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The Mittani, CSM7 Chairman: Our work is not yet done.

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Alavaria Fera
#821 - 2012-02-27 04:06:28 UTC
That's interesting. So there's a specific internet type of this, huh ..

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

The Bailiff
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#822 - 2012-02-27 12:09:22 UTC
I like the cut of this man's jib.
Richter Enderas
Kaesong Kosmonauts
#823 - 2012-02-27 16:07:52 UTC
welcome to asperger king

where your very specific order is our mumble mumble
Devon Aidendale
#824 - 2012-02-27 18:34:08 UTC
Humility Meaning and Definition.

An act of submission or courtesy.

The state or quality of being humble; freedom from pride and arrogance;

lowliness of mind; a modest estimate of one's own worth;

a sense of one's own unworthiness through imperfection and sinfulness; self-abasement;

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#825 - 2012-02-27 21:56:03 UTC
Big Bump, Big Bro
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#826 - 2012-02-28 01:25:07 UTC
My hands face and neck was covered in the poor beast’s blood. I felt ashamed, but my gut was saying otherwise, bulging with food. I felt content now. Unfortunately. Only for a few moments. I looked down and saw that the scales had crawled up past my arms and to the base of my neck. My feet had finished deforming, long digits of three with menacing claws aching to be impaled with an animals flesh. I delighted in thinking about it. No, wait, I don’t. With a shudder at the conflicting thoughts, my attention drifted to my legs. However, my examination was cut short by just how bad my vision was. Everything was blurry now. I could barely see. I let myself sit back and rest. Before I could fall back into sleep, however, Kerrigan made her appearance again.
“Wow. Er….” I heard the sound of clinking platters and what was probably the bone, “ Well. You still hungry?” My eyes shot open.
“Yes!” I heard myself exclaim, but I didn’t realize it until a few moments after. I corrected myself and sat back down. Putting my deforming hand against my forehead, I sighed with frustration. Kerrigan plopped down and lied next to me. I felt her breath against my cheek, and heard the inhale and exhale of her lungs. Her scent. Something about it… I can’t grasp the word. A peculiar musk of some sort, a perfume.
Clyde ElectraGlide
Emara Entertainment Inc.
#827 - 2012-02-28 02:57:00 UTC
Killstealing wrote:
My hands face and neck was covered in the poor beast’s blood. I felt ashamed, but my gut was saying otherwise, bulging with food. I felt content now. Unfortunately. Only for a few moments. I looked down and saw that the scales had crawled up past my arms and to the base of my neck. My feet had finished deforming, long digits of three with menacing claws aching to be impaled with an animals flesh. I delighted in thinking about it. No, wait, I don’t. With a shudder at the conflicting thoughts, my attention drifted to my legs. However, my examination was cut short by just how bad my vision was. Everything was blurry now. I could barely see. I let myself sit back and rest. Before I could fall back into sleep, however, Kerrigan made her appearance again.
“Wow. Er….” I heard the sound of clinking platters and what was probably the bone, “ Well. You still hungry?” My eyes shot open.
“Yes!” I heard myself exclaim, but I didn’t realize it until a few moments after. I corrected myself and sat back down. Putting my deforming hand against my forehead, I sighed with frustration. Kerrigan plopped down and lied next to me. I felt her breath against my cheek, and heard the inhale and exhale of her lungs. Her scent. Something about it… I can’t grasp the word. A peculiar musk of some sort, a perfume.

Vote The Mittani for CSM7

In Need of a New Signature

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#828 - 2012-02-28 03:46:24 UTC
Oh captain my captain!

Mittani fo life!
Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#829 - 2012-02-28 04:08:21 UTC
Chairman For Life Mittani has my vote even though he doesn't need it.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Ka P'lah
#830 - 2012-02-28 14:02:59 UTC
Well, The (...Can I call you The? It's a bit informal, I know, but I'm afraid I'm not entirely comfortable using something like "Grand Space Leader of Leaders"...good thing yer such an accommodating kind of guy, thanks... ), you're smart, effective, good at organizing, and good at the social / networking aspects. Credit where credit is due. (but ya don't suffer from low self esteem, do ya? ;D ) I think you're well aware that many players in EVE might be a little wary of you, hoping you use your powers for good, as it were.

I'd like to think you are smart enough to see that a healthy future eve means more fun for all, however we play, as we are all - sorry if it causes trauma for anyone, just kinda those pesky fact things - dependent on each other overall in making this the big sandbox we all enjoy.

So, allow me to quote myself from another thread:
"'I'm pretty amazed at how so many EVE players - very much including most of the CSM candidates - freak out at the mention of WiS / ambulation.'s coming...can't you see the future direction of EVE? Dust 514 will be a success, I think (whatever might happen with it's initial success, I doubt the concept of the Eve tie-in is going away [but I kind of think dust might do ok...]), and more and more tie-ins moving in the direction of avatars walking / driving / skimming / shooting around are going to be part of EVE. The incarna thing was messed you really want that kind of disaster again? Ignoring ambulation and treating the idea with utter contempt risks CCP not developing the game with player input in this critical area. The spaceships-first positive focus CCP has realized is their good core game is always going to remain the way it is as CCP has more success and starts making more money with avatar-enhancing game additions? Dismissing WiS / ambulation with a sneer as whiny ridiculous spacepantsbarbiefluff rather than recognizing that it's gonna happen and needs to be done right with the proper focus on spaceship game-first is shortsighted and dangerous to a healthy future EVE."

Seems that far from going away if we ignore it, the issue with the WiS / ambulation thing is something the CSM will face ongoing. I just hope the CSM doesn't let the disgust generated for all by the incarna disaster blind them to trying to get CCP to do it right (meaning don't sacrifice FiS to do it, don't make it an either-or thing CCP, do both), since it's coming in some form, bad or good eventually... So I'm trusting you're smart enough to see what's coming, The, and what it could mean to our game (including, of course the hunting for your associates and every other activity of those you consider your constituents...and the rest of course :) ). So, if you're gonna be the CSM guy - you got this?
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#831 - 2012-02-28 14:26:23 UTC
The concept of WiS was good. The current implementation and direction was ****, and I seem to remember something being said about how there was a huge difference from what CCP said to the CSM, and what CCP delivered, which would account for the 180 degree change in attitude.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#832 - 2012-02-28 21:07:47 UTC
Ka P'lah wrote:
Well, The (...Can I call you The? It's a bit informal, I know, but I'm afraid I'm not entirely comfortable using something like "Grand Space Leader of Leaders"...good thing yer such an accommodating kind of guy, thanks... ), you're smart, effective, good at organizing, and good at the social / networking aspects. Credit where credit is due. (but ya don't suffer from low self esteem, do ya? ;D ) I think you're well aware that many players in EVE might be a little wary of you, hoping you use your powers for good, as it were.

I'd like to think you are smart enough to see that a healthy future eve means more fun for all, however we play, as we are all - sorry if it causes trauma for anyone, just kinda those pesky fact things - dependent on each other overall in making this the big sandbox we all enjoy.

So, allow me to quote myself from another thread:
"'I'm pretty amazed at how so many EVE players - very much including most of the CSM candidates - freak out at the mention of WiS / ambulation.'s coming...can't you see the future direction of EVE? Dust 514 will be a success, I think (whatever might happen with it's initial success, I doubt the concept of the Eve tie-in is going away [but I kind of think dust might do ok...]), and more and more tie-ins moving in the direction of avatars walking / driving / skimming / shooting around are going to be part of EVE. The incarna thing was messed you really want that kind of disaster again? Ignoring ambulation and treating the idea with utter contempt risks CCP not developing the game with player input in this critical area. The spaceships-first positive focus CCP has realized is their good core game is always going to remain the way it is as CCP has more success and starts making more money with avatar-enhancing game additions? Dismissing WiS / ambulation with a sneer as whiny ridiculous spacepantsbarbiefluff rather than recognizing that it's gonna happen and needs to be done right with the proper focus on spaceship game-first is shortsighted and dangerous to a healthy future EVE."

Seems that far from going away if we ignore it, the issue with the WiS / ambulation thing is something the CSM will face ongoing. I just hope the CSM doesn't let the disgust generated for all by the incarna disaster blind them to trying to get CCP to do it right (meaning don't sacrifice FiS to do it, don't make it an either-or thing CCP, do both), since it's coming in some form, bad or good eventually... So I'm trusting you're smart enough to see what's coming, The, and what it could mean to our game (including, of course the hunting for your associates and every other activity of those you consider your constituents...and the rest of course :) ). So, if you're gonna be the CSM guy - you got this?

Just call me Mittens, it's a lot easier.

I actually supported Incarna as it was initially presented in the design stages. It seemed like a necessary evolution. I didn't expect it to be so utterly botched, that botch timed with the disastrous planning failure of the NeX store, set video cards on fire, and have no follow-up establishment gameplay after literally years of work.

Most of us see Incarna as a symbol of the worst sort of Icelandic Kool-Aid, and while we suspect it will eventually be developed, it should only be developed after badly-needed resources which were wasted on Incarna's failures go to patching the holes in the actual game we play. You know, the one about spaceships.

If you really need an ~ambulation fix~, you can always go make yourself a space-themed zone in Second Life and do whatever it is people over there do.


Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#833 - 2012-02-29 06:14:07 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
holy crap you guys spent the last three pages arguing about 'if i sling mud' and having non-lawyers trying to parse legal phrases

i sling mud, i scam supercaps, and i'm a sadist, this isn't new or particularly interesting

I'll agree it isn't new, but I do think it is particularly interesting.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Whiskey Juvenile
State War Academy
Caldari State
#834 - 2012-02-29 07:11:47 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
Ka P'lah wrote:
Well, The (...Can I call you The? It's a bit informal, I know, but I'm afraid I'm not entirely comfortable using something like "Grand Space Leader of Leaders"...good thing yer such an accommodating kind of guy, thanks... ), you're smart, effective, good at organizing, and good at the social / networking aspects. Credit where credit is due. (but ya don't suffer from low self esteem, do ya? ;D ) I think you're well aware that many players in EVE might be a little wary of you, hoping you use your powers for good, as it were.

I'd like to think you are smart enough to see that a healthy future eve means more fun for all, however we play, as we are all - sorry if it causes trauma for anyone, just kinda those pesky fact things - dependent on each other overall in making this the big sandbox we all enjoy.

So, allow me to quote myself from another thread:
"'I'm pretty amazed at how so many EVE players - very much including most of the CSM candidates - freak out at the mention of WiS / ambulation.'s coming...can't you see the future direction of EVE? Dust 514 will be a success, I think (whatever might happen with it's initial success, I doubt the concept of the Eve tie-in is going away [but I kind of think dust might do ok...]), and more and more tie-ins moving in the direction of avatars walking / driving / skimming / shooting around are going to be part of EVE. The incarna thing was messed you really want that kind of disaster again? Ignoring ambulation and treating the idea with utter contempt risks CCP not developing the game with player input in this critical area. The spaceships-first positive focus CCP has realized is their good core game is always going to remain the way it is as CCP has more success and starts making more money with avatar-enhancing game additions? Dismissing WiS / ambulation with a sneer as whiny ridiculous spacepantsbarbiefluff rather than recognizing that it's gonna happen and needs to be done right with the proper focus on spaceship game-first is shortsighted and dangerous to a healthy future EVE."

Seems that far from going away if we ignore it, the issue with the WiS / ambulation thing is something the CSM will face ongoing. I just hope the CSM doesn't let the disgust generated for all by the incarna disaster blind them to trying to get CCP to do it right (meaning don't sacrifice FiS to do it, don't make it an either-or thing CCP, do both), since it's coming in some form, bad or good eventually... So I'm trusting you're smart enough to see what's coming, The, and what it could mean to our game (including, of course the hunting for your associates and every other activity of those you consider your constituents...and the rest of course :) ). So, if you're gonna be the CSM guy - you got this?

Just call me Mittens, it's a lot easier.

I actually supported Incarna as it was initially presented in the design stages. It seemed like a necessary evolution. I didn't expect it to be so utterly botched, that botch timed with the disastrous planning failure of the NeX store, set video cards on fire, and have no follow-up establishment gameplay after literally years of work.

Most of us see Incarna as a symbol of the worst sort of Icelandic Kool-Aid, and while we suspect it will eventually be developed, it should only be developed after badly-needed resources which were wasted on Incarna's failures go to patching the holes in the actual game we play. You know, the one about spaceships.

If you really need an ~ambulation fix~, you can always go make yourself a space-themed zone in Second Life and do whatever it is people over there do.

When you get into the mindset of calling what we were presented for WiS "Incarna", and call what was actually promised "Ambulation", Mittani's stance is pretty good. Dude liked what WiS was supposed to be, thinks that CCP botched it hard, and pretty much now needs to be humbled and put in the "time out corner" for a bit to learn their lesson before they are allowed to make realdolls in space again.
Ka P'lah
#835 - 2012-02-29 07:30:51 UTC
The Mittani wrote:

I actually supported Incarna as it was initially presented in the design stages. It seemed like a necessary evolution. ...

and then right after:

The Mittani wrote:

If you really need an ~ambulation fix~, you can always go make yourself a space-themed zone in Second Life and do whatever it is people over there do.

Mmkk....So let me get this straight - you know that it's a good idea if it were to be done right and is coming, but anyone who might think that should just go away? it...makes total sense...
So it's gonna be the blinded to the direction the game will eventually take by the disgusting failure CCP bungled with incarna then is it? Alright...

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#836 - 2012-02-29 07:49:05 UTC
Ka P'lah wrote:
The Mittani wrote:

I actually supported Incarna as it was initially presented in the design stages. It seemed like a necessary evolution. ...

and then right after:

The Mittani wrote:

If you really need an ~ambulation fix~, you can always go make yourself a space-themed zone in Second Life and do whatever it is people over there do.

Mmkk....So let me get this straight - you know that it's a good idea if it were to be done right and is coming, but anyone who might think that should just go away? it...makes total sense...
So it's gonna be the blinded to the direction the game will eventually take by the disgusting failure CCP bungled with incarna then is it? Alright...

Issler Dainze alt spotted.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Ka P'lah
#837 - 2012-02-29 07:56:26 UTC
Ladie Harlot wrote:

Issler Dainze alt spotted.

Smile Nope, sorry bud.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#838 - 2012-02-29 15:00:26 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
Skippermonkey cant even make it as a Director in his corporation, but i can tell he has what it takes to lead the CSM. If i wasnt running for CSM myself i'd vote for him!



The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#839 - 2012-02-29 15:19:53 UTC
Ka P'lah wrote:
The Mittani wrote:

I actually supported Incarna as it was initially presented in the design stages. It seemed like a necessary evolution. ...

and then right after:

The Mittani wrote:

If you really need an ~ambulation fix~, you can always go make yourself a space-themed zone in Second Life and do whatever it is people over there do.

Mmkk....So let me get this straight - you know that it's a good idea if it were to be done right and is coming, but anyone who might think that should just go away? it...makes total sense...
So it's gonna be the blinded to the direction the game will eventually take by the disgusting failure CCP bungled with incarna then is it? Alright...

If you don't understand why the practical effect of the Incarna botch has everyone with any kind of business sense leery of expending more work on WiS, I don't know what to tell you. All the mmmkays and ...s in the world won't change the playerbase's kneejerk reaction to last June.


Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#840 - 2012-02-29 15:22:12 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
All the mmmkays and ...s in the world won't change the playerbase's kneejerk reaction to last June.

I let my knee make all my serious life decisions

true story