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Mad inflation

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#161 - 2012-03-12 19:49:28 UTC
Kusanagi Kasuga wrote:

The straw that breaks the camels back: Incursions
The anvil already on the camel's back: Bounties.

Which one is the root of the problem?

Incursions because they screw up risk reward balance.
Nerf incursion then we can talk about nerfing bounties.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#162 - 2012-03-12 19:49:38 UTC
Kusanagi Kasuga wrote:
Andski wrote:
Kusanagi Kasuga wrote:
Top level income for incursions is less than 100m/hour in optimal conditions. There is already noticable competition in sites to make ISK, and it's likely competition will increase as more people find it's not as hard/risky as it used to be. It's still not 100% safe though, I have seen faction battleships explode recently.

ahaha look at you calling me a nullbear when you literally never leave high-sec or PvP at all

hisec "shiny" fleets can milk vanguards at well over 100m/hour, fyi

Shall I assume that's from your long experience as a member of a hisec shiny fleet, or are you pulling that fact from your rectum?

I regularly talk to shinyfleet FCs, if that's what you're asking.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Kusanagi Kasuga
Indigo Archive
Ivy League Alt Alliance
#163 - 2012-03-12 19:54:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Kusanagi Kasuga
Andski wrote:
Kusanagi Kasuga wrote:
Andski wrote:
Kusanagi Kasuga wrote:
Top level income for incursions is less than 100m/hour in optimal conditions. There is already noticable competition in sites to make ISK, and it's likely competition will increase as more people find it's not as hard/risky as it used to be. It's still not 100% safe though, I have seen faction battleships explode recently.

ahaha look at you calling me a nullbear when you literally never leave high-sec or PvP at all

hisec "shiny" fleets can milk vanguards at well over 100m/hour, fyi

Shall I assume that's from your long experience as a member of a hisec shiny fleet, or are you pulling that fact from your rectum?

I regularly talk to shinyfleet FCs, if that's what you're asking.

It wasn't what I was asking, but you did indirectly answer it. No, you do not participate in incursions, and they in fact are relatively lessening your income a little bit, but you are quite certain from an unbiased standpoint that they need nerfed. Coincidentally, so does Scissors.

The only thing coming out of nullsec of late is 'nerf highsec, nerf wormholes, lowsec is fine, buff nullsec' with little regard to the fact that you need income to support a PvP lifestyle, and if you nerf highsec enough, all you're going to accomplish is that the only way to get out of highsec is in the arms of an entrenched and bloated nullsec coalition.
Zircon Dasher
#164 - 2012-03-12 19:59:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Zircon Dasher
Andski wrote:

"Please leave my no-risk ISK fountain alone and nerf the already pathetic income from 0.0 bounties"

Actually this is one of the biggest reasons why I think having the breakdown of bounty by security would be really beneficial.

If you look at the amount of mission reward+bonus part of the faucet it does kind of imply that a fairly significant amount of the bounties each month come from missions (since reward+bounty is usually paltry in terms of overall mission ISK)... most of which, numerically, originate in highsec (or at least did a long time ago).

Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

Eso Es
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#165 - 2012-03-12 20:01:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Eso Es
Gogela wrote:

"Why you keep using that word... I do not think it meaans what you think it means."

Look, inflation hurts only a few classes of people: Old People, Children, people on some types of welfare or fixed income, and the poor.

What do they have in common? Unemployment.

You have a job in EvE... we all do. Inflation is a non-factor because everyone (but people who only play NPCs and f-em anyway) will see their income go up proportionally with the inflation of the currency. It's totally a non-issue!

Except if the payment for said job doesn't rise with the rising costs of things, your point is moot. When was the last time you got a "raise" in EVE. Level 4s pay the same as they ever did, yet everything costs more.

Edit: Ok fine "industrialists" might get raises, but marketeers (assuming price margin remains the same even though the actual price of an item rises), mission runners, and ratters don't see any increase in the rewards for their effots.

Bottomline: Nerfhammer Incursions PLEASE
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#166 - 2012-03-12 20:14:13 UTC
Kusanagi Kasuga wrote:

The only thing coming out of nullsec of late is 'nerf highsec, nerf wormholes, lowsec is fine, buff nullsec' with little regard to the fact that you need income to support a PvP lifestyle, and if you nerf highsec enough, all you're going to accomplish is that the only way to get out of highsec is in the arms of an entrenched and bloated nullsec coalition.

Next time you rant it would be best to make sure you get your facts right.
Epic Ganking Time
#167 - 2012-03-12 20:14:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Gogela
Eso Es wrote:
Gogela wrote:

"Why you keep using that word... I do not think it meaans what you think it means."

Look, inflation hurts only a few classes of people: Old People, Children, people on some types of welfare or fixed income, and the poor.

What do they have in common? Unemployment.

You have a job in EvE... we all do. Inflation is a non-factor because everyone (but people who only play NPCs and f-em anyway) will see their income go up proportionally with the inflation of the currency. It's totally a non-issue!

Except if the payment for said job doesn't rise with the rising costs of things, your point is moot. When was the last time you got a "raise" in EVE. Level 4s pay the same as they ever did, yet everything costs more.

Edit: Ok fine "industrialists" might get raises, but marketeers (assuming price margin remains the same even though the actual price of an item rises), mission runners, and ratters don't see any increase in the rewards for their effots.

Bottomline: Nerfhammer Incursions PLEASE

Read this and then read this. You clearly haven't read a thing I've said.

My point is precisely that anywhere the EvE system is paying people directly in ISK for something there is a problem. I don't want to nerf incursions. I want to remove all EvE system ISK payouts entirely and replace them with something you can sell on the market. It's the only way to achieve any kind of balance that doesn't require CCP to constantly intervene. My point isn't moot you just didn't read anything in this thread.

BTW - I get raises in EvE every day the market inflates. So do most people. The only people who's paychecks don't keep pace with inflation are people who play exclusively PvE content. Your knowledge of market mechanics explains why you keep getting passed up for that raise...

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#168 - 2012-03-12 20:16:55 UTC
Kusanagi Kasuga wrote:
Top level income for incursions is less than It wasn't what I was asking, but you did indirectly answer it. No, you do not participate in incursions, and they in fact are relatively lessening your income a little bit, but you are quite certain from an unbiased standpoint that they need nerfed. Coincidentally, so does Scissors.

The only thing coming out of nullsec of late is 'nerf highsec, nerf wormholes, lowsec is fine, buff nullsec' with little regard to the fact that you need income to support a PvP lifestyle, and if you nerf highsec enough, all you're going to accomplish is that the only way to get out of highsec is in the arms of an entrenched and bloated nullsec coalition.

Actually, this is already becoming the case because of supercapital proliferation, but that's for another thread.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Patient 2428190
DEGRREE'Fo'FREE Internet Business School
#169 - 2012-03-12 20:17:42 UTC
Where does the idea to nerf highsec (and just highsec) ever come in the minds of people wanting to fix inflation? NPC bounties are much, much more plentiful in nullsec than in highsec, incursions pay out a lot more in dangerous areas than highsec. Even ship deaths you may suffer while generating NPC bounties end up adding even more ISK into the economy.
Zircon Dasher
#170 - 2012-03-12 20:22:34 UTC
Eso Es wrote:
Except if the payment for said job doesn't rise with the rising costs of things, your point is moot. When was the last time you got a "raise" in EVE.

Actually mission runners got a "raise" back in 2007-2008'ish. They decreased total number of rats, but increased bounty and composition of rats in missions. Meaning that you could run more missions/hr than you could before. Since that time CCP also boosted/added ships such that it was faster to kill the smaller number of rats found in a mission. Meaning that you could run even more missions/hr than before.

Assuming you dont shitfit and have good skills (sp and rl) obviously.

Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#171 - 2012-03-12 20:29:51 UTC
Patient 2428190 wrote:
Where does the idea to nerf highsec (and just highsec) ever come in the minds of people wanting to fix inflation? NPC bounties are much, much more plentiful in nullsec than in highsec, incursions pay out a lot more in dangerous areas than highsec. Even ship deaths you may suffer while generating NPC bounties end up adding even more ISK into the economy.

incursions broke the economy and most of them get run in empire. This is why it sounds like a nerf highsec call.
DelBoy Trades
Trotter Independent Traders.
Stealth Alliance
#172 - 2012-03-12 20:30:00 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Incursions are not a big issue in terms of isk globally.


Damn nature, you scary!

Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#173 - 2012-03-12 20:30:45 UTC
Seems like Soundwave just promised us that he won't be nerfing Incursions but will instead focus on bounties via ratting, anoms, and missions. I'm very curious how that's gonna pan out - I suppose that there's (theoretically?) an absolute cap to the Incursion faucet, so it'll really emphasize the income differential between high sec Incursions and other high end activities like L5s and high level WH ops.

I guess the net result is that high sec incursion runners will become even more fantastically wealthy compared to everyone else, and Shiny Fleet will be the only way to make ISK at it?

It'll be interesting!


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Endeavour Starfleet
#174 - 2012-03-12 20:37:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Endeavour Starfleet
baltec1 wrote:
What make you think we dont?

We simply do not police for CCP.

You had better get started then eh? Considering their next step is to nerf bounties. If nullsec folks can report blue bots and people get serious about reporting hisec bots. Inflation may be able to be stopped. Or atleast slowed to acceptable levels.

Patient 2428190 wrote:
Where does the idea to nerf highsec (and just highsec) ever come in the minds of people wanting to fix inflation? NPC bounties are much, much more plentiful in nullsec than in highsec, incursions pay out a lot more in dangerous areas than highsec. Even ship deaths you may suffer while generating NPC bounties end up adding even more ISK into the economy.

I have several theories why some want to nerf hisec so badly.

#1 They want their cannon fodder to return.

#2 Part of #1 For some they want them to come back because there are now gaps in the shield wall and that affects their botting.

#3 They have been forced to accept lower SP members or lower member requirements and they hate that.

DelBoy Trades wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Incursions are not a big issue in terms of isk globally.



HE RIGHT!!!.. Big smile
Kusanagi Kasuga
Indigo Archive
Ivy League Alt Alliance
#175 - 2012-03-12 20:37:41 UTC
The real solution is not to try to pin the nerf to one specific area of the game, as there isn't a specific mechanic causing the inflation singularly. It's to do an all around slight nerf to income, which will result in a net no-change to people's wealth.

The thing that's not helping is people trying to bandwagon this as another nerf-highsec thread.
#176 - 2012-03-12 20:39:17 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
Seems like Soundwave just promised us that he won't be nerfing Incursions but will instead focus on bounties via ratting, anoms, and missions.

Soundwave also wanted to sell us back saved fitting slots that was allready there before they were removed.

Who cares ?

Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#177 - 2012-03-12 20:39:22 UTC
Kusanagi Kasuga wrote:
The real solution is not to try to pin the nerf to one specific area of the game, as there isn't a specific mechanic causing the inflation singularly. It's to do an all around slight nerf to income, which will result in a net no-change to people's wealth.

The thing that's not helping is people trying to bandwagon this as another nerf-highsec thread.

Do you believe that running pirate missions in 0.0 should be more profitable than high sec incursions?


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#178 - 2012-03-12 20:40:17 UTC
JitaPriceChecker2 wrote:
Liang Nuren wrote:
Seems like Soundwave just promised us that he won't be nerfing Incursions but will instead focus on bounties via ratting, anoms, and missions.

Soundwave also wanted to sell us back saved fitting slots that was allready there before they were removed.

Who cares ?

I think its been pretty thoroughly established that it was not in fact Soundwave who was behind all that.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Adunh Slavy
#179 - 2012-03-12 20:41:39 UTC
Gogela wrote:

This assumes that inflation is a bad thing. It is NOT. The materials sector is not the problem at all... you are ignoring a critical difference between material faucets and NPC payment faucets: Material price levels are set by player demand vs. supply. This relationship is balanced by the EvE economy and is not a problem at all. When mineral prices rise more miners find it profitable and worth while to mine. When mineral prices fall, fewer people mine. It's not the mineral supply that determines market price... it's labor supply!!!
When EvE pays you directly in ISK, the market doesn't get a say and that is where the problems pop up.

You are off base. The same labor that could be used for raw material production, goes to ISK faucets, because ISK faucets are worth more per unit of time. It is the allocation of labor (time) that is the issue, not the lack of it. Player time in game is the only truly limited resource in Eve. it is the allocation of this time that is the heart of the issue. What is actually spent by players is not ISK, it is their time. They will gravitate to the activities that generate the most wealth per unit of time, wealth, not ISK.

As far as minerals go, an activity that creates ISK also creates minerals by way of drones and loot. If that loot and drone droppings were not there, all of the labor (time and effort expended) would need to be consumed by mining to keep prices at the current level. If the only thing generated from shooting rats was ISK, then the wealth of minerals must come from someplace else, must come from a different allocation of player time.

Mineral prices are held artificially low because the time spent gaining ISK, also gains minerals. Mineral prices should be significantly higher than they are. The inflation in Eve is not a problem of prices going up, the problem is that not all prices are going up to meet the expansion of the monetary base. If those mineral prices can go up, THEN people will mine more. The problem is they are not mining more because those prices aren't able to go up as quickly as they should be. When the mineral prices are high enough, and reach wealth per time parity with faucet activities, then the expansion of the monetary base will slow.

Gogela wrote:

This is incoherent. The problem is not anemic consumption but a market economy trying to balance itself against NPC payments/entitlements.

Your lack of comprehension is not my problem. Crack a book, I recommend some Bastiat.

Gogela wrote:

I agree with the first sentence but not the last. Mining floats with the economy however, and does not represent "sucking at the great ISK tit" in my view.

You read it wrong, I did not state mining did represent "sucking at the great ISK tit", I said it did not. Shooting rats is the big suck.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#180 - 2012-03-12 20:42:09 UTC
Just curious, are there any numbers for what bounty isk facets were like pre-incursions for comparison? I'm curious to see how much isk influx from other activities decreased if any as a result of their introduction.