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CGI group learning project

Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#41 - 2012-02-29 15:12:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Professor Alphane
Update on progress so far

Couple of people have been good enough to register on the forums, cheers Blink

I've also been in touch today with CCP community reps, to see if there's any chance anyone in there art department may be interested in contributing to our project. *fingers crossed* on that one.

My personal short term aims within the group will be, get to grips with Hexagon and get a simple ship modelling tutorial out there, also to look into the resources CCP publishes for public use and how we can best make use of them.

So lets be about making some Eye Candy shall we, I could do with a nice sugar rush Twisted

Also Nova how did you find that Hexagon Zip , any use to you?

[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]

Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#42 - 2012-02-29 16:54:55 UTC
Sorry for not being active been hopping though loops at the school and getting sick ><.

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#43 - 2012-02-29 17:01:43 UTC
No worries Bro RL>Game

Hope your OK bud Sad

[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#44 - 2012-03-01 15:08:13 UTC
My specialization is character animation but I have done some hard surface modeling and lighting/shading way back before I went to school. I'm always willing to lend a critical eye to anyone who specifically wants it, or help with more general (non application specific) modeling techniques.
Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#45 - 2012-03-03 20:04:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Professor Alphane
K guys sorry I haven't been posting for a couple of days I've been a little busy.

Will most likely be busy for the next few days after which I should have some more time to devote to this.

My advice would be join the forums, settle in, get to know each other, I'll start the flow of turtorials as soon as possible.

Fly safe


/edit to those who have or who are going to join the forum, please note it is also open to another section of the ARC my alliance in a RTS browser game, thats what the shoubox and other sections are for incase there is any confusion . Blink

[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]

Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#46 - 2012-03-04 02:19:13 UTC
Mid terms :( So painful!

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#47 - 2012-03-04 16:52:27 UTC
Nova Fox wrote:
Mid terms :( So painful!

Good luck Bro , I feel for you, I fail epically at formal education if I'm honest What?

[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]

Omu Matol
#48 - 2012-03-06 16:45:51 UTC
Anybody know how to extract the background seen in the game? I'm assuming they are cubemaps, just not sure where to find them, or how to manipulate them so they can be rendered. I guess I've found a few, but they seem awfully low res.
Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#49 - 2012-03-09 13:36:45 UTC
I haven't forgotten you all don't worry, just been a little busy indulging my love of browser RTS's. Twisted

Plan is to try and knock up a tutorial on doing an Osprey in Hexagon.

Also would be interested if anyone has any linkage new or old to dev blogs on the subject of EVE's art side.

[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]

Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#50 - 2012-03-10 11:51:01 UTC
Omu Matol wrote:
Anybody know how to extract the background seen in the game? I'm assuming they are cubemaps, just not sure where to find them, or how to manipulate them so they can be rendered. I guess I've found a few, but they seem awfully low res.

I've Pm'ed one of the Community reps at CCP see if they can shed any light on the subject, it's the weekend though and I've no idea how busy they are at CCP HQ, but hopefully we can track the info down sometime soon.

[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]

Omu Matol
#51 - 2012-03-11 14:04:15 UTC
I just made an image for my desktop background and decided to share it with the community. Hit the link if you want to check it out.
Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#52 - 2012-03-12 12:41:51 UTC
Nice mate - Was hoping to do some 'stuff you don't see ingame' things myself, Suppose a lot of that will depend on the SFX funcionlity in the software suite .

[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]

Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#53 - 2012-03-12 13:02:14 UTC
I'm watching this thread too in the hopes of additional motivation- I have a self-learning project going on, end result should be just simply an Eve ship wallpaper with a rendered model, final composition in Photoshop.

I've always wanted to "crack" 3D, mesh modelling is easy and fun but texture maps and rendering feels a bit overwhelming at the moment.

So, count me in, I guess :)


Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#54 - 2012-03-14 16:17:52 UTC
OK Update so far

As I say I was hoping to get this little project up and running fairly quickly , unfortunalty the best laid plans etc....

Been up to my neck in it for the past 3 weeks with other things unfortunatly.

I have finally made a start on a basic box modeling tutorial for Hexagon though and hopefully I should have something for you all by the weekend.

Thanks for your patience all and once again I apologise for the unforseen delays


[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]

Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#55 - 2012-03-14 20:01:07 UTC
My last week on the mid terms I might have a chance to take a crack at some modeling next week.

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#56 - 2012-03-15 13:47:28 UTC
Good luck bud, hope you ain't suffering to bad with pre exam nerves Blink

[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]

C Genix
Genix Family
#57 - 2012-03-28 18:06:01 UTC
Well as they banned the prof from the forums (obviusly to many enraged goon reports)

And as far as EVE goes

I no longer support this product and/or service

I'm taking my leave of CCP owned cyberspace

Everyone is still welcome to join my site and when I get my **** togethre I'll try and teach you all some CGI skills as promised

Take Care All

Fly Safe (unless your a goon then Fly incredibly stupidly please)

This is the Katana Wielding Pagan Ninja signing off

Fare well Tranqulity (also what an ironic name given what it became)

Peter Alfaen Nuttall
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