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When the bait isnt

Terminal Insanity
Goonswarm Federation
#1 - 2012-02-27 09:06:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Terminal Insanity
So i see a random neutral passing through my lowsec local home... i give him a friendly insult which he gracefully ignores

about 30 minutes later he convo's me, telling me theres a small gang with an archon bashing a POCO. Obvious bait of course.

I offer to hotdrop my 2 dreads and a carrier to their rescue, and ask for a cyno. They spent about 15 minutes arranging the cyno...

Turns out they werent kidding. They did infact light the cyno, and lost a tengu and cyclone in the process lol

I feel kinda bad now lol

Who woulda jumped to a random neutral cyno with the promise of an archon kill? I didnt, but in this case i should have! lol


[08:05:46] Terminal Insanity > sup
[08:05:49] SILENTAllianceGuy > o/ Soo, we found these guys hitting a station
[08:06:04] SILENTAllianceGuy > Like 6 jumps from where we ran into you...
[08:06:10] SILENTAllianceGuy > Prim'ary
[08:06:11] SILENTAllianceGuy > Exalior
[08:06:15] SILENTAllianceGuy > rostamonk
[08:06:25] SILENTAllianceGuy > Something you'd like to shoot at?
[08:06:34] Terminal Insanity > sounds like bait to me
[08:06:59] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Yo
[08:07:06] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Sorry to bother you mate
[08:07:18] SILENTAllianceGuy > Yeah id say that myself... bait... but nah, Demus just suggested we coontact you guys about it for the giggles
[08:07:43] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Well yea, we might be bait, but its seriously just us two, and theres a few BS and this archon to kill
[08:07:52] SILENTAllianceGuy > The have a tempes, Abbadon, Archon, Caracal, and one more
[08:07:57] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Scorp

[08:08:03] SILENTAllianceGuy > Ah yes
[08:08:22] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > There currently hitting the Planet 4 Customs office
[08:08:48] Terminal Insanity > hrmmm
[08:08:51] Terminal Insanity > can you provide a cyno?
[08:09:10] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > 3 jumps out
[08:09:13] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > But I can go fit one

[08:09:31] Terminal Insanity > i'll drop my alts on it in a carrier and 2 dreds if you can cyno me in
[08:09:37] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > ok
[08:09:43] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > I'll see what I can do
[08:09:57] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > stay in chat and I'll zip over to get a cyno
[08:10:10] Terminal Insanity > coolbeans \o/
[08:10:16] Terminal Insanity > i need cap keelz!
[08:10:29] SILENTAllianceGuy > xD Dont we all
[08:11:15] SILENTAllianceGuy > I'll go pester them a little while things are set in motion shall i?
[08:11:34] Terminal Insanity > sure
[08:11:37] Terminal Insanity > whatever you think will keep them there
[08:11:38] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Yea, try keep them occupied
[08:11:52] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > my worst fear is they dock before I get back
[08:12:00] SILENTAllianceGuy > Eh, well that might be just leaving them alone since it looks like they are in for a good long bash
[08:12:06] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > got shield x-fers on that carrier?
[08:12:54] Terminal Insanity > i can do
[08:12:57] Terminal Insanity > triage fit
[08:13:13] Terminal Insanity > nidhoggur ftw
[08:13:15] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Ok, I dont mind dying, but I would rather not lol
[08:13:32] Terminal Insanity > lol should be able to keep you alive against those guys
[08:13:37] SILENTAllianceGuy > oufh... that's the sheet yeah... im not aspireing to fly that sheet for ges
[08:13:55] SILENTAllianceGuy > *ages
[08:14:12] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Random is trying to get me a warpin on that carrier while I get cyno
[08:16:43] Terminal Insanity > well,' ill cyno my carrier in and i'll have him light the cyno
[08:16:51] Terminal Insanity > i dont really want to risk all 3 of my capitals =p
[08:17:04] Terminal Insanity > but i'll jump a carrier first and then my dreads if its ok
[08:17:56] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > thats fine, I dont blame you
[08:18:40] Terminal Insanity > fleet me when you got a moment
[08:18:46] Terminal Insanity > im fueled and ready to go though
[08:19:38] SILENTAllianceGuy > lol baah, flight of templars chasing me around, shooting them
[08:19:46] SILENTAllianceGuy > working on that warpin
[08:19:49] Terminal Insanity > lol kk
[08:22:41] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > we need your chars in fleet mate
[08:22:44] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > cyno is on way back
[08:23:20] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > would be so much easier with probes :(
[08:23:46] Terminal Insanity > ready to jump when you light it
[08:23:57] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Sweet. 1 jump out
[08:24:12] SILENTAllianceGuy > caracal and tempest chasing me around now, i think i have a good warpin on archon, archion is alone
[08:24:24] SILENTAllianceGuy > like 150k off the office
[08:25:07] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > i only have scram, so Random is going to be primary point, so his life is more important that mine :P
[08:25:25] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Just need to keep it pointed for your caps
[08:25:47] Terminal Insanity > i've got a point as well
[08:25:55] SILENTAllianceGuy > sweet
[08:26:05] SILENTAllianceGuy > landing on grid again, gimme a sec
[08:26:36] SILENTAllianceGuy > have archon here alone now, 70k off
[08:26:53] Terminal Insanity > point and light! =D
[08:27:04] SILENTAllianceGuy > closing in, need 30k range
[08:27:16] SILENTAllianceGuy > 30k off
[08:27:21] SILENTAllianceGuy > -20
[08:28:12] SILENTAllianceGuy > engaging archong
[08:28:25] SILENTAllianceGuy > sorry abbadon
[08:28:28] SILENTAllianceGuy > archong is gone
[08:28:30] SILENTAllianceGuy > warped out
[08:28:35] Terminal Insanity > i'll take an abaddon =D
[08:30:00] SILENTAllianceGuy > owowowow, 20% armor
[08:30:12] Terminal Insanity > i got reps =D just light me the cyno when you got point
[08:30:43] SILENTAllianceGuy > Had to warp out, can warp in again shortly

"War declarations are never officially considered griefing and are not a bannable offense, and it has been repeatedly stated by the developers that the possibility for non-consensual PvP is an intended feature." - CCP

Terminal Insanity
Goonswarm Federation
#2 - 2012-02-27 09:07:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Terminal Insanity
Fleet Chatter / The End =P


[08:26:53] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > get ready mate
[08:26:57] Terminal Insanity > ready =D
[08:27:43] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > ****...warped
[08:28:07] Terminal Insanity > =(
[08:31:05] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > sorry mate...Random was like 3km out of point range :(
[08:31:15] Terminal Insanity > =( np, keep trying =D
[08:31:24] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Carrier is docked atm
[08:31:30] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Sub caps are still playing
[08:31:47] SILENTAllianceGuy > doh, fleet chat :/
[08:31:54] SILENTAllianceGuy > getting you a new warpin
[08:31:56] Terminal Insanity > hopfully the carrier will come back out when i arrive =D
[08:31:56] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > lololol
[08:32:05] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > oh, you slowboating here?
[08:32:17] Terminal Insanity > naw i mean when i cyno in my carrier
[08:32:23] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > ah, yea
[08:32:24] Terminal Insanity > hopfully they try to rescue their ships with their carrier
[08:32:42] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Well I didnt want to cyno the carrier without their carrier
[08:32:48] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > but if you want to try that we can
[08:33:00] Terminal Insanity > i'll take whatever you can get... at least a battleship though =D
[08:33:04] SILENTAllianceGuy > alright im ready to warp in again
[08:33:05] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > ok
[08:33:18] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > diving back in
[08:33:51] SILENTAllianceGuy > in warp, landing
[08:35:58] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > cyno up
[08:37:14] SILENTAllianceGuy > ah ****, well im down

[08:37:26] SILENTAllianceGuy > Ah well, so be it
[08:38:22] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > cripes....I was hoping you guyz wernt blue :( :P
[08:39:23] Terminal Insanity > oops =x
[08:39:26] Terminal Insanity > what did you guys lose?
[08:39:36] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > I lost feck all
[08:39:42] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Random lost a bit more
[08:39:58] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Worth a shot though :P
[08:40:02] SILENTAllianceGuy > *Shrugs*Well worth a learning experience
[08:40:13] Terminal Insanity > so you guys were trying to bait me out? =p
[08:40:17] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Oh no
[08:40:20] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > I lit cyno
[08:40:29] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > YOu didnt come, I assumed that meant you were blue
[08:40:34] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > to the guys we were trying to kill
[08:40:39] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Random lost a tengu
[08:40:42] Terminal Insanity > hrm, not blue to them
[08:41:05] Terminal Insanity > serious?
[08:41:09] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Yup
[08:41:23] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Nevermind though, with the cyno up I kinda couldnt get away
[08:42:19] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Luckily enough Random is a rich bastard
[08:42:58] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy > Still havent managed to lose this damn pod though
[08:44:34] INITIATIVEAllianceGuy >

I'm so pro pvp i dont even need to be in the same system to get tengu kills =)

"War declarations are never officially considered griefing and are not a bannable offense, and it has been repeatedly stated by the developers that the possibility for non-consensual PvP is an intended feature." - CCP

Sverige Pahis
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-02-27 09:29:17 UTC
when good posts aren't
Terminal Insanity
Goonswarm Federation
#4 - 2012-02-27 09:33:15 UTC
Sverige Pahis wrote:
when good posts aren't

thank you for your valuable feedback and bump.

"War declarations are never officially considered griefing and are not a bannable offense, and it has been repeatedly stated by the developers that the possibility for non-consensual PvP is an intended feature." - CCP

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-02-27 09:50:23 UTC
I think I love you...

Either way they had no points do to being jammed and we were all aligned believing the cyclone had a cyno.

Also tengu was in structure when cyno opened up.. and we weren't warping out till it was dead as well. Then the cyclone just sat there on its cyno.. :)
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2012-02-27 09:59:19 UTC  |  Edited by: V'ern
Stadom > Hey V'ern, come shoot this POCO and see if we can get a fight

Laura Marhsal
The Echo Underground Project
#7 - 2012-02-27 10:06:17 UTC
10/10 Roll
CanIHave YourStuff
In Praise Of Shadows
#8 - 2012-02-27 10:31:58 UTC
Centers for Intergalactic Mercantile Acquisition
#9 - 2012-02-27 12:06:20 UTC
CanIHave YourStuff wrote:

your face looks like a Baboon's posterior.
CanIHave YourStuff
In Praise Of Shadows
#10 - 2012-02-27 13:48:08 UTC
That's ok. At least I don't roleplay a binman.
Monkey Steals The Peach
#11 - 2012-02-27 14:56:25 UTC
I just happen to like baboons' posteriors.

Post with your monkey.

Thread locked due to lack of pants.

Carrelle Rouppon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-02-27 17:22:34 UTC
Good stuff.

Without operations like mine it would be impossible for certain Alliances to conduct a respectable war. There are three basic types of arms deal: white, being legal, black, being illegal, and my personal favorite, gray.

Proteus Maximus
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#13 - 2012-02-27 20:11:38 UTC
when good posts aren't

I loled

If Goons were around when God said, "Let there be light" they'd have called the light gay, and plunged the universe back into darkness by squatting their nutsacks over it.

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#14 - 2012-02-27 20:21:59 UTC
Grumpymunky wrote:
I just happen to like baboons' posteriors.

Oh god. This is hilarious.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#15 - 2012-02-27 20:28:11 UTC
Is that wall of text seriously about killing a tengu?
Jack Carrigan
Order of the Shadow
#16 - 2012-02-29 02:38:46 UTC

I am the One who exists in Shadow. I am the Devil your parents warned you about.

||CEO: Order of the Shadow||Executor: The Revenant Order||Creator: Bowhead||