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Stealth bombers... the cheapest type of kill?

Question Time
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-03-06 01:36:22 UTC
So my main has figured out a way to get a **** ton of stats on his KB...

Simply train into SB (preferably hound), decloack, warp in, drop, cloak up. With the right skills on a camp this can guarantee at least one kill and if you're well versed in flying the ship, you will live to see another day.

does anyone else use this tactic? Is there a major flaw I am missing? I simply don't see why people fly intys or AFs or any of the other hulls when you can simply skill up to a frigate sized SB-class hull and go bombing the **** out of people...

I simply MUST be missing something crucial about this tactic otherwise everyone would use it... so what is it?
Ji Mei Xu
#2 - 2012-03-06 01:40:33 UTC
Posting in a KB stats thread.
Luvvin McHunt
The Church of Awesome
#3 - 2012-03-06 02:22:19 UTC
Correct. You are missing something:

Death Toll007
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-03-06 05:36:47 UTC
Not sure on the mathematical details, but sig radius has a significant effect on a bomb. If in frigs you will survive most bomb strikes, unless you punch MWD to try to burn out. Also they have a significant falloff penalty, so really you want the bomb centered on a cluster with most targets within 5km. If MWDs are on, so much the better. Then take into account, that ridiculous amount of damage is subject to resists, so you will not get 6000 damage on a racial bomb launch, but usually around 2-4k, when you consider the EHP of most ships, this is not significant in a single ship.

There are amazing fleets of well coordinated bomber pilots who pull off miracles slaughtering dozens of BS's, but they are rare. The bomber requires, skill, coordination, and luck.

Shovel Bros
#5 - 2012-03-06 06:43:36 UTC
Yeah, the flaw in your plan is that a bomb doesn't do enough damage to alpha anything other than a MWDing frig. So your lone bomb will scratch the paint and that's about it.
Vordak Kallager
#6 - 2012-03-06 06:48:29 UTC
The skill involved in this tactic is the coordination with your fellow bombers, the manouvering into position, etc. But yes, the actual "uncloak>activate bomb launcher>recloak" mechanic doesn't involve a lot of "skill".

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

Gerrick Palivorn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-03-06 08:21:30 UTC
Wait the killboard has stats? Do I want those high or low? Are they important? Do I need the killboard to have fun?

I'm so confused...

MMOs come and go, but Eve remains.  -Garresh-

Tora Bushido
The Marmite Mercenaries
#8 - 2012-03-06 11:05:32 UTC

KB says nothing...... its just a number. I look at kills, where they were made, with how many players, what were you in, etc etc....


Meta Gaming Level VII, Psycho Warfare Level X, Smack Talk Level VII.

Blood Fanatics
#9 - 2012-03-06 13:32:50 UTC
Question Time wrote:

Simply train into SB (preferably hound), decloack, warp in, drop, cloak up.

Bad idea, even stealth mombers may use fast cloak after decloak, somone can target you in one second and you are RIP, also algin to some point-bookmark in lane betwen gate, decloak, drop, intant warp to your point dont even wait to see exposion, just warpout ASAP, you dont need be on grid to get kill, if you get luck, you get killmail even you not in grid after drop.

If it bleed we can kill it.

Skelee VI
Appetite 4 Destruction
#10 - 2012-03-06 13:48:49 UTC
Another option is to use a long range SB . target painter, t2 launchers,sesbo. right fit hit from 115km just to get on km!
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2012-03-06 15:50:20 UTC
Skelee VI wrote:
right fit hit from 115km just to get on km!

Someone's not using torpedos.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Mordeth Ventox
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-03-06 16:03:25 UTC
Train for a bomber with a couple low slots (like the nemesis) and put some warp stabs in it. This fit has saved my ass more times than I can count. Now if they have a fly catcher you are still FUBAR, but minus the bubbles you are golden. Also as stated numerous times, bomb with a buddy (using the same bomb type and bomber type if possible). Your chances of success will go up greatly. If solo go camp a jump bridge or two. Wait for an industrial/pod/shuttle to warp in and launch as they are coming out of warp...with practice you will pop many folks.

Something else to note...

SB can be killing machines...but they are FAR more effective at causing terror and disrupting fleets. Making gate camps jump while trying to ambush people is great fun, as is disrupting large fleets sitting peacefully at jump bridges. AFK harassment is also well worth the training time. Just be creative!
Diablo Ex
Nocturne Holdings
#13 - 2012-03-06 16:20:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Diablo Ex
The only way that I can see this being effective is if you KB hoar off another player.
Hang out at a popular gatecamp site, wait for a group of campers to arrive, and move into position.
Wait for them to engage some hapless traveler, and then bomb the whole mess while they are engaging each other.
Since you did "some" damage, you will appear on the KM. If your unlucky you might even land the killing blow.
"Unlucky" because few people enjoy having their KM's stolen from them by a third party intruder, and your info will be clearly posted on the KM.

The favorite weapon to use in this manner is Void Bombs, which can easily cap-out a ship that is cap dependent.
It can quickly turn the tide of battle from a "Win" to a "Loss" for either side.


Diablo Ex Machina - "I'm not here to fix your problem"

Kirith Vespira
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#14 - 2012-03-06 17:03:15 UTC
Ji Mei Xu wrote:
Posting in a KB stats thread.

Your originality is chilling.
Silas Shaw
Coffee Hub
#15 - 2012-03-06 18:07:18 UTC
Oxylan wrote:
Question Time wrote:

Simply train into SB (preferably hound), decloack, warp in, drop, cloak up.

Bad idea, even stealth mombers may use fast cloak after decloak, somone can target you in one second and you are RIP, also algin to some point-bookmark in lane betwen gate, decloak, drop, intant warp to your point dont even wait to see exposion, just warpout ASAP, you dont need be on grid to get kill, if you get luck, you get killmail even you not in grid after drop.

yeah... if you bomb, recloak, youre 4 seconds from detonation, still on grid, and prolly still in line with bomb path. that strategy bombs you.
Svodola Darkfury
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2012-03-06 19:01:39 UTC
It's not a bad way to get on a lot of killmails if you hit one or both sides of a fleet brawl, but you're still pretty likely to get caught in the crossfire.

Director of Frozen Corpse Industries.

Metal Icarus
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#17 - 2012-03-06 21:12:05 UTC
Cheapest kill? How about defenseless cyno alts in null?

bombers require a lot of pilot skill to get it right and live. To say that they're easy is a statement of ignorance.

To actually get the timing, angle, distance and warp out all aligned to get the bomb onto a MWDing frig gang that landed in a bubble and you to safety is not an easy task one can just "do" with little knowledge about their ship and what it can and cannot do.

if you want to pad up your kb, get a target painter and a covert ops frig and sit on a gate camp in null.... nub
Tarsus Zateki
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2012-03-07 06:05:32 UTC
Solo bombers are nearly useless. If you want to fly bomber, make friends who fly bombers. A half dozen bombers will pad your oh so precious killboard stats far faster than you ever will by yourself. Alone you're an amusement, in numbers you destroy fleets.

You asked me once, what was in Room 101. I told you that you knew the answer already. Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#19 - 2012-03-07 16:21:32 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Skelee VI wrote:
right fit hit from 115km just to get on km!

Someone's not using torpedos.

Javelin torps + rigs that effect flight time and missile velocity and you can get that range out of torps...or at least you could. Can't remember how much dps you can get at that distance though.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2012-03-08 18:19:37 UTC
Sinderblock wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Skelee VI wrote:
right fit hit from 115km just to get on km!

Someone's not using torpedos.

Javelin torps + rigs that effect flight time and missile velocity and you can get that range out of torps...or at least you could. Can't remember how much dps you can get at that distance though.

Not a lot. Considering the torps take approximately 30 seconds to hit something.

Vide longe er eros di Luminaire VII, uni canse pra krage e determiniex! Sange por Sange! Descanse bravex eros, mie freires. Mortir por vostre Liberete, farmilie, ide e amis. lons Proviste sen mort! Luminaire liber mas! 

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