripts loaded. Turn on the SeBo so you can actually lock that far and turn on the pain.

Alternatives: You can drop the magstab for another TE, this gives a range of 80 + 12 (Attention) at the cost of 23 dps.
You can also swap the magstab for an MAPC (Tech one works with perfect skills) and upgrade all the guns to 150mm. This gives an optimal of 103 with 12km falloff, 105 dps cold (124 hot). You need to drop the polycarb for another targeting range rig, but this is probably the best fitting. The only caveat is you are no longer stable with the AB running, but you probably should be sitting still anyways.

With any of these setups you need to watch for "I was there" ceptors. However, any ceptor pilot who wants to fly straight at a bunch of destroyers armed with tracking links, 5 sec ammo changes and the awesome new Javelin ammo...well, you get the idea (216dps per cormorant, heated with Jav loaded, btw).

TL:DR, New FotM, I dub thee Thunderkittens.
Saria Blackrose
Fendahlian Collective
#17 - 2012-03-14 22:21:38 UTC
Ok, I will clarify as best I can. We have a small corp of lets say under 50, primarily mission runners / miners / industrialists. We've have no delusions about Eve Online gameplay enviroment and know full well that if you want something in eve there will be a time where you are required to defend said asset. We understand the game is purely based on pvp interactions regardless of system security. We are attempting to be able to mount a 2-4 minute full corp response to 90% of threats to our members or assets ( mission crashers, can flippers, low-null-wh pirates/aggressors ). Or when the inevitable war dec comes in the ability to cheaply and effectively cause more loss of assets/isk then we receive.

Now to address the disco drop, the people setting that up more than likely had direct and specific intel to counter fit for the opposing fleet ( ie frigs / destroyers ). If you counter fit to fight a specific tactic in eve online of course your going to more than likely have the upper hand in the encounter. The objective for the frigate fleet I am proposing is not so much to gank everything in sight but to respond to call for arms by corpmates for various threats or to be used in defense of the corp during war.

We regularly explore WHs yet have not moved up to moving into one, nor have any desire atm. Our current concept employs damp/ecm + tanky/dps type fits with specific roles to each frigate and getting players to fly those roles propperly playing a large part in its effectiveness. We have no aspirations for living in 0.0 when we have steady access to WHs, and only really plan to venture into lowsec for level 5s. Eventually plans include WH living and capital ships construction to defend/claim a WH system.

So in short the corp while not focused on pvp, respects the fact that we will have to pvp and need to be good enough to fend for ourselves. I don't ever forsee us having to blob through low-sec/null-sec so I highly doubt we're going to star in a disco video anytime soon. Obviously I am aware every tactic in eve has a counter-tactic, however it seems that the tactic fits the need in this situation and the risk / reward ratio should be acceptable. However any additional input from the community is greatly welcome...
Xi 'xar
Rift Watch
#18 - 2012-03-15 07:55:05 UTC
Your biggest problem in dealing with any threat is going to be the level of organisation that your corpmates bring to the fight and the level of organisation that the FC is able to impose on the defence fleet.

Even if you manage to bring 50 frigates along to a fight they are all going to die in a fire unless you have organised voice comms, land on target at the same time, primary the correct target, orbit at the correct distances, have a spread of ewar in their fittings and so on... To be honest though, this is going to be a problem no matter what ships you are flying.

You should speak to your corp about signing up for an agony unleashed PvP basic class. They are worth the isk, will teach you a ton about pvp (if you don't know very much) and will really help with getting your corpmates ready for a proper and organised response.

Everyone I know that has been on an agony course knows exactly how to act in a fleet.

Please don't listen to people that tell you that a frigate fleet will spend most of its time being stomped and / or running away - That is quite literally a bunch of bull.

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#19 - 2012-03-15 09:35:46 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
Blob of frigs taking down a couple big ships is easily doable. Blob of frigs vs. blob of larger ships - forget it. So for most of your defence scenarios you're in great shape with what you want to do.

Load up on an infinite number of griffins and rifters (maybe thrashers if you need massive dps), and have them ready - griffins should have all racial jammers in cargo, or corp hangar, so you can swap them out depending on the mission griefer/can flipper's shiptype.

If you fly only griffin/rifter combo your side will always win the isk war in any war dec if you fly them halfways ok. And bringing a bunch of cheap griffins will allow your tackled corp mate to warp off once their griefer loses lock.

(If you're looking for pure defense, juse use all griffins and jam the opponent to let your guy warp off.)
Tinu Moorhsum
Random Events
#20 - 2012-03-15 10:38:59 UTC
Saria Blackrose wrote:
Ok, I will clarify as best I can.

...snip paradigm lock-in.....

as I said above "a carpenter needs more than one tool".

Your idea isn't bad but will only be applicable in certain situations.

Mobility and adaptability are essential as well.

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