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Ship sized based damage idea

Ms Mirple
Sedition Ventures
#1 - 2012-02-18 00:14:28 UTC
Ok here is my new idea. Ships have Damage reduction against different ship sizes. This is an early work and I know that sig plays a part in damage but this is a way to create a more diverse fleet as smaller ships would have a longer survivability with large ships on the field and this would not change ship stats. So here it is.

Frigs get 125% damage vs drones, fighters and fighter bombers. 100% damage against everything else.
Destroyers get 125% damage vs frigs. 75% vs drones and 100% against everything else.
Cruisers get 125% damage vs destroyers. 75% vs frigs 50% vs drones 100% vs everything else.

You can see the pattern this will make it so ships have a fighting class that they should aim to fight in. This would make a Frigate that gets a tackle on a BS very hard to shake off and require fleets to have a variety of ships to counter the other fleet. No new ships are introduced and this would make fleets very dynamic and fun IMO. This is just an idea I would like constructive comments on this if you don’t think it would work please list why.
Blatant Alt Corp
#2 - 2012-02-18 00:47:22 UTC
Do you even play this game? It is already very hard for a BS to shake a frig that is tackling - it's speed and small sig radius make it nearly impossible to hit, except by using drones.

I'm not sure what else you are asking for. Are you trying to make cruisers only fight cruisers? If so, WHY? That would defeat the purpose of having the next biggest baddest ship.

This IS one of the more terrible posts I've seen in a while.
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#3 - 2012-02-18 01:15:49 UTC
Signature Resolution.
Ines Tegator
Serious Business Inc. Ltd. LLC. etc.
#4 - 2012-02-18 01:18:23 UTC
Already done.
Ms Mirple
Sedition Ventures
#5 - 2012-02-18 01:40:26 UTC
So what your saying is a battle ships should be better just because its bigger. That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. What I am saying is with my idea you would need to field all ships in fleets if you want to fight not just BS that can alpha anything. Frigs shouldn't be 1 shotted there is no game play value with that.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#6 - 2012-02-18 02:05:40 UTC
Ms Mirple wrote:
So what your saying is a battle ships should be better just because its bigger. That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. What I am saying is with my idea you would need to field all ships in fleets if you want to fight not just BS that can alpha anything. Frigs shouldn't be 1 shotted there is no game play value with that.


A frig that keeps it's transversal up won't be one shotted. Battleships take ages to lock a frigate, the guns struggle to track them, and even when you do hit, the sig res damage reduction witchcraft starts to come into play.

IE: feature exists, learn to fly properly.
Shovel Bros
#7 - 2012-02-18 03:29:22 UTC
Tidurious wrote:
Do you even play this game?


The mechanic is already in the game (as with all the mechanics you proposed in your other thread). Please stop and think if your idea is redundant before posting.
Ice Fire Warriors
#8 - 2012-02-18 06:30:46 UTC
Your idea is redundant and already coded into EVE's overall gameplay.

Not Supported.
Ms Mirple
Sedition Ventures
#9 - 2012-02-18 16:14:12 UTC
Then get rid of the 11k alpha then. I understand transversal but I also understand that when 10 BS's have a frig locked up there is little to nothing that frig can do to not die. Battle ships hit most smaller ships for way more then they should. Yes if you can get under the range of there guns then you are safe but most times you cant survive before this happens. Now before you come back at me with I do this all the time sorry I'm not Elite PVP like you. All I am suggesting is that sig radius isn't enough of a factor with BS's to frig sized ships. ESP when they have there MWD on.
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-02-18 16:20:37 UTC
Ms Mirple wrote:
Then get rid of the 11k alpha then. I understand transversal but I also understand that when 10 BS's have a frig locked up there is little to nothing that frig can do to not die. Battle ships hit most smaller ships for way more then they should. Yes if you can get under the range of there guns then you are safe but most times you cant survive before this happens. Now before you come back at me with I do this all the time sorry I'm not Elite PVP like you. All I am suggesting is that sig radius isn't enough of a factor with BS's to frig sized ships. ESP when they have there MWD on.

Sounds like everything is working fine. You just need to be a better pilot and fly under better fc's.
Ms Mirple
Sedition Ventures
#11 - 2012-02-18 16:26:57 UTC
So with what your saying dictor pilots should just be disposable in large fleet fights.
Man Eating Bears
#12 - 2012-02-18 17:22:42 UTC
Ms Mirple wrote:
Then get rid of the 11k alpha then. I understand transversal but I also understand that when 10 BS's have a frig locked up there is little to nothing that frig can do to not die.

you just gave an example of 1 little frigate up against ten massive battleships....... in any war situation that frigate is gona be insta toast..
I understand the concept of what your getting at, but it is already implemented, just not to the extreme you are asking. maybe it would be worth testing for a week on test server, but would completely change rules of engagement which might be to much to ask for such a developed game.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2012-02-18 17:22:50 UTC
Ms Mirple wrote:
So with what your saying dictor pilots should just be disposable in large fleet fights.

Yes, they are. What's your point?
Ms Mirple
Sedition Ventures
#14 - 2012-02-18 17:39:57 UTC
My numbers are probably way our of proportion I agree. I was just putting an idea out there to try and make fleets more diverse. With large fleet fights today there is no diversity and I understand that is an ease for the FC because he know what each of the ships he has can do. I think there needs to be more delegation in a fleet to the WC and not just have the FC controlling the whole fleet. With the idea I had you would need numbers from each class of ship to make a fleet work and that would then require the FC to rely more on his WC to get things coordinated. This would make for more dynamic fleet battles because if you lose one type of ship you will need to fall back as there is a huge hole in your deference. I'm not upset people do not like my post I just wish people would think outside of the box. It could be a broken idea and break the game. But there are not many ideas out there to get more types of ships in fleet. My idea would require a total rethinking of fleet engagements sure but I believe people are against it because they would have to think and not just blob 265 of the same ship and duke it out. I would require more strategy in the game and that is a good think in my eyes.

Homeland defense fleets would have to be tailored to what the enemy is bringing they come in with a frig fleet Defense gets into destroyers or frigs. Not battle ships that have ridiculous scan res from 5 ships remote sebo and able to lock the little guy down.
Shovel Bros
#15 - 2012-02-18 17:47:46 UTC
Ms Mirple wrote:
It could be a broken idea and break the game

Then you shouldn't post it in the first place. People have told you that "smaller ships are easier to hit" is already in the game, in the form of sig size, and your proposal is to make it completely broken.

Sig size in Eve is already working as intended. /thread
Ms Mirple
Sedition Ventures
#16 - 2012-02-18 17:50:00 UTC
I disagree with Sig size already working as intended. If this is the case why do you not see diverse fleets of ships then?
ISB Banner Interstellar Operations
#17 - 2012-02-18 18:30:21 UTC
Ms Mirple wrote:
I disagree with Sig size already working as intended. If this is the case why do you not see diverse fleets of ships then?

Well, when those tackle interceptors and tackle frigates land alongside heavy interdictors in close quarters, supported by close-combat battleships and T3 battlecruisers, the interceptors, frigates and interdictors hold down the entire enemy fleet whilst the battlecruisers and battleships nail them down a bit. Logistics weave between these ships keeping everyone alive.

While all of this is happen scout in whichever fast ship burns his way to a location a hundred odd kilometres away and everyone warps onto him. Or a covert operations ship was there already and they warp near him with a storm of sniping battleships and sniping T3 battlecruisers with their own logistic support. The snipers continue hammering the enemy keeping range. The battle is eventually won.

Or when fast, tough logistics ships fly into close combat alongside tough, hard-hitting armour HACS (Armor Hacs! ARMOR HACS! ARRRRRMOR HACS!) and butcher everything they touch. Interdictors hold the enemy down whilst the Armour HAC Fist Company ruins it.

A group of frigates supported by a high-skilled destroyer or two roams through lowsec. A covert ops scout or two hangs a few jumps ahead or behind, scoping out targets and reporting in.

A cruiser gang with swift, Nano-Hurricanes and frigate/interceptor tackle support supported by their scouts roams through lowsec, combing their ship fittings and skillsets to complement each other.

Some bastard flies anything and dualboxes a Falcon. What a bastard. Unless I'm that guy, then it's okay.

An unfortunate Titan with his Nyx or two is held to the floor by a group of interdictors. The alliance puts out a call for an immediate fleet. A cyno ship slips into the system, heavily escorted by swift Strategic Cruisers and fast, light tackle. They light up a cyno whilst more and more small-ish gangs filled with interdictors, cruisers and battlecruisers pour onto the Titan. The cyno goes on. Capitals land. Capitals butcher enemy capitals.

And you still don't see diverse fleets of ships?

Is that because you fly the same PvE battleship in level 4 missions and your idea of a 'diverse fleet' is a corpmate in another PvE battleship, so you think those are the only fleets in the game?
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2012-02-18 18:59:02 UTC
Ms Mirple wrote:
I disagree with Sig size already working as intended. If this is the case why do you not see diverse fleets of ships then?

because kitchen sink fleet are ********, much like your posting?
Ines Tegator
Serious Business Inc. Ltd. LLC. etc.
#19 - 2012-02-18 19:54:35 UTC
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#20 - 2012-02-18 22:25:44 UTC
Ms Mirple wrote:
I disagree with Sig size already working as intended. If this is the case why do you not see diverse fleets of ships then? do?

If anyone brings a fleet of 256 of the same ship, they'll lose. BS/BC, recons, scouts, tackle, dics, hics, logis, command ships, you need it all. Sure, sometimes some will go into a second, third or fourth fleet, but it'll still be there, doing it's thing.