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Plex usage

Lady Spink
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-02-14 01:15:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Spink
I would likto suggest som ideas to pay for with plex

For example:

QuestionReset security status: 1plex
IdeaRemove corp history: 2plex
ArrowReset skillpoints with a loss of 10% of skillpoints because of the surgery: 2 plex
AttentionName change: 1 plex
ShockedGender change 1 plex for female 2 male and 2 plexes for male 2 female. (nice bewbs are expensive)
Shovel Bros
#2 - 2012-02-14 01:20:32 UTC
No. All of these ideas have been brought up (and shot down) in separate threads, there's no reason whatsoever that they would suddenly get support just because you're trying to bring them all up at once.
Alternative Enterprises
#3 - 2012-02-14 02:26:32 UTC
sec status fixed easier with smart ratting. 1 BS per system, leave for at least 15 minutes. Run in a nice cycle of system to make it convenient.

corp history is a part of the char. Corps have more concerns about a fresh char with no history than a 4 year goon veteran. They at least know the goon should be able to fight. 1 year fresh char is either a chance on a tard who can't learn pvp....or pvp's too well and now they have to guess spy or guy is just really good.

sp' tons of these in recent days, tried too hard here.

name is your chars history. If you corp thefted trillions of isk or desolved a whole alliance ninjya style, should be proud of that and show that name clearly lol. . Made your name under the influence of drugs or alcohol or had the next day or 2 to reroll wih minimal loss of training. Or you bought the char....if smart you should have haggled price due to a crap name lol.

why? avatar is now a small little picture in UI so its not like it matters. Fly more, WIS less (or switch to hangar view mode and spin ships...looks better than CQ imo).

Deutzer Freiheit
#4 - 2012-02-14 03:42:36 UTC
I think you ideas are on the way and more. I would not be surprised if EVE switched to a free to play model within a decade.
Simi Kusoni
#5 - 2012-02-14 06:12:41 UTC
Lady Spink wrote:
I would likto suggest som ideas to pay for with plex

For example:

QuestionReset security status: 1plex
IdeaRemove corp history: 2plex
ArrowReset skillpoints with a loss of 10% of skillpoints because of the surgery: 2 plex
AttentionName change: 1 plex
ShockedGender change 1 plex for female 2 male and 2 plexes for male 2 female. (nice bewbs are expensive)

For one thing, plex is cheap for some players. I could easily afford to buy the plex to do all these things on all my toons, giving me a massive advantage over other players. Suddenly red alliance can't tell I've been in cascade, I fly all of their doctrine ships perfectly and I have a positive sec status despite taking a brief hiatus to smartbomb mining fleets in high sec for the lulz.

This is not a good thing. Not for other players anyway.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Lady Spink
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2012-02-14 07:37:30 UTC
Simi Kusoni wrote:
Lady Spink wrote:
I would likto suggest som ideas to pay for with plex

For example:

QuestionReset security status: 1plex
IdeaRemove corp history: 2plex
ArrowReset skillpoints with a loss of 10% of skillpoints because of the surgery: 2 plex
AttentionName change: 1 plex
ShockedGender change 1 plex for female 2 male and 2 plexes for male 2 female. (nice bewbs are expensive)

For one thing, plex is cheap for some players. I could easily afford to buy the plex to do all these things on all my toons, giving me a massive advantage over other players. Suddenly red alliance can't tell I've been in cascade, I fly all of their doctrine ships perfectly and I have a positive sec status despite taking a brief hiatus to smartbomb mining fleets in high sec for the lulz.

This is not a good thing. Not for other players anyway.

But is it good for you?

Anyways, it is not without costs.. if you would do this all it would cost you 75$ or 3.5Billion(and you will loose a shitload of SP's) so in case someone wants to abuse these, it is easier to buy a new toon for 3.5Bil, problem fixed.
Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#7 - 2012-02-28 23:26:05 UTC
Lady Spink wrote:
I would likto suggest som ideas to pay for with plex

For example:

QuestionReset security status: 1plex
IdeaRemove corp history: 2plex
ArrowReset skillpoints with a loss of 10% of skillpoints because of the surgery: 2 plex
AttentionName change: 1 plex
ShockedGender change 1 plex for female 2 male and 2 plexes for male 2 female. (nice bewbs are expensive)

1) This can already be done through intelligent "chaining" of a decent NPC-zerosec pocket (I got my main up from ca. -8.00 to -1.90 in the last several days--grating and time-consuming, but not difficult if you're smart about it, and actually made some money instead of spent it.). Security-status is a crap mechanic for a variety of reasons, but this is easily "serviceable," why change it?

2) No: People should have the right to infil/ninja-heist corps/alliances, but the consequences of being "outed" eventually must stay with them to balance that right.

3) Not just no, but **** no! This is pure pay-to-win, and an abomination that runs counter to everything EVE is supposed to be regarding character development, and more importantly player-development.

4) Not necessary--you can already petition to have your name changed--of course, wether the GMs allow it is another matter entirely, but the ability is already there, at least theoretically, and costs no additional real money.

5) OK, I could get behind this, maybe...I would like to change my main now that Minmatar/Siebestor males no longer look like pointy-headed/meth-addicted vampire-freaks...But then, I like how she looks in Minimas (Minimae?), sooooo.......

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Blatant Alt Corp
#8 - 2012-02-29 00:05:23 UTC
Um, this idea is absolutely r-e-tarded (ccp censors that word, and I wanted you to have full effect, sorry for the dashes) and you can go biomass yourself.

mxzf said it best. See reply #1.

Suicide booth is this way =======>>
Tekashi Kovacs
Golfclap Inc
#9 - 2012-02-29 01:31:26 UTC
I think that whole anti-name-change policy stopped making any sense the time after they legalized character trading. Same goes for corp history. Everyone buys/sells characters nowdays so corp history doesnt fulfill any, but cosmetic role atm.

In other hand, reseting SS is bad idea (even less consequences of suicide ganking)

Full SP reset is also bad idea, I would prefer limited SP relocation -

Gender change, why not. It just doesnt matter lol.
Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2012-02-29 01:38:49 UTC
Lady Spink wrote:
I would likto suggest som ideas to pay for with plex

For example:

QuestionReset security status: 1plex
IdeaRemove corp history: 2plex
ArrowReset skillpoints with a loss of 10% of skillpoints because of the surgery: 2 plex
AttentionName change: 1 plex
ShockedGender change 1 plex for female 2 male and 2 plexes for male 2 female. (nice bewbs are expensive)

OK, ignoring the more ******** proposals, numbers 2, 4, and 5 are virtually (and by virtual i mean relative to the database) impossible, as the older a toon is, the more entries that name/corp/avatar is associated with in the database, meaning that if your say, 2 years old, and an active pvp'er, CCP would ahve to devote WEEKS to going over EVERY ENTRY regarding your character and tgheir asets to amek sure it converted cleanly over to the new name/data, all this would do is mean that CCP would have to devote their ENTIRE STAFF to code-browsing day adn night to keep up with the people wanting to "change" stuff.

seriously, bad idea, im not even going to get into how this would go against everything eve online stands for.
Simi Kusoni
#11 - 2012-02-29 01:41:42 UTC
Tekashi Kovacs wrote:
I think that whole anti-name-change policy stopped making any sense the time after they legalized character trading. Same goes for corp history. Everyone buys/sells characters nowdays so corp history doesnt fulfill any, but cosmetic role atm.

In other hand, reseting SS is bad idea (even less consequences of suicide ganking)

Full SP reset is also bad idea, I would prefer limited SP relocation -

Gender change, why not. It just doesnt matter lol.

I think the issue with name changes is that the character is now no longer associated with it's history. This would result in situations like looking at a toons employment history and seeing it's been in your corp before, but you don't recognize the name. Beyond the obvious database issues that might arise it does destroy what little unique value characters have left, not to mention the effect it would have on third party killboards.

It also means I'd be able to use a character to rip off an alliance and then just pay a bil or w/e to rename it. You may believe corp history fills no real roles, but as someone that has had to do security checks on applicants in the past I can assure you it does in some alliances.

SP relocation can GTFO.

Gender change I'm not too bothered about, again removes some unique elements from a character but meh, I rarely even notice if a toons male/female anyway.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]