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Mr. Clean Corp..
#1 - 2012-02-27 12:29:19 UTC
There's been so much butthurt from all the squids about us in this forum I'd like to see if a single corp would take us up on a challenge.

I recently had a great time doing a 3 out of 3 with a member of THE4. He was brave enough to accept and though he lost, it was all good fun and in the end I agreed to never troll him again and we might even do it again soon.

Now imo, 95% of you are still so terrified of being blown up in a spaceship game about exploding each others spaceships, that it makes me think you have serious attachment issues/are a massive pussy IRL. However this is a chance to fix that.

I'm proposing an arrange 5v5, or 10v10 if you can handle that many people. It would be similar to the AT set ups, and each team would place the pilots as they want, and each group could discuss the point values of ships before hand.

This won't be for a frig vs frig gang because no one gives a **** about 10 dessies dying. Let's make it interesting. BC's/Recon/HAC/CRUISER/AF/Dessie allowed. Those are the most commonly flown ships in FW and as I see it limit the ISK loss in a 10 pilot match to a little over a bil. If any FC/CEO is willing to organize ten brave souls in Caldari FW, I will gladly speak with you and we can get some idea of the points for each ship. No ecm, no ecm drones, we aren't looking for more of the same faggotry we see everyday in FW.

Why do this? Because you guys constantly cry about blobs, unfair tactics, and SLAPD is the corp that makes you the angriest. Think you can shut us down? There has to be at least five/ten of you that have the balls to try. Everyone comes into the fight with a gang that can say safely no blobs, no ecm, no hotdrop faggotry. Talk to any pilot and you'll know SLAPD honors agreements on 1v1's and this would be no different.

Will any of you accept the challenge? I doubt it but I pray Mutnin or some other FC takes it up. You could learn a lot, and that's worth more than any 5-10 ships.
Mister Swift
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-02-27 13:00:56 UTC
This sounds fun!
#3 - 2012-02-27 13:48:27 UTC
While I'm sure it would be fun to do something like this, I have to say our corp likely wouldn't be able to field the type of stuff you are looking to fight. I'd have to guess that the average guy in our corp is under 5 mil skill points at this point, which makes it very difficult to do much more than our destroyer gangs or occasional BCs.

We pretty much just had guys train up some basic gunnery skills to fit out our Thrashers then they go back to training their missile stuff to spec out Bombers & Drakes. Hence reason you mostly just see our guys in Thrashers or Corms at this point aside from a few of us that have higher skill points.

We really just use the swarm mentality at this point of just killing stuff with lots of cheap ships. If we are still kicking 6 months from now I'm sure we will be better at fielding BC & Cruiser gangs but right now due to the skill point issues and the typical issue of revolving door activity/inactivity of new players we are pretty limited as what we can field as a corp.

I'm sure one or some of the other Cal Militia corps can & will likely take up your offer though.

Mr. Clean Corp..
#4 - 2012-02-27 13:57:29 UTC
let me clarify that it can be any 5-10 squids from a coalition of corps!
Shadows Of The Federation
#5 - 2012-02-27 14:08:42 UTC
If the squids wont do it, we will do it mate Blink
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#6 - 2012-02-27 16:09:37 UTC
Don't you guys have an alliance tournament to get ready for?
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-02-27 20:03:23 UTC

Also, if you guys are feeling low on collective sp, I suppose cruisers are a decent alternative. But like market already said, it could be a collaboration of any number of corps' members.

Since we tend to encounter ecm, running away (we never had our rematch the other night after I had to sit on that falcon while gcc on a gate), or 'safety' fighting in plexes where one can easily evade a fight with the simple use of their dscanner. The latter I find particularly annoying since I've often gone into plexes to perhaps get a fight from one or possibly multiple frigates, only to see them warp away when I come in. It's pretty **** when a game mechanic designed to create pvp in fact allows people to avoid it more easily :(.

So, in short, I'm totally for this, and there's no real reason it shouldn't happen. Unless y'all think its not just pixels :P
Corwin Broadside
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-02-27 20:05:20 UTC
I take that challange contact me in game
Nius Kincaid
Kincaid Exploration and Acquisitions
#9 - 2012-02-27 20:09:59 UTC
Corwin Broadside wrote:
I take that challange contact me in game

If I'm around when it happens, I'll x up for that fleet.
Cromwell Savage
The Screaming Seagulls
#10 - 2012-02-27 20:23:54 UTC
In before Damar's wall-o-text of how all Gallente do not want "fair" fights and all we do is blob, blue-ball, make RL threats and exploit....all at the same time...every single one of us.....

+1 for an actual serious SLAPD thread...maybe... :P
Mr. Clean Corp..
#11 - 2012-02-27 21:05:49 UTC
Nius Kincaid wrote:
Corwin Broadside wrote:
I take that challange contact me in game

If I'm around when it happens, I'll x up for that fleet.

I'm sure we can work out a time that does well for both sides!
Cat Casidy
Percussive Diplomacy
#12 - 2012-02-27 21:12:58 UTC
Cromwell, are you somehow trying to imply that our other threads have been something other than serious? That was never our intention and if you wouldn't mind giving me the names of who's been making those kinds of posts I'll most likely not do anything about it.


Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#13 - 2012-02-27 21:18:50 UTC
Cat Casidy wrote:
Cromwell, are you somehow trying to imply that our other threads have been something other than serious? That was never our intention and if you wouldn't mind giving me the names of who's been making those kinds of posts I'll most likely not do anything about it.

What if he does mind?
Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#14 - 2012-02-27 21:58:24 UTC
marketjacker wrote:
There's been so much butthurt from all the squids about us in this forum I'd like to see if a single corp would take us up on a challenge.

I recently had a great time doing a 3 out of 3 with a member of THE4. He was brave enough to accept and though he lost, it was all good fun and in the end I agreed to never troll him again and we might even do it again soon.

Now imo, 95% of you are still so terrified of being blown up in a spaceship game about exploding each others spaceships, that it makes me think you have serious attachment issues/are a massive ***** IRL. However this is a chance to fix that.

I'm proposing an arrange 5v5, or 10v10 if you can handle that many people. It would be similar to the AT set ups, and each team would place the pilots as they want, and each group could discuss the point values of ships before hand.

This won't be for a frig vs frig gang because no one gives a **** about 10 dessies dying. Let's make it interesting. BC's/Recon/HAC/CRUISER/AF/Dessie allowed. Those are the most commonly flown ships in FW and as I see it limit the ISK loss in a 10 pilot match to a little over a bil. If any FC/CEO is willing to organize ten brave souls in Caldari FW, I will gladly speak with you and we can get some idea of the points for each ship. No ecm, no ecm drones, we aren't looking for more of the same faggotry we see everyday in FW.

Why do this? Because you guys constantly cry about blobs, unfair tactics, and SLAPD is the corp that makes you the angriest. Think you can shut us down? There has to be at least five/ten of you that have the balls to try. Everyone comes into the fight with a gang that can say safely no blobs, no ecm, no hotdrop faggotry. Talk to any pilot and you'll know SLAPD honors agreements on 1v1's and this would be no different.

Will any of you accept the challenge? I doubt it but I pray Mutnin or some other FC takes it up. You could learn a lot, and that's worth more than any 5-10 ships.

I thought SLAPD was the corp that we made the angriest
Mr. Clean Corp..
#15 - 2012-02-27 22:28:13 UTC
If you are down to make a stand Super, by all means we are up for two fights. However I already know your answer lol.
Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#16 - 2012-02-27 23:48:54 UTC
marketjacker wrote:
If you are down to make a stand Super, by all means we are up for two fights. However I already know your answer lol.

[Pithum A-type Medium Shield Booster][Pithum A-type Medium Shield Booster][Pithum A-type Medium Shield Booster][Pithum A-type Medium Shield Booster][Pithum A-type Medium Shield Booster][Pithum A-type Medium Shield Booster][Pithum A-type Medium Shield Booster]

I'm in

Just curious though, why no ECM? Does SLAPD not have competent rook/falcon pilots or have not inclination as to what a smartbomb is?
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2012-02-27 23:59:30 UTC
Super Chair wrote:

Just curious though, why no ECM? Does SLAPD not have competent rook/falcon pilots or have not inclination as to what a smartbomb is?

not sure if trolling or being ignant....
#18 - 2012-02-28 00:48:47 UTC
Cat Casidy wrote:
Cromwell, are you somehow trying to imply that our other threads have been something other than serious? That was never our intention and if you wouldn't mind giving me the names of who's been making those kinds of posts I'll most likely not do anything about it.

I think it's probably more along the lines of coming to the forums asking Caldari to entertain you with pre-arranged fights for your egos/enjoyment, while turning around and smacking Caldari at the same time. Not very good way gain interest in the idea TBH.

Mr. Clean Corp..
#19 - 2012-02-28 01:04:05 UTC  |  Edited by: marketjacker
Mutnin wrote:
Cat Casidy wrote:
Cromwell, are you somehow trying to imply that our other threads have been something other than serious? That was never our intention and if you wouldn't mind giving me the names of who's been making those kinds of posts I'll most likely not do anything about it.

I think it's probably more along the lines of coming to the forums asking Caldari to entertain you with pre-arranged fights for your egos/enjoyment, while turning around and smacking Caldari at the same time. Not very good way gain interest in the idea TBH.

hey man, no one trolled in here till super butthurt chair came in wishing he mattered. SLAPD respects what SQUIDS are trying to do. stay with it!!

also calling it a fight to entertain us illustrates the issue in my mind with your miltia, the fights aren't the fun, it's winning i guess.
Cromwell Savage
The Screaming Seagulls
#20 - 2012-02-28 01:06:50 UTC
Cat Casidy wrote:
Cromwell, are you somehow trying to imply that our other threads have been something other than serious? That was never our intention and if you wouldn't mind giving me the names of who's been making those kinds of posts I'll most likely not do anything about it.

Well....if I MUST......

....Bluejacket.... P

In all serousness though....I like this idea. Having an "arranged" fight every once in a while can make for a good time. So much of FW (and fighting in general) is about taking advantage of an opportunity that it is rarely "fair". Not that this is "bad" in any way. However...having a sanctioned fight like this can take out all those random variables (good and bad) and leave it up to pure skill/tactics making it more intense.

Have done a few with the squids in the past and all were good fun.

But then agreeing to this...the losing side won't have the usual reasons to blame their losses on P
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