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Whats Your Computer for EVE?

First post
Diablo Ex
Nocturne Holdings
#61 - 2012-03-05 13:06:34 UTC
I'm using an Acer aspire 7741 Notebook
Intel P6200 (2.13 Ghz) Dual Core
Intel HD Graphics ( Avoid this like the plague!!! )
4 GB DDR 3 Memory
17.3" HD LED monitor and a secondary 20" flat screen monitor to Dual Screen.
Windows System 7 64-Bit Home Premium

The game runs great, and having the dual screens makes it convenient when multi-tasking in station.
The only problem is the very persistant bug with the Intel HD graphics crashing when undocking or jumping gates.
Otherwise, the Graphics are beautiful, and the system handles fleet fights without hessitation.

Diablo Ex Machina - "I'm not here to fix your problem"

XS Tech
#62 - 2012-03-05 13:07:30 UTC
CCP Punkturis wrote:
I would tell you guys about my macbook but I know you'll just make fun of me Sad

so you're the reason there's still a mac client Lol

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

State War Academy
Caldari State
#63 - 2012-03-05 13:25:58 UTC
To comment on 32bit OS and sysinfo side program.

may be not the 32bit problem at all ! For a 32bit OS, the program would show 3.2 GB or even 2.9 Gb.

Now on to 64 bit. If you get 3.5 GB - possibly program is cheap and measures it in some 'unknown' values. Giga bytes, giga bits. Some cheap software, freeware may contain errors and report 'screwy' numbers.

Some programs list 3.5 GB that is available to Applications and software, the rest is reserved by OS and looks not available to the system monitor. A quality system info should list all three values separately and possibly more. Gigabytes, Giga bits, physical and available memory.

This post sums up why the 'best' work with DCM inc.

WARP DRIVE makes eve boring

really - add warping align time 300% on gun aggression and eve becomes great again

JeanMichel Bizarre
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#64 - 2012-03-05 13:26:34 UTC  |  Edited by: JeanMichel Bizarre
i5 @ 3.1GHz
geforce gts 450 1GB RAM DDR5 128bit (overclocked the memory by a good 30% and the gpu clock by 20% if memory serves)
Philips FULL HD 22" monitor.

Runs like a dream, capped at 60fps, all settings maxed (including shadows, HDR, AA)


Apocalypse Now.
#65 - 2012-03-05 13:46:56 UTC
AMD FX 6100 3.3, Asus m5a99x Mobo, 16gb Corsair vengance ram, 1.5tb WD caviar black spindle, Corsair TX850 PSU, 2x HIS IceQ X HD6970 2gb crossfire

I can run pretty much everything at max settings :)
Ursula LeGuinn
Caldari State
#66 - 2012-03-05 13:55:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Ursula LeGuinn
Intel i5-2500k @3.7GHz
GeForce GTX 580 @772MHz
8GB Patriot Division 2 DDR3 1866MHz
Crucial RealSSD C300 256GB (1TB 7200RPM storage drive)
ASUS P8P67 Pro (mobo)
750W Corsair PSU

Mice: Logitech Gaming Mouse G400 (wired), Logitech Performance Mouse MX (wireless)

Mousepad: Razer Scarab (the best mousepad I've used in my entire life, I bought five to put in storage)

Keyboard: Rosewill RK-9000 (Cherry blue)

Monitor: Samsung SyncMaster 216BW, 1680 x 1050 (terrible, need to upgrade)

2010 MacBook, WinXP BootCamp running DOTLAN w/ a token from IGB

I love my computer so much. I haven't yet had a performance drop triple-boxing EVE on it with max graphics settings (at least not due to the triple-boxing in and of itself — blobs are another matter).

"The EVE forums are intended to provide a warm, friendly atmosphere for the EVE community." — EVElopedia

Gerald Taric
#67 - 2012-03-05 14:23:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Gerald Taric
MasterChief351 wrote:
So,What Do You Use To Play EVE [...]?

Gaming Notebook ASUS G73JW, the i7 variant
Shalia Ripper
#68 - 2012-03-05 14:27:43 UTC
Commodore 64 and a 13 inch tv from 1985.

Sig blah blah blah blah

Lors Dornick
Kallisti Industries
#69 - 2012-03-05 14:30:58 UTC
Professor Alphane wrote:

Don't waste money on an i7 over a i5 2500k , hyperthrreading makes little diffrence to gaming

I have to say that I agree with this.

I actually ordered and paid for an i5-2500K system, but the company messed up and decided to ship an i7-2600 instead.

And I decided on not to complain.

CCP Greyscale: As to starbases, we agree it's pretty terrible, but we don't want to delay the entire release just for this one factor.

Einar Skaldakimbi
#70 - 2012-03-05 14:38:30 UTC
i7 2600K
8GB Ram
128 GB SSD
Water cooled with a Zalman reserator

And I use a Wacom touch screen: pew pew feels better when you can hammer with the pen on you target while screaming like a maniac die, die, die!
Qin Shi Huang
#71 - 2012-03-05 14:38:45 UTC
TriadSte wrote:
Qin Shi Huang wrote:
DELL XPS 630i:

Intel Core 2 Quad Q8300 @2.5GHz
4 GB RAM (diagnostics tell me I only have 3.5 GB though ?!?)
GeForce GTS 240 (got podded, so looking for a new one)
28'' DELL Widescreen and SyncMaster 19''

I DO NOT recommend it. It sounds like a Rolls-Royce merling engine and uses a lot of electricity.

What's a decent NVIDIA graphics card? I'm looking at GTX 460, but if/when CCP opens the Door in a year or two i'll probably need to upgrade again (open, disable Station Environment, sell new fancy graphics card)

I'm considering getting a new high-end laptop instead as i'm often on the road.

The RAM is because your using a 32 bit OS which can only address 4GB . It could be its using 512mb as cache therefore not seeing it as such.

A decent GPU for low cost Id recommend a 560TI slightly more than a 460 but a 560 will run games such as Eve on maxed out settings full AA etc very well indeed. Even the more modern games on full settings at about 30 FPS which isnt bad for a card like that.

Thank you! The 560TI is only another $100 so i'll go for that.


Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#72 - 2012-03-05 14:50:13 UTC
ACESsiggy wrote:
Best place for a new pc would be Blink

You don't buy entire PCs, that is a waste of money. You buy parts and assemble them together or ask a friend who can do that for you. As for what to get: Any processor with 4 cores or more. Go for amd, for gaming you don't need intel. Amd is cheaper and just as good. Get 4 gigs of ram. Cheapest one, paying more for faster ram, special cooling for ram is a rip-off - ram is the fastest part of your computer anyway and thus last thing you need to speed up. For graphics cards go for radeons. Money-to-power ration is better than with nvidia. Minimum is 6770, optimal 6870, but costs more. If money is no limit for graphics card, then go for nvidia 590 and **** ati. PSU: 800+W, get Tagan, CollerMaster or OCZ. Never ever buy cheap PSU - if cheap one fails, it kills your motherboards.Mobo: Asus mid-range. Ignore low-range priced, as they are ****, ignore overpiced mobos, as you are wasting money.
Fidelium Mortis
Minor Major Miners LLC
#73 - 2012-03-05 15:30:40 UTC
System 1:
Intel i7-2600k @ 4.8 GHz (watercooled)
ASUS Geforce GTX 580 @ 900 MHz (watercooled)
16GB Mushkin Ridgebacks (RAM)
ASUS Sabertooth P67 (Moboard)
Seasonic X750 (PSU)
2x Intel X25 SSD (RAID 0) - gaming array

System 2:
AMD FX-6100 @ 4.4 GHz (air)
Gigabyte 6870 @ 940 MHz
8GB Mushkin Redline (RAM)
ASUS Sabertooth 990FX (Moboard)
Seasonic M12II (PSU)

System 3:
AMD PII X3 720 @ 3.9 GHz - unlocked 4th core (air)
Gigabyte Radeon HD 6770 (890 MHz)
8GB G.Skill Ripjaw (RAM)
ASUS M5A99X EVO (Moboard)
Corsair GS500 (PSU)

Yeah it's a bit overboard but it helps with multitasking (outside of EVE too). @OP - if you can, go with a desktop you get a lot more performance for your money, also if you want even more value - piece together your own computer.

ICRS - Intergalactic Certified Rocket Surgeon

My Neutral Toon
#74 - 2012-03-05 15:37:50 UTC
I have an old rig from like 2004.

neighborhood of 2gig of ram. 2.0 dual core. Windows XP. AMD Catalyst GPU

and I can still dual client on my two monitors like a pro! lol Cool

...Can't. Tell. If ...Troll? Or Serious....

Butt Hurt about Harrasment? Read first GM post:

Lord Maldoror
Fairlight Corp
Rooks and Kings
#75 - 2012-03-05 15:45:35 UTC
main pc:

2600k @5ghz (down a bit from what it was; don't want the cpu to die @1.55v right before it's retired off to corpmates)
Gigabyte P67 UD7
Patriot VIper Extreme 2400mhz 8gb ram (not good for SB's memory controller, really, but fast)
3x GTX 580 (Tri-SLI)
SSD Crucial (C300 era, needs an upgrade to an OCZ)
6x 2TB Caviar Blacks (12Tb storage; no RAID).
120hz BenQ gaming screen

In about a month it'll be pulled apart, handed out to corpmates and a hopefully Ivy Bridge/Kepler rig put together (very tempted to skip Ivy wait and just go SB-E though).

I like keeping ahead of Eve's engine and if you want all drones, effects, brackets, etc. on in a big fight, Eve is one of PC gaming's most demanding titles (and added to that Fraps during fights, multiple clients, etc.). High revving single-core CPU performance is still the most important aspect and the SLI part there is mostly for other games like Witcher 2 Ubersampling, rather than Eve (good, fast single gpu with lots of vram is usually the best for Eve).

Eve's a strange game though in the hardware sense; depending what you do in the game, there are many things you can just use an old laptop for and it'll work fine.
Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#76 - 2012-03-05 16:16:10 UTC
RE: AMD vs Intel

Now this would depend entirely on your budget I feel.

At the high spec end the bulldozer 8 core seriously underperforms compared to intels 4 core offerings

Though if your looking to put a rig together on a budjet then an AMD may offer better value for money dependant on price range , benchmarks are your friend ;)

RE: Build vs Built

Is really about experience at the end of the day.

The company mentioned do a great video series on building which was useful to me as though I've played with hardware before I'd never built a rig ground up until this one.

Obviously if you don't want to build yourself you will have to pay a permium for someone elses expertise.

It's entirely a personal and relative decesion which is hard to give advice on without knowing more about you . ie are you a poor but dexterious student, or a rich and mechaniclly incompetent office worker.

[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]

Petrus Blackshell
#77 - 2012-03-05 16:52:03 UTC
AMD Phenom II X4 3.2 GHz
8 GB DDR3 1600 RAM
Nvidia GTX 465

Can dualbox with both clients on max graphics just fine (the computer does get a bit loud when I do, though).

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Taxation Damnation
#78 - 2012-03-05 16:52:35 UTC
you can have your money or your laziness but not both.
Good computer you can either build or pay a bloody lot of money for

Go beyond the edge of space... Explore

Bruce Kemp
Best Kept Dunked
#79 - 2012-03-05 16:56:24 UTC
my first eve pc in 2004 was a 900htz single core pc, with 512mb ram and onboard graphics and dial up conection. Lol

Today 3Ghz amd 940, 4Gb ram, 2x 260 GTX, 30MB broardband Blink
Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#80 - 2012-03-05 17:09:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Cipher Jones
Vandy ColdStone wrote:
My XBOX runs it fine.

It took a few tweaks to get it to run on my C-64.

load "ExeFile.exe",8,1

At the high spec end the bulldozer 8 core seriously underperforms compared to intels 4 core offerings

Any cpu available as new on the market today will run Eve faster than your eye can see quite easily with any "new" video card at full specs. It should be entirely personal choice. You will run out of video ram when multiboxing first.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it