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Is the Titan nerf announced for April CCP kowtowing to GOONs?

Space Mermaids
#61 - 2012-03-14 07:36:02 UTC
Darth Gustav wrote:

Dessies ganking utterly tankless mining ships is an entirely different scenario than Titans blapping tanked out HICs or Logi.

For starters, the lone dessie don't "one shot" the Hulk. It takes a small fleet of them to do that, or several volleys from one pilot.

Sort of like how it should take a small fleet of ships or an extended engagement to pop a tanked logi or HIC.

Actually, there is a better solution, just nobody has mentioned it.

If they want to "nerf" titans, multiply Sig rad on all drag bubble to thier bubble rad and add a 0 to the Remote ECM burst. Every nerf should come with a buff. That's how balancing is supposed to work if it's truly about roles and functions, not about breaking stalemates.
Darth Gustav
Sith Interstellar Tech Harvesting
#62 - 2012-03-14 07:37:59 UTC
Ocih wrote:
Darth Gustav wrote:

Dessies ganking utterly tankless mining ships is an entirely different scenario than Titans blapping tanked out HICs or Logi.

For starters, the lone dessie don't "one shot" the Hulk. It takes a small fleet of them to do that, or several volleys from one pilot.

Sort of like how it should take a small fleet of ships or an extended engagement to pop a tanked logi or HIC.

Actually, there is a better solution, just nobody has mentioned it.

If they want to "nerf" titans, multiply Sig rad on all drag bubble to thier bubble rad and add a 0 to the Remote ECM burst. Every nerf should come with a buff. That's how balancing is supposed to work if it's truly about roles and functions, not about breaking stalemates.

They buffed AF's.

EDIT: And gave us the Tornado.

He who trolls trolls best when he who is trolled trolls the troller. -Darth Gustav's Axiom

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#63 - 2012-03-14 07:42:50 UTC
Ocih wrote:
Darth Gustav wrote:

Dessies ganking utterly tankless mining ships is an entirely different scenario than Titans blapping tanked out HICs or Logi.

For starters, the lone dessie don't "one shot" the Hulk. It takes a small fleet of them to do that, or several volleys from one pilot.

Sort of like how it should take a small fleet of ships or an extended engagement to pop a tanked logi or HIC.

Actually, there is a better solution, just nobody has mentioned it.

If they want to "nerf" titans, multiply Sig rad on all drag bubble to thier bubble rad and add a 0 to the Remote ECM burst. Every nerf should come with a buff. That's how balancing is supposed to work if it's truly about roles and functions, not about breaking stalemates.

You should consider working for CCP in a game design capacity. They will deny your first application, but if you just keep sending new ones in, you'll eventually get in. It's a mere hazing ritual, nothing personal.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Deep Core Mining Inc.
#64 - 2012-03-14 07:46:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Valentyn3
Andski wrote:
Ocih wrote:
Darth Gustav wrote:

Dessies ganking utterly tankless mining ships is an entirely different scenario than Titans blapping tanked out HICs or Logi

For starters, the lone dessie don't "one shot" the Hulk. It takes a small fleet of them to do that, or several volleys from one pilot

Sort of like how it should take a small fleet of ships or an extended engagement to pop a tanked logi or HIC.

Actually, there is a better solution, just nobody has mentioned it

If they want to "nerf" titans, multiply Sig rad on all drag bubble to thier bubble rad and add a 0 to the Remote ECM burst. Every nerf should come with a buff. That's how balancing is supposed to work if it's truly about roles and functions, not about breaking stalemates.

You should consider working for CCP in a game design capacity. They will deny your first application, but if you just keep sending new ones in, you'll eventually get in. It's a mere hazing ritual, nothing personal.

Send it to Blizzard instead, you'll get hired on the spot and receive a corner office with stock options and full benefits.

I don't always use hax. But when I do, it's because I'm an NPC..

#65 - 2012-03-14 08:03:17 UTC
This has been a long time coming, I don't understand those crying other than having there overpowered win button taken away from them. It makes no logical sense, you should not be able to hit a fly with a bazooka Roll
Alemanha Pereira
S0utherN Comfort
#66 - 2012-03-14 09:24:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Alemanha Pereira
no one answered the question that is the title of the thread, seems like a yes or no question why are you all writing an essay.

Answer: no

can i has a cookie now and gold star?
Rico Minali
Sons Of 0din
Commonwealth Vanguard
#67 - 2012-03-14 11:23:19 UTC
You guys... Big smile

Trust me, I almost know what I'm doing.

knobber Jobbler
State War Academy
Caldari State
#68 - 2012-03-14 11:31:56 UTC
DarthNefarius wrote:
Rightly or wrongly that is a conclusion almost all in Eve can come to rightfully believe.

And wrongly, many many people do not want a tiny minority of players to be able to dictate SOV to the majority because they own a Titan. I'd dare say many Titans out there are have not been gained through actions allowed in the EULA ;). Its not just Goons who want these changes but pretty much anyone who doesn't own a Titan or isn't in PL or Raiden.

Isn't it a little telling that in game lore that 1 state has 1 Titan yet 1 alliance can field 50 at any given time?

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#69 - 2012-03-14 12:17:29 UTC
Ocih wrote:
Every nerf should come with a buff. That's how balancing is supposed to work if it's truly about roles and functions, not about breaking stalemates.

This is one of the dumbest things I've read on these forums. If a certain ship or mechanic vastly exceeds its "roles and functions" it gets nerfed. That is how balance is supposed to work.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Space Mermaids
#70 - 2012-03-14 12:22:37 UTC
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Ocih wrote:
Every nerf should come with a buff. That's how balancing is supposed to work if it's truly about roles and functions, not about breaking stalemates.

This is one of the dumbest things I've read on these forums. If a certain ship or mechanic vastly exceeds its "roles and functions" it gets nerfed. That is how balance is supposed to work.

If that's one the dumbest things you have read on these forums you need to read more of the Goon drivel.

You can't set foot in a low sec system north of Jita unless you are subscribed to something Awfull forums. Mechanic, working as intended?
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#71 - 2012-03-14 13:01:24 UTC
Ocih wrote:
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Ocih wrote:
Every nerf should come with a buff. That's how balancing is supposed to work if it's truly about roles and functions, not about breaking stalemates.

This is one of the dumbest things I've read on these forums. If a certain ship or mechanic vastly exceeds its "roles and functions" it gets nerfed. That is how balance is supposed to work.

If that's one the dumbest things you have read on these forums you need to read more of the Goon drivel.

You can't set foot in a low sec system north of Jita unless you are subscribed to something Awfull forums. Mechanic, working as intended?

You seem to think that there's some kind of competition to post dumb things.

Basileus Volkan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#72 - 2012-03-14 13:19:05 UTC
If CCP had made a direct poll about whether or not Titans should be nerfed the end result would probably have been the same, with or without us. The amount of people being negatively affected by titan blobs is much higher than the amount of people who benefit from them. As always, nobody bothered to actively campaign for a nerf. Except... well you know who.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#73 - 2012-03-14 13:25:46 UTC
Basileus Volkan wrote:
If CCP had made a direct poll about whether or not Titans should be nerfed the end result would probably have been the same, with or without us. The amount of people being negatively affected by titan blobs is much higher than the amount of people who benefit from them. As always, nobody bothered to actively campaign for a nerf. Except... well you know who.
…and thus we arrive at the secret of successful politics: campaign for the things everyone already wants. Blink
Ivana Twinkle
Amarr Empire
#74 - 2012-03-14 13:44:39 UTC
Every goon gets a complementary super upon joining the alliance, we just don't like using them.

We prefer playing the game.
Bad Girl Posse
#75 - 2012-03-14 14:09:21 UTC
Basileus Volkan wrote:
If CCP had made a direct poll about whether or not Titans should be nerfed the end result would probably have been the same, with or without us. The amount of people being negatively affected by titan blobs is much higher than the amount of people who benefit from them. As always, nobody bothered to actively campaign for a nerf. Except... well you know who.

There was a cry for the nerfing of Titan blobs. That happend a year ago and a year prior to that. Solo Titans die fast to this day. I'd say there is an over reaction on both sides.

- This nerf won't make it easy to kill titans. The isolated cases where Titans were doing things maybe they shouldn't have were not decisive to the battle.

- Titan pilots always needed subcap support and Super Carrier backup. Any Titan pilot selling his Titan because they can't snipe battleships in low sec should never have been in a Titan in the first place.

The forum rage will be another CNN Breaking news event. Here today, gone tommorow. Super Cap fleets will still be the mainstay of large Null Sov wars. They will just include 1400 supcaps.
Thunder Clap Industry
#76 - 2012-03-14 16:34:41 UTC
seany1212 wrote:
This has been a long time coming, I don't understand those crying other than having there overpowered win button taken away from them. It makes no logical sense, you should not be able to hit a fly with a bazooka Roll

Why not? In RL you can hit a fly with a bazooka if you want. Also with a Bazooka you do not have to be close to the fly to hit the fly, just close enough.

I am a new player, so I should probly not comment on this as I do not even know what a Titan is but seems to me if a Titan will not longer be able to kill smaller ships, the answer is to have smaller ships with you when you are taking your Titan out to PvP. You know having a group in an MMO game.. But i am a new player, what do I know. Nothing thats what.
Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#77 - 2012-03-14 16:55:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Cipher Jones
DarthNefarius wrote:
Rightly or wrongly that is a conclusion almost all in Eve can come to rightfully believe. I actually don't care 1 way or the other since I've never felt particularly threatened by goons & always saw thru their scams & laughed but with the Titan nerf announced the refrain:
" CCP should just make it so titans cant lock maelstroms and drakes and just get this over with. " seems justified
With the current CSM elections going the way they seem to be unless everyone starts voting against MITTENS in a unified fashion Ithink this perception that CCP has a hard on for goons is just going to grow INCREDIBLY!

The fact that CCP still has the CSM means that the system is corrupt, so I don't really give a **** who is pushing their agenda, as long as there is a CSM, agendas will be pushed and new eden will suffer.

Whenever CCP puts a "vote" function on the launcher and hires a 3rd party firm to regulate against things like the fiasco that spawned the CSM the issue will be resolved.

Untill then it's irrelevant to me because I have NO say in the matter with CCP's little electoral college.

Its ironic how many players make fun of American politics in EvE (a lot) but then emulate it and participate in it.

edit for clarification; not a vote button to vote for CSM, a vote button for important in game issues.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

Doc Severide
#78 - 2012-03-14 16:58:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Doc Severide
Avid Bumhumper wrote:
Well, if their plan was to get a bunch of "Bitter Vets" to unsub, they will probably succeed with this one. Oops

Have already heard quite a few people in corp talking about dropping their Titan accounts, simply no point in logging them on now, kind of like Super Coffins.

If your going to make expensive ships useless, why not simply remove them from the game and reimburse the ABSURD skill points that people had to invest when the ships were actually useful.
Or, at least let them dock so that people can actually use the character for something else.

You have listened to the screaming mob, most of which probably have never seen a Titan, much less been killed by one and made them once again useless.

What is a bittervet to train for now? Assault frigs?
To many people, Supercaps were part of the Endgame of Eve, yet you continue to make them a liability to own, at least for anyone that can't field 100 of them.
Now I have to respec my planned Titan pilot to something else, but since dread tracking is no better than a Titan, and they have no way to defend themselves against anything smaller than a moon, I'm not sure why. On the other hand, at least they can dock....

So I must congratulate you CCP, from the looks of the forums, it looks like you've gotten the carebears upset as well.

Now, if you could do something to **** off the pirates, you'd be batting a thousand! Oops

I have some Assault Frigs I could trade for some Titans...

Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
oh good some highsec players/npc corp members have decided to contribute their valuable opinions on titan balancing

LOL, moar tears...
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#79 - 2012-03-14 17:04:39 UTC
Titans, and SC's are supposed to be feared in EvE. I was one of those people that said Super Need a Nerf, but I think they are being nerfed too much now. In my opinion ccp needs to go back and rethink combat caps again.

Dreads - Ok, but bring back drones.
Carrier - Mainly being used for jumping assets and ratting.
Supercarrier - Still see them but not as much as before now, more like 1 gets caught and self destructs. (Another thing self destruct mechanic needs to be looked at, if someone is aggressed should not be able to self destruct, just like the log off mechanic.)
Titans - Expensive Mobile Jump Bridges, Insta Pop Caps or blob another super. (Titans were feared in the past in my opinion because they effected the field and battle outcome. The old AOE was great for this, i think it should be brought back, but in a more controlled mechanic, like only 1 DD per grid ever 5 min or something.)

Well there you have it, my opinion on what I think about caps now and why I think they are becoming almost useless in EvE for combat reasons.Shocked

Blatant Forum Alt
#80 - 2012-03-14 17:08:02 UTC
Cipher Jones wrote:
CSM Butthurt

He mad.