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EVE General Discussion

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Hulkageddon Orphanage
#101 - 2011-09-20 18:54:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Miilla
malaire wrote:
Karbowiak wrote:
Squizz is using the EVSCO API proxy, ... quite a few people who use our API proxy for various things (evemon for example))

So let me get this straight: Every bit of data I fetch with EVEMon, is fetched via service provided by EVSCO?

So EVSCO gets to see everything I see via EVEMon and also keeps that data cached Shocked

Maybe it's time to stop using EVEMon then.. I never knew about such caching being used...

Yeah classic MAN IN THE MIDDLE sniffing :)

EVSCO probably have everybodies API Keys and Char IDs


Best scam ever.
Route One
#102 - 2011-09-20 18:56:07 UTC
Oh what a surprise - hi2u for all the PL people coming to defend it.

Shurely shome shurprise ;)
Sacred Templars
#103 - 2011-09-20 18:57:02 UTC
malaire wrote:
Karbowiak wrote:
Squizz is using the EVSCO API proxy, ... quite a few people who use our API proxy for various things (evemon for example))

So let me get this straight: Every bit of data I fetch with EVEMon, is fetched via service provided by EVSCO?

So EVSCO gets to see everything I see via EVEMon and also keeps that data cached Shocked

Maybe it's time to stop using EVEMon then.. I never knew about such caching being used...

No, EVEMon accesses the EVE API directly, but you can tell EVEMon to use a proxy from the settings..
Some people have decided to do this, cause the CCP API doesn't cache results, and give back the cached results upon new requests within the timeout time.

Our API proxy however does return the data, and it keeps returning it - right until the timeout is reached, then you can get it from the CCP API once again.
Lightning Squad
Snuffed Out
#104 - 2011-09-20 19:00:13 UTC
who gives a ****

Like my comment and recieve 1 million isk ingame!

Elise Randolph
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#105 - 2011-09-20 19:09:19 UTC
PL spy network revealed !!


Kitty McKitty
In Praise Of Shadows
#106 - 2011-09-20 19:13:39 UTC
No results for the sphere.

Haviing your portrait painted here helps INTAKI Disabled Children ♥

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#107 - 2011-09-20 19:22:06 UTC
Spherehax, APIhax, too much hax.
Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#108 - 2011-09-20 19:34:19 UTC
Nikkov wrote:
undicked from station


The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Route One
#109 - 2011-09-20 20:29:13 UTC
Elise Randolph wrote:
PL spy network revealed !!

Once the API fail was explained to me I figured you guys would have been doing it for a while. Nice that you all popped around so fast when it was mentioned ;) If nothing else it might educate people as to "who's who" with OOG services.

Still epic design fail from CCP though - makes me wonder wtf their internal "secure" systems are like. Roll
Cascades Mountain Operatives
#110 - 2011-09-20 20:47:46 UTC
Squizz Caphinator wrote:
malaire wrote:
Squizz Caphinator wrote:
I am NOT scraping the API.

So what does this mean then (I added underlining)


All numbers based on known characters and may differ from in game values. All characters found by scavenging killboards, eve-search, and finding holes in character id sequence data and filling them.

I have two characters ID's, 1 and 3. I know with absolute certainty that 2 is a character id. I fetch it.

Pretty simple really :)

i think that qualifies as scrapping there champ

enjoy your podkills.

Tedium and difficulty are not the same thing, if you don't realize this then STFU about game design.

Sacred Templars
#111 - 2011-09-20 20:49:11 UTC
Othran wrote:
Elise Randolph wrote:
PL spy network revealed !!

Once the API fail was explained to me I figured you guys would have been doing it for a while. Nice that you all popped around so fast when it was mentioned ;) If nothing else it might educate people as to "who's who" with OOG services.

Still epic design fail from CCP though - makes me wonder wtf their internal "secure" systems are like. Roll

Im wondering what you are talking about.
But then i realized, you have nothing to say, other than completely ******** bullshit.

But yeah, if you get off believing that PL is the masters of EVE, and has a hand in everything in EVE, then be my guest - i wont stop you.
Zenith Intaki
Gallente Federation
#112 - 2011-09-20 21:03:00 UTC
Thomas Alva Edison wrote:
hi !

Just recently i stumbled on the site:
The project itself is a good idea, but it is showing more than i want to show to the public.

For start, i don't want to show to the public the members from my corporation !
Random Example:

Is there a setting from the API where i can disable a such thing ?
Is there an action i can take against showing the members of my corporation ?
Ain't it against the privacy of a corporation ?

As a disclaimer, it states:

All numbers based to known characters and may differ from in game values. All characters found by scavengin killboards, eve-search, and finding holes in character id sequence data and filling them.

Now i know for sure some characters do not appear on any existing killboard, but it appears on this site.

Can something be done ?

Nice fog of war, immersion, what ever you call it, it's gone.

There is no element of surprise what so ever in EVE.

That's why 0.0 warfare sucks so badly.
Joyana Dakota
#113 - 2011-09-20 21:08:16 UTC
I'm sorry but this website is breaking some rules in one form or another since I just created a new Corporation yesterday on an alt and it's already showing up on the website, I have never given my API away and I have never conducted any sort of PvP with that character so the information is not coming from random killboard information.

This should be illegal !
Cascades Mountain Operatives
#114 - 2011-09-20 21:11:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Denidil
Karbowiak wrote:
Squizz is using the EVSCO API proxy, and if ur interested in knowing numbers and statistics on the EVE API as we see it, have at it! ;)

EVE API errors (how many errors we generate a day, this is for both EVE-KILL, EVEWho, EVEChatter and quite a few people who use our API proxy for various things (evemon for example))

EVE API requests (How many requests we do each day, this is for both EVE-KILL, EVEWho, EVEChatter and quite a few people who use our API proxy for various things (evemon for example))

and if you want more stats then take a look here:

CCP are also welcome to keep a look at it, im sure you can use it for something.

also, <3 Squizz

so i have an alt that created a corp two days ago.. she has engaged in zero PVP activities... how does he have this info?

is he getting people's API info off of EVESCO?

because if he is i have a couple keys to go invalidate....


fack it.. i just invalidated the keys i issued to EVESCO/my alliance killboard.

Tedium and difficulty are not the same thing, if you don't realize this then STFU about game design.

Cascades Mountain Operatives
#115 - 2011-09-20 21:13:27 UTC
Squizz Caphinator wrote:

tell us how you acquired API keys (other than your invalid generating keys)?

Tedium and difficulty are not the same thing, if you don't realize this then STFU about game design.

Akirei Scytale
Okami Syndicate
#116 - 2011-09-20 21:19:33 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Ya Huei wrote:
By posting it on this forum you made more people aware of this site. very smart.

By making it a website it is public for EVERYONE on the internet


availability =/= exposure.
Sacred Templars
#117 - 2011-09-20 21:21:27 UTC
Denidil wrote:
Karbowiak wrote:
Squizz is using the EVSCO API proxy, and if ur interested in knowing numbers and statistics on the EVE API as we see it, have at it! ;)

EVE API errors (how many errors we generate a day, this is for both EVE-KILL, EVEWho, EVEChatter and quite a few people who use our API proxy for various things (evemon for example))

EVE API requests (How many requests we do each day, this is for both EVE-KILL, EVEWho, EVEChatter and quite a few people who use our API proxy for various things (evemon for example))

and if you want more stats then take a look here:

CCP are also welcome to keep a look at it, im sure you can use it for something.

also, <3 Squizz

so i have an alt that created a corp two days ago.. she has engaged in zero PVP activities... how does he have this info?

is he getting people's API info off of EVESCO?

because if he is i have a couple keys to go invalidate....


fack it.. i just invalidated the keys i issued to EVESCO/my alliance killboard.


He isn't using any API keys from EVSCO/EVE-KILL for this you moron.
He uses the very publicly available CCP API, where he takes the pilot external id, looks at the ID numbers, sees that there is an ID range, say 1000 to 1200, logic dictates that there must be something between 1000 and 1200, which is 199 pilots - so he tries all 199 IDs, and gets lucky..

It's common sense, your fear mongering is only making you look like an idiot.. *sigh*
Kitty McKitty
In Praise Of Shadows
#118 - 2011-09-20 21:24:34 UTC
Denidil wrote:
tell us how you acquired API keys (other than your invalid generating keys)?

You can generate Invalids? This explains the majority of the forum community.

Haviing your portrait painted here helps INTAKI Disabled Children ♥

Cascades Mountain Operatives
#119 - 2011-09-20 21:28:10 UTC
Karbowiak wrote:
Denidil wrote:
Karbowiak wrote:
Squizz is using the EVSCO API proxy, and if ur interested in knowing numbers and statistics on the EVE API as we see it, have at it! ;)

EVE API errors (how many errors we generate a day, this is for both EVE-KILL, EVEWho, EVEChatter and quite a few people who use our API proxy for various things (evemon for example))

EVE API requests (How many requests we do each day, this is for both EVE-KILL, EVEWho, EVEChatter and quite a few people who use our API proxy for various things (evemon for example))

and if you want more stats then take a look here:

CCP are also welcome to keep a look at it, im sure you can use it for something.

also, <3 Squizz

so i have an alt that created a corp two days ago.. she has engaged in zero PVP activities... how does he have this info?

is he getting people's API info off of EVESCO?

because if he is i have a couple keys to go invalidate....


fack it.. i just invalidated the keys i issued to EVESCO/my alliance killboard.


He isn't using any API keys from EVSCO/EVE-KILL for this you moron.
He uses the very publicly available CCP API, where he takes the pilot external id, looks at the ID numbers, sees that there is an ID range, say 1000 to 1200, logic dictates that there must be something between 1000 and 1200, which is 199 pilots - so he tries all 199 IDs, and gets lucky..

It's common sense, your fear mongering is only making you look like an idiot.. *sigh*

reading comprehension. try it sometime.

i asked you.

then i decided that either way i'd invalidate that key (security: assume breach first, ask questions later). it's not like i cannot issue another if i desire.

Tedium and difficulty are not the same thing, if you don't realize this then STFU about game design.

Sacred Templars
#120 - 2011-09-20 21:29:15 UTC
Denidil wrote:
Karbowiak wrote:
Denidil wrote:
Karbowiak wrote:
Squizz is using the EVSCO API proxy, and if ur interested in knowing numbers and statistics on the EVE API as we see it, have at it! ;)

EVE API errors (how many errors we generate a day, this is for both EVE-KILL, EVEWho, EVEChatter and quite a few people who use our API proxy for various things (evemon for example))

EVE API requests (How many requests we do each day, this is for both EVE-KILL, EVEWho, EVEChatter and quite a few people who use our API proxy for various things (evemon for example))

and if you want more stats then take a look here:

CCP are also welcome to keep a look at it, im sure you can use it for something.

also, <3 Squizz

so i have an alt that created a corp two days ago.. she has engaged in zero PVP activities... how does he have this info?

is he getting people's API info off of EVESCO?

because if he is i have a couple keys to go invalidate....


fack it.. i just invalidated the keys i issued to EVESCO/my alliance killboard.


He isn't using any API keys from EVSCO/EVE-KILL for this you moron.
He uses the very publicly available CCP API, where he takes the pilot external id, looks at the ID numbers, sees that there is an ID range, say 1000 to 1200, logic dictates that there must be something between 1000 and 1200, which is 199 pilots - so he tries all 199 IDs, and gets lucky..

It's common sense, your fear mongering is only making you look like an idiot.. *sigh*

reading comprehension. try it sometime.

i asked you.

then i decided that either way i'd invalidate that key (security: assume breach first, ask questions later). it's not like i cannot issue another if i desire.

You should just tell me what your IP is so i can ban you, so we can get it over with..
Seems like a much better option