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Warfare & Tactics

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Amarr Caps Feed Hungry Minmatar

Vordak Kallager
#1 - 2012-02-27 11:32:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Vordak Kallager
:obligatory chest-beat thread title:

But in all seriousness, this was one of the most fun fights I've participated in for a LONG while now. Yes we had a few more caps, yada-yada. But it was great fun nonetheless, and I know two of our caps barely made it out in hull. For a while there in the beginning (and well into the middle) of the fight, it could have gone either way.

Good fight, Amarr. Well played. Big smile

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

Ambivalent Inc
Coney Island Ski Club
#2 - 2012-02-27 12:15:03 UTC
Another good writeup by Ms. Susan Black. GF, Amarr boys, it was a hairy fight for the first 20 minutes. You had my heart racing!
WeiLing TCG
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-02-27 12:26:28 UTC  |  Edited by: WeiLing TCG
I thought this was a post discussing new pantheon carrier tactics, using archons purely to feed nidhoggurs cap while niddies rep gang.

I am disappoint.

GF nonetheless, video would have been nice.
Vordak Kallager
#4 - 2012-02-27 12:51:54 UTC
WeiLing TCG wrote:
I thought this was a post discussing new pantheon carrier tactics, using archons purely to feed nidhoggurs cap while niddies rep gang.

I am disappoint.

GF nonetheless, video would have been nice.

It was FRAPS'd, I'll find the footage soon. :D

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

Them Unreliables
#5 - 2012-02-27 17:40:35 UTC
Wtb, youtube link to pew
Deen Wispa
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#6 - 2012-02-27 20:58:19 UTC
Confirming that Warfare and Tactics is now becoming Faction Warfare and Tactics with the proliferation of FW threads :)

I love the Minmatar "In Rust We Trust" banner sig. The other 3 races need to find something that will also confirm their own identity as well. Hmm...

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2012-02-27 21:28:24 UTC
"No valid kill id specified."

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Them Unreliables
#8 - 2012-02-27 21:58:59 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
"No valid kill id specified."

u sir have been under a brick for the last months havent you
Jadzia Narys
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2012-02-29 23:34:27 UTC
Props to Minmatar for taking on the almighty empire and winning. Props to Amarr for showing up with game faces on. Cool to hear about the militia boys throwing down the right way =).

Im jus more curious as to how the details of how it all started. How did first aggression take place? Who jumped in caps first? etc
Vordak Kallager
#10 - 2012-03-01 00:00:18 UTC
I'm not sure how the fleets actually formed up (I logged in and got insta-invited to fleet as everyone was already formed up and in space), but it was about 15 minutes of posturing before we decided to take the fight on their terms (they were about 70km off the gate and we jumped in from the other side) and we warped to a cloaky to land on top of them. Cynos went up at about the same time, although our caps trickled in as people were still getting in fleet and figuring out what was needed. Wreck train was spread over 50-250km from gate and there were multiple occasions when our caps had to rewarp to get back in range of our support fleet.

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

Ambivalent Inc
Coney Island Ski Club
#11 - 2012-03-01 01:45:45 UTC
The fleets had been formed in response to POCOs coming out of reinforced in Auga (1 system over). The fleets were both armor bs fleets in nature, but the Amarr were fielding Hellcat Abaddons (50-70km optimal with scorch), while our fleet was in very close range dps boats. The posturing went on for quite a while - at least 15 to 20 minutes, just warping to gates / jumping / warping - trying to get the drop on the Amarr. They ended up with the drop on us in an almost ideal (for them) situation. Their fleet was aligning to the star (or at least in that direction), so with the help of a brave interceptor pilot we got a nice warp in just beyond the majority of their fleet and on top of their archon and logistics. Its at that point that the tides turned decisively in our favor. We lost the first Bhaalg due to a lack of carrier logistics at the point of warp in for the first minute or two.

The fleets escalated at about the same time. Amarr brought in their caps from in-system until later in the fight, where our caps all came from out of system.
Shadow Cartel
#12 - 2012-03-01 11:33:00 UTC
SigmaPi wrote:
They ended up with the drop on us in an almost ideal (for them) situation. Their fleet was aligning to the star (or at least in that direction), so with the help of a brave interceptor pilot we got a nice warp in just beyond the majority of their fleet and on top of their archon and logistics.

OMG EVE IS Real :)
Muad 'dib
State War Academy
Caldari State
#13 - 2012-03-01 14:01:44 UTC
Deen Wispa wrote:
Confirming that Warfare and Tactics is now becoming Faction Warfare and Tactics with the proliferation of FW threads :)

heaven forbid ccp gives FW anyhting of their own =/


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