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Eve, Window mode, SLI?

First post
The nonamed Troll
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2012-03-04 12:42:16 UTC
I've got 2x GTX 560 Ti in SLI mode.

While in fullscreen mode, i get 450+ fps, but as soon as i switch to window mode fps goes down to 250-260 fps.

If i disable SLI in nvidia panel, i get the same 250 fps in both window/fullscreen modes.

However, googling shows that eve supports sli even in window mode. So, what am i doing wrong? Any secret way to turn on SLI for window mode?

p.s. This all goes to 1920x1080, max image quality settings.
The nonamed Troll
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-03-05 07:58:35 UTC
Nobody uses SLI? O_o
CCP Sharkbait
C C P Alliance
#3 - 2012-03-05 21:31:25 UTC
i believe (and i might be wrong) that SLI only runs when in fullscreen. the application also needs to be written to use / support SLI to use it optimally, which currently eve is not.

my info might be wrong, i'm digging into my memory that has long been damaged by drink. but i'm fairly sure i'm right.
Liam Mirren
#4 - 2012-03-05 22:41:59 UTC
On that note I have an ATI 4870x2 (which is an SLI card), before I quit end 2010 I ran 5 accounts just fine without any issue, but now I'm struggling running 3 due to massive fps/lag issues.

PC is unchanged: i5 750@2.66, 8GB and said 4870x2 card. Win7 64 etc etc. Tried clean install window, have latest drivers, DX installed , different settings and much more. It runs like **** and I simply can't use 3 accounts now (2 even gives issues). I know we had a graphics update but it all feels very sluggish.

Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2012-03-06 13:25:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Aethlyn
SLI won't work in windowed mode. It needs fullscreen mode to work (it has to do with how it's doing alternate frame rendering and stuff; in windowed mode, the window manager (i.e. Windows) has control about when the window updates (actually, windows might try to slow down window updating to 60, 30 or 15 fps depending on the amount of ressources being available). Only in fullscreen mode, the game has full control over the amount of updates (e.g. VSync and SLI).

To play a game with SLI activated it has to be run in exclusive fullscreen mode (no fake-fullscreen with a borderless window) and it has to be explicitly marked as "SLI enabled/supported" in the drivers (which is already done for EVE).

CCP Sharkbait wrote:
i believe (and i might be wrong) that SLI only runs when in fullscreen. the application also needs to be written to use / support SLI to use it optimally, which currently eve is not.

It's far less intrusive and quite compatible with almost all games. You simply must not rely on things being drawn in one frame to stay there; e,g, in Warhammer Online I always had flickering avatar portraits because they were only drawn one frame and then never updated again (which will, with SLI enabled, cause them to flicker, cause they're essentially drawn by one card only; the other one having blackness there instead).

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