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Assets window never!

First post
Major Stallion
i love you nam
#1 - 2012-02-17 22:56:10 UTC
So, I've just come back to the game after a 4 month hiatus...Sadly, I'm trying to sort out what assets I have where, without the assistance of a third party app (because the game I play should be able to give me the information i want). When I open my assets window on any of my 3 characters, I'm met with a perpetual loading circle in the top right of the assets window. When attempting to select a tab from the window, the assets window becomes unresponsive.

I have attempted to clear cache, and even went so far as to reset my settings. This issue persists, and I am unable to actively search my assets. Can anyone confirm this behavior and a possible fix/workaround?
Sally Seashells
Space Farm Inc.
#2 - 2012-03-03 20:42:23 UTC
this is happening to me too for just one of my accounts.. i was able to drag another window onto the 'assets' window so it opens, but all of the options on the assets window are unresponsive
Sally Seashells
Space Farm Inc.
#3 - 2012-03-03 22:54:47 UTC
found my fix, renamed the char_ data files, restarted client, deleted new files and restored old files.
CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#4 - 2012-03-04 17:59:08 UTC
See CCP karkur's reply here

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#5 - 2012-03-05 13:30:42 UTC
CCP Explorer wrote:
And a further update on a fix here

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer