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The Cultural Spectrum of New Eden

Roga Dracor
Gladiators of Rage
#1 - 2012-03-05 01:52:35 UTC
In exploring the Sleeper mystery, and diving into an inspiring debate over Semiotics with Wyke Mossari, I began to discover unusual and remarkable similarities in the symbolism of disparate populations within the New Eden cluster.

I began to find the Jovian influences I suspected to be even more pervasive than I had first believed. You dubbed me mad, then. Whether you choose to call them Enhuadanni, Jovians or Sleepers, they are all of the same stock, a nomadic culture I assume to be the first explorers into New Eden, a group of the mythical Terrans representing the fringes of the “Old World”. Dispossessed and always searching out new homes for others. The Talocan, perhaps a derogatory much akin to Thukker, lived about their polestars. They were not dependent on the gravity wells of planets, like the early planetary settlers. Likely, this was the greatest factor in the downfall of many early colonies, when the Eve wormhole event transpired.

There is much in the way of solid evidence toward the common root theory of human evolution, making us all of the same “race”. The ancient, derelict “shuttles” scattered across the cluster pose an odd quandary. If we assume these giant derelicts to be of human origin, we must also assume that mankind was quite a bit larger in the far distant past.

The only plausible I find to explain it away, is genetic manipulation or mutation on a massive scale. We see evidence of this type of adaptation in many species. But nothing on the scale suggested by the shuttles. The Jove have admitted to wholesale, government sponsored and mandated “genetic manipulation” upon it's “populace”. I once called US the Jovian lab rats, if you'll recall.

But, I digress. Forgive me, please.

Acknowledging, at least the possibility of, this common ancestry, we might expect to find commonalities across a spectrum of cultural and social sampling. And indeed we do.

Take, for example, the Caldari Blazon. The circle, broken or unbroken, but, all encompassing, symbolizes longevity and completeness. The circle is everywhere. We find this commonality in many cultures, the Intaki life circle and the Gallente Ouroboris, come immediately to mind, as well the same serpent surrounding the Ni Kunni Blazon and abstraced in the Achuran Blazon...

Time is a serpent that writhes beneath the heavens.

Within the broken or unbroken circle the, often stylized, letters c and i.

In many cases it mimics an E with the i turned horizontal as in the Eifyr logo. The Civire Blazon is the same symbol, mirror imaged against itself. Or the whole symbol is rotated, as in the Intaki Blazon. This is, incidentally, the profile of a certain high profile site in wormhole space, too. At one point I thought this might signify Enhuadanni...

You decide..

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then, and it's a poor sort of memory that only works backward.

Roga Dracor
Gladiators of Rage
#2 - 2012-03-05 01:54:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Roga Dracor
New Eden Cultures;

Achur (Asian bloodline)
Amarr (Middle Eastern bloodline)
Brutor (African bloodline)
Civire (Australian bloodline)
Deteis (Eurasian bloodline)
Ealur (Lurian Kabbalah) Progenitors of the Takhmal? (Middle Eastern bloodline)
Enhuadanni (Sleeper conscripts, possibly Talocan, i.e. Jove, maybe race is irrelevant?)
Gallente (Eurasian bloodline)
Intaki (Asian bloodline)
Jin Mei (Asian bloodline)
Jove (Oldest surviving continuous culture in New Eden)
Khanid (Middle Eastern bloodline)
Krusual (Native American bloodline)
Ni Kunni (Native American bloodline)
Sleepers (Early Jovian Elders)
Talocan (Early Jovians, original capsuleers kept in check by Yan Jung monopoly on the interstellar fuel medium)
Takhmal (maintained a Lurian Kabbalistic society, evidenced by their Cosmos site, possibly the Ealur, mystics)
Terrans (The ancient star faring race that originally colonized New Eden, thought to be extinct )
Thukker (Nomads with a hinted tie to the Jovians, reflect a striking similarity to the Talocan)
Udorians (Tash Murkon familial line, relation to Deteis?)
Yan Jung (maintained a monopoly on starship fuel around the time of the Eve Gate era.. Known for unusual mining practices )

These are the races (Some with notes), or bloodlines mentioned in the backstory we know of, I think I have them all. Certainly more than four, or even my posited seven.. OH and don't lambast me for the notes, they are mad ramblings, but, some do have merit.. The question becomes, do some of these above terms mingle and crisscross? Or did we all just develop new societies from scratch? Someone with better knowledge of the Matari Tribes feel free to chime in, I haven't spent much time on them past the Eifyr link..

If we reason it out a bit, we begin to see some of the likely possibilities...

I left out the Ammatar, but, they are racial Matari and culturally Amarr.. So no foul. I did, however neglect another race.. It's origins and sapience in question still, the Rogue Drones..

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then, and it's a poor sort of memory that only works backward.

Telegram Sam
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-03-05 16:54:56 UTC
A quick reply (much briefer than the topic deserves): Could it be that the Sebiestor or Vherokior (or both) derive from Nordic cultures? I say this because of the Nordic names of some of their ships, as well as the names of the systems in Minmatar space. On the other hand, the Brutor, though apparently of African bloodline, also seem to share the Nordic language influences. So perhaps only one of the Minmatar tribes was of Nordic descent, and its linguistic traditions spread to the other tribes after they'd confederated.

Please note that I'm not putting these ideas forth as theories. They are only the comments of a layman with a very incomplete knowledge of background and facts.
Wyke Mossari
Staner Industries
#4 - 2012-03-05 21:57:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Wyke Mossari
Starkmanir are probably racially Celtic, Germanic or Scandinavian. (They have Green Eyes)

I think Sebiestor also similar origins.

Intaki are certainly Indian.

Vherokior are Chinese, perhaps Mongol or Turkic.

Mannar are I think Spanish, South American Latino/Mulatto.

Thukker are probably Tatars.
Roga Dracor
Gladiators of Rage
#5 - 2012-03-05 23:49:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Roga Dracor
I had tried to avoid assigning a "nationality" to anyone, more of a cultural basis. I imagine interplanetary travel gets rid of the traditional paradigms. While the Intaki certainly appear to be Hindi, I don't know that it means more than religion. Though, I would guess that Indian blood is prevalent in the strain. I think it is more CCP trying to open up possible cultural premise for everyone.

And the last time I brought up the racial crap I got the "race card" slapped down on me, though with my mixxed up heritage, that's funny.. It does look like the Amarr slapped down HARD on their fellow colonists the Ealurians, much like the Nazi's did to the resident Jews in Germany. Wiki Lurian kabbalah, then evelo the map of the Takhmal temple.. Oh and scroll down the Kabbalah page until you get to the ties to Zoroastrianism.. Circumstantial, I know, but, that's all I ever go on..P

If that's not enough say Tok-hm-mal.. Oi.. Cool

My take on the Matari Tribes has always been based upon Scandinavian\Nordic cultural influence, primarily. Brutor I take to reflect South Africa. Some permutation of Afrikaan might well be what they speak. Many of the Tribes do seem to hail from the New World, the Americas saw heavy immigration from Germany during and immediately following WWII, I believe that is the basis for the "Nordic Heritage" of the Tribes. The South Pacific, as well.. I have no clue what the Nordic tie is there.. Vikings?

Britain was another nation that saw heavy immigration from Nordic lands, leading to a melding of Celtic and Nordic traditions. Although I don't know firsthand, I would imagine Begium and some other nations are similar.

The Tribes each have their own traditions, and all seem to have their own inherent "Nordic-ness". When I was younger, and thinking about a career in medicine, I was told that German had replaced Latin as the language of choice, I don't know if that still holds true..?

Something else from the new wiki for the Ni Kunni, more hints about religious refugees... That is more and more appearing to be a trend.. Maybe the "unification" of the church wasn't well recieved?

Oh, and I always thought of the Thukkers as Gypies or Irish parkies! Same for the Jove, some shady characters..

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then, and it's a poor sort of memory that only works backward.

Tsijha Zirud
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2012-03-06 20:46:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Tsijha Zirud
Wyke Mossari wrote:

Vherokior are Chinese, perhaps Mongol or Turkic.

I'm thinking of the Khanid as Mongols (Dshingis Khan) with their background story mirroring real history to an extend. Mongol Empire: Religion
Kerait Shakshan
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2012-03-06 21:17:24 UTC
Jin-Meis looks quite Chinese IMO, their random family names contains something like "Stein-Tian","Blahblah-Guo", which sounds really Chinese.
At the mean time, the family names given to Achuras have some Japanese sounding ones.
Wyke Mossari
Staner Industries
#8 - 2012-03-07 02:53:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Wyke Mossari
See also Sani Sabik to Blood Libel

Tsijha Zirud wrote:
Wyke Mossari wrote:

Vherokior are Chinese, perhaps Mongol or Turkic.

I'm thinking of the Khanid as Mongols (Dshingis Khan) with their background story mirroring real history to an extend. Mongol Empire: Religion

The ingame (post incarna) appearance of the Vherokior is most definitely ethnic Chinese, and the Ancestries are suggestive of the Silk Road.

I think the Nefantar could be Varangians and latter as the Amatar the Rus Khaganate

I think the Khanid are central Asian Muslims and to the Amarr as the vassal states of the Crimean Khanate and Khedivate of Egypt were to the Caliphates & the Ottoman Empire.
Amseln deBrabant
#9 - 2012-03-08 10:07:11 UTC
interesting topic, on a site note, where did you get information about a Yan Jung Fuel Monopoly?
Seriphyn Inhonores
Elusenian Cooperative
#10 - 2012-03-08 20:22:31 UTC
I have to say I don't know where you're pulling some of these comparisons from. Civire and Australian? Where did you get that from?

Also, Udorians and Deteis? I don't see a connection, they are from two completely separate worlds, you'll need to elaborate. Ni-Kunni and Native American certainly doesn't stand up either, considering they have a distinct Middle Eastern appearance.
Roga Dracor
Gladiators of Rage
#11 - 2012-03-10 03:55:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Roga Dracor
The hints are in the Ni Kunni evelo entry, as to their ethnic identity.. The key hint is the people are typified by their nose, stature and physical appearance.. In this case an aquiline nose, which is generally typified of Mediterraneans and native Americans.. Look at the profile on an old U.S. Indian Head nickel..
The desert of the southwest U.S. is their birthplace, not the middle east. Wind Dancing? Shamanism? Sun and water? Hopi or Sioux would be my best guess.. Perhaps Tony G. had a hand in this.

From the evelo “Ni-Kunni men tend to have rather craggy faces, with many lines and creases, and are readily identifiable by their rather prominent noses. Indeed, among the Ni-Kunni, a large nose is a traditional sign of virility and masculinity, and several bawdy jokes have sprung up around Ni-Kunni noses. The men also have high cheekbones and rather sunken cheeks.”

A Roman Nose.

Although Mediterranean is still a possibility, I stand by Native American. Craggy faces.. Not a Mediterranean feature that I am aware of.. Though being American I could be wrong.

As to the Udorians and the Deteis, since you chose to ignore my mad ramblings disclaimer, the similarity is in the blazon, or logo of the Tash Murkon and the Deteis.

As to the Civire, they are Caldari, Japan\Finland, so I could have assumed the Civire as Finnish, due to their more prominent caucasian appearance. But then the Civire blazon is an exact replica of the Eifyr logo, in mirror image next to itself. So, given the Matari's obvious Pacific ocean ties, I chose to assign them to the Aussies... Mad Ramblings... Why do they listen to us to begin with precious?

The pre collapse society was a star faring culture, just because they settled on different planets doesn't mean they were different people, though that, too, could very well be true..

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then, and it's a poor sort of memory that only works backward.

Roga Dracor
Gladiators of Rage
#12 - 2012-03-10 04:57:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Roga Dracor
Why, then, do the Gallente, Tau Cetans of French origin, bear such a decidedly Asian or Indonesian caste to their features? They were inhabiting a planet in the possible Yang Jung territories, non? How much French blood remains in those who inherited the culture? Why do certain Matari Tribes bear such distinct Asian undertones to their culture? Obviously The Tribes represent distinct cultural evolutions..

How many factions from the "Old World" were able to immigrate? I would posite not many..

A "corporation" was the LAST to colonize.. In a world RULED by corporatocracy? That's odd..

A corporation that spawned the Caldari State, in the self same system as the Asian looking Frenchmen.

Yan Jung the corporation? Implied by a Jovian in Templar One to have held an unfair advantage over the Jove in relation to the interstellar fuel medium.. The naming was more mad ramblings.. A monopoly is how I interpret it..

Could it be that the Jove found New Eden, and opened it to the huddled masses in secrecy from the "rulers" of the "Old World"?

If the Talocan were the Jove? Does this imply some past or existing relationship to the Caldari, and related to their expansion into former Jove (Talocan) space, and the reason for the positive standings the Jove have for the Caldari? And an implied relationship between the Yan Jung and Gallente?

The Jove don't seem to think positively about the Yan Jung.. And look on the Gallente with similar sentiments..

I fancy this as inspiration for the Yan Jung concept.. With the usual Eve twists and counterpoints...

But, who made who?

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then, and it's a poor sort of memory that only works backward.

Jowen Datloran
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#13 - 2012-03-10 11:11:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Jowen Datloran
For the uninformed reader let us clarify that "mad ramblings" ranges from "baseless claims" to " wild speculation" and "wishful thinking".

Some people like this stuff. Not particular fond of it myself anymore.

Mr. Science & Trade Institute, EVE Online Lorebook 

Roga Dracor
Gladiators of Rage
#14 - 2012-03-10 13:30:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Roga Dracor
LOL, I'll agree with everything but the wishful thinking...

I have zero desire to see the storyline move in ANY particular direction.. That state of mind is more apparent in others, however.. I just desire to uncover more of the history of New Eden. I wish to KNOW certain aspects of that history that others would rather remain hidden in enigma and malleability.. I don't Role Play, so it really holds no bearing to my "character"..

I am truly sorry if some aspect of the storyline has destroyed someone's "Mojo" and they feel betrayed by CCP..

Honestly, what I "see" could be laziness and desire to get the 'F' outta the office on a particular day.. "So, let's just use this logo, copy it, mirror image it and drop it next to the other one, voila, the Civire blazon..

That MAY be the way it went down.. Or, there could be a reasoning behind it? I am tired of trying to prove myself right.. Read the Albert Einstein quote on my bio.. Argue with him.. I would rather "debate" the issue without all the tears..

I do find it humorous that so many have given up on trying to debunk my wild speculation and moved on to trying to debunk me..

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then, and it's a poor sort of memory that only works backward.

Utremi Fasolasi
La Dolce Vita
#15 - 2012-03-11 07:45:19 UTC
Roga Dracor wrote:
Why, then, do the Gallente, Tau Cetans of French origin, bear such a decidedly Asian or Indonesian caste to their features?

Lolwut?? Great goddess you've gone off the deep end again.

You don't know what Europeans look like at all do you?

That's why I picked the race is because they LOOK FRENCH, or even Spanish or Portuguese for that matter.

I demand you get out of your basement right now and purchase some copies of Hommes Vogue toute suite.

Wyke Mossari
Staner Industries
#16 - 2012-03-11 12:20:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Wyke Mossari
There should be no doubt that New Eden has drawn inspiration from many different aspects of real life, from history, mythology, biology, genetics, science and other fields. One of these is the races of new Eden are known to be Humans from Earth and in many cases to be inspired by specific real life examples; Mannar as Spanish and Brutor as Maori, and counts them allegorically in the back ground and on going story line. These have been confirmed numerous times. It is entirely valid form of inquiry into the back story, that has revealed much.

Lets take an older often quoted example that is well beyond reproach; the Gallente as "descendants of Tau Ceti Frenchmen".

Origins of the name of France is Land of the Franks, where Frank means Freemen in contrast to Slave. They expanded into ancient Spain (Mannar), Germany (Caldari), Macedonia and Anatolia, and later into India (Intaki) and Cambodia & Vietnam (Jin Mei Dragon and The Vietnamese Dragon). The Gauls become the Carolingian Empire (the ancient French) and eventually descends into France via the Merovingian Empire (Gallente) and Germany via the Holy Roman Empire (Caldari) after a civil war ends in stalemate (Gallente-Caladri War).

We see the Gallentean vs Galatia, ancient Anatolia (Turkey) and Macadonia (Ancient Greece). If we dig below the obvious constellation of Tau Ceti. We see that Tau (Ancient Greek for Taw a Mark) and Ceti (from Cetus huge sea monster that swallow ships whole). I've never been very convinced by Tau Ceti being just the constellation, So perhaps The Mark of the Whale might be the name of a Ship, one of the first Titans, perhaps. Not the first time there has been a hint the ships that came through the Eve Gate were Titans.

The Incursus always which always makes me smile, because it reminds me of Knight charging into Combat with Lance presented, I long though this a coincidence but now I'm not so sure, after reading about Charlemagne the birth of Lancer Knights.


I wandered off my point a little, the point I leading up to is that much of what we now accept as fact started off as 'flights of fancy'. While I don't agree with every thing said, this is a proven, valid approach, I applaud.
Roga Dracor
Gladiators of Rage
#17 - 2012-03-11 13:49:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Roga Dracor
"Mad Ramblings!!" Man, they draw out the indignity of the masses...

Many of these "notes" are pre Incarna.. Yes, in the old character creation the Gallente looked Indonesian.. Hell, they barely looked to be any current human race on the planet, back then.. Maybe Jovian modifiers, who warped the human anatomy into something they saw as beautiful.. Quite honestly the old character portraits were race specific and did not allow alot of variation from the "norm".. And the "norm" for the Gallente were of a decidely Asian, or even alien, caste... They were not an "attractive" people back then..

Very solid outline of the Gallente, Wyke, thank you..

Look at me, I am Caldari, vogue isn't a word we understand..

Basement? I'm not in the basement.. It's creepy down there.. And something keeps scratching at the door..Roll

OH, and don't go citing my above statement as Asians are unattractive, that's not what I imply, even though some of you will read it that way..

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then, and it's a poor sort of memory that only works backward.

Roga Dracor
Gladiators of Rage
#18 - 2012-03-11 14:30:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Roga Dracor
The deep end is where I feel the most comfortable..Lol

Look, I know I offend many of your sensibilities.. I regret that, truely..

My goal in Eve these days is to better understand the world of New Eden, not for my own personal agrandising, blog notoriety, or Role Play campaign.. I do not undertake the pursuit of a mystery to a half conclusion.. I am obsessive and dogged..

I have PAYED for this game for over six years now..Ugh

I don't have multiple accounts, I don't game to pay the fees.. Eve is entertainment to me.. The Sleeper mystery a cliffhangar that isn't over yet.. Just because we found out that the Sleepers ARE Jovians, doesn't end the mystery for me.. There are a thousand other questions that remain unanswered..

You, the thousands of other Eve players, are the only way I can find these answers, so, I am happy to welcome your abuse as well as your input.. For "scientific" types, many of you astound me with the blind assumptions you regularly cast about me.. At times I will play the Devil's advocate to test another perspective.. I don't ALWAYS believe what I say here..

So, please, humor me, say what you believe.. I'm just a Toon with a typewriter.. And yes, maybe a bit too sharp a tongue, at times..

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then, and it's a poor sort of memory that only works backward.

Utremi Fasolasi
La Dolce Vita
#19 - 2012-03-11 16:48:36 UTC
Wyke Mossari wrote:
There should be no doubt that New Eden has drawn inspiration from many different aspects of real life, from history, mythology, biology, genetics, science and many other fields. One of these is the races of new Eden, and known to be Humans from Earth and in many cases to be inspired by specific real life examples; Mannar as Spanish and Brutor as Maori...

Yes. This.

Lets take an older often quoted example that well is beyond reproach; the Gallente as "descendants of Tau Ceti Frenchmen".

(snip) If we dig below the obvious constellation of Tau Ceti.

Actually Tau Ceti is a single star/solar system not an entire constellation. Stars within a constellation are named with Greek letters in descending order of magnitude.

It is a bit of science fiction trope as well
Utremi Fasolasi
La Dolce Vita
#20 - 2012-03-11 17:32:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Utremi Fasolasi
Roga Dracor wrote:
"Mad Ramblings!!" Man, they draw out the indignity of the masses..

Many of these "notes" are pre Incarna.. Yes, in the old character creation the Gallente looked Indonesian..

I started playing during Apocrypha in 2009.. Gallente looked like (cartoon) French people then too. Roll - the big brown eyes, the wry sensuous lips.. as a Francophile with a passion for French men, especially East Texas and New Orleans Cajuns but no less a fancy for their brethren in Montreal or Mother Gaul herself, I know my French phenotypes.

I thought they looked straight out of a Jean Paul Gaultier production clothes and all. It would be cool if the new character creator brought back some of that old ethnic flair of diversity that the old choices had but I can relate to the difficulty of creating new assets that look good and not cheesy while giving a nod to the old.

Indonesians have a completely different look altogether, that I don't think is really represented in the game.

I'll have to look for where it was said Mannar were Spanish though, I always assumed they were German based on.. well that Mannar is more or less German for humans. hm.
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