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Assets freezing and/or perpetually loading

First post
Tah'ris Khlador
Space Ghosts.
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#1 - 2012-02-08 18:57:57 UTC
Forgive me if this is posted elsewhere, as I went skimming the issues forum and didn't find it.

On Tah'ris, if I attempt to open the assets it sits stuck loading. It's currently set to view assets by system and current and I'm unable to change the tabs or attempt to alter the settings. I can however still move the assets window and close it.

My other characters are not experiencing any issues with the assets. I've attempted clearing the cache and this has not appeared to have any effect.

Member of the Pink Pony Killboard Padding Alliance

The Love Dragons
#2 - 2012-02-09 18:59:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Falkor1984
Happens to me too, on multiple chars. It can be fixed by clearing ur Settings. With that you will ofcourse have to change all your settings back to the old status. I have petioned it, but the response I get is that clearing settings is the only way to solve this problem. Which is utter crap tbh: it is a pain in the butt to put all your settings back, but thats the CCP statement for now......

A workaround I have found: click the search tab on the assets when you have the issue. Close the assets, remove them from the Neocom and then reopen them after a sessions change. The assets will be at the search tab and you can at least search for your assets. I have not found a workaround yet that actually makes the system tab working again.
Archon Industries
#3 - 2012-02-14 19:08:59 UTC  |  Edited by: MailDeadDrop
I had this happen to one of my characters. The behavior occurred on two separate machines for the same character, so that implies that CCP's server or server data is somehow involved (since the separate machines would necessarily have separate copies of the settings files).

On one machine I cleared caches using the in-game option. No change. Then I cleared settings using the in-game option. This worked, but as mentioned above has the unfortunate side effect of nuking everything in the UI.

On the other machine I deleted only the character's cached settings file from the underlying operating system:

1. Path is appropriate for Windows 7 (YMMV). Refer to for more info.
2. The number in the file (above) will be unique to your character; compare the file modified date with the times your character was logged in to Eve in order to determine which core_char_*.dat file to nuke.

Deleting that one file reset some (but not all) of the settings for that character, but left all the other character's settings unmolested. If you follow the Evelopedia instructions to delete the settings directory, you will nuke all settings for all characters on all accounts. GAH!


Additional search engine cookies:
personal assets list does not update
personal assets list hangs
personal asset window does not update
personal asset window hangs
Tah'ris Khlador
Space Ghosts.
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#4 - 2012-02-14 20:09:11 UTC
Thanks guys. Yeah, I was told to reset my cache (after I'd already explained I'd reset my cache. lol.). I ended up nuking everything and I keep finding settings I've forgotten to set back to what I'm used to.

So nuking the settings fixes the issue, but is a real pain in the neck.

Member of the Pink Pony Killboard Padding Alliance

Hamster Too
Golden Fowl
#5 - 2012-02-15 14:46:30 UTC
Clearing cache did not work for me... what did was tabbing until the focus was on View, then selecting a random system fromt the drop down list. That stopped the perpetual loading status. Closed and reopened the Assets window and I had the full functionality back.
PvPers Corp
#6 - 2012-02-15 17:55:01 UTC
Hamster Too wrote:
Clearing cache did not work for me... what did was tabbing until the focus was on View, then selecting a random system fromt the drop down list. That stopped the perpetual loading status. Closed and reopened the Assets window and I had the full functionality back.

Confirmed, this fixed the issue for me as well. Thanks a lot, small reward is on the way in game.
The Love Dragons
#7 - 2012-02-16 11:32:44 UTC
Hamster Too wrote:
Clearing cache did not work for me... what did was tabbing until the focus was on View, then selecting a random system fromt the drop down list. That stopped the perpetual loading status. Closed and reopened the Assets window and I had the full functionality back.

You mean tabbing between windows in Eve? And what do you mean by "View"?
Johannes Brinalle
F---ing Nublets
#8 - 2012-02-20 02:31:18 UTC
Falkor1984 wrote:
Hamster Too wrote:
Clearing cache did not work for me... what did was tabbing until the focus was on View, then selecting a random system fromt the drop down list. That stopped the perpetual loading status. Closed and reopened the Assets window and I had the full functionality back.

You mean tabbing between windows in Eve? And what do you mean by "View"?

U close the window... if u can unpin it from the neocom the better.. and then u open from the E icon at the top of the neocom...

Then "solar system" tab in the window should pop up... so u just hit the tab button on ur keyboard, and u move it to the "view" dropdown menu... there u just select any system at all, and after you close the window, eternal loading will be over.... you can repin it to the neocom after that... Smile
Jak Savage
The Savage Foundation
#9 - 2012-02-24 19:54:25 UTC
You mean tabbing between windows in Eve? And what do you mean by "View"?

Thats the alt tab, in game just tabing will move focus around within or to another window.

What to do if your assets freez up on loading.
close the window and reopen, hit tab, youl see the border will move from the "sort by" to the "view" option, now hit enter, youl get a drop down of the system to pick, hit enter again, it will pick the fist system highlighted, and force it to load unfreezing the window.

Thanks Wihtori, I did not like it idea of reseting all my setting.
CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#10 - 2012-03-05 14:18:46 UTC
CCP Explorer wrote:
And a further update on a fix here

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

Narad Kjolarni
Kjolarni Enterprises
#11 - 2012-03-06 14:48:25 UTC
Hamster Too wrote:
Clearing cache did not work for me... what did was tabbing until the focus was on View, then selecting a random system fromt the drop down list. That stopped the perpetual loading status. Closed and reopened the Assets window and I had the full functionality back.

Thank you very much for this simple solution that removed an annoying problem! I will also send you a reward in game for this.
