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[Proposal] Name Changing

First post
Kaelie Onren
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#61 - 2011-09-21 16:20:05 UTC
Names and reputations should always stay with characters sold on bazaar. They cannot be allowed to change their name if the toon is bought. Similarly if you change your name you can never sell your toon.

Reputation isn't rooted in you, the player. It's invested in the toon that earned the bad rep. If toon XXX became known as a notorious thief and pirate, this does not mean that the same player can't play another care bear toon. This is the basic tenant of any RPG. BUT, the notorious pirate should be penalized, for the rest of the CHARACTERs life, for his sins. In other words, the sins are born by the toon not the player.. ( in contrast to floppy's post ) This is how legal entities work. A company can have bad debt or be legally sued, but that doesn't mean that the CEO is personally liable.

As long as the sins of the toon are branded to the toon forever in implementation, I may support this feature.
Katie Frost
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#62 - 2011-09-21 23:40:42 UTC
Not sure if serious...

Are you guys reading the previous posts before you post some of this stuff?

Let me try this final summary once again:

It would be a cosmetic change only. The reputation of a toon, his/her standings and employment history, past transgressions, enemies, friends, contacts... all remain the same. There would be a clear indication in the Biography of a character regarding any previous names. Name-changing would be allowed very infrequently with a lengthy cool-off period.

The inconvenience of checking an AKA-tab in somebody's biography I do not feel justifies the absence of this feature (which judging by the 'likes' received is something people would like to see). Unless you have a more compelling argument, please refrain from the whole "toon should always be linked to his/her reputation" - as nothing about this proposal allows anybody to escape this prospect.
Paulize Dn'Injer
#63 - 2011-09-22 04:05:19 UTC
On the topic of having a permanent number associated with a character -- I can see the appeal, one could even call it a Pilot’s Cerification Number for the role playing community (and even change “born on” to “licensed on”). I dunno about some of those nefarious aspects listed, but for now I’ll add it to the 'Debated Feature' list
Paulize Dn'Injer
#64 - 2011-09-22 04:06:09 UTC
Barbara Nichole wrote:
sorry but part of the consequence of doing crap to ruin the rep of a character is the destruction of the sale value. Allowing people to change identities at all will allow people to use this as an exploit to avoid any consequence of actions other than a small service fee.

I vote no friggon way!

Remember, when posting on forums it is essential to actually read the topic – otherwise you might sound like the person quoted above
Paulize Dn'Injer
#65 - 2011-09-22 04:09:52 UTC
Karim alRashid wrote:
At one point the game didn't allow more than two word in character name and it also didn't allow any punctuation marks.

There are people with typos in there character names.

These are valid reasons to have one's name corrected, by a petition and GM intervention.

I apologize if this sounds rude, but assuming you are aware that the current valid reasons to have one's name corrected by a petition and GM intervention is for inappropriate content and/or capitalization… then you’re supporting a restricted form of name change where, essentially, only if they add a third word, fix a typo, or add a punctuation it’s ok?
Paulize Dn'Injer
#66 - 2011-09-22 04:58:03 UTC
Kaelie Onren wrote:
Names and reputations should always stay with characters sold on bazaar. They cannot be allowed to change their name if the toon is bought. Similarly if you change your name you can never sell your toon.

Reputation isn't rooted in you, the player. It's invested in the toon that earned the bad rep. If toon XXX became known as a notorious thief and pirate, this does not mean that the same player can't play another care bear toon. This is the basic tenant of any RPG. BUT, the notorious pirate should be penalized, for the rest of the CHARACTERs life, for his sins. In other words, the sins are born by the toon not the player.. ( in contrast to floppy's post ) This is how legal entities work. A company can have bad debt or be legally sued, but that doesn't mean that the CEO is personally liable.

As long as the sins of the toon are branded to the toon forever in implementation, I may support this feature.

What you've written is a variation of the 'Debated Feature' "Character Transfer" currently listed as:

Paulize Dn'Injer wrote:
Character Transfer – Name Changes should not transfer in the event of a Character Transfer (reverting to the first name while preserving full name history) and/or no character having been transferred will ever be allowed a Name Change. This is highly divisive, but it keeps the character market level

I wouldn't mind adding another 'and/or' to that...

...but if you're going to bring reality into the argument then you must consider that name changes are allowed in reality...

'Sins’ are already ‘branded’ via the AKA Feature -- in fact, what you're proposing almost infringe on the "sins are born by the toon not the player" by passing the 'sins' on to a new owner-player. It’s as flawed and superfluous as your use of the term ‘sins’ instead of ‘reputation’; your propagandizing has clouded the possibility that a good ‘reputation’ may be used nefariously as well.

I don’t mind either way -- both prove the feasibility of Name Changing
Malevelon Roe Industries
Convocation of Empyreans
#67 - 2011-09-22 06:12:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Gallion
I has a better Idea, why not let CCP Give EVERY ACTIVELY PAYING PLAYER only 1 Chance to rename their Characters.
(some Exaggeration intended), TBH I'd Like to change my name but at the same don't want to. For that same reason that I don't want to change it should remain in what the Original Statement about making a character name should be PERMANENT. if you bought your characters or made a change in decision... I say to you all make a new character with that name.

This is a Signature, It makes people Stare. (Man I gotta Make one , or Find one to steal)

Jno Aubrey
Galactic Patrol
#68 - 2011-09-22 11:20:58 UTC
Once CCP allowed the transfer of characters, the whole concept of your name being your reputation became obsolete.

+1 like to this thread.

A big thumbs down to the idea of the character name reverting to original upon transfer - serves no purpose and could devalue the character.

No, "Jno" is not a typo Cool

Name a shrub after me.  Something prickly and hard to eradicate.

Kaelie Onren
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#69 - 2011-09-22 11:55:34 UTC
Paulize, so you agree with me in principle yet you still feel the need to reiterate and pontificate. I'm beginning to think you care more about 'winning' in this forum than the actual proposal here.

To answer your single point in your response worth answering: a bad or good rep staying with the toon affecting the buyer of the toon is EXACTLY what we want. Remember you too think character transfers are bad. ( am I'm not one to repeat arguments already stated for the sake of it ) Buyers need to do research on the toon they are about to buy and make a choice on it. No doubt the rep will affect the price.

And please. You know full well what I mean when I used the term 'sins' and we both know full well it could go both ways. Please don't patronize me nor the intelligent readers of this forum buy harping on semantics. We are all adults here. :) well most of us anyway. ( people who spell like a fonics robot I'm looking at you )
Kaelie Onren
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#70 - 2011-09-22 12:01:42 UTC
And to the person (Katie frost) who quoted the number of likes as circumstantial evidence of the importance of this proposal. You should be aware of the skewed sample space here. Only people who want a name change will vote like. People who don't need one won't even read this thread, as the affected population is a small minority of the eve population. Compare this to a proposal that will boost hybrids or gimp cloaking. You will get less likes for those threads because the topic is divisive, and 'not likes' are not counted, and many will be on the fence. But no one needs convincing that these other proposals are a lot more important to all citizens of new Eden than name changing.
Horde Vanguard.
Pandemic Horde
#71 - 2011-09-22 13:54:58 UTC
CCP Spitfire wrote:
7.The new owner of the character may NOT pass himself off as the original owner.

That is from the rules in the Character Bazaar forum. Your 'sins' are kept even if you change your name. That is what negative sec status is for, kill rights, and with the proper implementation of this feature you can find out if the character was a thief.

I think this would add to the flavor of tracking down a thief, they want to change their name to avoid being tracked down. It seems like it is pretty easy do to IRL, so why not in Eve? Another possible feature, rather than an aka tab why not require an agent lookup that can say this character has gone by these names in the past? Adds flavor and RP value.
Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#72 - 2011-09-22 15:54:33 UTC

have a name change history
Paulize Dn'Injer
#73 - 2011-09-23 03:03:27 UTC
Kaelie Onren wrote:
Paulize, so you agree with me in principle yet you still feel the need to reiterate and pontificate. I'm beginning to think you care more about 'winning' in this forum than the actual proposal here.

To answer your single point in your response worth answering: a bad or good rep staying with the toon affecting the buyer of the toon is EXACTLY what we want. Remember you too think character transfers are bad. ( am I'm not one to repeat arguments already stated for the sake of it ) Buyers need to do research on the toon they are about to buy and make a choice on it. No doubt the rep will affect the price.

And please. You know full well what I mean when I used the term 'sins' and we both know full well it could go both ways. Please don't patronize me nor the intelligent readers of this forum buy harping on semantics. We are all adults here. :) well most of us anyway. ( people who spell like a fonics robot I'm looking at you )

Yeah -- I am arguing the feasibility of Name Change -- I agree that your argument may increase the feasibility but…

‘Winning’? You've ignored "I wouldn't mind adding another 'and/or' to that" just to have another round

‘Reiterate’? Had you just read the op properly I wouldn’t have had to write it again

‘Pontificating’? You were using "Sins" for its heavy connotation -- yet you so beautifully enacted the terms Greek etymology that I couldn't resist pointing out that you had “missed” half of your argument just to use the term.

If you're going to argue about patronizing and semantics towards the reader then abandon your rhetoric

The single point in my response worth answering was "'Sins' are already 'branded' on the character via the AKA Feature."
Paulize Dn'Injer
#74 - 2011-09-23 03:08:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Paulize Dn'Injer
Jno Aubrey wrote:
Once CCP allowed the transfer of characters, the whole concept of your name being your reputation became obsolete.

+1 like to this thread.

A big thumbs down to the idea of the character name reverting to original upon transfer - serves no purpose and could devalue the character.

No, "Jno" is not a typo Cool

I'm thankful you've understood that the feasibility of Name Changing takes precedent over the details -- as you've given your support while continuing the debate of a 'Debated Feature'
Kaelie Onren
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#75 - 2011-09-23 09:10:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaelie Onren
Paulize Dn'Injer wrote:
The single point in my response worth answering was "'Sins' are already 'branded' on the character via the AKA Feature."

Greek what? Am I talking to a person or a Wikipedia bot?
Yes it was and yes I knew that. And yes you knew that I already knew that too ( or did you forget that I have been part of this thread from the beginning? )
You will kindly note that I wasn't quoting any of your posts. But your ego made you think I was arguing against you.
I was in fact responding to some other posters on this discussion that were advocating that sins are to stick with the player. That was the whole point of my post. Only your ego made you think that my post was a challenge to your position so you start laying on your rhetorical arguments line. Really, it detracts from your credbility. Stick to the topic at hand. I'm actually agreeing with you so long as the fundamental tenant of sins will never be forgiven are upheld.
Horde Vanguard.
Pandemic Horde
#76 - 2011-09-23 13:10:50 UTC
Kaelie Onren wrote:
Paulize Dn'Injer wrote:

Maybe you should both define sins.

Killrights? Corp Thieft? Negative security status? Being a ****?
Sapphire Fangborn
Gallente Federation
#77 - 2011-09-24 01:28:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Sapphire Fangborn
I don't mind name changes, though I agree that there would be pros and cons in the absence of name history depending on how much control players wish they could have.

I think that having name changes should be possible, and that name change history should be optional during the name change process. After all, not everyone is running away from other people/harassment/their pasts.

Currently, I imagine that criminally inclined players can have many untainted accounts, plus have the option to purchase untainted yet well-trained characters, thereby having ways to do their worst under fresh personas. If this is what goes on, playing under an untraceable, new identity is already a part of Eve.

The idea of putting name changes on a very long timer is okay.

With the way Eve works, I don't think there is a way to stop players who want to be underhanded. This is the universe of celebrity justice with no jails. As a fairly new player, I try to figure things out and have fun, and don't truly trust anyone since they all might turn into sharks. It's quite an unusual experience.The fact that criminal type players would probably take to name changes like ducks to water can either be seen as increasing the amount of challenge in the game, or as a nightmare depending on one's opinion.

In Eve Online, safety is a myth. Blink In other MMOs I could feel secure, but not in this one. Eve Online is meant to be hazardous, so I don't support making it too warm and fuzzy. I came because of Incarna adverts, and because it's dangerous here.

Figuring out past character history would make more sense in my opinion, if it was because of applying a new "private investigation" skillset, and if it was pricey to do. That would make more sense, rather than making character history an easybutton.


Sapph Cool
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#78 - 2011-09-24 02:35:47 UTC
This just occurred to me: Most criminals love their reputation. They WANT to be recognized and feared. Those who don't are already quite adept at changing characters on a regular basis, either by biomassing and remaking alts or buying new toons. Try to change the name of a -10 pirate or famous scammer and they'll refuse. Their names give them power.

Mostly I just don't want to get stuck with an alt with a bad or non-sensical name from the bazaar because it was all I could find with the skills I was looking for.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Paulize Dn'Injer
#79 - 2011-09-24 05:55:24 UTC
Kaelie Onren wrote:
Paulize Dn'Injer wrote:
The single point in my response worth answering was "'Sins' are already 'branded' on the character via the AKA Feature."

Greek what? Am I talking to a person or a Wikipedia bot?
Yes it was and yes I knew that. And yes you knew that I already knew that too ( or did you forget that I have been part of this thread from the beginning? )
You will kindly note that I wasn't quoting any of your posts. But your ego made you think I was arguing against you.
I was in fact responding to some other posters on this discussion that were advocating that sins are to stick with the player. That was the whole point of my post. Only your ego made you think that my post was a challenge to your position so you start laying on your rhetorical arguments line. Really, it detracts from your credbility. Stick to the topic at hand. I'm actually agreeing with you so long as the fundamental tenant of sins will never be forgiven are upheld.

I totally stopped reading this a few lines in, but I think we agree or something. Yay. Done.
Paulize Dn'Injer
#80 - 2011-09-24 05:58:28 UTC
evilphoenix wrote:
Kaelie Onren wrote:
Paulize Dn'Injer wrote:

Maybe you should both define sins.

Killrights? Corp Thieft? Negative security status? Being a ****?

Drat, then I'm stuck at the "being a ****" because if we keep throwing that term around I think we're all going to sound like idiots