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Tranquility appears to be offline, tho I know it isn't

Daistruktor Morganus
Stormcrow Legio X Gemina
#1 - 2012-02-20 07:10:34 UTC
I logged into Tranquility server and it reported status: unknown. All URL's in client reported no connection.

Tried again, and again. 4 times I tried. And this is after playing 24 hours earlier (after latest patch).

Then I texted a RL friend who confirmed he was online. I DL'ed the current client and (after 2 hours DL,) got the same response, unknown. This WAS in a new folder. Am running Win7 PRO with Firefox as default browser ( as I have for he past 6 months).

24 hours ago I was playing with mic settings, thought that any ****up there would be repaired by the fresh DL.

What's my next try to fix?
Ironman Inc.
#2 - 2012-02-20 09:13:33 UTC
Status "unknown" means you don't have connection to the login server. It might be problem on EvE side, on your side or somewhere between. Try pinging it to see if you get through.