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A win/win solution for fixing the issue of Local

Plus 10 NV
#21 - 2012-03-02 17:00:57 UTC
Tora Bushido wrote:
Cearain wrote:
Local is fine.

All the anti-local proposals make the game worse.

Local is for carebears and pink ponnies P

Says the guy whos killboard is full of high sec ganks. P

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2012-03-03 00:20:57 UTC
Cearain wrote:
"Instant intel:" You need instant intel because if you get the intel too late it does no good. If you don't get intel that is any good then you are playing a game where intel is irrelevant. And that dumbs eve down.

Well I suppose we can agree that this is a point of view thing. I believe a game where you have to work for your intel and rely on a variety of information sources makes for a more interesting and less dumbed down game than one where you just need to look at local but I won't debate that point further.

Cearain wrote:
"Perfectly safe null sec:" People lose ships in null sec much more often than in no local wormholes.

There are maybe more engagements in nullsec and you will certainly have more ship losses there because of the possibility for much larger fights but that does not make null less safe - engagements in null either happen at a gatecamp to a lone ship flying without scouts (or maybe to a scout) or they are consensual between two combat fleets. (ok every so often someone falls asleep and gets caught but that is rare). Combat in a WH is of a different nature altogether where there is the possibility of a true element of surprise. I've spent months in null now and have yet to be caught down there when I didn't want to be caught.

Cearain wrote:
"Perfectly safe for bots" Whatever system you implement bots will be able to adapt. Just because bots use local now that doesn't mean it won't be able to use whatever replacement system is implemented.

While there is merit to your statement (bots can and will adapt) you fail to address the fact that the current system IS perfectly safe for bots, so any changes can at worse preserve the status quo and at best be an improvement in this regard.

Cearain wrote:
More "surprises"? "Surprises" of having a blob/ecm/logi warping to you every time you engage a ship is already so common its hardly a surprising "surprise" anymore. Its really a big turn off for this game. Learn how to pvp so you don't need to always have huge amounts of back up to bail you out of every engagement you get in.

When I was ... oh about 3 months old I joined a blob. Never again - was by far and away the most boring experience I've yet had in EVE (and that includes scanning moons, setting up and fueling multiple POSes, whatever). But actually the fact of the matter is that without local you will be able to catch targets unaware if you are smart. (I also suspect that my PVP and my measure of success in PVP is very different from that of most players)

Cearain wrote:
More small gang pvp?? We know this because of wormholes? You haven't looked at any of the actual data. Wormholes only get *a fraction* of the pvp known space gets per pilot. Wormholes are not popular for the vast majority of pvpers. You also get a much larger percent of of lopsided ganks in wormholes than in known space.

What data are you thinking about? I do not think there is any dataset which supports either assertion - you only have total kills and total kills is not an indication of small gangs. Without local as instant intel small gang strategies operating deep into enemy territory become a lot more viable -> Many many more options to hit targets of opportunity. So yes. more small gang PVP.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#23 - 2012-03-03 01:30:30 UTC
Did someone post in here, instead of removing local from 0.0, to add it to WH space?

Someone run a locator agent on him and gank him into oblivion please.
Plus 10 NV
#24 - 2012-03-03 02:09:50 UTC
Cyniac wrote:
Cearain wrote:
More small gang pvp?? We know this because of wormholes? You haven't looked at any of the actual data. Wormholes only get *a fraction* of the pvp known space gets per pilot. Wormholes are not popular for the vast majority of pvpers. You also get a much larger percent of of lopsided ganks in wormholes than in known space.

What data are you thinking about? I do not think there is any dataset which supports either assertion - you only have total kills and total kills is not an indication of small gangs. Without local as instant intel small gang strategies operating deep into enemy territory become a lot more viable -> Many many more options to hit targets of opportunity. So yes. more small gang PVP.

CCP diagoras posted the data that shows wormhole space inolves much less frequent pvp per person. As for the rest look at the killboards. You will see lots of worm hole pvp involves ganks.

As for the rest of your post:

I'm just saying before you start arguing how removing local will theoretically effect pvp you shoudl actually try some pvp in this game.

But I am not going to go through all the reasons the theories, you imagine in your head, won't work because you likely don't understand allot of the basics of how pvp works in this game.

If this is an alt and you have some account that suggests you might know at least the basics of pvp then I will respond. Until then go ahead to wormholes and enjoy all the great pvp that you imagine happens there.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2012-03-03 03:22:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Cyniac
Cearain wrote:
CCP diagoras posted the data that shows wormhole space inolves much less frequent pvp per person. As for the rest look at the killboards. You will see lots of worm hole pvp involves ganks.

I think you are referring to this data.

The relevant excerpts:

Null Sec PVP losses: 7,061,988

Wormhole Space PVP losses: 377,786

Looks like you are right! At first blush but lets dig a bit deeper.

The information in this blog is limited to kills that have taken place since the new kill report system was introduced in the Trinity expansion on December 5th, 2007, up until very early in the morning of November 29th, 2011.

Thing is, there were no wormholes at the time of the trinity expansion so those figures need to be corrected for the fact that nullsec data has been collected for longer. In fact it covers 1455 days of nullsec data vs only 985 days of wormhole data.

Lets leave the nullsec losses value alone and correct the wormhole loses proportionately so...

377.786 * 1455/985 -> 558049 losses in WH extrapolated to trinity expansion release.

The other thing you've mentioned is the fact that you are looking at losses per pilot I think that's the right approach too but these figures don't give us that data. However QEN 4-2010 (latest available) does tell us that the population of nullsec was 76999 pilots vs 16846 pilots in WH space so lets correct for that too.

558049 * 76999/16846 -> 2550707 losses in WH extrapolated to Trinity expansion and normalized to null player population.

Now... the last factor you might want to take into account is the fact that you have more nullsec systems than wh systems so you have to correct for that if you want to know how often a given pilot will get a fight in a given system. There are 2499 WH systems and 3294 nullsec systems. So...

2550707 * 3294/2499 -> 3 362 156 losses in WH space, extrapolated to the Trinity expansion and normalized to relative population size and number of systems in null vs WH space. Comparing the numbers:

7 061 988 losses in nullsec
3 362 156 losses in WH space

Roughly you have half as many losses in WH space as you do in nullsec. Thing is - virtually all WH action is going to be small gang action. Yes, sometimes small gangs can roll over a mining fleet but you are still talking about small gangs, not blobs or large fleet engagements.

Do you really think that half of all PVP losses in nullsec happen because of small gang action? I don't. Now that's a somewhat subjective opinion as we don't have any data to support it either way, but I think you will find that many people have the impression that a lot of those losses are related to blobs and large scale fleet engagements.

Now to address the other issue:

Cearain wrote:
As for the rest of your post:

I'm just saying before you start arguing how removing local will theoretically effect pvp you shoudl actually try some pvp in this game.

Looks pretty empty doesn't it? I can insert a usual disclaimer protesting that battleclinic data is not accurate (it isn't) but this is my main and to all intents and purposes the data on battleclinic is "good enough" for the following analysis. (though I also have other chars but nevermind that now)

Recall what I mentioned above:

Cyniac wrote:
I also suspect that my PVP and my measure of success in PVP is very different from that of most players.

Let me expand on this - my interest in PVP is evasion - I fly in hostile space (either in NPC null or in the null space held by hostile alliances) doing my thing (exploration mostly). Been doing it for months now in null - and it's been a long time since I was last caught. Why? Not because people have not tried, but simply because I have the perfect intel tool (local) to prevent anyone from ever catching me. That simple.

Given that we are not discussing the intricacies of combat (how to kill a ship or whatever) but actually whether or not an engagement will actually take place, based on available intel, my experience allows me to authoritatively back the statements that I've made let me put it to you one more time:

Local is broken. It provides too much intel, too easily, making it harder for small gang engagements (such as those which develop in WH space) to take place. This will primarily affect the amount of small gang action primarily because large fleets are used mainly to attack and/or defend static targets. (You know... sov units, POS, all that jazz).

I'm quite happy to hear any arguments which would change this, but I've not yet heard any.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2012-03-03 03:25:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Cyniac
Oops Double post! Sorry about that.
Plus 10 NV
#27 - 2012-03-03 03:59:14 UTC

If I were to provide data to you that shows low sec and null sec get more pvp per person than wormholes, even if we only include the time after wormholes have been around, would you agree local is fine?

Cyniac you can avoid pvp all you want in wormholes too. Its not that hard to avoid pvp anywhere in eve.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2012-03-03 04:07:03 UTC
Cyniac wrote:
While there is merit to your statement (bots can and will adapt) you fail to address the fact that the current system IS perfectly safe for bots, so any changes can at worse preserve the status quo and at best be an improvement in this regard.

I hope you realize the current 2 second cooldown on d-scan is because previously bots would spam it many dozens of times, faster than any human could possible reach, let alone sustain. Current bots stay aligned and bail out the instant anyone not in fleet lands on grid with them, so I'm not sure why you would suggest removing local as an anti-botter measure.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2012-03-03 04:42:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Cyniac
Cearain wrote:

If I were to provide data to you that shows low sec and null sec get more pvp per person than wormholes, even if we only include the time after wormholes have been around, would you agree local is fine?

That would indeed go some way to convincing me, in particular if you could filter out static combat situations (defence/attack of structures).

I'd be really happy if you could argue the case from both sides, i.e. explain perhaps better why the changing of local with a different form of intel gathering would actually be a problem for you.

Cearain wrote:
Cyniac you can avoid pvp all you want in wormholes too. Its not that hard to avoid pvp anywhere in eve.

Sure, I could just stay docked up. The thing is not avoiding PVP but doing something productive while avoiding PVP, that is significantly harder in a WH than it is in nullsec, but I agree, avoiding PVP is not that terribly difficult.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2012-03-03 04:49:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Cyniac
Mfume Apocal wrote:
Cyniac wrote:
While there is merit to your statement (bots can and will adapt) you fail to address the fact that the current system IS perfectly safe for bots, so any changes can at worse preserve the status quo and at best be an improvement in this regard.

I hope you realize the current 2 second cooldown on d-scan is because previously bots would spam it many dozens of times, faster than any human could possible reach, let alone sustain. Current bots stay aligned and bail out the instant anyone not in fleet lands on grid with them, so I'm not sure why you would suggest removing local as an anti-botter measure.

Actually IIRC the 2 second cooldown was introduced under the official statement "to reduce lag".

I've no doubt that it was being used (and abused) by botters.

Let me tell you how I'd catch say a botting hulk in the situation you've just described (without local).

I'd warp onto their grid with a covert ship. I'd head towards one of the hulks. Literally I'd ram it at full speed - that would do two things:

1) I get to uncloak!
2) He's no longer aligned to warp

At that point - Tackle & kill (call in support depending on combat assets etc). I suppose it might not work every time but it would certainly work a whole lot more than the current situation where appearing in local is enough to make the bots vanish.

But what would I know of PVP right? Twisted
sYnc Vir
Ghost Legion.
#31 - 2012-03-03 05:54:38 UTC
How about just replacing Local Chat with Region Chat and only showing the people that talk. That way people will learn to bloody Dscan and not semi AFK there way threw the game.

Don't ask about Italics, just tilt your head.

The Vastator
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#32 - 2012-03-03 09:26:57 UTC  |  Edited by: The Vastator
The Vastator
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#33 - 2012-03-03 09:27:14 UTC  |  Edited by: The Vastator
Trinkets friend wrote:
The Vastator wrote:
Any change made to local should be an improvement not a nerf. For example, It'd be very helpful, if one can set local to only show people with certain standings towards you but I'm sure this will probably turn to a heated debate between bears and lol-pirates.
Also, WH local should be revamped so one can be seen for the first 5 mins upon entry.

Delayed local = nerf on botters, carebears and the lazy, and neutral for everyone who can open the d-scanner and stab a button while their guns cycle, and a buff for people who hunt botters, lazy idiots and carebears
Reduced local info (as above) = nerf on the lazy (you could program a bot to dock if Local went +1) and a buff for people who hunt botters, lazy idiots and carebears
Removed local = nerf for botters, carebears, and the lazy and a buff for everyone.

Now, as to your assertion people should appear in Local in w-space for 5 minutes, GTFO my game.

First of all, Umadbro?
Secondly, I don't derive any sort of fun in chasing botters and I strongly believe it's up to CCP to fix that issue. I'm aware of how much instability they can cause in the eve economy and I guess it's understandable if you need such an advantage in order to prey on such people/things.Roll
There's already more than enough ways to take advantage of "lazy idiots and carebears" but I guess it's the risk involved that's proven to be too much of a hassle for the likes of you that are hard working and quick to prey on such weaklings.
Codex Praedonum
Divine Damnation
#34 - 2012-03-03 11:04:30 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
ffs...stop it with the local bs...
if you want to play eve with no local, come to WHs, we can always use more targets.

only change local needs is 0.0 local should be 10-15min delayed.

THIS is simple AND elegant. It would give roaming gangs an element of surprise on their enemies whether they are careless bears, botters, or a hostile fleet. It would promote more dynamic gameplay since sitting on a gate in a blob makes you vulnerable. It would also give smaller skirmish fleets the element of surprise (which is very useful for them). Think about if there was more than just "lighting a cyno" to employ surprise in fleet engagements.

One unintended consequence to this is that it might actually help nerf blobs. I'm not going to debate whether it should be 5, 10, or 15 minutes, but a delayed local for null would create a more dynamic environment without introducing complacency on the part of the afk cloaker or the semi afk ratter (quite the opposite) all the while preserving the uniqueness of W-space.

Solo Rifter since 2009

Diablo Ex
Nocturne Holdings
#35 - 2012-03-05 16:24:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Diablo Ex
I've always though that Local should be a Sov upgrade module and should be left up to the Sov Holder to pay for. Likewise, Local can then be jammed out (like a cyno-jammer) in contested areas...

Cloakies should never appear in local anyways, it goes against reason that whatever is "detecting" their presence in Local can't be used to locate them, unless it is a function of gate travel keeping a head count which could be unreliable if there are WH's in the system.

As a Game Mechanic, Local is what's broken.

(Edit: Sov Holders should also be allowed to turn off/password Stargates as well, and depend upon jumpgate networks if they choose... but that's a different thread)

Diablo Ex Machina - "I'm not here to fix your problem"

Greater Domain Cooperative
#36 - 2012-03-05 21:46:43 UTC
I don’t think it needs to be one way or another. It seems to me to make logical sense to allow pos structures to enable local in null sec. These structures would consume much of the resources on a large tower and be vulnerable to attacks. Furthermore systems in null (including NPC space) that didn’t have this structure wouldn’t have local. Then rebalance null sec rats and anoms to account for the extra income lost because of the more risky venture. This would make the nullbears happy because of increased income potential and everybody else happy because null sec would be exciting again. As to the argument that if you don’t like local go to W-space. I think the big thing that differentiates null from wh space is the fact that you don’t have static entry and exit points with W-space, you do however have it with null.
In regards to botters I think this would pretty much eliminate botters in systems without local even if a bot could tell that a new object appeared on d-scan it wouldn’t be able to easily tell if the vagabond is sitting at a pos empty or if it’s piloted.
M1k3y Koontz
House of Musashi
Stay Feral
#37 - 2012-03-06 00:26:25 UTC  |  Edited by: M1k3y Koontz
Ahrieman wrote:

One unintended consequence to this is that it might actually help nerf blobs.

First: not seeing how this would nerf blobs... it would make it easier for roams to find targets since gatecamps wouldn't run as soon as local increased more that 1, but that wouldn't end the sheer unkillable entity that is the drake blob with shield resistance bonuses and a fleet booster with a siege warfare mindlink and logi.

Ahrieman wrote:
all the while preserving the uniqueness of W-space.

Second: If you want W-Space to stay unique then drop the remove local support garbage. W-Space is W-Space because it has no local. Nullsec is K-Space because it has local. All its going to do to nullsec is help the roamer looking for the easy kill, nothing more. It wouldn't even nerf bots because they can already spam the d-scanner far more efficiently than a person could (I don't know about you but after about 5 minutes my fingers is hurting.)

Cyniac wrote:
7 061 988 losses in nullsec
3 362 156 losses in WH space

Roughly you have half as many losses in WH space as you do in nullsec. Thing is - virtually all WH action is going to be small gang action. Yes, sometimes small gangs can roll over a mining fleet but you are still talking about small gangs, not blobs or large fleet engagements.

Do you really think that half of all PVP losses in nullsec happen because of small gang action? I don't. Now that's a somewhat subjective opinion as we don't have any data to support it either way, but I think you will find that many people have the impression that a lot of those losses are related to blobs and large scale fleet engagements.

I would like to add in, how many Nullsec solar systems are there and how many W-Space systems are there?
I have a rather hard time navigating doltan, im not sure if its up there.

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

Silas Shaw
Coffee Hub
#38 - 2012-03-06 01:07:49 UTC
Cyniac wrote:
Recall what I mentioned above:

Cyniac wrote:
I also suspect that my PVP and my measure of success in PVP is very different from that of most players.

Let me expand on this - my interest in PVP is evasion - I fly in hostile space (either in NPC null or in the null space held by hostile alliances) doing my thing (exploration mostly). Been doing it for months now in null - and it's been a long time since I was last caught. Why? Not because people have not tried, but simply because I have the perfect intel tool (local) to prevent anyone from ever catching me. That simple.

Given that we are not discussing the intricacies of combat (how to kill a ship or whatever) but actually whether or not an engagement will actually take place, based on available intel, my experience allows me to authoritatively back the statements that I've made let me put it to you one more time:

Local is broken. It provides too much intel, too easily, making it harder for small gang engagements (such as those which develop in WH space) to take place. This will primarily affect the amount of small gang action primarily because large fleets are used mainly to attack and/or defend static targets. (You know... sov units, POS, all that jazz).

I'm quite happy to hear any arguments which would change this, but I've not yet heard any.

Umm... Mine's only slightly worse than yours, and im kinda noobish...

AND DONT HAVE LOCAL. I've been in a WH for almost a year.
Verge of Collapse
#39 - 2012-03-06 12:06:07 UTC
Simple, make local a sov upgrade that requires extra up-keep. Depending on the level of the sov the local is delayed > instant

Sov 1 : delayed 10 minutes
Sov 2: delayed 5 minutes
Sov 3: delayed 2 minutes
Sov 4: delayed 15 seconds
Sov 5: Instant

This would work just fine, it would solve the botting problem because face it, botters occupy miltiary 5 systems that have nothing else and botting corporations cant all clusterfuk in the one system or they would make no money.

Or just make it depending on the true sec status, if local is delayed or not.
Froggy Storm
Goonswarm Federation
#40 - 2012-03-06 13:16:26 UTC
There could be some merit in making local a warfare link module. Might add some relevance to "Information link" spec as its currently not very desirable. Make it an active module that burns significant cap even so BOTs couldnt just run it nonstop, or perhaps give it an action block out like a cloak.

Gives a new role to fill
Not very BOT friendly
Gives intel where your willing to pay for it
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