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Mr. Clean Corp..
#21 - 2012-02-28 01:16:26 UTC
Cromwell Savage wrote:
Cat Casidy wrote:
Cromwell, are you somehow trying to imply that our other threads have been something other than serious? That was never our intention and if you wouldn't mind giving me the names of who's been making those kinds of posts I'll most likely not do anything about it.

Well....if I MUST......

....Bluejacket.... P

In all serousness though....I like this idea. Having an "arranged" fight every once in a while can make for a good time. So much of FW (and fighting in general) is about taking advantage of an opportunity that it is rarely "fair". Not that this is "bad" in any way. However...having a sanctioned fight like this can take out all those random variables (good and bad) and leave it up to pure skill/tactics making it more intense.

Have done a few with the squids in the past and all were good fun.

But then agreeing to this...the losing side won't have the usual reasons to blame their losses on P

This man speaks truth.
Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#22 - 2012-02-28 01:23:39 UTC
marketjacker wrote:
Mutnin wrote:
Cat Casidy wrote:
Cromwell, are you somehow trying to imply that our other threads have been something other than serious? That was never our intention and if you wouldn't mind giving me the names of who's been making those kinds of posts I'll most likely not do anything about it.

I think it's probably more along the lines of coming to the forums asking Caldari to entertain you with pre-arranged fights for your egos/enjoyment, while turning around and smacking Caldari at the same time. Not very good way gain interest in the idea TBH.

hey man, no one trolled in here till super butthurt chair came in wishing he mattered. SLAPD respects what SQUIDS are trying to do. stay with it!!

also calling it a fight to entertain us illustrates the issue in my mind with your miltia, the fights aren't the fun, it's winning i guess.

I'll need to lose a couple freighter alts before i start being butthurt, why you block me btw? Did you not enjoy our last set of evemails between us? If i recall you told me to kill myself at the end of them. Who is butthurt again? Blink
Mr. Clean Corp..
#23 - 2012-02-28 01:48:13 UTC
Super Chair wrote:
marketjacker wrote:
Mutnin wrote:
Cat Casidy wrote:
Cromwell, are you somehow trying to imply that our other threads have been something other than serious? That was never our intention and if you wouldn't mind giving me the names of who's been making those kinds of posts I'll most likely not do anything about it.

I think it's probably more along the lines of coming to the forums asking Caldari to entertain you with pre-arranged fights for your egos/enjoyment, while turning around and smacking Caldari at the same time. Not very good way gain interest in the idea TBH.

hey man, no one trolled in here till super butthurt chair came in wishing he mattered. SLAPD respects what SQUIDS are trying to do. stay with it!!

also calling it a fight to entertain us illustrates the issue in my mind with your miltia, the fights aren't the fun, it's winning i guess.

I'll need to lose a couple freighter alts before i start being butthurt, why you block me btw? Did you not enjoy our last set of evemails between us? If i recall you told me to kill myself at the end of them. Who is butthurt again? Blink

I tell all my favorite people to kill themselves. Also two freighters might suck for people like you but for the super elite of SLAPD it's not really missed. Granted my stolen occator/viator were things I miss more than anything including the freighter..........
The Lazy Crabs
#24 - 2012-02-28 10:24:54 UTC
Hey =D

Can i also come play?

I know we're not in FW but i consider myself a huuuge fan of caldari tho Pirate

I know me and market doesn't go too well together but I'm sure we can forgive each other and become friends again ^^

#25 - 2012-02-28 18:31:46 UTC
FuzzyButt wrote:
Hey =D

Can i also come play?

I know we're not in FW but i consider myself a huuuge fan of caldari tho Pirate

I know me and market doesn't go too well together but I'm sure we can forgive each other and become friends again ^^


I doubt there will be a station undock near by.. but perhaps you can go play with the other cool kids at Jita 4-4.
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#26 - 2012-02-28 19:18:03 UTC
Mutnin don't be stupid carriers aren't allowed in jita

Really this isn't a bad idea market, if caldari corps will work with us we'd be willing to join in.
Mr. Clean Corp..
#27 - 2012-02-28 19:51:52 UTC
Chance of EAT.M pilots honoring a 1v1.......0%

No EAT.M faggotry allowed. Also he pointed it out, no carriers and it won't be on a station.

Also SNUFFD won't be there to save you so it'd be pretty much useless for you to try with all these rules.
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#28 - 2012-02-28 20:06:45 UTC
Well that's false, just ask about every caldari pilot whether 1v1s are honored with them.

Looks like you're still bitter about internet spaceship pixels though, sorry about your drake bro.

Mr. Clean Corp..
#29 - 2012-02-28 20:14:49 UTC
Wolfsdragoon wrote:
Well that's false, just ask about every caldari pilot whether 1v1s are honored with them.

Looks like you're still bitter about internet spaceship pixels though, sorry about your drake bro.

haha cept it didn't die because you were all way too terrible to catch it.

in other news Corwin Broadside has opted to be a coward and is backing out.
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#30 - 2012-02-28 20:30:02 UTC
I'm not really sure why this fell through, seemed like there was interest on the Caldari side.

I'm disappointed to say the least.

I do think it says something about the state of affairs in Cal militia though.
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#31 - 2012-02-28 22:01:05 UTC
marketjacker wrote:
Wolfsdragoon wrote:
Well that's false, just ask about every caldari pilot whether 1v1s are honored with them.

Looks like you're still bitter about internet spaceship pixels though, sorry about your drake bro.

haha cept it didn't die because you were all way too terrible to catch it.

in other news Corwin Broadside has opted to be a coward and is backing out.

I was talking about the POS drake.

But anyways, we would honor an arranged fight like this. If you don't want to do it, then by all means. I think fuzzy was truly the one that was most interested. He really likes rooting for caldari.

#32 - 2012-02-28 22:13:29 UTC
Yogsoloth wrote:
I'm not really sure why this fell through, seemed like there was interest on the Caldari side.

I'm disappointed to say the least.

I do think it says something about the state of affairs in Cal militia though.

Maybe.. Then again possibly it could say something about the state of affairs with-in your corp. Perhaps lose the egos and quit treating local like a vomit bowl every time you guys feel the need to show everyone your IQ count. Perhaps then, some Caldari corps might respect you enough to take up your offer.

I can typically tell someone is in SLAPD by the bad quality of their smack talk in local that makes me picture them as 12 year old pimple face angry German kids. (no offense to Germans but every time I see a SPLAD guy raging in local, I think of that video of that German kid beating his keyboard in that ever so popular youtube video)

Most Gallente & Caldari on the other hand are typically semi-chill in their local adequate aside from the typical expected friendly trolling of one another. In short grow up, lose the egos and maybe people will respect you guys enough to come an entertain you.
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#33 - 2012-02-28 22:41:22 UTC

It's really about the fights for us.

Me... if given the opportunity to smash an angry 12 year old pimple faced kid in EVE with impunity, It's not really an opportunity I'm gonna pass on.

Use whatever excuse that works for you though I guess.
Bluejacket CT
Percussive Diplomacy
#34 - 2012-02-28 22:56:16 UTC
Cromwell Savage wrote:
Cat Casidy wrote:
Cromwell, are you somehow trying to imply that our other threads have been something other than serious? That was never our intention and if you wouldn't mind giving me the names of who's been making those kinds of posts I'll most likely not do anything about it.

Well....if I MUST......



SLAPD - Corp Janitor

Bluejacket CT
Percussive Diplomacy
#35 - 2012-02-28 22:59:02 UTC
SRSLY though, there has to be at least 5 caldari FW pilots that will go head-on with us! Where are you? Sad

SLAPD - Corp Janitor

Cat Casidy
Percussive Diplomacy
#36 - 2012-02-28 23:47:04 UTC
Cromwell you backed out? Dammit I was looking forward to a good brawl. Well hurry up and change your mind, you know where to find us.


Esshulls Retirement Club
#37 - 2012-02-29 04:24:52 UTC
I have to say I'm with the squids on this one, this thread serves no purpose other than to boost the, already oversized, ego's of certain individuals.

Instead of throwing down the gauntlet and expecting somebody to pick it up and then fight you according to your terms and rules, then proceeding to smack talk them for refusing the challenge (ironically they are refusing due to your smack talking and general bad attitude) ... Why doesn't SLAPD go out and look for fights the same as everybody else (contrary to popular belief one of the biggest hurdles / greatest achievements in eve is actually finding an enemy and forcing them into fighting under your terms)

really, just get over it

you offered
they declined

end story.
Cat Casidy
Percussive Diplomacy
#38 - 2012-02-29 06:02:06 UTC
Hi Tek, it's funny but I don't remember you being present for any of the private convo's between members of our corp and Cromwell. Had you been there you might actually know why Cromwell decided to hold off for now instead of making things up and stating them as fact.


Esshulls Retirement Club
#39 - 2012-02-29 06:37:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Tekitha
I was referring more to the type of things mutnin and super chair were saying, about if you act more like adults and respectable pilots you might get better results for this kind of thing.

edited for fail typing
The Lazy Crabs
#40 - 2012-02-29 08:03:33 UTC
So we're not allowed?

"Chance of EAT.M pilots honoring a 1v1.......0%"

I'm a huge fan of duels and got hundreds of fights to proove it. Your saying we won't honor a 1v1... why should you do it then?

Well if any caldari wanna fleet with us or we get it going I'm up for a good fight, If you want of course. We honor planned fights, theres no reason not to do it even.

Also you should stop playing with my POS =( it makes me sad ^^

So if we can all be friends again and play this lovely game ^__^

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