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Mad inflation

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#201 - 2012-03-12 21:08:32 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Someone already posted the numbers, the majority of isk in EVE comes off bounties and if anything, we should be reviewing the current bounties on battleship NPCs.

I have another objection on this notion. That number includes money from bots because of reasons that where refused to expose by a well known ex-goon currently employed by CCP Games. If you want to talk about how big the effect of incursions relative to all ISK springs looks like, you have to make the numbers without the hopefully soon to be gone bot-ISK-printers.

So, how big is the pie pice of incursions without the artificial bot-bloat?

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

CCP Soundwave
C C P Alliance
#202 - 2012-03-12 21:10:05 UTC
Cearain wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
gfldex wrote:
[quote=CCP Soundwave]
Love makes pretty blind, you know. We all know how much you love your baby that is Incursions. Please don't cuddle it until it dies.

You're aware that we're making adjustments to Incursions right? I've never said we didn't need to look at Incursion income in isolation, the point I made was that in terms of money coming into the economy, bounties are a massive issue. I'm not entirely sure why some of you keep insisting that it's either or.

Do Incursions need looking at? Absolutely, that's already been done and is awaiting deployment. Are Incursions the big issue in terms of isk coming into the economy? Not even remotely.

They are the major change that happened right before the inflation. Bounties didn't change. Level 4s didn't change. Insurance didn't change except for the nerf in dominion.

Incursions are killing the traditional lp stores which used to be an isk sink.

Incursions are seeding allot of isk directly into the game.

Both of these would tend to cause inflation.

No, that's incorrect. The massive jumps we see in terms of isk almost always come when we make adjustments to anomalies. The last change we did was pretty drastically increase the isk floor across the board on anomalies and the isk coming into the economy jumped after that.
Plus 10 NV
#203 - 2012-03-12 21:11:03 UTC
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:

Yet thanks for yet again pointing how wrong many are about Incursion Inflation. They just don't get it. In my opinion all they see is rage from Incursions providing an alternative to broken nullsec.

We have the actual numbers on how much isk incursions are adding to the economy every month.

After we get these sorts of facts, unsupported conclusory opinions no longer really count for much.

Its sort of like telling people "the guy wasn't hurt too bad" after we all saw the video of the alligator tearing off his arm.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

CCP Soundwave
C C P Alliance
#204 - 2012-03-12 21:11:36 UTC
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
gfldex wrote:
[quote=CCP Soundwave]
Love makes pretty blind, you know. We all know how much you love your baby that is Incursions. Please don't cuddle it until it dies.

You're aware that we're making adjustments to Incursions right? I've never said we didn't need to look at Incursion income in isolation, the point I made was that in terms of money coming into the economy, bounties are a massive issue. I'm not entirely sure why some of you keep insisting that it's either or.

Do Incursions need looking at? Absolutely, that's already been done and is awaiting deployment. Are Incursions the big issue in terms of isk coming into the economy? Not even remotely.

Which I assume what you mean by adjustments are changes to VGs to remove blitzing while boosting assault and HQ income right?

Side question when will we see a dev blog about those changes? After fanfest right? And will we have plenty of time to test them on Sisi to make sure there arent any surprises right?

Yet thanks for yet again pointing how wrong many are about Incursion Inflation. They just don't get it. In my opinion all they see is rage from Incursions providing an alternative to broken nullsec.

I'll leave the details to the devblog but I'd say there is a chance the changes might be (among other things) exactly what you wrote.
Endeavour Starfleet
#205 - 2012-03-12 21:12:20 UTC
Grey Azorria wrote:
Hmmmmm.... Actually I think he did more damage to your arguement - since most people were not against hitting bounties, but rather against hitting bounties instead of (rather than as well as) incursions. while you seem to be going on about how incursions are fine as they are.

Did you not read above? I am against VG Blitzing (Tho due to a different reason than Inflation obviously)

However they are fine the way they are compared to botting.
Minmatar Heavy Industries
#206 - 2012-03-12 21:12:35 UTC
Andski wrote:
I'm predicting no end of posts about INCURSIONS by ignorant NULL SEC peeps.

An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#207 - 2012-03-12 21:12:37 UTC
Kusanagi Kasuga wrote:
Liang Nuren wrote:
Kusanagi Kasuga wrote:
The real solution is not to try to pin the nerf to one specific area of the game, as there isn't a specific mechanic causing the inflation singularly. It's to do an all around slight nerf to income, which will result in a net no-change to people's wealth.

The thing that's not helping is people trying to bandwagon this as another nerf-highsec thread.

Do you believe that running pirate missions in 0.0 should be more profitable than high sec incursions?


Forum ate my post :(

I don't honestly know enough about 0.0 PvE to answer that properly.

All I can say is that we could do with an honest conversation about what people really get as income in various areas of the game. There's a lot of misinformation going around.

My personal experience of HS Lv4's is <20m/hour because I don't have a sufficiently shiny ship to do the ridiculous numbers that are thrown around when discussion missions. Given how utterly tedious most of them are, this is not something I want to see nerfed.

My personal experience of HS Incursions is 50m/hour in a decent fleet, with usually 1/2 to 1 hour required set up time before it reaches anywhere near that level of efficiency.

(not personal experience) I understand that there is a theoretical maximum of around 120m/hour for HS incursions, assuming the fleet does not take breaks and everything goes to plan. Realistic shiny fleet income (not personal experience) I'm told is about 100m/hour.

Perhaps others can speak to realistic incomes in other areas of the game?

Hmm. I wrote this well before Incursions hit: - you could potentially use it to enlighten yourself. I'd say that the only thing I want to emphasize is just how much of a massive PITA it is to convert LP to ISK instead of just getting straight ISK. There's just a lot of infrastructure involved in transporting all the tags and setting up the buy/sell orders and contracts - and that LP conversion is a form of straight market PVP.

Also, you only get 20M ISK/hr running missions? Really?


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Plus 10 NV
#208 - 2012-03-12 21:13:47 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Cearain wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
gfldex wrote:
[quote=CCP Soundwave]
Love makes pretty blind, you know. We all know how much you love your baby that is Incursions. Please don't cuddle it until it dies.

You're aware that we're making adjustments to Incursions right? I've never said we didn't need to look at Incursion income in isolation, the point I made was that in terms of money coming into the economy, bounties are a massive issue. I'm not entirely sure why some of you keep insisting that it's either or.

Do Incursions need looking at? Absolutely, that's already been done and is awaiting deployment. Are Incursions the big issue in terms of isk coming into the economy? Not even remotely.

They are the major change that happened right before the inflation. Bounties didn't change. Level 4s didn't change. Insurance didn't change except for the nerf in dominion.

Incursions are killing the traditional lp stores which used to be an isk sink.

Incursions are seeding allot of isk directly into the game.

Both of these would tend to cause inflation.

No, that's incorrect. The massive jumps we see in terms of isk almost always come when we make adjustments to anomalies. The last change we did was pretty drastically increase the isk floor across the board on anomalies and the isk coming into the economy jumped after that.

I stand corrected. I admit I wasn't aware of that change. Thanks for the input.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#209 - 2012-03-12 21:15:23 UTC
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:

Which I assume what you mean by adjustments are changes to VGs to remove blitzing while boosting assault and HQ income right?

Side question when will we see a dev blog about those changes? After fanfest right? And will we have plenty of time to test them on Sisi to make sure there arent any surprises right?

Yet thanks for yet again pointing how wrong many are about Incursion Inflation. They just don't get it. In my opinion all they see is rage from Incursions providing an alternative to broken nullsec.

Why the hell would we boost assault and HQ isk rewards when we need to reduce the flow of isk into the game?
Endeavour Starfleet
#210 - 2012-03-12 21:18:54 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
I'll leave the details to the devblog but I'd say there is a chance the changes might be (among other things) exactly what you wrote.

I love you Soundwave! Big smile

I eagerly await the blog. And I hope I am correct in my guess. VG blitzing is a big issue due to fairness. If you aren't in a near perfect fleet you get contested every time. Good VGs are where good varied fleets go back to "10 Mins 10 Mil" or longer Like it was long ago. No more 3 min blitzes.

Assaults and HQs could do with a boost in payout tho. While a boost could look bad on paper in reality it is almost never end, warp, enter like the shiny VG fleets. 5-10 mins between sites are almost guaranteed and often it is longer.

A boost will get more people into those higher sites so there will be more fleets doing them. That will help incursion content to shine when it is the community and not just a small fleet.
Darrow Hill
Vodka and Vice
#211 - 2012-03-12 21:20:13 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
The last change we did was pretty drastically increase the isk floor across the board on anomalies and the isk coming into the economy jumped after that.

Is it too early to jump on the "null-sec anom running bots are ruining the economy" bandwagon?
Endeavour Starfleet
#212 - 2012-03-12 21:21:55 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
[quote=Endeavour Starfleet]

Why the hell would we boost assault and HQ isk rewards when we need to reduce the flow of isk into the game?

I wonder how many times they have to say Incursions arent the main thing causing the inflation before you just get the point?

BTW you do realize that HQs and Assaults make a tiny portion of injected Incursion isk right? A 10M boost per site will do minimal increase in the long run.
Grey Azorria
Federation Industries
#213 - 2012-03-12 21:23:31 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:

Which I assume what you mean by adjustments are changes to VGs to remove blitzing while boosting assault and HQ income right?

Side question when will we see a dev blog about those changes? After fanfest right? And will we have plenty of time to test them on Sisi to make sure there arent any surprises right?

Yet thanks for yet again pointing how wrong many are about Incursion Inflation. They just don't get it. In my opinion all they see is rage from Incursions providing an alternative to broken nullsec.

Why the hell would we boost assault and HQ isk rewards when we need to reduce the flow of isk into the game?

I'm reasonably confident that it isn't as black and white as that, as it sounds like they are indirectly nerfing the income from vanguards (the real incursion money maker) - and after all CCP wouldn't risk boosting the incurbears risk free income - not when a very large chunk of the player base is already pissed off about it.

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

Sometimes when I post, I look at my sig and wish that I'd follow my own god damned advice.

Endeavour Starfleet
#214 - 2012-03-12 21:25:31 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
No, that's incorrect. The massive jumps we see in terms of isk almost always come when we make adjustments to anomalies. The last change we did was pretty drastically increase the isk floor across the board on anomalies and the isk coming into the economy jumped after that.

--- Thread
Minmatar Heavy Industries
#215 - 2012-03-12 21:25:33 UTC
Grey Azorria wrote:
How about nerfing both incursions (more LP, much les isk - especially in high sec) and bounties (harder nerf for high sec than low and null - possibly increase salvage to compensate)?

FIxes the risk reward scale and inflation.

NOPE can't see any bias you have against hi sec making ISK. Here let me throw it back at you: How about nerfing Tech moons ( making moons run dry eventually and having Drones randomly poop moon goo even in HI SEC ) and having a harder nerf to bounties in NULL SEC because obviously the biggest bots are operating in impunity protected in the depths of SOV space

An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Endeavour Starfleet
#216 - 2012-03-12 21:28:44 UTC
Grey Azorria wrote:
I'm reasonably confident that it isn't as black and white as that, as it sounds like they are indirectly nerfing the income from vanguards (the real incursion money maker) - and after all CCP wouldn't risk boosting the incurbears risk free income - not when a very large chunk of the player base is already pissed off about it.

Who is "pissed off" A bunch of nullsec folks generating falsehood after falsehood to attack an aspect of the game competing with their broken, bot filled nullsec?

Are they going to take their 1,337 accounts and leave? Or better yet leave after VGs get changed and Assaults and HQs get a small buff? If they leave because of that then EVE will do better without them. I wonder how much they will scream with modular Corp and POS will make small corps viable again and nullsec starts to change for the better.
Epic Ganking Time
#217 - 2012-03-12 21:29:15 UTC
Eso Es wrote:
Gogela wrote:

Read this and then read this. You clearly haven't read a thing I've said.

My point is precisely that anywhere the EvE system is paying people directly in ISK for something there is a problem. I don't want to nerf incursions. I want to remove all EvE system ISK payouts entirely and replace them with something you can sell on the market. It's the only way to achieve any kind of balance that doesn't require CCP to constantly intervene. My point isn't moot you just didn't read anything in this thread.

BTW - I get raises in EvE every day the market inflates. So do most people. The only people who's paychecks don't keep pace with inflation are people who play exclusively PvE content. Your knowledge of market mechanics explains why you keep getting passed up for that raise...

Sorry for missing your post in the 9 page wall of text that is this thread :S So people that make money off other players receive "raises" for their efforst, and people being paid by CCP do not, makes sense. Are you still saying that Hi Sec Incursions haven't lead to the crazy amounts of inflation being reported on these forums? (Sure botters have contributed, but I still point my finger to the risk free ISK faucet that is Hi Sec Incursions.) On a somewhat unrelated theme, you also have to consider this thread. Nothing to do with inflation, but again, Incursions are terrible for the EVE universe for more than just inflation.

No... that's not what I'm saying at all. What I'm saying is that it doesn't matter, and you can't pull Incursions out of the equation and isolate them and blame everything on them. A moderate rate of inflation is actually healthy for this economy and is to be expected from the way the EvE market functions. Runaway inflation is the risk of any mechanic that pays a player directly in ISK. If the market cannot control or even influence a source of ISK, than hell yes inflation is going to accelerate!

OK... so here is why I am getting miffed: people are isolating their own mechanic of choice and trying to blame runaway inflation on that. It's the botters, or it's the missions, or it's the null NPCs, or... in your case... it's Incursions. All of these mechanics are doing the SAME DAMN THING and that is give players ISK - which is given it's relative value by the MARKET - directly, and without any regard for how the market has valued the ISK. I mean this is economics 101 stuff! Where is CCP's economist? Doesn't that guy take a look at anything? Doesn't he have a DOCTORATE in this smack? If a RL comparison must be made I would say EvE is like an emerging market. If you keep giving people ISK for nothing the economy is going to react like Germany's did in the 30's or Greece's looks right now. It's not sustainable, because (in our context) the NPCs think they control the market and can just print ISK without producing anything, which is in effect a tax on the rest of us through inflation. The problem is, as with Greece, there's only so much the free economy can sustain until the ISK is devalued so much it is worthless. Now in EvE, we have the ability to do something NO OTHER ECONOMY can reasonably do... and that is reverse the process. Specifically, instead of paying for Incursions in ISK, we pay in something else.

As a hypothetical, what if there was some new component required in every ships hull. What if in order to build anything, you needed "Element-X'. Now what if Element-X was paid by NPCs to mission runners or incursion fleets? What if the amount of element-X entering the game was pegged to the production of the element zydrine, and pilots only received their fraction of the total pot for the work they did that day missioning or whatever on a percentage basis? All of a sudden, you would have the market regulating ALL of the ISK faucets in the game. Now don't get caught up in details. It doesn't have to be called "Element-X" and it doesn't need to be integrated into industry in that way. I'm just saying if all this free ISK goes away and you are given something else for your effort (f***ing LP points or whatever) everything WILL take care of itself. The market will self regulate and balance itself and missions, rats, and incursions will pay as much as they can for the number of people running them, adjust accordingly like it does now with mining or anything else, and CCP won't have to do a damn thing about it ever again.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#218 - 2012-03-12 21:29:42 UTC
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
[quote=Endeavour Starfleet]

Why the hell would we boost assault and HQ isk rewards when we need to reduce the flow of isk into the game?

I wonder how many times they have to say Incursions arent the main thing causing the inflation before you just get the point?

BTW you do realize that HQs and Assaults make a tiny portion of injected Incursion isk right? A 10M boost per site will do minimal increase in the long run.

Or we can not boost them and nerf the rewards of vanguards thus making them worth doing while at the same time reducing inflation?

Incursions might not be the biggest but there sure as hell have not helped matters. An across the board nerf in isk income sounds good to me given the plans for the dronelands.
Endeavour Starfleet
#219 - 2012-03-12 21:30:56 UTC
Darrow Hill wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
The last change we did was pretty drastically increase the isk floor across the board on anomalies and the isk coming into the economy jumped after that.

Is it too early to jump on the "null-sec anom running bots are ruining the economy" bandwagon?

Best solution to that. Report all bots even blue ones.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#220 - 2012-03-12 21:31:43 UTC
Andski wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
How much ISK was paid out over the same time period in insurance?
How does that amount compare with the other sources of income we are discussing?

Ship destruction should be an ISK sink, not an ISK faucet.

I realize the implications and issues that would have to be dealt with, but frankly Insurance either needs to go or be completely reworked.

This would bring balance to the force. Smile

stop posting your awful, awful ideas

Hey, I don't badger you about YOUR awful, awful ideas. Smile

I would have thought you'd be in complete support at the overwhelming flow of tears such a change would prompt from those who refuse to follow EVE's golden rule.

Truthfully, I recognize that this would not be a complete fix... far from it. However, the fact remains ship destruction should not push this much ISK back into the system.

Oh, to the person earlier who said that initially purchasing the ship was the ISK sink... well, that's not an ISk sink. Thats just ISK redistribution.

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