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Ransom Unhonored

Magoo FluxinHertz
The Pornstar Nation
#41 - 2012-02-29 21:19:46 UTC
so yes i was wrong it wsnt 60 mi more it was 25 m more my bad but there is the chat log as pulled from C:\Documents and Settings\*yourusername*\Documents\EVE\logs\Chatlogs Private_Chat_(Herr_Ziell)_20120228_001428
#42 - 2012-02-29 21:19:58 UTC
Oddly enough, I was about to post saying that from an objective view, the pirate seemed to be more legitimate. Just goes to show you cannot judge a book by its cover.

Please honour ransoms, or they will dry up and never be paid.
Naj Panora
The Seekers of Ore
#43 - 2012-02-29 21:27:24 UTC
When I get home tonight I will post the log from my alt that was trying to negotiate Magoo's release after the ransom was paid.

By the way why does the pirate seem more legit?
Herr Ziell
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#44 - 2012-02-29 22:12:04 UTC
2012.02.28 00:14:34 ] Herr Ziell > pay me and ill let you go
[ 2012.02.28 00:15:04 ] Herr Ziell > or do you want to lose your 30 mil ship
[ 2012.02.28 00:15:10 ] Magoo FluxinHertz > how much
[ 2012.02.28 00:15:17 ] Herr Ziell > i think 40mil is a fair price considering rigs and mods
[ 2012.02.28 00:15:38 ] Magoo FluxinHertz > stop attacking me and i will
[ 2012.02.28 00:15:49 ] Herr Ziell > guns are off
[ 2012.02.28 00:15:50 ] Herr Ziell > pay
[ 2012.02.28 00:16:37 ] Magoo FluxinHertz > wtf
[ 2012.02.28 00:16:40 ] Magoo FluxinHertz > call off yoru buddie
[ 2012.02.28 00:17:18 ] Magoo FluxinHertz > THERE
[ 2012.02.28 00:17:34 ] Magoo FluxinHertz > wtf you got your money
[ 2012.02.28 00:18:07 ] Herr Ziell > you only paid half
[ 2012.02.28 00:18:23 ] Magoo FluxinHertz > WTF
[ 2012.02.28 00:18:40 ] Magoo FluxinHertz > i dont have much more
[ 2012.02.28 00:18:42 ] Magoo FluxinHertz > come on dude
[ 2012.02.28 00:18:51 ] Herr Ziell > how much more do you have
[ 2012.02.28 00:18:54 ] Herr Ziell > you didn't pay the full 40m
[ 2012.02.28 00:19:00 ] Magoo FluxinHertz > i only had 100mill
[ 2012.02.28 00:20:03 ] Herr Ziell > 100 mil? You have plenty then.
[ 2012.02.28 00:20:21 ] Magoo FluxinHertz > WTF THAT WILL BREAK ME
[ 2012.02.28 00:20:31 ] Herr Ziell > give me 20mil more to let you go
[ 2012.02.28 00:20:44 ] Magoo FluxinHertz > unlock everything
[ 2012.02.28 00:20:50 ] Magoo FluxinHertz > and stop attacking
[ 2012.02.28 00:20:53 ] Herr Ziell > pay first
[ 2012.02.28 00:20:59 ] Magoo FluxinHertz > i did taht and you lied
[ 2012.02.28 00:21:03 ] Herr Ziell > you didn't pay the full amount what do you mean i lied?
[ 2012.02.28 00:23:38 ] Magoo FluxinHertz > how can i even trust you man
[ 2012.02.28 00:24:13 ] Herr Ziell > You only gave me half dude, I said 40m.
[ 2012.02.28 00:24:31 ] Magoo FluxinHertz > **** it take the ship

These are my chat logs pulled from my eve files, but believe what you will.
C:\Users\MC\Documents\EVE\logs\Chatlogs Private_Chat_(Magoo_FluxinHertz)_20120228_001428
Magoo FluxinHertz
The Pornstar Nation
#45 - 2012-02-29 22:31:44 UTC
Screen shot showing the file and its attributes and if you look at the attributes the created modified and accessed dates all correspond with an unedited unaltered copy
Magoo FluxinHertz
The Pornstar Nation
#46 - 2012-02-29 22:37:08 UTC
im not here to cause problem or to cry unfairly hell im not even really worried about it ship was replaced and ive gone about my gaming. and if it wernt for naj i wouldnt have even bothered with getting into this circus but ill be dammed if imma be called a liar..... a noob yes by all means but i have nothing to hide and nothing to gain from this
Herr Ziell
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#47 - 2012-02-29 23:37:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Herr Ziell
Here is my screenshot showing attributes and information of the file:

I don't know what you are getting at or why you are trying so hard to slander me, please stop it. As you have said you've moved on, it is obvious that what you are posting is fabricated and edited.
Immortis Vexx
Onyx Moon Industries
#48 - 2012-03-01 00:00:21 UTC
OK, the shenanigans have gone on long enough. There is simply no way to confirm who is telling the truth on this one. So here is what I vote happens.

Ziell - Continue your pirate activity, please try to honor all ransoms in the future w/o fuss

OP & Magoo - If you are going to pay a ransom pay the full amount and don't play with the pirates!

Herr Ziell
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2012-03-01 00:01:06 UTC
Agreed. Fly safe and see you all out there.
Naj Panora
The Seekers of Ore
#50 - 2012-03-01 00:44:33 UTC

Channel ID: -28730908
Channel Name: Private Chat (Private Chat)
Listener: Calori Demitri
Session started: 2012.02.28 00:21:35

[ 2012.02.28 00:21:41 ] Herr Ziell > hi?
[ 2012.02.28 00:21:45 ] Calori Demitri > let him go he paid ur ransom
[ 2012.02.28 00:21:54 ] Herr Ziell > i undervalued his ship by far
[ 2012.02.28 00:21:57 ] Herr Ziell > the ship alone is worth 36 mil
[ 2012.02.28 00:22:15 ] Calori Demitri > doesnt matter he met ur demand
[ 2012.02.28 00:22:34 ] Herr Ziell > he needs to pay the second half
[ 2012.02.28 00:23:25 ] Calori Demitri > second half was demanded after the first half was paid which was what u told him he had to pay to be released
[ 2012.02.28 00:23:40 ] Herr Ziell > he can either pay or be blown up
[ 2012.02.28 00:24:09 ] Calori Demitri > and after he pays how does he know u arent gonna demand more
[ 2012.02.28 00:24:30 ] Herr Ziell > if i demand more it exceeds the value of his ship and is pointless
[ 2012.02.28 00:25:08 ] Calori Demitri > exept you have all the money at that point
Naj Panora
The Seekers of Ore
#51 - 2012-03-01 00:45:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Naj Panora
So that is 2 chat logs saying he didn't release Magoo after the first ransom was paid and demanded more money.

*BTW we aren't trying to slander your name we just don't like people who lie. Your doing a great job making yourself look bad.
Immortis Vexx
Onyx Moon Industries
#52 - 2012-03-01 00:56:49 UTC
Naj Panora wrote:
So that is 2 chat logs saying he didn't release Magoo after the first ransom was paid and demanded more money.

*BTW we aren't trying to slander your name we just don't like people who lie. Your doing a great job making yourself look bad.

Naj - Chat logs have NO credibility imho. Look dude, I hate to say this but, that's enough. I could post in here that I had a conversation with a GM about EVE imploding on itself but would anyone be inclined to believe? No. Why? Because I am an idiot. Which is exactly what you are doing. I don't even think chat logs are supposed to be posted here for that very reason. I understand that you are super heated about this. In the grand scheme of things we are only talking about 30 mil. Go do a few level 3/4 missions and you got it back, congrats.

Herr Ziell
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#53 - 2012-03-01 00:57:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Herr Ziell
Channel ID: -28730908
Channel Name: Private Chat (Calori Demitri)
Listener: Herr Ziel
Session started: 2012.02.28 00:21:35

[ 2012.02.28 00:21:41 ] Herr Ziell > hi?
[ 2012.02.28 00:21:45 ] Calori Demitri > let him go he paid ur ransom
[ 2012.02.28 00:21:54 ] Herr Ziell > He hasn't paid the full 40m
[ 2012.02.28 00:21:57 ] Herr Ziell > the ship alone is worth 36 mil alone, 40m is a small price to pay.
[ 2012.02.28 00:22:15 ] Calori Demitri > doesnt matter he met ur demand
[ 2012.02.28 00:22:34 ] Herr Ziell > he needs to pay the second half of the 40m, he only paid 20m.
[ 2012.02.28 00:23:25 ] Calori Demitri > second half was demanded after the first half was paid which was what u told him he had to pay to be released
[ 2012.02.28 00:23:40 ] Herr Ziell > I don't know what you are talking about, he can either pay or be blown up.
[ 2012.02.28 00:24:09 ] Calori Demitri > and after he pays how does he know u arent gonna demand more
[ 2012.02.28 00:24:30 ] Herr Ziell > if i demand more it exceeds the value of his ship and is pointless, all I want is the second 20m.
[ 2012.02.28 00:25:08 ] Calori Demitri > exept you have all the money at that point

That is my excerpt, I would also like to point out that his "private chat" channel name says Private Chat (Private Chat).

If it were legit it would say Private Chat (Herr Ziell), so obviously his is faked.
Garven Dreis
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#54 - 2012-03-01 01:16:53 UTC
Ransom tears are best tears

Terrible Poster Runner-up 2014

Ares Renton
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#55 - 2012-03-01 01:21:33 UTC
Naj Panora wrote:
We could use a list of honorable pirates so players could have easy access to who can be trusted.

I'll be sure to consult it if I ever get ransomed.
Naj Panora
The Seekers of Ore
#56 - 2012-03-01 01:32:04 UTC
Wow you can edit your log. Again I don't see anyone stepping up to the plate for you.
Herr Ziell
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#57 - 2012-03-01 03:02:40 UTC
The only person "stepping up" for you is your corpmate, the guy that got destroyed. This thread has really gone on long enough with you two trying to fabricate details of things that never happened. I asked for a full ransom of 40m, he only paid half, he got blown up.

See you in space, good luck and thanks for the tears.
PredalienPlush Chester
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#58 - 2012-03-01 06:11:54 UTC
confirming chat logs can't be edited with notepad and an IQ of 6


nice tears Pirate
CatreX Nolen
#59 - 2012-03-01 07:29:42 UTC
Herr Ziell wrote:
The only person "stepping up" for you is your corpmate, the guy that got destroyed. This thread has really gone on long enough with you two trying to fabricate details of things that never happened. I asked for a full ransom of 40m, he only paid half, he got blown up.

See you in space, good luck and thanks for the tears.

It's really funny how the pirate is more legit than the guy who got his ship blown up.

GG Pirate, keep it up :D

(Has a feeling ill encounter you eventually)
Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#60 - 2012-03-01 12:23:22 UTC
Am I right in thinking that you believe paying half of something is as good as paying in full? It's not a dishonoured ransom if you don't actually pay the agreed amount.

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)