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Cloaking should have a manual cycle or be cap intensive

Crimson Dawn Enterprises
#21 - 2012-02-28 22:22:21 UTC
Oh I don't mine. But if you are going to disrupt industry(mining) then you should be present at the computer while doing it. Regardless of what my posts portrays I know I am not a care bear. All I am saying as this AFK cloaking thing is a flawed mechanic. if you had a 15 min activation cycle. Then it would solve more problems and make this game more interesting.
Ice Fire Warriors
#22 - 2012-02-28 22:27:16 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers


AFK cloaking was "born" because the instant you enter a system, you appear on local. Because you are now the ONLY non-blue person in local, the "natives" in that system will immediately dock/cloak/POS up until you leave or are destroyed.

The only way to get around this is to cloak up in some random spot in the system... and sit... often for hours. In doing this a cloaker "devalues" local as an intel tool and effectively forces the "native" to alter tactics.

How can you alter tactics? Easy.
- Spare a high and mid slot on your ratting battleship for a heavy energy neutralizer and a long point... and make enough room in your drone bay for 5 Warrior IIs. Congrats, you are now immune to Stealth Bombers (or, can escape them at the very least).
- Cloaky Recons got you down? Easy... they have a decloak timer of about 5 to 10 seconds where they cannot lock anything... add in actual locking time and you have a good 7 to 12 seconds where you can escape. If you stay aligned to something, you can warp off as soon as they appear on your overview.
- Are your haulers being popped at gates/jumpbridges? Before you move something have a fast locking, high-alpha Tempest/Tornado meet up with you at the gate/jumpbridge. Ships that use the Cov-ops cloak are quite fragile compared to other ships in their class... and most are not fitted for buffer (btw... fitting your hauler completely with cargo expanders means that you migh have trouble withstanding ONE lousy bomb).
- Move systems.
- If you real fear is not the cloaker itself, but the hotdrop they can call in... opt to using smaller and/or "cheaper" ships that you can escape/replace more easily. For example: an Ishtar may not be able to clear out a sanctum the way a Marauder can... but it's MUCH cheaper and faster (and "small" to boot, which means that torps won't be as effective against it).

edit: Now... getting back to the main subject. Your idea would have unintended consequences for people who live in wormholes and give the defender a greater advantage over the cloakers than they already have.
Not supported.
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#23 - 2012-02-28 22:53:24 UTC
Torothin wrote:
All I am saying as this AFK cloaking thing is a flawed mechanic. if you had a 15 min activation cycle. Then it would solve more problems and make this game more interesting.

I have spent several hours actively playing the game while under cloak. Your "fix" for a "flawed mechanic" would result in covert ops pilots being unable to scout and set up warp-to points because we'd be running the risk of being decloaked by an arbitrary 15 minute timer.

AFK cloaking alts are kind of lame, but being intimidated by them is as well. Get some security and protect your space.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Cephelange du'Krevviq
Gildinous Vangaurd
The Initiative.
#24 - 2012-02-28 23:05:02 UTC
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Torothin wrote:
All I am saying as this AFK cloaking thing is a flawed mechanic. if you had a 15 min activation cycle. Then it would solve more problems and make this game more interesting.

AFK cloaking alts are kind of lame, but being intimidated by them is as well. Get some security and protect your space.

I wonder if he realizes the irony of the alliance he's a member of in how it relates to his post.

"I am a leaf on the...ah, frak it!"

Substantia Nigra
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#25 - 2012-02-28 23:07:56 UTC
I'm a bit confused here, perhaps there's a game dynamic out there that I'm not aware of.

In my limited experience an AFK-cloaked player is no threat at all. Being AFK they can't hassle me, and being cloaked they can do squat beyond watching. I tend to worry more about hostile players who are actively working at their pooters and when they're uncloaked ... coz that seems to be when they start causing me grief.

If the underlying issue is that your miners don't like to be abroad when there's a non-blue in system with unknown operational status (may be AFK, may not be AFK) then surely they could relocate and mine somewhere else ... I hear cloakies are not much of a problem in hisec, and my w-space mining efforts have never been terribly concerned about seeing cloakie non-blues in local. Otherwise, isn't that simply one of the joys of nullsec?

Seems to me there's nothing here to fix ... xcept perhaps your miners.

I guess I am almost a 'vet' by now. Hopefully not too bitter and managing to help more than I hinder. I build and sell many things, including large collections of bookmarks.

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#26 - 2012-02-28 23:25:10 UTC
I don't like that people who are not behind their computer are playing the game.

AFK cloaking is kinda similar to botting in that aspect, playing the game while not sitting behind your screen.
Substantia Nigra
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#27 - 2012-02-28 23:45:52 UTC
Sjugar wrote:
I don't like that people who are not behind their computer are playing the game.

Last night I was clearing some sleeper sites and it came time to head upstairs to deliver some goodnight kisses, tickles, and the like. I just directed my DPS to a long-time-to-kill sleeper, set a wide orbit, check scanned for no new incoming wormholes, and wandered upstairs.

At the same time I had a hisec alt relocating a freighter to pickup a bundle of stuff I'd just hauled out of w-space. He was flying (very slowly) AFK.

I came back to find that sleeper BS dead, the other sleepers still chasing my ship around in circles, no new incoming wormholes, and my freighter two jumps closer to his destination.

Y'know I don't really care that you dislike people leaving their screens. It's gonna happen, it's gonna happen for short times, and it's gonna happen for long times. Surely you're not suggesting that I disband the fleet and logoff every toon everytime I want to take a pee, grab something to eat, or kiss the kids goodnight.
Live with it!

I guess I am almost a 'vet' by now. Hopefully not too bitter and managing to help more than I hinder. I build and sell many things, including large collections of bookmarks.

Shore Leave Inc.
Greater Domain Cooperative
#28 - 2012-02-29 00:39:50 UTC
I'm so tired of people whining, "Nerf this", or , "Nerf that". This subject is yet another example of something that should be countered instead of being nerfed.

Historically, any development in weapons technology made the other guy come up with technology that nullified the new weapon. Then there was yet another advancement and yet another counter, and so on. This should be the case in Eve.

If there is something that needs a counter, then suggest the remedy to CCP. Nerfing what already is, could apply to anything someone sees as 'unfair'.

A simple counter might be a module that, when activated, sends out an energy pulse that causes all cloaked vessels, within maybe 35 or 40 km to become uncloaked for a short period of time. A sort of sonar, if you will, that can't be used near gates or stations without Concord intervention.

Yes, some poor miner might be required to give up a slot on his already crowded ship, but if you want to talk the talk, then you'll have to walk the walk.

I'm at work right now, and if this doesn't make much sense, then too bad because I'm busy Lol
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#29 - 2012-02-29 01:43:53 UTC
Miner tears!!

I fully support any and every tactic used to annoy miners.

Cloaking is one of best working mechanics in EVE.
Not being able to decloak a cloaky with a cloaked ship is terribly annoying but that's about it.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Tarsas Phage
#30 - 2012-02-29 03:00:36 UTC
Torothin wrote:

Submarines do not go unmanned where nobody is controlling it thus making this point a bad example. AFK cloakers is a flawed ingame mechanic and should be removed.

Almost every person is told when they're a child that if you're going out, have at least 1 friend with you. You know, the good old-fashioned Buddy System. In this case, that buddy can be a combat ship or two.

If you want to solo mine in peace, go squirrel yourself away in some corner of derelik or kador because what you want to do and what you should do don't square up for 0.0 life.

Substantia Nigra
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#31 - 2012-02-29 03:16:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Substantia Nigra
Torothin wrote:
Submarines do not go unmanned where nobody is controlling it thus making this point a bad example. AFK cloakers is a flawed ingame mechanic and should be removed.

Not so Toro ...

Actually submarines, including the most modern combat submarines, **do** use autopilots. Their autopilots often have semiformal pet names, such as 'Sven' ... in keeping with the Swedish heritage of the boats that used that particular autopilot.

There are also many submarines, military and other, that operate completely unmanned. Some autonomously.

But hey, let's not have facts interfere with a good story :-)

I guess I am almost a 'vet' by now. Hopefully not too bitter and managing to help more than I hinder. I build and sell many things, including large collections of bookmarks.

Ajita al Tchar
#32 - 2012-02-29 03:25:44 UTC
Nullbear tears best tears. Or did someone set someone's bot farm on fire?..

Sometimes after reading posts like this I don't even know how I've been able to survive in w-space for the few years I've been living there. Cloakers everywhere, AFK and not! No local! No fixed entry points into the system! Pure suicide, I tell you, no one can possibly endure this. I mean, this isn't what I'd expect from the game. I expect my alliance to have secured swaths of space, thereby making it 100% safe for everyone who has paid for the right to be there! And then these ***** in their cloaky frigates come over and now I can't do anything at all. If only I had the balls and the brain to learn to live with it and adapt. Nay, this is a violation of my human rights. To the forums!

also lol jet can mining.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#33 - 2012-02-29 03:54:12 UTC
How does an afk ship harm you in any way? The only "people" that are really hurt by an afk cloaker are botters as said "people" programmed their bots to safeup if a non-blue is in system.

If a cloaker kills you, he wasn't afk. If a cloaker is relaying live intel, he isn't afk. If a cloaker does ANYTHING he is not afk. How does a ship that does literally NOTHING harm you in any way? It seems to me that your miners are afraid of a non-afk cloaker, not an afk cloaker.
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#34 - 2012-02-29 04:01:02 UTC
Confirming another bittervet wormhole dweller is sick of sissy pansy nullbears crying about AFK cloakers and their "zomg they could has Nyx hawtdrawpz!" garbage.

Put a fecking teaspoon of cement in your coffee, darlings, and HTFU.

It amazes me that people regularly rat in 3B ISK ships at all. Or rat in capitals. And they make 18M bounty ticks, which average down to 12M because carriers are slooow. So when a neut cloaks in system, suddenly its POS-hugging and wailing like Costa Concordia passengers.

Me? I rat in a Tornado, in pairs or small gangs. We alpha our way through a BS every few seconds, pull 12-15M ticks, with up to six cloaky testicle-gargling AFK cloakers in system with their pilgrims and bombers, knowing full well they dare not decloak next to one of us because the other 2-4 will alpha his ass back to the stone age.

If they do attempt a tackle, the moment something appears on overview you hit your MWD, overheat the thing, and you've gained range well before they even get a lock on you, let alone a scram (long points? nothing's going to stop you with a long point).

Hotdrop with a cyno, even better, more crap to shoot.

Total risk: 500M for 4 people.
Benefit: Being able to grind sanctums and belts 23.5/7 and make ISK.

Get with the program, sissies.
Silas Shaw
Coffee Hub
#35 - 2012-02-29 06:46:25 UTC
Torothin wrote:
Cephelange du'Krevviq wrote:
It's the analogous to a surface navy ship traversing waters where there's a known submarine threat. The location of the sub isn't known, so it's advisable for the transport/industrial ("non-combatant") vessel to be escorted by warships. If you feel "AFK cloakers" are a threat, find a different system to operate out of/in.

Submarines do not go unmanned where nobody is controlling it thus making this point a bad example. AFK cloakers is a flawed ingame mechanic and should be removed.

did you REALLY just say "OMG IT HURTS MY BOTS" out loud?
Gerrick Palivorn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#36 - 2012-02-29 06:59:29 UTC
I've said it before and I'll say it again, this time in not so many words.

HTFU, AFK Cloaking is a valid tactic and you should learn how to deal with it rather than sh*t yourself everytime a non-blue enters local.

To paraphrase one of my favorite books; Suki, The Push Button Fear, is learned. Basically the AFK Cloakers control entire systems because of fear, and it is that fear that they want because the local blues either refuse to counter tactics or are to afraid to lose their internet spaceship pixels that they will not attempt to do anything but wait. They have psychologically trained your alliance to react predicably, this gives them the advantage in every situation.

AFK Cloak whiners are all to scared to actually do anything about the people challenging there legitimate right to sov, it's pathetic that one person cloaked up stops everything. If that is the case you do not deserve your sov, you might as well offline the TCU and let the Cloakers take your system from you.

Good Day,

Gerrick Palivorn, AFK Cloaker and proud of it.

MMOs come and go, but Eve remains.  -Garresh-

Mike Whiite
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#37 - 2012-02-29 09:10:24 UTC
0.0 sec whine thread number 76786999799 or something.

it's 0.0 sec it's suposed to be dangerous, why should the so called most dangerous systems lack the fear of being attacked out of nothing.

if this would make EVE the following happens.

Wormholes (almost no change you don't show up in local)
Low sec/ high sec (no change at all people just dock at the stations and lull you to sleep come out and jump you anyway).

0.0 sec: lay back and fear nothing fighting reduced to gate skirmishes and massive attacks. 0.0 sec the new high sec.

Hoplite Brigade
#38 - 2012-02-29 10:32:25 UTC
AFK cloaking is fine as it is. Just go back to high-sec if you can't stand the tension of low-sec or 0.0.
I am just waiting for the point where people start complaining about people AFK sitting in stations...
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#39 - 2012-02-29 12:02:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Roime
I live in w-space and find instant local chat intel a failed mechanic.

Anyway I still think that introducing cloak fuel could be quite interesting, for both the cloaker and the targets. Just like submarines have to sufrace some day, so would the cloaker. Or then sneak out of the system while you still have fuel.

More gameplay, a new consumable item, wouldn't hurt the primary use of cloaks, but would prevent eternal cloaking.

Just to clarify: No manual cycles or cap usage, but a fuel bay that could hold fuel for what, say, 6-12 hours? Anyway plenty enough that you could cloak our ass out during a normal play session. If you would want to cloak for longer, have a hauler anchor a small can for you in a SS, or another cloakie bring fuel for you.


Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#40 - 2012-02-29 12:29:03 UTC
i approve that we could remove afk cloaking, but only if they remove poses too and other safe spots that makes possible to be invulnerable to attacks in 0.0.