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EVE Launcher installation

First post
The Dark Revenants
#61 - 2012-03-13 15:59:06 UTC
I'm running up to 3 instances of 1 installation using separate junction points for each (original installation folder, junction 1, junction 2 with separate shortcuts pointing to each) under Windows 7. So far the launcher seems to cope with all that just fine (each instance is launched with its separate cache and settings as intended).

One thing I was wondering about though are the client updates. Currently each instance of the same client prompted for an update separately (this is *after* client is started by the "Play" button in the launcher). Is this the case just this time (what with swiching over to use the launcher and all) or will these keep being rolled out the same way in future updates as well?

PS! Thanks a million for both of the options available under the "Startup" tab in the launcher settings!!11one Cool
CCP Cascade
#62 - 2012-03-13 16:26:35 UTC
Luminocity wrote:

One thing I was wondering about though are the client updates. Currently each instance of the same client prompted for an update separately (this is *after* client is started by the "Play" button in the launcher). Is this the case just this time (what with swiching over to use the launcher and all) or will these keep being rolled out the same way in future updates as well?

This is an old patching mechanic we are going to move into the Launcher in the near future. For the initial release, we didn't want to touch too many systems at the same time.

Associate Technical Producer - Core Technology Group

#63 - 2012-03-13 16:28:35 UTC
T'Laar Bok wrote:
I start 8 separately installed clients with different settings all at once with a .bat file.

No junction points are not a solution, I found if I lose settings for one client I lost them for all hence the separate installs, I only lose one clients settings.

Admittedly that was several years ago that was happening so perhaps not an issue anymore.

How is the new installer going to know to patch each separate client and then start them?

And within the next two - three weeks it going to get worse. 10 clients on 5 networked computers. How is it going to manage that?

I have a feeling I'm going to spend longer getting Eve started than actually playing.

Oh, that's interesting, it just started 8 of the same client and cannot continue - only one updater can be running at a time, says I have to restart my computer.

There is solution. It is more complicated than just suing simple Junction on NTFS. If someone create second, 3rd etc. copy of installation EVE folder it will make comon place with settings for all shared clients. This common place leads into shared cache and setting for all instances.

Here is my working solution:

  • I have one installation folder
  • I make separate directory for each other client (I do have 6)
  • I do link files from other clients into installation directory
  • I do link common folders from other clients into installation directory
  • I do have separate folder in each client for settings. This avoid shared config.
  • I do launch eve with command line switches to not store configuration in profile via eve.exe /end /LUA:OFF

here is directory structure

- box1
- box2
- box3
- ...
- boxn

When there is new pacth I fire client in box1 and patch it, then I run next batch clonegame.cmd

if not exist .\box1\. goto :eof
set log=%temp%\%~n0.log

for /d %%i in (.\box*) do (
  echo Box: %%i
  call :linkdirs %%i

goto :eof

  set box=%1
  set box=%box:*box=%
  if "%box%"==""  goto :eof
  if "%box%"=="1" goto :eof
  del /f /q "%1\*" >> "%LOG%" 2>>&1
  echo links directories
  for /d %%f in (.\box1\*) do (call :linkit   %%f .\box%box%)
  echo links files
  for %%f in (.\box1\*) do (call :linkfile %%f .\box%box%)

  for %%f in (cache) do (
    rmdir "%1\%%f\" >> "%LOG%" 2>>&1 || rmdir /s /q "%1\%%f\" >> "%LOG%" 2>>&1
    if not exist "%1\%%f\" %debug% mkdir "%1\%%f" >> "%LOG%" 2>>&1

  goto :eof

  set dir=%1
  set dir=%dir:.\box1\=%
  if /i "%dir%"=="cache" goto :eof
  if /i "%dir%"=="settings" goto :eof
  if exist "%2\%dir%\" (
    rmdir "%2\%dir%" >> "%LOG%" 2>>&1 || rmdir /s /q "%2\%dir%" >> "%LOG%" 2>>&1
  if not exist "%2\%dir%\" %debug% mklink /j "%2\%dir%" "%1" >> "%LOG%" 2>>&1
  goto :eof

  set file=%1
  set file=%file:.\box1\=%
  if not exist "%2\%file%" %debug% mklink  /h "%2\%file%" "%1" >> "%LOG%" 2>>&1
  goto :eof

I have file space occupied only once and I'm able keep fully separated settings for each client instance installed. I keep settings not in profile on computer, so I can move to another computer by just moving "eve_base_folder". I need to patch only once. BTW it works with new Launcher 1.5 without any changes.
snake pies
Dixon Cox Butte Preservation Society
#64 - 2012-03-13 16:57:59 UTC
both my SSDs are fubared after installation
Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#65 - 2012-03-13 17:18:01 UTC
This would probably be great if I was able to download the initial, tiny 3.77Mb Launcher.
Alas, somewhere, something is stopping this from happening. Timeouts, over and over and over again.
I am able to browse local and international internet, upload and download at very fast speeds. No issues with the link my side. I am in South Africa, perhaps CCP can check their cache proxy ? Something is badly awry.

Just no EVE downloads, not today, for whatever the reason.

These forums too. I know you said you had problems earlier, but I'm still getting the dreaded "We were ganked" message more often than not and I am pretty sure I have an old 300baud modem somewhere which gets better speeds.

I miss my EVE. Send help please.

CCP Cascade
#66 - 2012-03-13 17:38:48 UTC
Thorn Galen wrote:
This would probably be great if I was able to download the initial, tiny 3.77Mb Launcher.
Alas, somewhere, something is stopping this from happening. Timeouts, over and over and over again.
I am able to browse local and international internet, upload and download at very fast speeds. No issues with the link my side. I am in South Africa, perhaps CCP can check their cache proxy ? Something is badly awry.

Just no EVE downloads, not today, for whatever the reason.

There are some issues with the web servers which are being investigated and the downloads use the webservers to get the correct patch. It could be that you're running into issues beacuse of that. Are you still having problems if you try now?

Associate Technical Producer - Core Technology Group

CCP Donut Golem
C C P Alliance
#67 - 2012-03-13 17:42:28 UTC
Luminocity wrote:
I'm running up to 3 instances of 1 installation using separate junction points for each (original installation folder, junction 1, junction 2 with separate shortcuts pointing to each) under Windows 7. So far the launcher seems to cope with all that just fine (each instance is launched with its separate cache and settings as intended).

One thing I was wondering about though are the client updates. Currently each instance of the same client prompted for an update separately (this is *after* client is started by the "Play" button in the launcher). Is this the case just this time (what with swiching over to use the launcher and all) or will these keep being rolled out the same way in future updates as well?

PS! Thanks a million for both of the options available under the "Startup" tab in the launcher settings!!11one Cool

This will continue to be the case until we've migrated the "Client Update" functionality into the Launcher, which is near the tippy-top of our roadmap Smile.
Einar Matveinen
Mahe Ratu
#68 - 2012-03-13 17:53:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Einar Matveinen
I've great problems with my antivirus software and new launcher. When launcher is being updated my antivirus software answers me more than twenty five times if i want the eve launcher updated O_O

It's frustrating, i've to deactivate my antivirus for updating eve client. I've tried and used other games launchers before and i haven't any problems.

Edit: i've reported a bug about this problem.
Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#69 - 2012-03-13 18:28:32 UTC
CCP Cascade wrote:
Thorn Galen wrote:
This would probably be great if I was able to download the initial, tiny 3.77Mb Launcher.
Alas, somewhere, something is stopping this from happening. Timeouts, over and over and over again.
I am able to browse local and international internet, upload and download at very fast speeds. No issues with the link my side. I am in South Africa, perhaps CCP can check their cache proxy ? Something is badly awry.

Just no EVE downloads, not today, for whatever the reason.

There are some issues with the web servers which are being investigated and the downloads use the webservers to get the correct patch. It could be that you're running into issues beacuse of that. Are you still having problems if you try now?

Thank you CCP Cascade, looks to be working fine now.

Ky's Del
#70 - 2012-03-13 18:32:06 UTC
The new installer SUCKS!!!!!

I for one have several copies of Eve in different folders as I like different settings for my different accounts due to different usages.

Downloading each patch for each dir is a pain... So i copied the first to the second dir... and now the Patch window never goes away.. even after a client is loaded.

The Dark Revenants
#71 - 2012-03-13 18:48:49 UTC
Luminocity wrote:
One thing I was wondering about though are the client updates. Currently each instance of the same client prompted for an update separately (this is *after* client is started by the "Play" button in the launcher). Is this the case just this time (what with swiching over to use the launcher and all) or will these keep being rolled out the same way in future updates as well?
CCP Cascade wrote:
This is an old patching mechanic we are going to move into the Launcher in the near future. For the initial release, we didn't want to touch too many systems at the same time.
CCP Donut Golem wrote:
This will continue to be the case until we've migrated the "Client Update" functionality into the Launcher, which is near the tippy-top of our roadmap Smile.
That's what I had thought, thanks for the confirmation. Also, launcher is legit and good job on heavy presence in these threads (don't mind the aggro, haters gonna hate P)

Looking forward to the future iterations..
The Dark Revenants
#72 - 2012-03-13 18:50:09 UTC
Ky'trana wrote:
The new installer SUCKS!!!!!

I for one have several copies of Eve in different folders as I like different settings for my different accounts due to different usages.

Downloading each patch for each dir is a pain... So i copied the first to the second dir... and now the Patch window never goes away.. even after a client is loaded.

You're doing it wrong. See here..
CCP Cascade
#73 - 2012-03-13 18:53:35 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Cascade
Ky'trana wrote:
The new installer SUCKS!!!!!

I for one have several copies of Eve in different folders as I like different settings for my different accounts due to different usages.

Downloading each patch for each dir is a pain... So i copied the first to the second dir... and now the Patch window never goes away.. even after a client is loaded.


Do you mean that after you click Play, it stays open and doesn't close? If so, go into the settings menu for the Launcher and have a look at the startup options in there. There is an option to make it close after clicking Play.

Associate Technical Producer - Core Technology Group

Matari Privateers
#74 - 2012-03-13 19:52:13 UTC
CCP Cascade wrote:
Ky'trana wrote:
The new installer SUCKS!!!!!

I for one have several copies of Eve in different folders as I like different settings for my different accounts due to different usages.

Downloading each patch for each dir is a pain... So i copied the first to the second dir... and now the Patch window never goes away.. even after a client is loaded.


Do you mean that after you click Play, it stays open and doesn't close? If so, go into the settings menu for the Launcher and have a look at the startup options in there. There is an option to make it close after clicking Play.

So you mean that little button with the spanner and screwdriver next to the minimise and close options is meant to do something? What if clicking on it does nothing?
CCP Cascade
#75 - 2012-03-13 19:54:17 UTC
Garrett wrote:
CCP Cascade wrote:
Ky'trana wrote:
The new installer SUCKS!!!!!

I for one have several copies of Eve in different folders as I like different settings for my different accounts due to different usages.

Downloading each patch for each dir is a pain... So i copied the first to the second dir... and now the Patch window never goes away.. even after a client is loaded.


Do you mean that after you click Play, it stays open and doesn't close? If so, go into the settings menu for the Launcher and have a look at the startup options in there. There is an option to make it close after clicking Play.

So you mean that little button with the spanner and screwdriver next to the minimise and close options is meant to do something? What if clicking on it does nothing?

Then open the EVE folder, and move the .patch file you will find in there out of that folder. Then you will be able to open it.

This is a known issue that we have resolved and will deploy as soon as we are able to.

Associate Technical Producer - Core Technology Group

Aronfly Kenobi
Eryon Riders
#76 - 2012-03-13 20:03:41 UTC

After a series of tries to update to the new launcher, which never worked, I uninstalled EVE client and downloaded the offline installer.

After everything installed I opened EVE and it started to update something, which gave me the following error:

File: patch_win.exe.log

Exception in thread Thread-7:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "threading.pyc", line 530, in __bootstrap_inner
File "threading.pyc", line 483, in run
File "zsync\readFromUrl.pyc", line 117, in DownloadPart
File "zsync\readFromUrl.pyc", line 136, in _DownloadPart
File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 761, in callback
FileSyncError: data corruption

I tried to use the Repair tool, which also gave me this:

File: repair.exe.log

Exception in thread Thread-2:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "threading.pyc", line 530, in __bootstrap_inner
File "threading.pyc", line 483, in run
File "zsync\readFromUrl.pyc", line 117, in DownloadPart
File "zsync\readFromUrl.pyc", line 136, in _DownloadPart
File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 761, in callback
FileSyncError: data corruption

No handlers could be found for logger "zsync"

Again, I tried to open EVE and this was the error now:

Unsupported 16-Bit Application

I'm running Windows 7 64 bits and EVE always worked until this new Launcher update.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.
God's Apples
#77 - 2012-03-13 20:26:13 UTC  |  Edited by: God's Apples
The download just doesn't start. I'm at (4/7) Calculating patch: Initalizing . . .

I saw some guy had this same issue, but on step (6/7).

EDIT: Posting this seemed to solve the issue. As soon as I clicked post it finished the 4th step. Although it is going awfully slow for a 3 Mbit download. Has anyone else been having this issue?

EDIT 2: I thought that it had finished, but it just went to 100% and not advancing to the next step. I tried the repair.exe, but that didn't do anything for my problem. I get this error message: See the logfile 'C:\Users\ES~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nsqBD83.tmp\patch_win.exe.log' for details.

"Hydra Reloaded are just jealous / butthurt on me / us because we can get tons of PVP action in empire while they aren't good enough to get that." - NightmareX

jason hill
Red vs Blue Flight Academy
#78 - 2012-03-13 20:30:20 UTC  |  Edited by: jason hill
meh !
just ran the repair tool as per the dev `s previous post and now I`m getting "an error occoured when running the repair tool"

Win 7 x64
Drahcir Nasom
Independent Manufacturers
#79 - 2012-03-13 20:41:09 UTC
So, this launcher rubbish is supposed to be good is it?

Before Launcher:-
1. Start first Eve client, see there is a patch, close client.
2. Go to website, download patch, save to "Eve Patches" folder
3. Go to Eve Patches folder
4. Doubleclick patch file, install for default Eve folder
5. Repeat 4 for Eve2 folder
6. Repeat 4 for Eve3 folder
7. Repeat 4 for Eve4 folder.
8. Start first client and play game.

This patch
1. Start first Eve client, see there is a patch, close client
2. Go to website and find there are no more downloadable patches.
3. Start client 1 again to download patch
4. Start client 2 to download patch
5. Start client 3 to download patch
6. Start client 4 to download patch
7. Close all clients, first one starts patching, clients 2, 3 & 4 crash because only 1 patcher can run at a time
8. Client 1 downloads 22Mb patch
9. Client 1 installs patch and starts launcher
10. Launcher downloads 167Mb patch and installs it
11. Luckily I've read the forums and found I can export patch, so export patch to "Eve Patches" folder
12. Close client 1 launcher
13. Start client 2, it says patch has already been downloaded so restart and it starts patching.
14. Client 2 downloads the same 22Mb patch client 1 downloaded
15. Client 2 installs patch and starts launcher
16. Launcher starts downloading 167Mb patch again
17. Quickly jump to tools menu and import patch, this interrupts the download and installs the patch
18. Close Launcher
19. Repeat steps 13-18 for clients 3 and 4
20. Having read in the launcher settings that downloads the patch to the client root directory, go to check, and find that all 4 client folders now have a copy of the 167Mb patch in them which I don't need, so delete. Must set launchers 2-4 so they delete the patch after use, launcher 1 I'll have to manually delete the files because I'll need to export in future.

Please tell me that this launcher is not going to waste so much time with future patches?

Valgore Meurte
Sebiestor Tribe
#80 - 2012-03-13 20:59:16 UTC
Launcher works fine for me, though once in the game I cant do any thing. It seems that the gui is not loading or something. Tried it twice and got to jump system with one of my characters (I am running two clients) and lost all ability to interact with the game. Overview not updating or chat windows, no right click menus, nothing, I cant even ship spin in space which I am sure I have mastered with all the gcc timers I have waited out. EVE is basically a screen saver at this moment for me. Will try to re-install things when I have the free time. I hope, because I haven't seen any other post like this that nobody else is having this issue. But none the less I figured I would mention it.