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Barabaner for CSM7 - Stepping Forward for Better EVE

True Elks
#1 - 2012-02-16 08:50:12 UTC  |  Edited by: barabaner
Русская версия (Russian version):

Sorry for my engRish , and many thanks to google translator Pirate

CSM7: Stepping Forward for Better EVE.

My name is Artem Panin, I am 28 years old. I live in Moscow, Russia and work for an IT consulting company.
In EVE Online, I am known as Forward (on and barabaner (ingame). My main EVE activity is PvP and small to medium gangleading.

I’m playing EVE Online since 2004. During this time, I have participated in a quite a number of organizations (see my employment history) and met many interesting people (see my killboard). I played in claim alliances, and in small low-sec and npc-pace pvp formations. Sometimes these organizations were of completely opposite political blocs. So I can say with confidence that I have seen world of EVE in all its diversity and that during my playing career, I had developed a vision of EVE how it should be.

Over the last year I observed the election and activities of CSM6. At election time, I noticed that some nullsec-block candidates aggressively promoted their candidacies among members of their organizations. Their programs were characterized by one-sided views on the game and the declaration at the stage of the election of ideas of questionable value that they said "were needed by the people." I was very critical about these ideas, because they were not aimed to improve gameplay and community of EVE Online, but rather to preserve current status quo for their powerblock.
I was also critical, about the CSM and their relation with CCP, due to the fact that the previous Council members spoke negatively about the cooperation between the CCP and the CSM and about the small influence that CSM had on the gameplay design of EVE.

But the events of the last 6 months, regardless of whether the CSM influenced them or not, show that there were some positive changes in CCP and the game began to change for the better. This made me believe that in this game there still is a possibility to change something and that maybe, CSM is not as useless as I had thought, or the CCP began to listen to their opinion.

Before I start outlining my vision, I want to draw your attention to the fact that candidates in the CSM are not the ideas for which you vote and which they (candidates) oblige to bring before CCP, but they are only a group of community-elected people, who CCP may at an early stage ask "what they think" about their (CCP) ideas and plans. That is why I will not bother you with a list of countless details and characteristics of the modules and ships, which I think would be correct. I'll try to explain my views on the game and, on which ideas I will base my work in if elected to the CSM.

Differentiation of Space

The game was originally divided into three global regions: high-sec, low-sec and null-sec. The idea of ​​each of them was that they had different sets of rules.
High-secs were to be relatively safe systems, where business life was in full swing, and new players had a chance tolearn the basics. Low-secs – the "fringes of empires" - still quite safe at key points, but where there was a possibility to run into a local "gangsters". Nullsecs were the Frontier, "wild west" where, you had to take high risk to get larger profit than anywhere.
Later, CCP added wormholes and w-space, which were aimed to add to the game a "terra incognita" – the unknown lands where players are constantly exposed to danger.

With time, it all changed and not for good.
The developers took casual players in favor – and gave high-sec dwellers a way to receive ridiculously high profits without exposing themselves to any danger. It removed the need for many players need to move on - "to the fringe" which lead to economic and social stagnation in EVE.
The nullsec however became even safer than the empire space, or lowsec. People there are able to make profits without the need to protect themselves and their property.
W-space passed the stage of "development" and now have fairly stable population, it's time already to connect them to the "big game", including their inhabitants in the global conflicts.
Low-sec lost much of its value as a residence for a small "gang" and now have no unique advantages to offer to people who live there.
Participants of low-sec Faction Wars also are not attracted by anything but LP-shop with several popular items. They should be stimulated by giving the conscripts of the FW forces unique bonuses for PvP like for example the reduced security status loss when engaging in lowsec space fight with anyone who is not a member of their own FW organization.

"Dead" space in null-sec.

Most of those who roam in 0.0 today have noted that many of the nullsec systems have small-to-none activity, and those that are more inhabited, are inhabited by pilots who are often reluctant to communicate with guests. This is not only because of the fact that many systems are inhabited by bots, but also because of the recent changes in nullsec that have made most of the 0.0 systems worthless.
In systems where the live pilots dwell, the likelihood of getting a fight is small: even with your presence in the system, the local population does not have the motivation to resist invaders, and uses the proven tactic of "blueballing" - just sitting there on POS/outposts waiting for threat to go away. Small and medium roaming gangs with their presence in the system just can’t cause any damage, except for the small loss of profit.
My opinion is that the small groups of pilots should be given a mechanic to make local residents resist the invasion – pull them out from the docks to give a fight i.e. giving them the possibility to negatively impact the status of the system (e.g. anchored modules that reduce the military\strategic\industrial levels).
True Elks
#2 - 2012-02-16 08:50:22 UTC
New Player Expirience

CCP in the pursuit of Incarna has probably forgotten that the content for new players is not just walking around the station and the new training mission. The main component of every MMO is socialization. But new players rarely present value for the group in harsh EVE galaxy. It is so because new players abilities are very limited.
For quite a long time, the answer to the question of uselessness of new players were Interceptors, but now this shiptype rarely has an important role if present in numbers of more than 1-2 in fleet. The EAS could have mended the situation, but their current status absolutely does not allow them to be used widely. On the other hand good progress in the direction of the usefulness of new pilots was made with the rebalance of assault frigates and destroyers.
In addition to the lack of good frigates, its share of attention should get the t1 cruiser class, which is more dead than alive. The usefulness of novice pilots who fly them is small to none: the new pilot would do better if he buys a skillbook for Battlecruisers a Drake ...
Also I am quite positive about the possibility of Tech 3 frigates, if they are easily accessible for new players.


Sovereignty system is in need of a rework. The large powerblocks which spawned after the Dominion were a consequence of the fact that current Sovereignty system requires a huge amount of man-hours for shooting structures to reinforced mode multiple times and no need for the defenders arrive at the reinforced modes except the last.
So the alliance under attack simply asks all its friends to gather on the final reinforce timers and this works. I myself am very fond of these "decisive" battles with a huge number of pilots involved: they are one of those things that “sell” EVE Online. But I would like if "medium" and even a “small” battles could influence the battle battle for sov.
Though the previous “POS Spam” sovereignty system also required a huge number of man-hours, but it gave an opportunity to do some fighting in different numbers, because there were many POS and for each of them there could have been a fight.
The mechanics of the sov capture should be adjusted so that the "last reinforce" timer should come after a series of small battles, but not after a couple of other “less important” timers. Maybe it would help if large I-HUB is reduced by some number of smaller objectives, but it is better to remove grinding structures at all.
And, of course, Outposts should not be a part of the Sovereignty-system.


Unfortunately, fleet fights now are mostly quite boring. The only variety to this nightmare is brought by bomber fleets. What we typically see today - full uniform fleets - Tengus, Abaddons, Maelstroms. All that is needed today - is to gather the correct type of bonus ships and correct ratio of logistics and DPS ships. Electronic ships almost completely disappeared from fleet battles due to the fact that it makes it impossible for a number of jammer operators to work adequately over a number of enemy ships - on the same enemy ship may be targeted by a multiple jammers and because of the scale of today's battlefields it is difficult to organize voice coordination. Therefore, any change in the overview for electronics (e.g. an additional column with indication of the EWAR effects applied by fleet members) can significantly enhance them and bring them back to large fleets.

Supercapital class ships

This is quite simple: supercapitals should not be very useful in subcapital battles even in large numbers.
At this moment Titan class ships with their amazing tracking XL cannons can easily destroy targets of any other class.
Supercarrier EHP is still too large: even if the fleet "forgot" a supercarrier under a large fleet (250 +) ships, it can tank all the damage until its allies rewarp and save its sorry ass.
The ratio between rates at which supercapitals are build and destroyed should be preserved, in fact, to date, it's time to even shift the ratio towards the rate at which Titans and supercarriers will be destroyed more than produced.
The major difficulty about destroying the supercaps is that they are immune to EWAR including conventional warp disruptors. And I think it would be adequate to remove full immunity to EWAR in favor of giving supercaps increased resistance to electronic warfare. Also the dedicated electronic warfare ships (like EAS and recons) should have a role bonus for penetrating supercap immunity or resistance.
True Elks
#3 - 2012-02-16 08:50:39 UTC

Large organizations of EVE - Alliances and powerblocks – have gargantuan cash flow. The size of their income is so high that a loss of large number of ships during fleet battles does not bring alliance wallet to the knees with compensations even if the fleet is made of a more expensive ships (e.g. tengu fleets).
This also leads to the loss of value by cheaper classes of ships: who needs HACs, when there is a T3 with much greater abilities?
Because of this many jobs are losing their profitability and become simply meaningless.
It is necessary to remove all the possibilities for automating the income of players and the organisations. Bots are the largest threat in this context. But they also can be controlled, for example, by adding diminishing returns to the rate at which anomalies and belt NPC spawn the in the systems with high PvE activity.
There should be a possibility to destroy outposts. Now there is an possibility for players to conquer and outpost and deny other players an access to the hangars where their assets are stored. Yet the assets will not disappear and can be sold. If there was a way to destroy the assets with the outpost, taking them out of the game, it would greatly stimulate the industry and thus the economy.
And I think not only at the outposts should be destroyed - there should be a way to destroy the separate corporate offices at stations in the NPC nullsec and lowsec. Yet in the case of NPC stations there should be a way to insure the assets on the station.
In addition to the above problems, I find the concentration of commerce around the Jita and other major hubs wrong. This concentration reduces the value of such jobs like dedicated logistics, merchants and manufacturers for many people. It is necessary to consider the possibility of a decentralized trading in EVE. As one of the ways I would suggest to raise the sales tax in Jita and hubs, or make them dynamic, depending on the volume of trade in the system market or per a particular position. This will increase the value of other systems and make gameplay more colourfull for many players.

Moon Goo

The materials that are extracted from the moons have two problems: their uneven distribution in space and static rate at which they are extracted. They bring too much profit, not requiring owners to spend many man-hours.
The extraction of moon goo should diminish over time and circulate through the space like the spawn of profitable asteroids in asteroid belts: new deposits of moon goo with random size should appear in at random moons if deposit on some othere moon depletes. This will give more incentive for players to "explore space" and to make some earn from these findings, also this could fuel for local conflicts.


One of the reasons that mining is not an attractive activity in game - is the drop of alloys from NPC in Drone Regions. Alloys do not only bring more minerals to game as compared to mining, but they also give players more convenient way to store and to transport minerals due to the large compression. Of course, there is always T1 loot from the NPC, which can be refined, but the amount of minerals that comes in game this way is dwarfed in comparison with drone alloys. The solution is to replace the alloy drop from drones with insignias, or any other tokens which would preserve Drone Regions as a unique place, but would reduce the flow of minerals produced with way other then mining.


My opinion on the role of the CSM is that it should not lobby the interests of a powerblock or highsec\lowsec\nullsec\w-space dwellers. But they should think about the joyful experience that every player gets in EVE Online.
#4 - 2012-02-16 09:04:19 UTC


ALSO AS WE SAY IN UKRAINE мій вертоліт сповнена вугрів.
Taurus Core
#5 - 2012-02-16 09:49:39 UTC
go go Barabaner!
Good Mining Fleet Corp.
#6 - 2012-02-16 09:59:03 UTC
to CSM!!!
Tie Fighters Inc
#7 - 2012-02-16 10:02:47 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Eshtir
Edit: Please write in English on this section of the forums. - ISD Eshtir

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Eldred Drakka
Bullet Firing Society
#8 - 2012-02-16 12:16:16 UTC
Thumbs up! and good luck=)
namron 7
#9 - 2012-02-16 12:41:32 UTC
First class work

Thanks for the help

Dark Ducki
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2012-02-16 14:04:20 UTC
Бару в президенты! Idea
Megan Solette
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-02-16 14:10:00 UTC
Dark Ducki wrote:
Бару в президенты! Idea

Полностью одобряю
Mark Nomad
Stain Empire
#12 - 2012-02-16 14:16:30 UTC
Barabaner for president!
Hentai Angel
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2012-02-17 08:31:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Hentai Angel
Barabaner is one of the more 'sane' candidates ;)))
Others mostly are imbeciles, fascists and bullies.
Second Awakening
#14 - 2012-02-18 19:38:14 UTC
barabaner 2 CSM!!1
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2012-02-18 21:11:52 UTC
barabaner wrote:
Русская версия (Russian version):

Sorry for my engRish , and many thanks to google translator Pirate

Hey, I'm actually seriousposting (unlike virtually all my other posts in this section) and I'd like to ask if you feel your English is strong enough to communicate your ideas effectively to the other (English-speaking) CSMs and devs? I'm not trying to sound Russophobic (is that even a word?) but it won't matter how good your ideas are if other people can't understand them.
Harbingers of Reset
#16 - 2012-02-19 03:32:35 UTC
Mfume Apocal wrote:
I'm not trying to sound Russophobic (is that even a word?)
Indeed it is.

I've known Barabaner for over a year and not a single time i have disagreed with him in an Eve discussion.

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2012-02-19 07:13:44 UTC
Good program
Frost Ray
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#18 - 2012-02-19 19:28:10 UTC
to CSM.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2012-02-19 19:42:09 UTC
+1 for the further dilution of the eve-ru vote
King Warlock
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2012-02-20 17:01:57 UTC
Бару в президентыЦСМ
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