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Sansha's Gifts to the Cluster
Morwen Lagann
CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar
Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium
Owner, The Golden Masque
When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.
"There is no strength in numbers; have no such misconception." -Jayka Vofur, "Warfare in the North"
CEO, Venture Racing
Manager, EVE Online Hold'Em
Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!
Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.
Oh, Do go on... no seriously ive got nothing better to do then listen to all the petty arguments and feeble trolling attempts...
The sad thing is i'm not sure if i'm telling the truth.